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Narcolepsy is a lifelong disorder with the main symptoms of sleep attacks and cataplexy. In this study 49 narcoleptic patients were investigated with a battery of personality inventories, covering the following personality dimensions: anxiety-neuroticism, extraversion and socialization. The results were compared with three groups: normal subject, psychiatric inpatients with anxiety and outpatients with psychosomatic complaints. The main aim was to evaluate a clinical impression of a high degree of extraversion in narcoleptic patients, which according to Eysenck's model could be related to a disturbance in the arousal regulation. Narcoleptic patients had higher anxiety-neuroticism scores than normal individuals, particularly in terms of Somatic Anxiety. They had unexpectedly low scores in some socialization scales, and were contrary to our hypothesis slightly lower in the extraversion variables, than the comparison groups. The high scores in anxiety-neuroticism personality scales may depend on an anxiety-provoking effect of central stimulant drugs and/or a lability of the autonomic regulation associated with the disorder. Further, the strain caused by the narcoleptic symptoms may result in high scores in anxiety-neuroticism scales and low scores in socialization scales, via social-learning mechanisms. However, there may also be a coupling between the genetics of narcolepsy and biologically based personality traits.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence shows that extraversion is related to positive affect (PA) and neuroticism is related to negative affect (NA), and there are several possible explanations for these relationships. The current paper replicates these findings and examines relationships between the other Big Five traits with general positive and negative states (N = 257). Agreeableness was negatively related to NA, while conscientiousness and openness were positively related to PA. Next, affect was induced and extraversion and conscientiousness predicted changes in affect following an affect-induction (N = 262). The current findings support some theoretical understandings of broad personality traits and their relationships to general affect, and also suggests some refinements.  相似文献   

This study proposes and tests a theoretical model suggesting that the propensity to suppress unwanted thoughts is associated with an increased presence and frequency of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITB). In the model, propensity to suppress unwanted thoughts is hypothesized to be a cognitive mediator of the relationship between emotional reactivity and SITB, and is expected to be related to the extent to which SITB is initiated to escape from aversive emotions. Results of this cross-sectional study of adolescents (N=87) revealed that the self-reported propensity to suppress unwanted thoughts is associated with the presence and frequency of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Furthermore, thought suppression partially mediates the relationship between emotional reactivity and the frequency of NSSI and suicidal ideation. Finally, adolescents with a higher tendency to suppress unwanted thoughts report engaging in NSSI in order to reduce aversive emotions rather than for social communication. Results are discussed within the framework of the negative reinforcement function of SITB.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of somatoform dissociation in eating disorders and pathological eating behaviour, relative to the established association of eating pathology with psychological dissociation. The participants were 131 women with DSM-IV diagnoses of anorexic or bulimic disorders and 75 women who had no such disorder. Each woman completed measures of psychological and somatoform dissociation, as well as a measure of bulimic attitudes. The current presence or absence of specific bulimic behaviours was identified during the clinical interview. Levels of both forms of dissociation were higher in the women who had diagnoses of disorders with a bulimic component (bulimia nervosa; anorexia nervosa of the binge/purge subtype) than in the non-clinical or restrictive anorexic women. Somatoform dissociation showed particularly strong links with the presence of bulimic behavioural features (excessive exercise, laxative abuse, diet pill abuse, diuretic abuse) and with bulimic attitudes. The formulation and treatment of cases where there are bulimic features is likely to be enhanced by the assessment of somatoform dissociation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses some of the dynamics, resistances, and transference and countertransference considerations in group psychotherapy with eating disordered patients. Several resistances are delineated, including guilt over being helped, the recreation of early problems around control and forced feeding, and withdrawal as a defensive operation. A brief vignette is presented which highlights the demand on the part of the therapist as well as the patient to contain and manage feelings rather than acting on them. Lastly, the author argues that group participation helps the patient to identify, articulate, and accept feelings and to promote assertiveness.This paper is based on a presentation given at the Training Institute for Mental Health on May 11, 1991.  相似文献   

