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壮族巫术、巫师与巫医 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
壮族医学和壮族的巫术、巫师、巫医之间的关系是十分密切的。最初壮族医学起源于壮族巫术,最早的壮族巫医则产生于壮族巫师之中,并由巫医发展为民间医生。后来,随着科学文化的发展,壮族医学才从巫术中独立出来,成为一门专门的学科。壮族巫术、巫师与巫医的产生和发展,是壮族医学产生和发展过程中一个不可跨越和替代的历史阶段。 相似文献
川西藏区的民间宗教形式 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在今川西藏区 ,在藏传佛教信仰之外 ,还普遍存在另一种民间宗教形式 ;即以一些民间个体宗教职业者在一定范围内走村串户为人禳灾驱鬼、请神祈神福而进行的宗教活动。本文在实地调查基础上 ,对川西藏区这种以个体宗教职业者为载体的民间宗教形式的特点、内涵及其与寺院宗教的关系进行了探讨 ,并结合藏文历史文献的有关记载 ,对其历史源流及其性质等作了初步讨论。 相似文献
我国西南少数民族的巫师称谓繁杂,来源广泛,具有不同的等级与职司.巫师对规范社会,发展和传承民族文化有过不可磨灭的贡献,但在历史和现实生活中也带来诸多消极影响. 相似文献
中国古代的神道设教传统,使宗教信仰可以沟通庙堂之高与江湖之远.官方宗教民间化与民间宗教官方化,是中国封建社会宗教嬗变的两条路径.云南民间宗教在政治、经济、社会、文化诸要素综合而成的情境中演化发展,宗教文化生态集合并体现了国家、社会与民间的诸多关系.“国家—社会—民间”三元分析框架,有助于阐释民间宗教生成演化的规律,提升民间宗教的治理水平. 相似文献
本文通过对台湾童乩、红姨、法师、符法师、司公、术士、扶鸾等与巫术有关的现象分析,还述了台湾民间信仰中的"巫". 相似文献
民间信仰中巫师身份及其构成的经典论述,大致有源自于私人膜拜、社会交换或神明灵验等类型,如涂尔干的"私人膜拜"、莫斯的"礼物模式"与桑高仁的"灵验模式"。本文基于广东民间巫师的田野调研,发现民间巫师的身份及其神圣性构成既不局限于私人领域,亦不局限于交换关系。巫师身份的神圣性来自于私人性与社会性的双重建构,其"身份"的神圣性构成的核心是民间传说的所谓"神圣能力";而巫师通神的灵验效果即通过这种"神圣能力"来表达。此可称为巫术身份的"通神模式",经由私人性和社会性双重逻辑构成。巫师作为人神中介的具体身份,集中体现在仪式场域和信奉者的私人交往秩序中。 相似文献
和谐社会建构中的民间社会组织及其社会政策 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文通过相关概念的比较分析,论证了民间社会组织的定义及其基本特征,从五个方面阐述了民间社会组织在和谐社会建构中的角色和功能,并结合我国改革的进程和国际发展的经验,论述了我国民间社会组织发展所需的若干政策。 相似文献
民间社会权威历来是学术界研究的重点问题之一。一般而言,民间信仰之仪式专家可分为广义的与狭义的两大类,前者以传统儒生为主,同时是民间信仰的总领或组织者;后者则直接是民间信仰仪式的主持人或主祭者。本文试图从固有的研究论著中梳理出民间权威与民间信仰仪式专家的内在关系,重点关注民间信仰三类仪式专家的身份及其神圣性即卡里斯玛的来源,用比较的方法梳理不同仪式专家如礼生、香花和尚、火居道士以及萨满等仪式专家之间的异同,进一步讨论他们与民间社会权威的复杂关系。 相似文献
作者的研究始于切身的困惑,即宗教在传统中国社会中的地位问题。《中国社会中的宗教——宗教的现代社会功能与其历史因素之研究》 相似文献
20世纪90年代初,美国国会收到中央情报局前技术部主任诺姆呈送的一封关于五角大楼违法雇请巫婆、神汉担任“军事情报专家”的控告信,国会议员们阅过控告信的内容后,震惊之余,不禁愤笑交加:想不到军事实力称雄于世,先进科技无与伦比的美国军方竟会出此“绝招”。 诺姆在信中十分尖锐地揭露:20多年来,五角大 相似文献
《青琐高议》的民俗信仰倾向探析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
入宋以来,市民文化空前的勃兴、繁荣促进了民间儒、佛、道信仰的深层融合,并形成为根深蒂固的民俗信仰而广泛流布.在如此社会思潮的影响下,甚至被视为传统文言小说的著名小说集--<青琐高议>,在思想领域方面也表现出浓重的民俗信仰倾向,这一现象值得深入研究. 相似文献
巫师巫术,在我国有着悠久的历史,也有着一大批信徒。所以,几千年来,一直流传不衰。即使在文明科学的现代,巫术仍有它的市场。如何看待这种复杂而神奇的现象呢?生活在14世纪的方孝孺,已清楚地认识到巫术妄。并勇敢的揭露了巫术之妄。初三语文课本第 相似文献
Bering JM 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2006,29(5):453-62; discussion 462-98
The present article examines how people's belief in an afterlife, as well as closely related supernatural beliefs, may open an empirical backdoor to our understanding of the evolution of human social cognition. Recent findings and logic from the cognitive sciences contribute to a novel theory of existential psychology, one that is grounded in the tenets of Darwinian natural selection. Many of the predominant questions of existential psychology strike at the heart of cognitive science. They involve: causal attribution (why is mortal behavior represented as being causally related to one's afterlife? how are dead agents envisaged as communicating messages to the living?), moral judgment (why are certain social behaviors, i.e., transgressions, believed to have ultimate repercussions after death or to reap the punishment of disgruntled ancestors?), theory of mind (how can we know what it is "like" to be dead? what social-cognitive strategies do people use to reason about the minds of the dead?), concept acquisition (how does a common-sense dualism interact with