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中国社会科学院的庞朴教授根据文化不断融合的多种动力将中国思想史划分为三个时期.受此睿见的启发,我想要探索文化碰撞和融合的某些方面;我将把思考的重心集中在儒家传统的创造性主题上,主要方向包括以下几个问题:儒学如何从文化碰撞中获益,特别是历代儒生如何创造新的儒家学说去应对他们时代的危机?我们能从这些转化和再创儒学传统的努力中学些什么?当今中国的研究课题是否继承了这种文化复兴传统?这类当今复兴传统的研究是否有一个特好的例子,而可以引起在当代东亚关注类似文化价值观的人?  相似文献   

<正>中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林在2月8日与全国性宗教团体负责人座谈时指出,要全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,紧紧抓住服务科学发展和促进社会和谐两大任务,  相似文献   

The term “postsecular” is proliferating in the writings of scholars working in the humanities and social sciences. This article assesses the variety of meanings attributed to the term, groups them in six clusters of ideas, and raises questions about the tensions that exist between some of its different meanings. Taking the central idea that religions enjoy relatively high visibility in the public sphere of postsecular societies, the article then considers how well this applies to the case of Britain. It argues that the visibility of religion in Britain's public sphere—far from being postsecular in any of the current meanings of the term—is actually associated with the state's “interpellation” of selected religions as partners in the delivery of public policies for managing diversity, combating inequality, and promoting social enterprise.  相似文献   

19世纪末、特别是自进入20世纪以来涌现出一些不同于传统宗教的新兴宗教之涌现。这种异军突起的新兴宗教现象立意不同、形态各异、变化多样、影响复杂,为宗教研究者提供了一个重要且必要的全新研究课题。笔者认为,应以科学发展观为指导思想来研究新兴宗教,这主要表现为,第一,应该从社会、时代的发展来看新兴宗教的产生及其展示的新特色。第二,应该从人们精神生活的普遍性及其神圣或神秘表达的独特性来观察、区分不同宗教的共性和特性。第三,应该从人类丰富多元的精神及社会生活来看待新兴宗教反应、适应、回应这种生活的形式及效果,论及其张力与和谐、正面与负面、消极与积极。  相似文献   

用中华优秀传统文化浸润宗教是促进我国宗教中国化的关键,是管根本、打基础、利长远的工作.中华优秀传统文化与中国宗教文化的相互影响融合源远流长,在两者不断对话汇通、彼此涵摄的历史进程中,呈现出儒释道和谐共存、相互渗透,伊斯兰、天主教、基督教等积极适应中华文化的格局.但总的来说,中华优秀传统文化浸润宗教正处在从自发向自觉的发...  相似文献   

论儒家思想中的"人"与"自然"之关系:兼论其21世纪之启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨儒家思想传统中“人”与“自然”之关系。本文先从比较文化史视野,析论中国思维方式之特质在于“联系性思维方式”。本文指出,儒家思想传统以“联系性思维方式”为基础,强调“人”与“自然”之间是一种相即相融并互相渗透的关系。“自然”是“人”的创生者,“人”也是“自然”的参与者。儒家思想家主张“人”与“自然”之间具有连续性与一体性之关系。这两种关系之所以可能,其基础正在于人与宇宙万物都以生生不已的仁德为其本性。“仁”既内在于每个人的心性之中,又超越于每个个体之上,成为宇宙万物之共同质素。而儒家思想中“人”与“自然”之连续性与一体观的建立与发展,正是以人“心”之自觉为其基础。  相似文献   

中国民间普遍信仰关公,不仅得益于历代朝廷的加谥崇奉、话本曲艺的塑造渲染、神迹的显灵传说,同时还得益于佛、道二教对关公这一神祇信仰的拓展。关公被佛教吸收为护法神将,尊为伽蓝菩萨,而在道教中则演绎为惩恶扬善的关圣帝君。  相似文献   

反思针灸学研究60余年的历史,有许多经验需要吸取.从研究环境的改善到研究思路的拓展、研究方向的探索、研究方法的选用、研究目的与研究内容的确定等,都留下了许多教训.这些问题的存在除了管理体制方面的原因之外,主要还与这支队伍不合理的知识结构有重要关系,而知识结构的问题又与大学及研究生教育质量低下密不可分.  相似文献   

韩国宗教现状简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要根据调查统计资料,简述韩国宗教现状,企望学者能对当代韩国宗教作更多的了解和更深入的研究.  相似文献   

中国的民间宗教与儒释道三教   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马伯乐在本文重点讨论了20世纪的中国人的信仰特点,中国的民间宗教和儒释道三教在传统社会中的地位和相互关系,以及各自的神职人员、信奉的神灵、仪式及传统等。作者认为中国神鬼世界的特点是与人间世界相仿佛,是帝王政治的影像和模拟。  相似文献   

