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A single experiment is reported that investigated implicit learning using a conjunctive rule set applied to natural words. Participants memorized a training list consisting of words that were either rare-concrete and common-abstract or common-concrete and rare-abstract. At test, they were told of the rule set, but not told what it was. Instead, they were shown all four word types and asked to classify words as rule-consistent words or not. Participants classified the items above chance, but were unable to verbalize the rules, even when shown a list that included the categories that made up the conjunctive rule and asked to select them. Most participants identified familiarity as the reason for classifying the items as they did. An analysis of the materials demonstrated that conscious micro-rules (i.e., chunk knowledge) could not have driven performance. We propose that such materials offer an alternative to artificial grammar for studies of implicit learning.  相似文献   

Scapegoating: an alternative to role differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P J Burke 《Sociometry》1969,32(2):159-168

In this article, I depict the shared belief in resurrection as subversive vis-à-vis political totalities. More particularly, I argue that the idea of resurrection as insurrection emerges against the background of the political realities of the Roman Empire and its diverse tools for controlling people through public spectacles of terror that heighten fear, helplessness, and indifference, thwarting motivations for resistance and insurrection. From this context, resurrection reveals a present-future possibility of an embodied care, hope, and freedom in spite of and not subject to principalities that aim to subjugate bodies and minds. Given this idea of resurrection, I use an emended version of Winnicott’s (1953, 1967, 1971) concept of potential space and Arendt’s (1958) space of appearances to portray the interpersonal and psychosocial dynamics that make it possible for people to retain care, hope, and freedom in resisting and subverting the political totalities that undermine each.  相似文献   

The study of personality disorders, no less psychology as a wole, remains divorced from broader spheres of scientific knowledge. Development of a conceptual schema for classifying personality disorders should include the examination of research limitations and inductive inconsistences that undermine the likely achievements of the evidential approach. An alternative course of action is outlined here, one that looks to evolutionary theory rather than evidence-based methods for classification guidance.  相似文献   

Philip Hefner 《Zygon》2004,39(2):487-496
Abstract. Our ideas of disease try to explain it, and they aim at facilitating cures. In the process, they become entwined in sociocultural networks that have totalizing effects. Disease, however, counters this totalizing effect by revealing to us that our lives are fragments. Unless we engage this fragment character of disease and of our lives, we cannot properly understand disease or deal with it. HIV/AIDS clarifies these issues in an extraordinarily powerful fashion. Medical, legal, commercial, political, and institutional approaches to disease overlook the fragment character of disease in favor of totalizing world‐ views. A theology of disease is necessary in order to maintain the focus on fragments. Unless we recognize this fragment character, we do not really understand our lives, and we do not really understand either disease or healing.  相似文献   

The concept of projective identification as a primitive defense mechanism is reassessed. An alternative hypothesis is offered: that projective identification can best be understood as a compromise formation which includes as its major component an "identification with the aggressor" or a "turning of passive into active." This reversal is demonstrated within a two-tiered transference/countertransference of the analyst as powerful parent and the patient as the helpless child. On the deeper level the patient enacts the role of dominant parent and the analyst experiences the feelings which the patient had felt as a child.  相似文献   

Traditional self-report ratings have some measurement problems that a relatively new method, best-worst scaling (BWS; Finn & Louviere, 1992), may overcome. This alternative method, based on Louviere's BWS, can be used to measure the relative importance or perceived trade-offs among choice alternatives. The method is illustrated as an alternative to the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS; Schwartz, 1992). In a series of samples, it was found that Schwartz values best-worst survey (SVBWS) reproduced Schwartz's (1992) theoretical value structure and supported hypothesized relationships between values and value-expressive behaviors, ethnocentrism, and environmental-related tourism activities. In addition, the SVBWS approach took significantly less respondent time than the traditional SVS approach.  相似文献   

