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作为儒家讲天人观的重要经典,《中庸》建构了一个影响深远的“天人合一”模式。从“天命之谓性”到“诚者,天之道”,为人的存在寻找到了形而上的本体依据,并透过对“至诚”精神的阐发,把人与天归并在“诚”的意义之下。而“至诚尽性”“至诚能化”“至诚如神”“至诚无息”四个环节对这种关系的紧密性、交互性、流动性、圆融性作了充分的展示。由至诚之天道而通贯于效法天地精神的人道,人生的道德实践活动便有了神圣的意味和某种超越性,而这种特殊的超越正是儒家思想的最大特点,它既有宗教终极性的祈向,又不离人伦日用的凡俗境况。  相似文献   

本文认为,《周易》的阴阳世界观注重的是阴阳间的关系,而这种关系又有两个重要状态,一个是“空无”,另一个是“中庸”。对于这两种状态的不同态度形成了古人不同的人生态度和理想追求。同时,本文还认为,《周易》所运用的是取象比类式的象数推演体系,它不同于概念式的演绎体系。人类生活有很多重要内容不能通过概念式的语言去思维和表达,而这些“不可言说”的内容却往往可以用“象征语言”和象数思维来表达。  相似文献   

《中庸》乃孔门传授心法之书,是儒家心性哲学的代表作之一。《中庸》的成书问题是《中庸》研究的首要和基础的问题。用比较研究的方法,把《中庸》中最重要的范畴——"天命"与"性"、"慎独"、"中和"、"诚"与出土的竹简和帛书所涉及的相关范畴进行比较分析,或可能够揭开《中庸》成书问题的面纱。  相似文献   

分层整群抽取2867名大学生,采用双因子模型探讨中庸思维方式量表(ZYTSC)的一般性与特殊性。结果表明,相较于局部因子,全局因子占主导地位,但多方思考与和谐性分别造成了23%、26%的方差变异,表明多方思考与和谐性等特殊成分的存在;中庸思维方式双因子模型的跨性别和跨年级强等值性得到支持。中庸思维方式量表同时测量了中庸思维方式的共同性和特异性成分,研究对理解和正确使用中庸思维方式量表具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

公共行政的本质是相关主体基于其意向而生成的行动网络,是为实现美好生活、建设美好社会而采取的行动总体。强调行动意义的公共行政最初酝酿于20世纪社会科学领域再次用实践理念思考人类社会,对社会生活机构与运转进行反思的实践转向,在反思传统理性主义秩序基础上审视行动逻辑的重要性。其次,因为建构主义的本体论及知识观在公共行政领域的运用,公共行政是一定社会历史背景下行动经验的建构过程,需要关注互动性的结构化实践过程。最后也是最重要的,立足于中国社会—历史语境及当下全面深化改革的背景,公共行政行动主义指向非竞争性、非排他性的公共生活,需要在行动理论既有的知识体系中"前进—逆溯",找寻构建本土化公共行政行动主义的可能。  相似文献   

实践主词、实践主体和自由本体——从“我”说起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"异质性哲学"是我近年来阐发的一套哲学理论,其中包含一种自足的分析方法——异质性分析法。该方法最突出的操作特点是"循名责实",即根据符号所对应的直观情况去考察意识的内容与品质。用这种方法来分析实践,意味着分析的着眼点不是实践的主体与客体,而是实践主体用来意指其自身及其客体的符号,即用作实践主词的符号和用作实践谓词的符号。在逻辑关系上,实践主词优先于实践谓词,而充当实践主词的最基本的符号就是"我"。因此,从"我"说起,看看"我"在实际的使用中究竟意指什么,以及它与其所意指的对象究竟是何关系,就成了实践分析的一个合理开端。本文是对这一开端的演示,从作为实践主词的"我"出发,经过作为实践主体的我,达到"我"与我的统一,即作为自由本体的个人。  相似文献   

