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社区资本镶嵌在社区经济中,具有动态发展及持续变化的特点。在自由主义市场经济主导的背景下,社区经济计划被视为居民增加社会资本、提高经济收入、参与社区治理的出路。本研究以香港S会社区经济互助计划为案例,分析其在创始期、发展期、调整期及现状等四个阶段的变迁过程,为社区社会资本理论、资产为本的社区发展策略及社区经济计划等领域提供实证资料及研究视角。  相似文献   

社区康复是帮助精神疾病患者改善社会功能、回归家庭和社会的重要环节,深受社会文化、社会制度、家庭环境等多因素影响。本研究从医学社会学视角出发,运用参与式观察、深入访谈及焦点小组等质性研究方法,从污名化所造成的排斥、隔离与自我身份认同挣扎,病人角色、照顾者角色和医生角色的交织影响,以及政府政策与资源受限所带来的社区康复公共路径受损3个方面,分析精神疾病患者在社区康复过程中所面临的困境,并提出消解路径等相关措施。  相似文献   

组织认同起源于社会认同理论,是社会认同的一种特殊形式。本文以社会认同理论的两个基本概念"身份"与"认同"为出发点阐述了组织认同的概念内涵及其多重性与动态性,结合组织认同的多重性以及动态性本文着重分析了组织认同的产生、整合机制以及变异模型。最后,笔者对组织认同研究的不足之处、组织认同与其它理论的关联、本土化研究等方面进行了评述及展望。  相似文献   

社区社会组织作为社区居民的参与载体、国家-社会沟通的桥梁,是社区治理主体与中坚力量。我国社区治理环境的异质化使得社区社会组织发展呈现多样性、复杂性的趋势,但又内含一种动态的、由低到高的层级发展路径及特征。这一特征体现着社区行为主体互动的动机、参与深度与广度的差异,而不同层级上的社区社会组织参与社区治理的作用机制不同,因此在社区治理的不同维度上发挥着不同的作用。文章以山东省潍坊市金都社区为分析对象,在理论上拓展社区社会组织治理模式的研究视角,以推动社区社会组织发展及社区治理实践。  相似文献   

为探究理性行动理论和社会认同理论两大社会心理学宏论对于个体集体行动参与倾向的共同解释力,以“中日撞船事件”为考察蓝本向天津市431名大学生被试进行调查研究,结果发现:效能和社会规范作为态度和行动倾向的中介变量,在不同情境下对行动倾向的作用不同,符合理性行动原则;内部动机作为态度和效能、社会规范之间的中介变量,并受到学校认同和国家认同的直接或间接影响,支持了社会认同理论对遵从规范行为的解释;回归分析验证了不同水平认同对行动倾向作用程度的差异,整合模型则揭示了其具体的作用路径和影响机制.结论:理性行动理论与社会认同理论可彼此互补成为集体行动参与的整合性解释框架.  相似文献   

社会认同作为个体在群际和内群体层面的社会联结,总体上对抑郁产生了积极影响,表现为认同程度、认同重要性、认同群体数量以及认同变化的影响等4个方面。现有研究从需求、认知和行为层面探讨了社会认同影响抑郁的中介因素,并检验了身份认同动机和消极群体评价两个调节因素。社会认同视角下的4种理论分别从社会医治、心理资源、认同变化以及认同层次等不同角度解释了社会认同影响抑郁的心理机制。未来应厘清社会认同对抑郁的深层影响机制,重视社会认同影响抑郁的调节因素,及建构社会认同影响抑郁的能动-共生模型。  相似文献   

在过去的三十多年中,女性主义认同发展理论一直是西方心理学研究中一个活跃的研究主题。女性主义认同是一种基于女性主义立场并自我标签为女性主义者的社会认同。基于Downing和Roush的女性主义认同发展理论,心理学研究者开发了FIS、FIDS、FIC等旨在评估女性主义认同发展阶段与水平的测量工具。研究表明,由于女性主义赋权女性挑战其生活及社会文化中的性别主义偏见,因此,女性主义认同发展能够有效地提升女性的自尊、自我效能感、主观幸福感,从而促进女性的身心健康。未来的女性主义认同研究应该重点致力于女性主义认同理论的完善和深化及研究方法论的变革,包括运用交错性范式与多元方法探讨不同性别、种族/民族、年龄、阶层等多元群体经验,使用追踪研究探讨女性主义认同发展的历程,以及致力于女性主义认同研究工具的本土化,从而推动我国女性主义认同研究的发展。  相似文献   

为探究多元社会认同如何通过群体情绪、自我和群体效能路径,影响现实或网络集体行动参与,研究者分别以中日撞船事件、利比亚事件和就业性别歧视现象为背景蓝本,开展问卷调查和实验研究,结果发现:群体愤怒情绪主要对现实集体行动有显著影响,效能感对现实和网络集体行动皆有显著影响;与事件相关的、更大范畴的社会类别认同,通过情绪路径或效能路径影响集体行动参与,与集体行动组织方的认同则只通过效能路径影响集体行动参与;两类社会认同与两条路径之间是调节而非中介关系。不同事件背景与不同行动场域下的综合分析表明网络集体行动参与决策更具工具理性特征。  相似文献   

