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Narrative therapy with parents as they are coming to terms with their adolescent sons’ and daughters’ coming-out as lesbian or gay provides a framework for reauthoring stories and revisioning identities as they negotiate the challenge of becoming lesbian/gay-membered families. Recognized for complementing the elements of multicultural practice, narrative therapy offers therapeutic interventions that are culturally sensitive and acknowledge the role of power and privilege in socially imaging what it means to be lesbian or gay. In this article the familiar storylines that these families bring into therapy are illustrated, and family work with parents of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents is conceptualized using a narrative therapy lens.  相似文献   

In this paper the author shares some of his experiences of using silence in therapy. He presents one of the modes of practicing silence, namely the meditation technique known as Contemplative Prayer, and shows advantages of using this technique in the process of self-purification and self-balancing of the therapist. The author stipulates that silence is a royal way to discovering God. Finding this divine particle within oneself and client changes the whole outlook of therapy. The therapist is no longer alone with the client, but God becomes an active participant in the therapeutic process through His love for both therapist and client.  相似文献   

The spiritual aspect of early childhood education is supported by the early childhood curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand, Te Whāriki. Research in three different early childhood settings presents new perspectives on the everyday experiences of children in terms of spirituality. Each setting formed a case study that included the voices of children, parents and teachers. Focusing on the practices that surround food and eating, this narrative account takes the sharing of food as a starting point for analysing the spiritual experiences of young children and the metaphor of ‘breaking bread’ is used. It is proposed that the concept of everyday spirituality informs the practice of teachers in each context and working with young children involves considering issues of equity, culture and well‐being.  相似文献   

Professional family therapy in Africa is heavily influenced by theories and principles of Western family practice. Its practice structure and philosophies are however grounded on African family values and the principles and orientations of traditional African psychology. This paper presents a clinical report that illustrates adaptations we make to incorporate compatible aspects of narrative family practice in African and Western cultures. A summary of African family values and child psychology intended as a background perspective is provided. The paper is significant against the background of the current need for forging multiculturally relevant healing methods that fit well with the globalized nature of the contemporary world. Augustine Nwoye, PhD, is Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychology, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya (amnwoye@avu.org). Professor. Nwoye has developed an African paradigm for mental health and, in particular, for family and couple therapy. He also has experience in dealing with stress and multiple losses, especially surrounding HIV/AIDS within an African context. *An earlier version of the paper was presented to the members of staff and students of the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, England, UK, and the initial version was presented to the members of the Family Therapy Program of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. I wish to thank Dr. Colleen McLaughlin (University of Cambridge) and Professor Karl Tomm (University of Calgary) for their invitation, assistance, time, attention, and suggestions.  相似文献   

Halvorsen, J.Ø. & Stenmark, H. (2010). Narrative exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in tortured refugees: A preliminary uncontrolled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51, 495–502. Torture has severe mental health effects, especially in terms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. However, there is still a lack of empirical treatment studies. The present paper presents data on 16 torture survivors receiving 10 sessions of narrative exposure therapy (NET). Symptoms of PTSD and depression, assessed by Clinician‐Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), decreased significantly from pre‐treatment to 6‐month follow‐up, with Cohen’s d effect sizes of 1.16 and 0.84, respectively. Although treatment gains were moderate, further research on evidence‐based treatments for PTSD and depression in refugee torture survivors is warranted.  相似文献   

Economic stress greatly increases the likelihood of mental health issues occurring within a family. Although this is widely known within the mental health profession, there is a lack of literature that assists therapists in working effectively with low-income clients. As a result, marriage and family therapists may be ill equipped to meet the needs of those in poverty, and may even be conducting therapy that is ethically unsound. The authors of this article discuss several ethical and professional issues regarding therapy with families in poverty. A number of suggestions are presented for improving the effectiveness of therapy with low-income clients. Michele E. Grimes and Alyssa D. McElwain are masters students in Marriage and Family Therapy at Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN. Michele E. Grimes and Alyssa D. McElwain contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

