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In this article, I contrast assumptions of a modernist worldview and a postmodern worldview as they relate to clinical practice. Two exercises are described that help therapists develop insight into and practice with the kind of thinking that is consistent with a postmodern narrative clinical practice. Particular attention is paid to the ways that even the small and the ordinary — single words, single gestures, minor asides, trivial actions — can provide opportunities for generating new meanings. Five concepts that I routinely use in my professional and personal life and that are consistent with a postmodern narrative practice — discourse, externalizing the internalized discourse, exceptions, power as the means to produce a consensus, and characteristics of narrative — are illustrated.  相似文献   

Philosophers have often noted that science displays an uncommon degree of consensus on beliefs among its practitioners. Yet consensus in the sciences is not a goal in itself. I consider cases of consensus on beliefs as concrete events. Consensus on beliefs is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition for presuming that these beliefs constitute knowledge. A concrete consensus on a set of beliefs by a group of people at a given historical period may be explained by different factors according to various hypotheses. A particularly interesting hypothesis from an epistemic perspective is the knowledge hypothesis: shared knowledge explains a consensus on beliefs. If all the alternative hypotheses to the knowledge hypotheses are false or are not as good in explaining a concrete consensus on beliefs, the knowledge hypothesis is the best explanation of the consensus. If the knowledge hypothesis is best, a consensus becomes a plausible, though fallible, indicator of knowledge. I argue that if a consensus on beliefs is uncoerced, uniquely heterogeneous and large, the gap between the likelihood of the consensus given the knowledge hypothesis and its likelihoods given competing hypotheses tends to increase significantly. Consensus is a better indicator of knowledge than “success” or “human flourishing”.  相似文献   

This the first part of a two-part article in which we defend the thesis of Humean Supervenience about Laws of Nature (HS). According to this thesis, two possible worlds cannot differ on what is a law of nature unless they also differ on the Humean base. the Humean base is easy to characterize intuitively, but there is no consensus on how, precisely, it should be defined. Here in Part I, we present and motivate a characterization of the Humean base that, we argue, enables HS to capture what is really stake in the debate, without taking on extraneous commitments.
"I tend to picture the [facts of the form "it is a law that s" and "is is not a lw that s"] as having been sprinkled been sprinkled like powdered sugar over the doughy surface of the non-nomic facts."—Marc Lange2
"Avoid empty carbohydrates."— Runner's World 3  相似文献   

Abstract ——We report the first experimental study of the effect of long–term (over 2 years) exposure to a stressor on cellular immune response Forty–three male cynomolgus monkeys were randomly assigned to stable or unstable social conditions for 26 months The proportion of time spent in affiliative behaviors was assessed by observations made twice weekly T–cell immune response (mitogen–stimulated cell proliferation) was assessed weekly for 3 weeks immediately following the 26–month manipulation The possibility that affiliative behavior represents an attempt to cope with social stress was supported by greater affiliation among animals m the unstable condition than in the stable condition Animals in the unstable condition also demonstrated relatively suppressed immune response More affiliative animals showed enhanced immune response, with the beneficial effects of affiliation occurring primarily among unstable animals The data are interpreted as consistent with the stress–buffering hypothesis, that IS, affiliation protects animals from the potentially pathogenic influences of chronic social stress  相似文献   

Abstract.— The Rokeach hypothesis, that one tends to differentiate better around ones own ideological position, was tested by letting socialist and conservative subjects pass similarity judgments on eight nonvegian political parties. As expected, the conservative subjects differentiated better among the conservative parties than the socialist subjects did, and vice versa for the socialist parties. Factor analysis of the similarity matrix within each subject group yielded, as predicted from a secondary hypothesis, two factors, socialistic and nonsocialistic.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Bruner & Tagiuri's (1954) concept of implicit personality theory, and Kelly's (1955) theory of personal constructs were used as a basis for a hypothesis that an individual's own constructs mediate more differentiated perceptions of other people than constructs provided by the experimenter. The hypothesis was tested by using four indices of cognitive complexity and one index of extremity of ratings to measure differentiation. The individual constructs were derived by using Reptest. The provided constructs were Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. Two experimenters were employed to control experimenter effects. The data did not support the hypothesis but showed that differences between individual constructs and provided constructs are dependent upon which criterion is chosen to contrast the two types of constructs, which indices are used to measure the chosen criterion, and what type of provided constructs are compared with individual constructs.  相似文献   