基于自我建构理论和情绪理论, 本文探讨了自我建构与广告诉求对品牌认同的交互作用、影响机制及边界条件。通过3个实验, 我们发现对于独立自我建构的消费者来说, 能力广告诉求更能提高品牌认同感, 而对于相依自我建构的消费者来说, 热情广告诉求则更有效; 同时我们也验证了广告诉求到愉悦感到品牌认同最终到购买意向的因果链模型, 并确定了企业类型对该机制的调节作用。  相似文献   

藏族大学生的民族认同   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
个体从自己的母体文化进入陌生的异文化后,一方面面临着民族认同的困境,另一方面面临着文化适应的考验,同时还面临着心理疏离感的困扰。本研究以285名藏族大学生为被试,研究了藏族大学生的民族认同。研究结果表明:(1)藏族大学生的民族认同主要包括消极的民族认同、积极的民族认同和主流文化认同等三方面。民族认同的不同方面其影响因素互有差异,但总体而言,汉族朋友的数量、父母的民族身份、学习汉语的时间以及汉族的接受性等可以预测藏族大学生的民族认同。(2)民族认同的不同成分与不同的文化适应策略之间存在着广泛的正相关或负相关。(3)消极的民族认同与失范感、社会孤立感和文化分离感之间存在着显著的正相关,而同自我分离感之间相关并不显著;而主流文化认同和积极的民族认同与失范感、社会孤立感、文化分离感、自我分离感之间的相关都不显著。  相似文献   

The current study proposed and tested a theoretical model of consumers' online brand community engagement behaviors, with particular attention given to online brand community type (consumer vs. marketer-created). By integrating attribution and social identity theories, this study investigated the causal linkages between intrinsic motives of altruism, social identification motivations, and online brand community engagement behaviors. The results showed that consumers' online brand community engagement intentions were indirectly influenced by the different types of communities through different levels of consumers' attributions to intrinsic motives of altruism. This study also found that, in the attribution processes, consumers' intrinsic motives of altruism motivated them to identify themselves socially with the online communities they join. Finally, this study demonstrated that the intrinsic motives of altruism and social identification motivations provided strong social incentives to motivate consumers to engage in subsequent online brand community behaviors.  相似文献   

Although marketers often link brands with an aspect of consumer social identity, the current research demonstrates that such brand-identity linkages may sometimes have negative consequences. Consumers motivated to protect and maintain feelings of individual self-worth alter their product evaluations and choices to avoid a threatened aspect of their own social identity. Whereas those low in collective self-esteem (CSE) tend to exhibit such identity avoidance effects, those high in CSE maintain associations with an identity-linked brand even when that social identity is threatened. Moreover, when the consumer feels positively about the self via self-affirmation, the effect among low CSE consumers is mitigated. Finally, it is demonstrated that differences in the use of identity as a resource underlie the effects.  相似文献   

Despite much research on consumers' brand identification, researchers remain divided regarding the conceptualization of the dimensions underlying social identity and how these dimensions impact marketing outcome variables. Further, previous studies have failed to examine the underlying psychological process driving this effect. The current research is the first to assess the importance of affective social identity as the mediator through which cognitive social identity impacts consumers' purchase intentions by ways of emotional and social value. Results show that affective social identity mediates the relationship between cognitive social identity and emotional value, where affect is the main driver in the formation of purchase intention. This study highlights the need to model cognitive and affective social identity separately and provides insight into how consumers' social identification influences their perceptions of identity‐linked products. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

辛自强  辛素飞 《心理学报》2014,46(3):415-426
被信任者社会身份是单一的还是多样的, 这种数量差异可以体现其社会身份的复杂性。本研究探讨了被信任者社会身份复杂性(单一身份、多重身份)如何影响人们对其可信性的评价。实验1考察了被信任者社会身份复杂性对其可信性的影响以及社会距离在其中的中介作用。实验2用于检验被信任者所属群体类型(内群体、外群体)是否调节他们的社会身份复杂性对其可信性的影响。研究结果表明:被信任者多重社会身份的凸显会提高人们对其可信性的评价, 社会距离在二者之间起着完全中介作用; 群体类型对社会身份复杂性的影响具有调节作用, 社会距离的中介作用在对外群体成员的可信性评价中更为明显。  相似文献   

Implicit person theory research can be conceptualized within the framework of psychological essentialism. Essentialist beliefs are associated with entity theories and both predict phenomena such as stereotyping. The present research extended previous work on the links between implicit theories and social identity processes, examining how essentialist beliefs are associated with social identification and processes related to prejudice and intergroup perception. After developing a new measure of essentialist beliefs in Study 1, Study 2 showed that these beliefs were associated with negative bias towards immigrants, particularly when participants were primed with an exclusive social identity. In Study 3, essentialist beliefs among immigrants moderated their adoption of Australian identity as a self-guide during acculturation. Essentialist beliefs therefore play a significant role in the psychology of social identity.  相似文献   