In this commentary, arguments are made for a dendritic code being preferable to a temporal synaptic code as a model of conscious experience. A temporal firing pattern is a product of an ongoing neural computation; hence, it is based on a neural algorithm and an algorithm may not provide the most suitable model for conscious experience. Reiteration of a temporal firing code as suggested in a preceding article (Helekar, 1999) does not necessarily improve the situation. The alternative model presented here is that certain synaptic activity patterns, possibly those possessing universal features as suggested by Helekar, can become encoded in the dendritic structure. Following dendritic encoding, quantum phenomena in those specific dendrite sets could illuminate the static image of that encoded synaptic activity. It is the activation of the static image that would be equivalent to conscious experience; thus, conscious awareness would not be directly affiliated with synaptic activity. This dendrite encoding model may go farther than other models to explain the gestalt nature of consciousness, insofar as quantum entanglement could produce an interconnectedness between specific sets of dendrites-an interconnectedness that need not be based on neural computation or neural connections.  相似文献   

Switching between tasks requires individuals to inhibit mental representations of the previous task demands and to activate representations of the new demands. To date, investigators have identified only one way to measure task set inhibition??that is, through a backward inhibition (BI) paradigm. In this paradigm, participants take more time to return to a task set that was recently abandoned (e.g., ??A?? in an ABA task sequence) than to a nonrecently abandoned task set (e.g., CBA), and investigators have demonstrated that this time cost reflects time needed to overcome the inhibition of the recently abandoned task set. To date, however, investigators have not been able to use this paradigm, or any other, to isolate brain activity related to task set inhibition. For example, contrasting the brain activity elicited by ABA and CBA trials will not isolate activity related to task set inhibition, because inhibition occurs during the initial switch away from task A (i.e., ABA). Given that there is currently no way to directly isolate the brain activity related to task set inhibition, we decided instead to examine how brain activity during task switching varies in individuals who are better than others at inhibiting the previous task set. We found that participants who were good at inhibiting previous task sets, as measured with the BI paradigm, exhibited more activity in the basal ganglia and supplementary motor area/premotor area when task switching, as measured via functional magnetic resonance imaging. These findings suggest that activity in these regions plays a role in task set inhibition.  相似文献   

Boyce  Kenneth 《Philosophical Studies》2020,177(10):2815-2835
Philosophical Studies - Easy-road mathematical fictionalists grant for the sake of argument that quantification over mathematical entities is indispensable to some of our best scientific theories...  相似文献   

The collapse of significant human relationships is a primary cause of psychosis. When basic trust is extinguished, a person can feel that his or her actual existence is threatened by genuine relationships. Yet, every human being has a powerful innate need for relationships. Such is the tragic paradox of psychosis: the person is, at the same time, in terror over the possibility of a relationship and in despair over the impossibility of a relationship. An alternative psychotherapy must emerge that allows the psychotherapist and the disturbed person to build a bond of mutual care. Each person unconditionally accepts and confirms the other for what he is, and for what he may become. The psychotherapist must enter the bizarre psychotic world as a partner in a journey to recover the lost wholeness of the psychotic person. This relationship can serve as a bridge which allows the psychotic person to creatively discover a way to rejoin the normal world.  相似文献   

The Fisher-Pitman permutation test is shown to possess significant advantages over conventional alternatives when analyzing differences among independent samples with unequal variances.  相似文献   

Unlike the principles of Kant, Mill, and Rawls, those of principlism are not action guides that stem from an underlying, integrated moral theory. Hence problems arise in reconciling the principles with each other and, indeed, in interpreting them as action guides at all, since they have no content in and of themselves. Another approach to "theory and method in bioethics" is presented as an alternative to principlism, though actually the "alternative" predates principlism by about 10 years. The alternative's account of morality stays close to ordinary, common morality with its rules and ideals, which in turn are grounded in aspects of human nature. As such, morality must be understood to be a rational, impartial, and public system that is incumbent on everyone. Morality is a unified and integrated system. The moral rules and ideals are also "culture-" and "profession-sensitive" in that they are interpreted more specifically within these various contexts.  相似文献   

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