Callous-unemotional and borderline traits, antisocial behaviors, depressive symptoms and social anxiety were assessed in 972 high-school students. Cluster analysis yielded four groups: a low traits group, a second group that was above the mean in callous-unemotional traits and below the mean in borderline traits (moderate callous-unemotional traits cluster), a third group that was well above the mean in borderline traits but low on callous-unemotional traits (borderline traits cluster), and a fourth group that was high on both traits (high traits cluster). The high traits cluster was characterized by the highest level of antisocial behaviors and shared with the borderline traits cluster a high level of depressive symptoms and social anxiety. The moderate callous-unemotional traits cluster and the borderline traits cluster had similar levels of antisocial behaviors that were higher than those of the low traits cluster. This study suggests that there is a significant minority of non-clinical adolescents characterized by the presence of both callous-unemotional and borderline traits, and higher levels of antisocial behaviors and emotional distress.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome is caused by the total or partial absence of, or structural abnormalities in, one sex chromosome. A personality style characterized by traits related to low neuroticism and high extroversion has been reported for females with Turner syndrome, indicating possible genetic factors related to personality development. This study examines personality traits in 37 Swedish women with Turner syndrome using the Karolinska Scales of Personality Inventory. Compared to reference data, the subjects rated themselves as more sensation seeking, less detached, less verbally aggressive and less irritated. These results partially support previous findings. The subjects were divided into three karyotype groups: 45,X (n = 13), 45,X/46,XX or 45,X/45,XY (n = 13), and structural abnormalities (n = 11). Contrary to some previous findings, no differences in personality were found between the karyotype groups.  相似文献   

Reviews ways in which the author’s program of research has been influenced by Tellegen’s (1991) conceptualization of personality traits as both real and biologically based entities. Analyses of longitudinal-epidemiological data on personality and criminal behavior indicate that personality measures and measures of criminal behavior can be conceived of as indicators of a latent, stable propensity to act in an unconstrained manner. In addition, an unconstrained personality style, substance dependence, and antisocial behavior can be modeled as indicators of a highly heritable propensity towards “externalizing” or acting-out behaviors, with environmental factors playing a key role in determining the specific way in which this general, heritable externalizing propensity is expressed. Such research outlines the value of concepts from personality psychology in understanding consequential behaviors in the population at large.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the clinical hunch that members of high-risk groups, such as athletes, have psychological traits similar to persons with eating disorders. Three groups of adolescent females (eating-disordered, athletes, and students) were studied to determine their menstrual, dieting, and exercise patterns and their self-images. Although the three groups fell on a continuum of anorexic-like behaviors, their self-images were not on a similar continuum. Eating-disordered females had the poorest self-images while athletes were the best adjusted of all three groups. Eating-disordered subjects exhibited extremely low scores on emotional tone and social relationships, suggesting that these dimensions of self-image may be characteristic which clearly distinguish the eating-disordered from so-called high-risk persons.  相似文献   

A common factor analysis was performed on the four personality dimensions measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and questionnaire measures of preferences for the four leadership tasks, Production, Administration, Enterprising, and Integration, described by Adizes. The sample was 1040 Norwegian adults. Three factors showed distinct common variances among the task preferences and the personality traits in a way that supported the construct validity of the traits. The implication of logical consistency among constructs based on self-report data is discussed, and it is argued that such concepts are valid and necessary at both personal and organisational levels although they may not predict performance as exactly as one might want for example in personnel selection.  相似文献   

Correlational analyses of the personality traits measured by the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992) and three leadership styles, that is, Change, Production, and Employee (CPE) measured by Ekvall and Arvonen's (1991) CPE questionnaire, were performed. The sample was 106 Norwegian leaders. Three common factors comprising leadership styles and personality domains were interpreted as "looking for new possibilities,"hard working," and "dealing with people." Considering personality traits as behavior tendencies in unspecified situational contexts and leadership styles as behavioral tendencies in the leadership context, and due to the self-report nature of the data, it is argued that the factors show consistency in self-perceptions independent of context. The strongest predictors of the CPE total score were Conscientiousness and Extraversion; Openness and Agreeableness were specific predictors of Change and Employee, respectively.  相似文献   