Abstract.— An attempt is made to show that the errors traditionally associated with the constructional activity of patients with left- or right-sided cerebral lesions correspond closely to the faults observed in drawings by the left and right hand of split-brain patients. Based on this evidence, it is discussed whether unilateral lesions may cause callosal disconnection to such an extent that constructional apraxia will appear. Finally, some major objections to the hypothesis that constructional apraxia is an interhemispheric disconnection syndrome are evaluated.  相似文献   

False consensus refers to an egocentric bias that occurs when people estimate consensus for their own behaviors. Specifically, the false consensus hypothesis holds that people who engage in a given behavior will estimate that behavior to be more common than it is estimated to be by people who engage in alternative behaviors. A meta-analysis was conducted upon 115 tests of this hypothesis. The combined effects of the tests of the false consensus hypothesis were highly statistically significant and of moderate magnitude. Further, the 115 tests of false consensus appear to be relatively heterogeneous in terms of significance levels and effect sizes. Correlational analyses and focused comparisons indicate that the false consensus effect does not appear to be influenced by the generality of the reference population, nor by the difference between alternative choices in actual consensus. However, the significance and magnitude of the false consensus effect was significantly predicted by the number of behavioral choices/estimates subjects had to make, and the sequence of measurement of choices and estimates. These patterns of results are interpreted as being inconsistent with the self-presentational, motivational explanation for the false consensus effect.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The hypothesis tested was that the search for a response word in a single word, free association situation proceeds in the direction of decreasing semantic similarity between the stimulus and response words. Semantic features were assigned to the 50 first Kent-Rosanoff words and each of the three most frequent response words to each stimulus word, obtained in a single word, free association situation (N =176). An index for the number of semantic features shared by the stimulus and response words was found to decrease with increasing response latency, thus confirming the hypothesis. The findings further supports the assumption that semantic meanings of stimulus and response words are determinants of free. associative responding.  相似文献   

This study focuses on explanations for the perceived consensus of one's own social value orientation. The prediction of the triangle hypothesis that the consensus expectation of individualistic and competitive people is higher than that of cooperative people was partially supported. Only individualists expected their own orientation more frequently of other people. According to a causal attribution explanation, it was expected that subjects' causal attributions for their own orientation to internal and external causes influenced their consensus expectations. Only attributions to internal causes differed significantly between subjects with different orientations and corresponded with their consensus estimates. Individualism was attributed least internally, cooperation most internally, and competition in between. Additionally, direct support for the effect of internal attributions on consensus expectations was found. Compared with subjects who attributed their own orientation more internally, subjects who attributed it less internally were more likely to expect their own orientation among other people. According to a self-justification explanation, it was hypothesized that the consensus expectations of individualists and competitors would be higher when first their own social orientation was assessed and then the orientation they expected to predominate among others than in the reversed order. This hypothesis was not supported.  相似文献   

In order for a moral theory to support application it must be able to provide determinate answers to actual moral problems or, at the least, to significantly narrow acceptable options. It must also support the development of a genuine consensus, one that is disinterested, reasonable, and unbiased. I argue that theories concentrating on principles, or on rules, or on particular cases fail to meet these standards. A full coherence theory, taking into account principles, rules, practices, and judgments holds the greatest promise for successful application. I present a detailed outline of a full coherence theory that is principled, pluralistic, and comprehensive. This coherence theory includes three basic principles (expressed both negatively and positively), but binds these, in terms of their explication and application, to rules and practices. This theory respects current practices but also directs us to change practices and institutions and even the interpretation of basic moral principles. The theory includes ways to determine which aspect of moral experience should take precedence in given circumstances, ways to determine who has particular obligations, and how — by means of a mutuality principle — value may be enhanced under conditions of value conflict.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The explanation of the F'ulfrich stereophe-nomenon has been based on the laws of stereoscopic depth and angular disparity, together with the assumption that the timing of the neural discharges from the retina of the Eltered eye is delayed. If this hypothesis is plausible the stereoscopic effect is at least reduced when the pendulum swings vertically in relation to the condition in which the path of the pendulum crosses the observer's line of sight horizontally, because the vertical disparity is ineffective as a depth cue. The results of the present experiment show that the Pulfrich phenomenon is reduced when the pendulum swings vertically.  相似文献   

