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于秀丽  任洁 《社会心理科学》2004,19(2):77-81,128
尽管一个世纪以来迁移研究方面取得了许多有价值的研究成果,但对于远迁移研究的发展是否取得了突破性的进展仍存有异议。其原因是不能说明迁移发生的各种维度。本文提供了一个框架,描述了9种相关维度。可按照这些维度对迁移的研究进行分类。只有这样才可能将那些相互矛盾的研究成果和那些源于不清楚的术语而产生的分歧区别开来。  相似文献   

样例表面内容对问题解决类比迁移过程的影响   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
莫雷  刘丽虹 《心理学报》1999,32(3):313-321
探讨样例与新问题表面内容不同的相似关系对类经迁移过程的影响。实验1要求被试学习概率问题的样例后,解决与样例表面内容相似关系不同的新问题。结果表明,在新问题的内在原理与样例相同的情况下,两者表面根貌相似有利于被试对新问题的类化,表面对应相似则促进被试对公式的正确运用;  相似文献   

龚银清  李红  方美玲 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1318-1323
学前儿童时期是各种推理能力产生和发展的重要时期。本研究采用Frye和Zelazo等(1996)所设计的“二进二出”装置,设置了规则顺序、规则类型的规则推理任务,采用个别实验法,研究了90名3~4岁儿童规则推理能力的发展。在本研究条件下,结果发现:1.当规则呈现顺序不同时,儿童规则推理成绩差异显著,先呈现哪个规则,则利用这个规则进行推理的成绩就较好;2.不同规则类型下儿童的推理成绩差异极其显著,竖直规则下的推理任务更容易;3.3.5~4岁是儿童二维合取规则推理能力发展的快速期。  相似文献   

唐雪峰  莫雷 《心理科学》2003,26(4):631-633
应用题表面内容分离为表面概貌和对象对应后,还可以进行再分解。本实验将表面概貌分解为具体属性和问题形式,将对象对应分解表述顺序对应和具体对象对应,研究结果表明,表面内容不同方面的相似性对原理运用有不同的影响。  相似文献   

样例和问题的联结方式对迁移作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邢强  莫雷 《应用心理学》2003,9(3):31-35,45
研究了样例和问题的联结方式对学习迁移的影响。实验 1探讨了渐减提示法对学习迁移的作用 ;实验 2进一步检验了渐减提示法对诱发学习者进行自我解释的作用 ;实验 3探讨了“渐减提示 +子目标”这种联结样例和问题的方式对迁移的效果。进行重复测量设计的方差分析 ,实验结果表明 :渐减提示法是动态的联结样例和问题解决的有效形式 ,符合认知技能获得的四阶段模型和建构主义学习观的基本要求 ;渐减提示法有助于促进学习者对样例问题进行高质量的自我解释和产生心理预期 ;用“渐减提示 +子目标引导”来联结样例和问题有助于减轻认知负荷 ,有助于产生高质量的自我解释 ,对原理图式的获得有着重要作用  相似文献   

张树东  张向葵 《心理科学》2007,30(1):100-103
本研究以396名高中二年级学生为被试,采用4×4组间设计探讨规则形式及其呈现问题情境对类比迁移的影响。主要得到以下结论:1.在类比迁移中起关键作用的是规则,但是规则只有与样例结合才能发挥它对样例的促进作用;2.在有问题情境时,直接呈现规则与需要归纳才能得到规则相比,更有利于促进类比迁移;3.在有规则的情况下,样例间的关系为不同领域的相似关系与其他样例间关系相比,对类比迁移的促进作用更大。  相似文献   

推理方向与规则维度对儿童因果推理的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李红  郑持军  高雪梅 《心理学报》2004,36(5):550-557
采用Frye和Zelazo等(1996)所设计的“二进二出”装置(斜面滚球装置),设置了不同的推理方向、规则维度的因果推理任务,采用个别实验法,研究了60名3.5~4.5岁儿童因果推理能力的发展。结果发现:(1)儿童在不同方向的因果推理任务上成绩差异显著,因→果推理成绩要好于果→因推理;(2)不同维度下儿童的推理成绩有极显著的差异性,一维的因果推理更容易,三维合取规则的因果推理任务更难;(3)3.5~4岁左右是儿童因果推理能力发展的快速期。  相似文献   

不同概化的问题原型对问题归类和解决的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
莫雷  吴思娜 《心理学报》2001,34(5):33-41
探讨原理学习过程中形成不同概化程度/问题原型对解决不同适宜程度问题的影响。实验1探讨个体形成不同概化程度问题原型对解决表面内容不同适宜程度的问题的效果;实验2探讨形成不同概化程度问题原型的被试解决问题的信息加工方式与机制;实验3进一步探讨形成不同概化程度问题原型的个体解决复杂问题的效果与机制。结果表明:(1)形成概化程度较高的问题原型有利于个体对表面内容不适宜题目的解答;(2)形成概化程度较高问题原型的被试在解答适宜或不适宜问题时均能迅速激活问题原型而通达原理图式,因此,更多地采用图式的方法解决问题;(3)形成概化程度较高的问题原型会有助于被试排除题目的无关信息,正确进行解答。  相似文献   