a formalized socio-religious indoctrination in childhood? how are supernatural properties of the dead conceptualized by young minds?), and teleological reasoning (why do people so often see their lives as being designed for a purpose that must be accomplished before they perish? how do various life events affect people's interpretation of this purpose?), among others. The central thesis of the present article is that an organized cognitive "system" dedicated to forming illusory representations of (1) psychological immortality, (2) the intelligent design of the self, and (3) the symbolic meaning of natural events evolved in response to the unique selective pressures of the human social environment. 相似文献
How do people decide which claims should be considered mere beliefs and which count as knowledge? Although little is known about how people attribute knowledge to others, philosophical debate about the nature of knowledge may provide a starting point. Traditionally, a belief that is both true and justified was thought to constitute knowledge. However, philosophers now agree that this account is inadequate, due largely to a class of counterexamples (termed “Gettier cases”) in which a person’s justified belief is true, but only due to luck. We report four experiments examining the effect of truth, justification, and “Gettiering” on people’s knowledge attributions. These experiments show that: (1) people attribute knowledge to others only when their beliefs are both true and justified; (2) in contrast to contemporary philosophers, people also attribute knowledge to others in Gettier situations; and (3) knowledge is not attributed in one class of Gettier cases, but only because the agent’s belief is based on “apparent” evidence. These findings suggest that the lay concept of knowledge is roughly consistent with the traditional account of knowledge as justified true belief, and also point to a major difference between the epistemic intuitions of laypeople and those of philosophers. 相似文献
It has been claimed that the attempt to analyze know-how in terms of propositional knowledge over-intellectualizes the mind.
Exploiting the methods of so-called “experimental philosophy”, we show that the charge of over-intellectualization is baseless.
Contra neo-Ryleans, who analyze know-how in terms of ability, the concrete-case judgments of ordinary folk are most consistent
with the view that there exists a set of correct necessary and sufficient conditions for know-how that does not invoke ability,
but rather a certain sort of propositional knowledge. To the extent that one’s considered judgments agree with those of the
folk (or to the extent that one is unwilling to contravene widespread judgments), this constitutes a strong prima facie case
against neo-Ryleanism.
Jennifer C. WrightEmail: |
Alfred A. Gross 《Pastoral Psychology》1950,1(3):38-45
This article deals primarily with the social phase of the homosexual. We are now working on articles on two other phases of the problem: an outstanding psychiatrist is preparing one on the psychological dynamics which go into the making of the homosexual, and a hospital chaplain will write another on the contribution the minister can make to the treatment of the problem. 相似文献