Participants were 147 undergraduates majoring in programs classified as more professional (education, n = 28; business, n = 33) or less professional (natural sciences, n = 36; social science, n = 50) and more people-oriented (education, social sciences) or less people-oriented (business, natural sciences). They completed self-report tests for 13 personality constructs (five from Goldberg's version of the Five Factor Model, three from Eysenck and Eysenck's theory, and five others). Students in less professional disciplines scored higher on openness to experience (intellect/imagination) than those in more professional disciplines. Students in more people-oriented disciplines scored higher on empathy than those in less people-oriented disciplines. Women scored higher than men on conscientiousness, industriousness, and empathy, but lower than men on independence. Critical comments are offered and suggestions for research are made.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that those individuals who experience more profound seasonal disturbances in mood and behavior have increased levels of neurotic personality traits (Jang, Lam, Livesley, & Vernon, 1997; Kane & Lowis, 1999; Murray, Hay, & Armstrong, 1995). The present study however proposes that the development and nature of seasonal depressions may be better explained through consideration of the combined effects of neurotic and extraverted personality traits. Using the EPQ and the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire, personality and levels of seasonal disturbance were measured in 77 adults (16 males and 61 females). As predicted, increased levels of neurotic personality traits were associated with more profound seasonal disturbances in mood and behavior but the degree of seasonal variation in mood and behavior was equally well explained in terms of “impulsivity” as reflecting the activity of the Behavioral Activation System. Overall, it is concluded that a more integrated approach to personality could be adopted to aid the understanding of seasonal depressions.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that those individuals who experience more profound seasonal disturbances in mood and behavior have increased levels of neurotic personality traits (Jang, Lam, Livesley, & Vernon, 1997; Kane & Lowis, 1999; Murray, Hay, & Armstrong, 1995). The present study however proposes that the development and nature of seasonal depressions may be better explained through consideration of the combined effects of neurotic and extraverted personality traits. Using the EPQ and the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire, personality and levels of seasonal disturbance were measured in 77 adults (16 males and 61 females). As predicted, increased levels of neurotic personality traits were associated with more profound seasonal disturbances in mood and behavior but the degree of seasonal variation in mood and behavior was equally well explained in terms of “impulsivity” as reflecting the activity of the Behavioral Activation System. Overall, it is concluded that a more integrated approach to personality could be adopted to aid the understanding of seasonal depressions.  相似文献   

Recent advances in personality research coupled with a broad acknowledgment of the limitations of the representation of personality pathology in the third and fourth editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III and DSM-IV) have positioned personality science to influence the shape of personality assessment in the fifth edition (DSM-5). Representing normative personality with well-validated traits that are broad, normally distributed, theoretically integrative, and distinct from personality disorder constructs would take optimal advantage of this opportunity. The assessment of normative traits would also link a large body of personality research with the practice of clinical diagnosis and would encourage clinicians to consider every patient's personality regardless of his or her diagnosis. Furthermore, conceptualizing personality traits and disorders separately would promote more careful clinical consideration of the functional severity and specific symptom constellations among personality disorders. Based on these considerations I argue that Five-factor model personality traits should be assessed separately from personality disorders in the DSM-5.  相似文献   

The current study explores the relationship between personality traits and self-presentation at Facebook. An online survey of Facebook users was conducted. The results suggest that extraversion was positively related to self-presentation both on Wall and at News Feed. Extraverts uploaded photos and updated status more frequently, and had more friends displayed on Wall than introverts. Besides, extraverts clicked Like, wrote Comment and clicked Share at News Feed more frequently than introverts. Moreover, narcissists with high rivalry frequently updated their Status on Wall. In addition, neuroticism and conscientiousness were negatively related to writing Comment at News Feed. Lastly, openness to experience was negatively related to clicking Share at News Feed. The results and implications are discussed in conjunction with previous research. Suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

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