样例和练习在促进解题迁移能力中的作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张春莉 《心理学报》2001,34(2):170-175
通过一个2×2×2的因素实验,对96名初一学生在解题迁移能力中受样例和练习的影响进行了研究。结果表明,结合样例进行的练习促进了技能的熟练和解题能力的迁移;练习本身并不总能保证促进技能的熟练和解题能力的迁移,它至少要受三方面因素的影响第一,与在练习中是否有来自外部的指导和反馈有关;第二,与练习的任务性质有关;第三,与参与练习的个体智力和认知水平有关。  相似文献   

杜雪娇  张奇 《心理学报》2016,(11):1445-1454
为了考察"解释法"、"解释-标记法"两种样例设计方法及其"分步呈现"方式对六年级小学生学习代数运算规则的促进作用,以六年级小学生为被试,以"完全平方和"和"平方差"代数运算样例为学习材料,进行了3项实验研究。结果表明:(1)采用"解释法"设计"完全平方和"和"平方差"的代数运算样例,明显提高了代数运算规则的样例学习效果。(2)在"解释法"设计的样例上添加"运算标记"要运用适当,如果运用不当,特别是"运算标记"过多时,容易增加样例学习的认知负荷,从而降低标记的使用效果。(3)对于运算步骤和"运算标记"过多的样例,采用被试自主控制的"分步呈现"运算步骤的样例学习方式,其学习效果显著优于整体呈现样例的学习效果。  相似文献   

小学生代数运算规则的样例学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林洪新  张奇 《心理学报》2007,39(2):257-266
采用完整或不完整样例,对180名六年级小学生用样例学习两种代数运算规则进行了实验研究。结果显示:多数被试难以学会“平方差”运算规则,只有少数被试学会了“完全平方和”运算规则;反馈对不完整样例的学习效果有促进作用;用不完整样例学习难度不同的规则,其效果不同;在无反馈条件下,完整样例的学习效果都好于不完整样例;在有反馈的情况下,只有删除一步运算步骤样例的学习效果比完整样例的学习效果好  相似文献   

In two experiments participants received various training methods designed to relax constraints present in the Four-Tree problem (deBono, 1967 deBono, E. 1967. The use of lateral thinking, London: Jonathan Cape.  [Google Scholar]), a difficult insight problem. Geometry misconceptions were corrected via direct instruction. Participants’ difficulty with developing three-dimensional representations was addressed via spontaneous analogical transfer (Experiment 1) or via cued analogical transfer (Experiment 2). We found that, while both training methods were effective, alleviating multiple constraints was more effective than the alleviation of single constraints via training programmes (c.f. Kershaw & Ohlsson, 2004 Kershaw, T. C. and Ohlsson, S. 2004. Multiple causes of difficulty in insight: The case of the nine-dot problem. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 30: 313. doi: 10.1037/0278-7393.30.1.3[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Providing single difficulty hints was ineffective in promoting solution. Implications for multiple paths to transfer (Nokes, 2009 Nokes, T. J. 2009. Mechanisms of knowledge transfer. Thinking & Reasoning, 15: 136. doi: 10.1080/13546780802490186[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Nokes & Ohlsson, 2005 Nokes, T. J. and Ohlsson, S. 2005. Comparing multiple paths to mastery: What is learned?. Cognitive Science, 29: 769796. doi: 10.1207/s15516709cog0000_32[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and multiple constraints are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to test the hypothesis that changing perspectives from one's own to another's promotes the engagement of analytic processing and, in turn, reduces the impact of beliefs. In two experiments participants evaluated research vignettes containing belief-consistent and belief-inconsistent conclusions, and indicated whether the data supported a correlation between two variables. Consistent with our hypothesis, the tendency to endorse correlations consistent with prior belief was reduced when participants evaluated the data from the researcher's perspective relative to their own. We also administered the Actively Open Minded Thinking (AOT) scale (Stanovich & West, 2007, 2008), which did not predict belief effects on our task. We did however observe that the AOT was reliably associated with different response strategies: high AOT scorers were more inclined to choose ambiguous response options, such as “no conclusion is warranted”, whereas low scorers evinced a preference for more determinate options (e.g., there is no relationship between the two variables). We interpret our findings in the context of dual process theories of reasoning and from a Bayesian perspective.  相似文献   

Rules in the form of advice can inaccurately state the effects of recommended responses by overstating or understating size of the consequences. Three experiments investigated the effects of such inaccuracies on patterns of rule control and rule choice with female college students. In Experiment 1, signaled accurate, overstated, or understated rules specified that a given number of points would be earned by pressing a designated key. For some subjects, rules specified a number of points to be gained; for other subjects, rules specified a number of points to be lost from an amount given earlier. Point totals stated in the inaccurate rules averaged 25% more (overstated) or 25% less (understated) than those received. When subjects could choose either the response specified in the rule or an alternative response that produced an unpredictable number of points, they showed greater sensitivity to the inaccuracy of overstated rules than understated rules. In trials at the end of the experiment in which subjects could choose which rule to see, subjects did not always choose accurate rules and often chose inaccurate rules for which they had shown less sensitivity earlier. Experiment 2 replicated this pattern in which subjects could choose which type of rule to see on a greater number of trials. Some evidence suggested that subjects prefer an improvement from the outcomes promised to those later received. In Experiment 3, rules misstated by averages of 25% and 50% were compared. Evidence suggested that increasing the size of the misstatement reduced the discrimination of inaccurate rules from accurate ones.  相似文献   