本研究基于资源保存理论和社会角色理论,选取武汉市492名大学生为被试,以问卷方式测量了大学生中庸思维、同伴冲突以及网络成瘾。结果显示:(1)中庸思维与同伴冲突、网络成瘾呈显著负相关;同伴冲突与网络成瘾呈显著正相关;(2)同伴冲突在中庸思维与网络成瘾的关系之中起中介作用;(3)性别对中介路径“中庸思维→同伴冲突→网络成瘾”的前半段路径有显著的调节效应。对于男性,中庸思维可以负向预测同伴冲突;对于女性,中庸思维不能预测同伴冲突。本研究的结果表明,同伴冲突中介中庸思维与网络成瘾的关系;但是,中庸思维与同伴冲突的负向联系只存在于男性之中。  相似文献   

近年来, 辱虐管理与员工创造力的关系受到越来越多研究者的关注。在以往研究的基础上, 本研究构建了一个有调节的中介作用模型, 以探讨中国文化情境下辱虐管理影响员工创造力的中介心理机制及边界条件。采用多阶段-多来源的策略, 以93名主管和369名员工为对象, 通过多水平结构方程建模技术对三阶段主管-员工配对调查所获取的数据进行分析, 结果表明:主管的辱虐管理行为会通过心理契约破坏的中介作用, 对员工创造力产生间接的消极影响; 但该负向的间接关系的强度对高中庸思维者而言较弱。本研究有助于揭示辱虐管理影响员工创造力的心理机制及边界条件, 研究结果对企业员工创造力及创新行为的管理实践也有一定启示。  相似文献   

基于行动理论建构创业者从行动中学习的机制和影响因素模型。研究提出行动差错(有别于创业失败、关键事件和绩效错误),是创业者从行动中获得学习的主要来源。差错侦测和自我调节行为触发创业者的新认知,是创业者获得学习的前提;刻意练习则促进新认知关联创业行为,促进目标的实现。基于社会认知理论,构建了情境动态性、创业经验和认知能力对学习效果的影响因素模型:在稳定的环境中,消费者的偏好、技术与竞争变化比较微小,创业经验减少创业行动差错的产生,创业者的刻意练习行为会耗费创业者的精力与资源,并且不利于企业发展;在动态的环境中,客户需求和竞争情况会超预期地不断变化,创业经验有助于创业者侦测出行动差错,自我调节促进学习行为发生,而刻意练习有助于创业者从行动中持续获得学习,促进企业发展。  相似文献   

段锦云  凌斌 《心理学报》2011,43(10):1185-1197
企业的自主创新离不开员工的自发性和创造性, 员工建言行为研究因此愈加受到重视。本研究拟探索中国背景下企业员工建言行为的结构(研究一), 并检验中国人的典型思维特征-中庸思维与中国背景建言行为的关系(研究二)。研究一通过对长三角地区30名企业员工的访谈提取建言行为关键事件, 编制初始问卷, 再通过对159名被试的探索性因素分析, 抽取出顾全大局式和自我冒进式两个建言行为维度; 另一批159名被试的验证性因素分析结果进一步证实了该结构。研究二以278份配对员工为样本, 层次回归分析结果表明, 中庸思维与顾全大局式建言存在正相关, 与自我冒进式建言存在负相关, 且授权对中庸思维与两类建言行为之间关系存在着调节作用。  相似文献   

Researchers continue to debate the role of self-esteem in aggression, but research has shown a consistent association between narcissism and aggression in adults and adolescents [e.g., Barry et al., 2007; Bushman and Baumeister, 1998; Stucke, 2007]. The primary aim of the current study was to examine whether locus of control (LOC) moderated the relation between self-perception variables (i.e., self-esteem and narcissism) and aggression in adolescents. Participants were 174 youth (145 males, 26 females) between the ages of 16 and 19 who were enrolled in a voluntary residential program for youth who have dropped out of school. The results showed that LOC moderated the association between self-esteem and aggression such that low self-esteem was associated with higher levels of aggression for individuals with an external LOC. Contrary to expectations, LOC failed to moderate the narcissism-aggression relation. The implications of this study for understanding how self-perception is related to adolescent aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