介入治疗是冠心病治疗的重要手段之一。但目前在稳定性冠心病的治疗中出现了过度使用的问题。因此我们必须理性地认识到,包括冠脉介入治疗(PCI)在内的血运重建措施只是重要的治疗手段之一,而绝非其全部。在稳定性冠心病治疗中,健康教育、改变生活方式、充分的药物治疗也是不可或缺的部分。  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of narrative approaches to couple and family therapy and the demonstrated effectiveness of enactments—a clinical process typically articulated and utilized in more modern or positivistic approaches to therapy—there is very little, if any, literature exploring how enactments may fit within a narrative therapeutic framework. In this paper we suggest: That narrative therapy theoretical assumptions, principles, and therapeutic processes may coexist within an enactment framework articulated by Butler and Gardner; that such assumptions and processes may be enhanced when clinicians use an enactment scaffolding throughout the therapeutic process; and that this enactment framework empirically informs the narrative therapy process and strengthens the stance of narrative therapy under the scrutiny of those claiming a need for an evidence basis in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

叙事疗法在治疗抑郁症的过程中,以把人和问题分开的外化思维和“问题从哪里来”的解构思维为基础,从个体监控、家庭监控和社会文化层面的监控三个视角,去追溯困扰抑郁症来访者问题的源头。从而可以有距离地看待“抑郁症”这个问题,提高患者对抑郁症的掌控感和力量感。叙事疗法从患者生命中的闪光点着手,通过寻找抑郁症患者生命中的独特结果,重塑、改写和丰厚抑郁症患者想要的生命故事,从而重建患者的自我身份认同,开启崭新的生命历程,带着新的自我身份认同,从而应对生命中的问题和困难。  相似文献   

The present article addresses the questions of what changes during narrative-informed career interventions and what prompts client reflection. We interrogated two case studies that both used the interventions of Pictorial Narratives (Taylor & Santoro, 2016) and My Career Story (Savickas & Hartung, 2012). Being heard and validated were elements that prompted client change through increased reflexivity and agency. And, reflexivity and agency were fostered by encouraging clients to consider the contrast between problem and preferred pictorials and to connect the perspective from early recollections to possibilities in a reconstructed career narrative. This pair of contrasting symbols prompted deep sense-making and new realizations that primed purposeful actions in the real world to reconstruct career and life. In addition to addressing the questions posed by the organizers, this article describes how the Pictorial Narrative methods, when used in career counseling, can been integrated with the My Career Story workbook to enhance client reflection and agency. The two case examples illustrate this unique integration of constructionist career counseling interventions.  相似文献   

The review was conducted to explore psychosocial interventions for adults with substance-use disorders. A refined literature focus was placed on articles published by occupational therapists, or articles published by an allied health professional, that discussed occupational therapy performing the intervention. Ten articles met inclusion criteria, all focusing on aspects of life skills training. Study results support the professions’ ability to enhance functional independence and occupational performance for individuals recovering from substance use. Further, a more controlled investigation is warranted to further define occupational therapy’s scope within substance-use disorder treatment.  相似文献   

精神疾病时代心理治疗的哲学反思   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
在精神疾病时代 ,心理治疗家应增强心理治疗的文化敏感性 ,关注心理治疗对象的个体性 ,将目标和价值作为关注焦点的同时重视哲学引导在心理治疗中的作用  相似文献   

Narrative therapy in the last 15 years has been utilized by many clinicians and yet there is a lack of research on therapists' experience of this approach. This ethnographic research explores the views and perceptions of eight narrative therapists who belonged to a narrative team in an outpatient clinic. These therapists were observed and interviewed. Five themes emerge from the data. The themes include a sense of success in reducing the clients' problems as well as some limitations of narrative therapy. Two recommendations for research and practice involve the use of narrative therapy without a team and the use of narrative therapy in addressing issues of family violence.  相似文献   