In prediction, subset relations require that the probability of conjoined events is never higher than that of constituent events. However, people's judgments regularly violate this principle, producing conjunction errors. In diagnosis, the probability of a hypothesis normatively is often higher for conjoined cues. An online survey used a within‐subjects design to explore the degree to which participants (n = 347) differentiated diagnosis and prediction using matched scenarios and both choice and estimation responses. Conjunctions were judged more probable than a constituent in diagnosis (76%) more often than prediction (64%) and in choice (84%) more often than direct estimation (57%), with no interaction of type of task and response mode. Correlation, regression, and path analyses were used to determine the relationships among individual difference variables and the diagnosis and prediction tasks. Among the correlation findings was that time spent on the task predicted higher conjunction probabilities in diagnosis but not prediction and that class inclusion errors predicted increased conjunction errors in choice but not estimation. Need for cognition and numeracy were only minimally related to reasoning about conjunctions. Results are consistent with the idea that people may misapply diagnostic reasoning to the prediction task and consequently commit the conjunction error. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The literature on recursive theory of mind (TOM) reasoning in interactive decision making (reasoning of the type “I think that you think that I think…”) has been pessimistic, suggesting that adults attribute to others levels of reasoning that are low and slow to increase with learning. In four experiments with college‐age adults playing sequential games, we examined whether choices and predictions were consistent with believing that others pursue their immediate self‐interest, or with believing that others reason through their own decision making, with fixed‐sum games that were simpler and more competitive. This manipulation led to higher‐level default TOM reasoning; indeed, reasoning against a lower‐level opponent was frequently consistent with assuming the opponent's reasoning to be higher‐level, leading to sub‐optimal choices. We conclude that TOM reasoning is not of a low level in all game settings; rather, individuals may display effective TOM reasoning, reflecting realistic assumptions about their opponents, in competitive and relatively simple games. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study made an attempt to induce fear-related reasoning biases by providing children with negative information about a novel stimulus. For this purpose, non-clinical children aged 9-12 years (N = 318) were shown a picture of an unknown animal for which they received either negative, ambiguous, positive, or no information. Then children completed a series of tests for measuring various types of reasoning biases (i.e., confirmation bias and covariation bias) in relation to this animal. Results indicated that children in the negative and, to a lesser extent, the ambiguous information groups displayed higher scores on tests of fear-related reasoning biases than children in the positive and no information groups. Altogether, these results support the idea that learning via negatively tinted information plays a role in the development of fear-related cognitive distortions in youths.  相似文献   

Octopus vulgaris is able to open transparent glass jars closed with plastic plugs and containing live crabs. The decrease in performance times for removing the plug and seizing the prey with increasing experience of the task has been taken to indicate learning. However, octopuses’ attack behaviors are typically slow and variable in novel environmental situations. In this study the role of preexposure to selected features of the problem-solving context was investigated. Although octopuses failed to benefit from greater familiarity with the training context or with selected elements of the task of solving the jar problem, the methodological strategies used are instructive in potentially clarifying the role of complex problem-solving behaviors in this species including stimulus preexposure and social learning. Received: 27 April 1998 / Accepted after revision: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a computational framework aimed at extending the problem solving capabilities of cognitive artificial agents through the introduction of a novel, goal-directed, dynamic knowledge generation mechanism obtained via a non monotonic reasoning procedure. In particular, the proposed framework relies on the assumption that certain classes of problems cannot be solved by simply learning or injecting new external knowledge in the declarative memory of a cognitive artificial agent but, on the other hand, require a mechanism for the automatic and creative re-framing, or re-formulation, of the available knowledge. We show how such mechanism can be obtained trough a framework of dynamic knowledge generation that is able to tackle the problem of commonsense concept combination. In addition, we show how such a framework can be employed in the field of cognitive architectures in order to overcome situations like the impasse in SOAR by extending the possible options of its subgoaling procedures.  相似文献   

The effect of controlled verbalization on learning to solve complex problems was investigated. Fifty participants individually solved the six-disk Tower of Hanoi problem as a criterion task, following one of the five treatments represented in a 2 × 2 factorial design with an appended control group. One factor was the presence or absence of a practice series which required participants to provide verbal rationales for their moves. The other was the presence or absence of verbalization on the six-disk criterion task. The control participants performed the practice tasks and the criterion task without verbalization. Although practice tended to be more effective than no practice for improving performance, its strongest effect occurred when it was coupled with controlled verbalization. Controlled verbalization during the criterion task facilitated performance, but only for subjects who received no prior practice. It was concluded that verbalization was most helpful during the initial flexible stages of learning to solve problems before the skill had become organized. The discussion indicated that performance is facilitated by the quality and timing of the use of verbalizations rather than by the mere activity of verbalizing.  相似文献   

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