自我-品牌联结(self-brand connections,简称SBC)是指消费者使用品牌构建、强化以及表达个体性或社会性自我的程度.自我-品牌联结形成机制包括两种,消费者认同的视角阐述了消费者会根据自我认同的不同纬度,构建出一系列从个体性到群体性再到更加普遍的民族层面上的品牌联结;品牌意义传播的视角流动性地阐述了自我-品牌联结形成的三个阶段.自我-品牌联结的影响效应是指品牌联结会对品牌关系形成积极、正性的影响,但该效应的发挥会受到诸多因素的调节.未来研究应关注自我-品牌联结的文化心理、自我心理以及我国消费者民族品牌联结的培育机制等问题.  相似文献   

This research explores how consumers react in a crisis situation that happens to a brand with which they disidentify. Consumer–brand disidentification (CBD) is a state of self‐categorization regarding the separation from and rejection of a brand. It predestines individuals to move away from and go against the misbehaving company because the failure of the object of disidentification provides a perfect opportunity for them to validate their identity. We argue that disidentification is closely related not only to a person's propensity to behave but also to feel in a specific way. Surveys data were collected in the United States and Germany to answer the research question regarding the role of emotions in the relationship between CBD and consumers' intention to demonstrate brand‐opposition behavior. Volkswagen, which experienced a crisis related to its manipulation of emission tests, served as the brand stimulus. The results show that CBD can stimulate hostile emotions and schadenfreude, which can function as mediators of the influence of disidentification on brand opposition (negative word‐of‐mouth, brand avoidance, punishing the brand). This research contributes to the growing body of research on the “dark side” of consumer‐brand relationships and its perils for brands. It also enhances understanding of the role of emotions in (dis)identification and social identity research and widens the scholarship on emotions in crises. Managerial implications include to thoroughly consider trade‐offs of creating a strong and unique brand that may give rise to disidentification; monitoring negative voices, especially online; and differentiating disidentified consumers from other types of opposing stakeholders.  相似文献   

Limited information exists on the racial attitudes and ethnic identities of groups of mixed racial origin. The present research tested the hypotheses that the construct of ethnic identity is valid among such groups and that ethnic identity is related to out-group prejudice, as predicted by social identity theory. The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure, the Anti-White Scale, and the Subtle Racism Scale were administered to 70 South Africans of mixed racial descent, the so-called Coloureds. A factor analysis supported the structural validity of the 12-item measure of ethnic identity with this sample, but correlations between scales did not support the prediction that group identity would be positively associated with out-group prejudice. Group identity was positively related .27 to positive attitudes toward Whites consistent with the tenets of social dominance theory.  相似文献   

Improving the state of science education in the United States has become a national priority. One response to this problem has been the implementation of STEM enrichment programs designed to increase the number of students that enter graduate programs in science. Current research indicates enrichment programs have positive effects for student performance, degree completion, interest in science and graduate enrollment. Moreover, research suggests that beyond improving performance in STEM, and providing access to research experience and faculty mentoring, enrichment programs may also increase the degree to which students identify as scientists. However, researchers investigating the role of science identity on student outcomes have focused primarily on subjective outcomes, leaving a critical question of whether science identity also influences objective outcomes such as whether students attend graduate school. Using identity theory, this study addresses this issue by investigating science identity as a mechanism linking enrichment program participation to matriculation into graduate science programs. Quantitative results from a panel study of 694 students indicate that science identity salience, along with research experience and college GPA, mediate the effect of enrichment program participation on graduate school matriculation. Further, results indicate that although the social psychological process by which science identity salience develops operates independently from student GPA, science identity amplifies the effect of achievement on graduate school matriculation. These results indicate that policies seeking to increase the efficacy of enrichment programs and increase representation in STEM graduate programs should be sensitive to the social and academic aspects of STEM education.  相似文献   

集体行动现象一直备受社会科学共同体关注。20世纪早期, 社会心理学曾是集体行动研究界的主导视角, 后逐渐转至社会学与政治学视角。最近20多年, 社会心理学视角开始复苏, 进入研究复兴期。社会心理学家先后确认工具理性、社会认同和群体愤怒这三种影响个体参与集体行动的主要前因变量, 并分别建构了包含工具理性和群体愤怒路径、包含工具理性和社会认同路径, 以及包含社会认同、工具理性和群体愤怒路径的三种重要集体行动参与模型。未来的集体行动社会心理学研究应重视行动情境类型、个体心理特征和除愤怒之外的群体情绪在集体行动参与中的作用, 考察理想信念等潜在新前因变量的可能地位, 加强与群际关系、歧视动机等其它经典研究领域的联系。  相似文献   

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