Moore Inferences     
André Gallois (in The World Without, the Mind Within , Cambridge UP, 1996) maintains that the following schema expresses a warranted form of inference:
I believe that p .
I argue that these 'Moore inferences' are not warranted.  相似文献   

Koriat (1975), using a word-matching phonetic symbolism task, found a significant relationship between translation accuracy and the degree of subjective confidence associated with the response. This study examined the hypothesis that since responses on which subjects are in consensus are more likely correct than incorrect, confidence ratings may actually be related to the degree of consensus, regardless of the correctness of the response. The results strongly supported this hypothesis. For items with a consensually correct response, translation accuracy increased with degree of subjective confidence, while for items with a consensually incorrect response it decreased. Consensual responses were judged subjectively more compelling than nonconsensual responses regardless of their accuracy. Some implications of these findings are outlined.  相似文献   

R uuth , E. & S mith , G. J. W. Projected afterimages and cognitive maturity. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10, 20 9–214—The hypothesis that projected afterimages will remain size-constant if they are not isolated by the observer as subjective phenomena is tested in a group of 20 children classified with respect to cognitive maturity. The less mature children, still mainly in the preoperational stage, are more resistant to size-increase with increasing projection distance and also report more positive hues. Tney apparently confuse their afterimages with real objects and thus fail to objectivize.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The hypothesis that intercorrelations between the cues in the conflict task will inhibit the reduction of the systematic differences in policies in policy conflict as studied in Hammond's "lens model" interpersonal conflict paradigm was tested in two experiments. The results supported the hypothesis, and suggested that the effect was due to the fact that the subjects have greater freedom in developing different policies when the cues are intercorrelated. In addition, the results suggested that the process of policy change when the conflict task has a lower degree of predictability than the original policy learning task might differ from that when the conflict task has the same predictability as the original task.  相似文献   

This paper sets out a framework in which we can distinguish between four types of redistributive attention to the disadvantaged: compensation; personal enhancement; targeted resource enhancement; and status enhancement. It is argued that in certain cases many of us will have strong intuitions in favour or against one or more strategies for addressing disadvantage, and it is further argued that in such cases it is likely that our reactions are based on assumptions about the human good. Hence the two issues — addressing disadvantage and the human good — shed light on one another [1].  相似文献   

T hrane , V. C. Sensory and preparatory factors in response latency. III. Preknowledge and regularity of stimuli as antecedent variables. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2, 30–44.—Interaction between stimulus and organismic determinants of simple reaction time under weak and strong auditory stimulation was studied with 24 subjects. Results indicate that without specific preknowledge of the stimulus variants presented, there is little or no correlation between sensory and non-sensory determinants of response latency, but that both speed and constancy of response are influenced by preknowledge, and to some extent by regularity of stimuli, in a manner and to a degree which depend on the expected intensity, thus being consistent with the hypothesis of bipolar (positive and negative) compensatory interaction.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A number of studies have shown that inconsistency in the subjects' policies is a major reason for disagreement in policy conflict. It has been hypothesized that the lack of consistency makes it hard for subjects to understand each other's policies. The present results provided evidence for this hypothesis by showing that subjects asked each other more questions about policy when their policies were less consistent in an experiment where policy consistency was manipulated by varying the predictability of the conflict task.  相似文献   

Abstract.— This paper introduces evidence as to whether the cognitive base of natural languages is universal or not. When a speaker or writer has too little time or space to use complete, grammatically well-formed sentences, he will first leave out the parts of speech which are least essential for the decoding process of the receiver. If, in two different languages, different parts are left out, the cognitive base of the languages cannot be the same. It was predicted that native Finnish-speaking subjects will be more prone to leave out the verb from newspapers headings and from reports of sporting events, than will native Swedish-speaking subjects. In addition, it was expected that Finnish subjects will rate sentences lacking verbs as more, and sentences lacking nouns, as less "language correct" than will Swedish subjects. It was also predicted that in perception of a sporting event, Finnish reporters will focus on topological, and Swedish, on vectorial, information. The predictions were borne out exactly by the findings, which thus are strongly negative to the universality hypothesis.  相似文献   

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