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分别从实际和期望支持、情感和物质支持两个维度考察了老年人配偶支持的特点,并且采用结构方程模型来检验配偶支持、夫妻依恋和婚姻满意度三者之间的关系.289位有配偶的城市社区老年人参加了本次问卷调查,年龄范围为60~88岁.重要他人问卷、老年人夫妻依恋问卷及Locke-Wallace婚姻调适测定问卷分别用来测量老年人的配偶支持、夫妻依恋和婚姻满意度情况.结果表明:(1)性别、年龄及受教育水平不同的老年人在配偶支持上存在显著差异;(2)老年人的配偶支持与夫妻依恋和婚姻满意度三者两两相关,配偶支持以夫妻依恋为中介影响婚姻满意度.  相似文献   

本研究采用主—客体互倚模型(actor-partner interdependence model,APIM)的方法深入探讨夫妻的依恋风格、婚姻归因与自身及配偶感知到的婚姻质量之间的关系。以方便取样的方式在北京地区选取155对夫妻,采用Brennan等(1998)编制的亲密关系经历量表(ECR),Stander编制的婚姻归因量表(MAQ)和Spanier编制的婚姻质量问卷(DAS),要求夫妻双方分别报告其依恋风格、婚姻归因方式和感知到的婚姻质量。通过配对t检验、相关分析和结构方程模型分析发现:(1)夫妻对婚姻质量的总体知觉较为一致,但丈夫的婚姻满意度显著高于妻子;(2)夫妻双方在回避依恋和焦虑依恋两个分量表上不存在显著差异,但在婚姻归因上,妻子比丈夫表现出了更多的消极归因;(3)妻子的消极依恋显著地负向预测自身感知到的婚姻质量,而丈夫的消极依恋对自身感知到的婚姻质量没有显著影响;(4)在控制了丈夫、妻子的依恋风格、归因方式对其自身婚姻质量的主体效应之后,丈夫的依恋风格不能显著预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量,但其归因方式可以显著地预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量;然而妻子的归因方式并不能显著预测丈夫的婚姻质量。  相似文献   

采用人际关系综合诊断量表、一般依恋问卷调查了725名大学生人际关系困扰的现状及其与依恋的自我-他人工作模型间的关系。结果发现:(1)大学生人际困扰的总体水平较低;(2)依恋的自我-他人工作模型与大学生人际困扰各维度及总均分间相关显著,自我工作模型与人际困扰的相关显著高于他人工作模型与人际困扰的相关;(3)依恋的自我工作模型能显著预测人际困扰的各维度及总均分,他人工作模型则仅能预测交谈交流困扰。结论:依恋的自我-他人工作模型与大学生人际困扰间存在显著相关,依恋的自我工作模型可显著预测大学生人际困扰。  相似文献   

为考察留守老人的夫妻依恋及其与孤独感的关系,采用问卷法对510名留守老人进行调查。结果表明留守老人安全型夫妻依恋比例低于城市老年人,拒绝型夫妻依恋比例高于城市老年人;领悟社会支持在留守老人依恋安全和依恋回避与孤独感的关系中起中介作用、领悟社会支持和核心自我评价在留守老人依恋安全和依恋回避与孤独感的关系中起链式多重中介作用,核心自我评价在留守老人依恋焦虑与孤独感的关系中起部分中介作用。上述结果表明夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感关系密切,结果有利于拓展老年人夫妻依恋的研究范围并为降低留守老人孤独感提供参考。  相似文献   

通过追踪研究,考察了老年人夫妻依恋的稳定性及配偶支持情况对夫妻依恋稳定性的影响.共有75名配偶健在的老年人参与了间隔3年的两次调查,第一次参与研究时的年龄范围为60~84岁.老年人夫妻依恋问卷和配偶支持问卷分别用来测量夫妻依恋和经历生活事件时夫妻间的支持情况.结果表明:(1)老年人夫妻依恋安全、依恋焦虑和依恋回避的跨时间稳定性较低;(2)对于依恋的变化,配偶支持是较生活事件发生数量更有效的预测指标,觉知到的配偶支持水平和支持满意度能够显著预测依恋安全、依恋焦虑和依恋回避分数的改变.  相似文献   