Emotional openness is characterised by a capacity to tolerate threatening self-relevant material and an interest towards new emotional situations. We investigated how specific networks of memories could be an important contributing factor to emotional openness. At Phase 1, participants completed measures of personality traits and emotional intelligence, described a self-defining memory, provided other memories associated with it, and rated the valence of each of their memories. A score assessing the complexity of this memory network, comprising the number of memories reported and their valence diversity, was created. Two weeks later, in laboratory, participants watched an anxiety-inducing film and took part in an interview assessing their emotional openness to the film. They completed a cognitive task before and after the film to measure ego depletion. Controlling for traits and emotional intelligence, memory network complexity was positively associated with emotional openness and negatively with ego depletion. The mental organisation of self-defining memories thus appears to be a critical factor contributing to emotional openness.  相似文献   

My primary aim is to defend a nonreductive solution to the problem of action. I argue that when you are performing an overt bodily action, you are playing an irreducible causal role in bringing about, sustaining, and controlling the movements of your body, a causal role best understood as an instance of agent causation. Thus, the solution that I defend employs a notion of agent causation, though emphatically not in defence of an account of free will, as most theories of agent causation are. Rather, I argue that the notion of agent causation introduced here best explains how it is that you are making your body move during an action, thereby providing a satisfactory solution to the problem of action.  相似文献   

In interdisciplinary debates on the nature of the self, no-self accounts often refer to Buddhist psychology, arguing that the self is an illusion arising from our identification with mental content. What is often missing, however, is a developmentally, motivationally and emotionally plausible reason why this identification happens in the first place. It is argued that directing attention to our ongoing thought activities and their effect on our mind reveals their often invasive character. This is supported by psychoanalytic accounts on the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of thinking. On an experiential level, invading thoughts have similarities to attacks and provoke defensive reactions. The defense mechanism described as identification with the aggressor is used as a model in order to better grasp how we deal with invading thoughts, namely, by identifying with them and thus generating a sense of self as an agent of thoughts which provides an illusion of control.  相似文献   

The relative importance of five information variables in determining the amount of friendliness attributed to a described action was analyzed using a five-way ANOVA. The variables (a) antecedent condition, (b) disposition of the actor, (c) intent of the actor, (d) likely social outcome of the act, and (e) actual social outcome of the act, were given a high friendliness value and a low friendliness value. Thirty-two stories which described the same act, but which systematically differed in background information, were made by combining one of the two values of the five variables in all possible combinations. Senior secondary school girls read the stories and rated the friendliness of the act and the friendliness of the actor on 9-place, unipolar rating scales. Results showed that the intent of the actor contributed the only significant source of variance to the trait attribution to the act. The trait attribution to the actor was significantly influenced by intent, antecedent condition, and disposition.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: The negative impact of exposure to terror on mental health, as well as on the perceptions of each side of the conflict toward the other, is well-documented. However, the association between stereotyping, concomitant with perceived threat, and anxiety, was rarely investigated. The current study examined information processing attributes and exposure to terror as predictors of PTSD symptoms among youth at inter-group conflict, with stereotypical thinking toward a threatening out-group as a possible mediator. Design: Cross-sectional, with exposure to terror, need for cognitive structure (NCS), efficacy at fulfilling the need for closure (EFNC) and self-esteem, predicting stereotypical thinking and PTSD symptoms. Method: Ninth graders (N?=?263) from two residential areas in Israel, varying in their degree of exposure to terror, responded to a self-report questionnaire tapping the above variables. Results: Stereotypical thinking was found to mediate the association between exposure to terror and PTSD symptoms, but not the association between the NCS and EFNC interaction and PTSD symptoms. Conclusions: The findings support terror management theory, so that a negative and rigid perception makes it difficult to construct coherent world-view, thus contributing to aggregation of existential anxiety and PTSD symptoms.  相似文献   

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