Rainer Flasche 《Religion》2013,43(4):323-330
Why was death considered polluting within classical Greek society when Olympian sacrifice was ubiquitous? Outside the polis the Greeks’ view of the uncultivated or improperly cultivated geography and of their own ‘city-less’ past was just the other way around. Here death represented no pollution whatsoever, while Olympian sacrifice was either absent or not properly performed. Death and life had yet to be separated, as had happened in the proper human realm of the Greek polis. Any reintroduction of either natural death or sacrifice into the ‘city of life’ would consequently negate its very structures. Sacrifice differed exactly through the aspect of control. Acts of sacrifice were therefore used to control the onset of natural death. But why would the Greeks sacrifice also in every other possible context? As the essential human characteristic, mortality pertained to all human creations, including the polis. Left to itself, the polis would wither and die. Through Olympian sacrifice, humans dissolved the structures of the city without ever losing control, thereby introducing the unlimited potential as still found in the primordial state of the uncultivated geography. The structures of the polis were recreated through the proper division of the sacrificial victim.  相似文献   

Rainer Flasche 《Religion》1996,26(4):323-330
Translator's Note. Possible connections between the study of religions and European fascism, if not indeed Nazism, have sparked considerable discussion and debate in the English-speaking world. Consider the celebrated cases of Mircea Eliade and Georges Dumézil.By contrast, the work of German scholars of religion during the NS period has been relatively little studied. Still, there have been exceptions. Burkhard Gladigow of Tübingen has published ‘Naturwissenschaftliche Modellvorstellungen in der Religionswissenschaft in der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen’.1Recently, the study of religions during the Third Reich has become the subject of an ongoing seminar at Philipps-Universität Marburg. To date, one student has declared his intentions to write a thesis on the topic. Rainer Flasche, who convenes the seminar, has also worked on the topic extensively. The following essay is a preliminary indication of his results.Flasche, born in Hannover in 1942, studied theology, philosophy, German, and the history of religions in Marburg. He has taught history of religions there since 1971, making his habilitation in 1975. His best known work isDie Religionswissenschaft Joachim Wachs(Berlin: de Gruyter, 1978).Readers may wish especially to note what emerges as the central principle of Nazi religio-historical hermeneutics: that only those who belong to a race (gender? class?) can understand it. Thus, only Germans can understand Germanic religion. The essay may also shed some light on the study of religions in Germany after the war. A reviewer of a recent book by Isaiah Berlin has noted how Berlin's lasting confidence in the liberal tradition perhaps derives from the usefulness of that tradition in Eastern Europe, where Berlin spent his formative years. In post-war Germany, the study of religions has emphasized a positivism that remains close to the sources and shuns explicit theorizing, an emphasis in which Flasche clearly concurs. The usefulness of this strategy should not be overlooked. It allowed German scholars of the NS period, but also later under communist rule in the Democratic Republic and to some extent within the confines of state-run theology programs in the Federal Republic, to work independently of and even oppose a sanctioned ideology. The strategy was not to champion competing theories but to oppose ideological claims with ‘facts’. This stance contrasts sharply with the theoretical richness that characterized German thought about religions before 1933, but—once burned, twice cautious.A note on terminology. The development of the nation-state took markedly different courses in the German and English speaking worlds. As a result, the wordVolkand the adjectivevölkischhave no entirely satisfactory English equivalents. The connotations of ‘nation’ are too limited, because the GermanVolkwas an ideal that transcended not only the principalities that dominated German political life from 1648 to 1866 but also the remnants of German glory that remained after World War I and even the extensive empire administered by Prussia from 1866 to 1918. Therefore, I have translatedVolkas ‘people’. But English ‘popular’ has quite a different sense fromVölkisch, so forvölkischI have used the adjective ‘national’ instead. Readers should keep in mind the direct verbal link between the two in the original.  相似文献   

The research of Richardson and his colleagues is affirmed. The overwhelming conclusion of investigations has demonstrated that members of new religions are not, as a group, psychopathological. There is little evidence that entrance into these groups has been due to coercive persuasion. However, future studies should use more sensitive measures to assess attitude and behavior change. The relative weight of selection versus socialization in joining also needs further investigation. New religious groups provide ideal settings for the study of such topics as personality, gender roles, adult socialization, behavior change, self-concept, and beliefs systems.  相似文献   

The writings of African scholars who are committed to Christianity have been assessed negatively, particularly as regards the study of African traditional religions (ATRs). This article surveys the context that influenced African Christian scholars and illustrates why cultural nationalism features in some of their writings. While accepting the validity of some of the criticisms, this essay maintains that the writings of African Christian scholars remain important.  相似文献   

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