通过对697名60岁以上、配偶健在的老年人进行调查, 对《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》进行修订及信效度的检验, 并应用该问卷对老年人的夫妻依恋风格进行划分, 考察夫妻依恋风格与一般依恋之间的吻合程度。结果显示修订后的《老年人夫妻依恋问卷》具有稳定的三维度结构以及良好的信效度; 聚类分析显示老年人夫妻依恋以安全型和专注型为主, 而一般依恋以安全型和冷漠型居多。在老年人中仅有39.9%的个体具有相同类型的夫妻依恋与一般依恋, 呈现出较低的一致性。  相似文献   

以41对新婚夫妻为研究对象,采用观察法与问卷法相结合的方式,对夫妻冲突和支持、依恋安全性和婚姻质量之间的相互机制进行探索。结果显示:(1)妻子的婚姻质量更受到问题解决情境中(而不是社会支持)夫妻的积极行为(而不是消极行为)的影响;丈夫的婚姻质量更受到社会支持情境(而不是问题解决)中夫妻的消极行为(而不是积极行为)的影响;(2)妻子的依恋安全性显著预测妻子的婚姻质量,但丈夫的依恋安全性不能显著预测丈夫的婚姻质量;(3)妻子的依恋安全性在丈夫和妻子的问题解决积极行为对妻子婚姻质量的影响中起完全中介作用,而丈夫的依恋安全性在夫妻问题解决、社会支持行为与丈夫婚姻质量的关系之间不起作用。  相似文献   

依恋内部工作模式的研究概述及探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
依恋内部工作模式(internal working model)是一种认知/情感性的构造,是在婴儿/孩子与父母行为交互作用的过程中发展起来的对他人和自我的一种心理表征。Bowlby的内部工作模式的概念为理解依恋行为的发展提供了方法,是依恋研究工作的进步。该文从内部工作模式的性质、内部工作模式的结构和其稳定性的研究对内部工作模式进行了较为详细的介绍,详细论述了在发展心理学和社会心理学不同理论背景下的几种可能的结构,进一步分析了内部工作模式的稳定性和变化的机制及其影响因素,并对今后内部工作模式概念的发展和可能的不同类型的内部工作模型结构的存在进行了思考和探索。特别的提出,随着儿童青少年的成长,人际关系的不断复杂化,个体可能在自身的依恋模式基础上分别分化出不同类型的工作模式结构,对这一理论构想进行深入研究将有可能揭示内部工作模式的个体差异性。  相似文献   

个体自尊与婚姻满意度关系的模型构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究探讨了个体的自尊、自我保护倾向、对伴侣的回应方式、承诺与删因满意度的关系。结果表明:自尊通过对伴侣的回应方式和自我保护影响着个体的承诺和蜊因满意度;自尊、对伴侣的回应方式和自我保护通过承诺影响着个体的婚姻满意度。本研究还构建了自尊与婚姻满意度关系的理论模型。  相似文献   