The author considers both the psychoanalytic field and the ways in which the characters of a psychoanalytic session can be understood. He then develops one of Bion's ideas, the dream in the waking state, by isolating the derivatives of such dreams or rather the alpha elements they consist of. The author implies a theory of technique which takes account of all the signals "the bi-personal field" gives the analyst about the functioning of the analytic couple by means of "narrative derivatives". This enables continual changes to be made in interpretation  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe project responds to calls for research that attends to issues of cultural diversity within sport and that facilitates expanded understandings of socially constructed identities. The intersecting identities of elite female boxers are explored in terms of how they shape experiences of marginalization and well-being within sport. Focus is on constructions of race and ethnicity, language, and religion.DesignAn intersectional lens grounded in social constructionism was integrated with a cultural sport psychology approach to espouse the complexity, fluidity, and multi-dimensionality of the athletes’ identities as the product of intersecting narratives.MethodsMandala drawings and conversational interviews were employed as open-ended data collection processes that enabled the participants to share their identities. Portrait vignettes were then developed as creative nonfiction to elucidate how identities dynamically intersect and shape sport experiences.ResultsFive portrait vignettes layer together to show issues of identity expression, oppression and White privilege within the boxing context. The stories provide contextual insight into the ways in which athletes continually construct and negotiate identities in relation to dynamics of difference and sameness. They move fluidly between identities that are valued and identities that are marginalized, moments of open expression and moments of concealment.ConclusionsThe research contributes to social justice missions within sport by illuminating how certain identities result in individuals being dis/advantaged, socially excluded, and discriminated against. Possibilities are revealed for challenging social inequalities and facilitating more inclusive sport spaces that resonate with who athletes are as holistic, multifaceted people.  相似文献   


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by instability in interpersonal relationships, volatile perceptions of self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity, presenting in various contexts. Current BPD treatments are individual-centered, coping skills based, with a reduced emphasis on identifying etiology and systemic components. Narrative therapy focuses on deconstructing and reauthoring personal stories. A clinical case study shows narrative therapy to be efficacious, however, sometimes psychotherapeutic interventions alone are inadequate in managing these symptoms. Medication can serve as a useful adjunct in addressing self-injurious behaviors, suicidal ideation, and dissociation. Researchers further discuss the integration of naltrexone into treatment of BPD symptoms.  相似文献   

This article discusses an approach for the training and supervision of new therapists built around social constructionist and poststructuralist ideas from a narrative therapy perspective. We briefly discuss some of the pitfalls of current training/supervision in marriage and family therapy (MFT) that are deficit based and/or that disproportionately grant privilege to expert knowledge. We articulate this emerging training approach which utilizes the rite of passage metaphor, centers relationalism, and incorporates the honoring and privileging of new therapists' lived experience, knowledges, skills, talents, ideas, morals, personal ethics, values, beliefs. Concrete practices of experience privileging, re-membering, and creating communities of concern are detailed, and illustrative examples from our supervision work are given.  相似文献   

Some of the chief characteristics of the narrative psychology of Bruner, Polkinghorne, Sarbin, Freeman, Howard, and White and Epston are outlined with implications for therapy discussed. Narrative psychology is then related to some current models of adult development, including those of Kegan, Perry, Belenky, Labouvie-Vief, Levinson, Basseches, and Pascual-Leone. Types of narrative competence are discussed and an argument is made that developmental readiness for narrative must be considered if narrative approaches are going to be applied. Different types of narrative approaches are shown to be indicative of particular developmental stages. The social relativism of narrative psychology is addressed and it is argued that developmental models provide a scheme for assessing the maturity of alternative narrative constructions.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe dominant role-based conceptualisations of athletic identity have recently been challenged in favour of theoretical perspectives that view identity as a complex cultural construction. In the present study, we analysed empirical studies on athletic identity positioned in narrative and discursive approaches to gain an insight into the use and subsequent contribution of these approaches to knowledge production in this research topic.Design and methodA total of 23 articles, of which 18 narrative studies and five discursive studies, were identified in a systematic literature search. We used the meta-study method to analyse these studies in terms of basic assumptions, methodologies, and findings.ResultsEarly narrative studies focused on biographical disruption in career termination and/or severe injury, whereas more recent studies examined the impact of different identity narratives on athletes' well-being and career decisions. Discursive studies examined the multiple ways in which dominant understandings of gender, age, and the athletic body are (re)produced and normalised within sporting cultures and institutions and can act to constrain athletes to certain identities and practices. Both approaches highlighted that elite sport culture offers limited narrative resources or subject positions for athletes, and can endanger athletes' well-being if they are unable to comply with dominant ideals of being an athlete.ConclusionsNarrative and discursive approaches have advanced understandings of the constitutive role of sporting culture in athletic identity formation. Future research should continue exploring athletic identity in various physical cultural contexts and seek to identify alternative narratives and discourses that may enable athletes to construct more adaptive identities.  相似文献   

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