为探讨亲关系动机对家庭消费决策及婚姻满意度的影响,通过两项研究分别在单独决策和共同决策情境下,采用家庭消费决策任务、亲关系动机量表、婚姻调适测定问卷对118名个体被试(研究1)和94对夫妻被试(研究2)进行考察,结果发现:(1)当个体单独进行家庭消费决策时,亲关系动机越高,理性程度越低,而婚姻满意度越高;(2)当夫妻共同进行家庭消费决策时,不同亲关系动机组合下的夫妻理性程度无显著差异,而整体婚姻满意度差异显著,具体表现为夫妻二人亲关系动机“同高”组合下的整体婚姻满意度显著高于“同低”组合和“混合”组合,后两者之间无显著差异。此外,结果还发现亲关系动机与年龄、婚龄、子女情况、受教育程度和收入均有关。本研究表明,亲关系动机虽有利于提高婚姻满意度,但在个体单独决策时易引发非理性消费,强调了互动沟通在家庭消费决策中的重要性。  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the relationship between perception of parents' marriage, marital satisfaction, and attachment behaviors. Participants included 521 married couples taken from the RELATE project. Gender differences were found between husbands and wives perception of parents' marriage and marital satisfaction. Results also indicated that attachment behaviors were positively and significantly related to increased martial satisfaction for both husbands and wives. Additionally, attachment behaviors moderated the relationship between perception of parents' marriage and marital satisfaction. When perception of parents' marriage was negative but attachment behaviors were high, marital satisfaction increased. These findings underscore the importance attachment behaviors play in married relationships. Clinical implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The husbands of 33 agoraphobic women were studied systematically before and for 1 yr after their wives received intensive exposure in vivo mainly in small, cohesive groups. Although most husbands reported improved personal adjustment 1 yr after their wives' therapy, many had experienced transitory negative reactions such as anxiety and depressive symptoms. These were most likely to occur after large, rapid improvements in the phobic and general symptoms of severely-disabled patients. Such improvements challenged the husbands' capacity to adapt to their wives' changed attitudes and behaviour, particularly regarding sex roles. These findings explain why reports of negative effects on husbands are found infrequently in behavioural studies of agoraphobia, which generally exclude patients with major additional symptoms, have relatively high drop-out rates and generate improvements comparatively slowly. In contrast, group exposure in the present study generated rapid improvements and inhibited dropping-out, even in patients with severe additional symptoms and problems, who were included in the study. Thus, the likelihood of repercussions on the husband was maximized. Negative effects were most likely in husbands who had adapted to their wives' disability as part of a sex-role stereotyped view of marriage, and in husbands who were persistently critical and unsupportive of their wives.  相似文献   

Why is Neuroticism so harmful to marriage and other intimate relationships? Given that such relationships generally involve a sexual component, the current longitudinal study explored whether the apparent negative impact of own and partner's Neuroticism on marriage could be explained by dissatisfaction with the sexual relationship. Just after their weddings, 72 couples reported their marital satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and Neuroticism. One year later, they again reported their marital and sexual satisfaction. Own Neuroticism predicted lower levels of concurrent marital and sexual satisfaction among husbands and wives, declines in sexual satisfaction among husbands and wives, and declines in marital satisfaction among wives. Partner's Neuroticism predicted lower levels of concurrent marital satisfaction among husbands and wives, lower levels of concurrent sexual satisfaction among husbands, and declines in sexual satisfaction among husbands. Consistent with predictions, sexual satisfaction mediated every effect of own and partner Neuroticism on marital satisfaction. Results highlight the prominent role played by the sexual relationship in accounting for marital outcomes and thus suggest specific processes through which Neuroticism may affect the marriage.  相似文献   

Facilitation of women's increasing involvement and satisfaction in career pursuits necessitates understanding of ways in which multiple roles may be managed and integrated by both women and men. Accordingly, the present study was designed to investigate predictors of levels of marital adjustment in dual-career couples. Both husbands and wives in 42 dual-career couples completed Greenhaus' Career Salience scale, the Attitudes toward Women scale, the Dyadic Adjustment scale, and a demographic information questionnaire. Results indicated, first, that the dual-career couples studied reported relatively high levels of marital adjustment, relatively profeminist attitudes toward women, and moderate levels of career salience; family interests were ranked as more important than were career interests. Second, higher levels of marital adjustment in both husbands and wives were found in couples in which the wife was more highly educated and which had relatively high combined incomes. In addition, greater marital adjustment in husbands was related to higher levels of career salience among wives. Contrary to expectation, husbands' attitudes toward women's roles were unrelated to their levels of marital adjustment. Implications for further research on dual-career couples and for the successful integration of career and family roles are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the positive benefits associated with interpersonal forgiveness, the current investigation examined the tendency to forgive in romantic relationships. Two studies tested the hypothesis that the tendency to forgive mediates the association between attachment models of self and other and relationship satisfaction in dating (n = 184) and marital relationships (n = 96). In addition, the extent to which the tendency to forgive predicts forgiveness of an actual transgression was examined among married couples. The tendency to forgive partially mediated the relation between model of other (relationship partner) and satisfaction for those in dating relationships and for husbands. For those in marital relationships, the tendency to forgive partially mediated the relation between model of self and satisfaction. In addition, for wives, endorsing a greater tendency to forgive was related to forgiveness of an actual transgression, regardless of the severity of that transgression. For husbands, endorsing a greater tendency to forgive was related to forgiveness of an actual transgression, but only for more severe transgressions. Results are discussed in terms of who is more likely to forgive and the role that the tendency to forgive plays in romantic relationships.  相似文献   

Research showing the distinct influence of positive attributes on relationships has been growing. This study examined the impact of husbands’ and wives’ dispositional optimism on their own and partner’s relationship satisfaction, consensus, and cohesion using data from the National Survey of Families and Households. Results indicate that wives’ optimism influences their own later marital satisfaction as well as their husbands’ later marital satisfaction. However, husbands’ optimism did not appear to influence their own nor their wives’ later satisfaction. Potential interventions for increasing optimism in the therapeutic setting are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how sensitive support provision and receipt were related to marital outcomes in a sample of 57 happily married, middle-class couples from the Midwestern U.S. To assess how observed supportive behaviors may be differentially associated with self-reported support satisfaction, marital love, and marital conflict for men and women, we utilized a series of Actor Partner Interdependence Models (APIM). This dyadic approach revealed significant gender differences regarding how the supportive role enacted (i.e., provider versus recipient) contributed considerably to marital outcomes. Specifically, husbands’ sensitive support provision significantly predicted both spouses’ support satisfaction. Additionally, husbands’ sensitive support provision was significantly associated with wives’ marital love. Wives’ reported conflict was predicted by the combination of both providing and receiving sensitive support. For husbands’ outcomes, husbands’ own sensitive support provision was most critically associated with their reporting greater love and less conflict. These findings reveal notable gender differences as men’s ability to provide sensitive support was critical not only to their wives’ marital outcomes, but to their own as well. Our results build upon and extend the literature implicating the importance of examining gender differences in supportive interactions in marriage. Moreover, our findings suggest that simultaneous consideration of spousal support receipt and provision is critical when seeking to understand how support is related to marital outcomes for men and women.  相似文献   

Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted on questionnaire data obtained from 33 agoraphobic women and their husbands before and after intensive exposure in vivo for the agoraphobia. The dependent variable in the regression equation was treatment outcome as determined by changes in composite ratings of patients' two main phobias. On this criterion, patients improved by 64% immediately after treatment and by 69% 1 year later. The main predictors of treatment outcome were patients' pre-treatment levels of agoraphobic disability and of extrapunitiveness. The main pre-treatment predictors of change during follow-up were patients' levels of social fear, and of fears which suggested dependency problems. When post-treatment questionnaire responses were used to predict patients' phobia change during follow-up, husbands' scores contributed 50% to the variance. This finding, together with clinical observations, suggested that if husbands were unable to fully acknowledge the emotional impact upon themselves of rapid and substantial improvements in their wives, then they were unlikely to facilitate further phobia improvement in their wives during the first 6 months of follow-up. It was concluded that involvement of the husbands in their wives' therapy would increase the likelihood of continuing phobia improvement after treatment.  相似文献   

This study examined how a major life stressor--the transition to parenthood--affects marital satisfaction and functioning among persons with different attachment orientations. As hypothesized, the interaction between women's degree of attachment ambivalence and their perceptions of spousal support (assessed 6 weeks prior to childbirth) predicted systematic changes in men's and women's marital satisfaction and related factors over time (6 months postpartum). Specifically, if highly ambivalent (preoccupied) women entered parenthood perceiving lower levels of support from their husbands, they experienced declines in marital satisfaction. Women's ambivalence also predicted their own as well as their husbands' marital satisfaction and functioning concurrently. The degree of attachment avoidance did not significantly predict marital changes, although women's avoidance did correlate with some of the concurrent marital measures. These findings are discussed in terms of attachment theory.  相似文献   

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