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伊壁鸠鲁的快乐论认为,快乐是天生的最高的善,理性是快乐的工具,哲学是医治心灵痛苦的良药,美德是获得快乐的手段。他的思想曾一度受到普遍欢迎,但其缺陷也是显而易见的,其快乐论,对于当代中国青年人生价值观教育极具警示意义。  相似文献   

罗晓颖 《哲学研究》2023,(3):98-108+127
伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学不寻求单纯的自然知识,对自然的研究具有一种伦理旨归,即通过阐释天体运行现象、万物生灭变化,以及人类痛苦和欲望的界限,消除人们对天体、诸神、死亡、病痛、以及欲望的疑惧,摒除心灵忧扰以获得基于快乐感觉的幸福。伊壁鸠鲁在构建其自然学说时,一定程度上洞见了自然研究者自身及其知识的限度。他因而重视记诵而非探究;在确立世界的物质性这一根本和唯一的原则后,在天象学领域主张多因解释,并据此确立诸神退隐的新宇宙图景,构筑消除一切心灵忧惧的内在堡垒;他建立学园共同体,提倡“过隐秘生活”以应对外部忧扰,并以此作为实现伦理旨归的外在堡垒。  相似文献   

伊壁鸠鲁哲学因以幸福为旨归,也被称为幸福论哲学;但又由于他对幸福和快乐的特别解释,而被视为快乐主义,甚至背负享乐主义的恶名.然而,伊壁鸠鲁幸福观突出的特征却是“心神宁静”,快乐在他不过是“身体的无痛和精神的无扰”,而要达到这一目标,就要求将人的心灵从各种束缚中解脱出来.因而,伊壁鸠鲁幸福论最深沉的内核是“自由”.正是在这一点上,本文认为,马克思的幸福观虽然充满实践和行动的激情,但伊壁鸠鲁挣脱必然性而终获自由的观念对他却不无影响.马克思在斗争中体味幸福,并为人类的幸福而创造,但根本目标始终是人的最终解放和自由.  相似文献   

伊壁鸠鲁创立的哲学在晚期希腊时期的影响甚至超过了斯多亚派,伊壁鸠鲁及其传人卢克莱修的唯物主义哲学其实是面对人类的肉体和精神疾病而进行的治疗活动,其基本原则在两千后演化为精神治疗术中应用广泛、声名著卓的认识疗法.依据伊壁鸠鲁残篇分析了这种古代精神治疗术的基本原理、实施方法及其在思想史上的重要意义.  相似文献   

伊壁鸠鲁创立的哲学在晚期希腊时期的影响甚至超过了斯多亚派,伊壁鸠鲁及其传人卢克莱修的唯物主义哲学其实是面对人类的肉体和精神疾病而进行的治疗活动,其基本原则在两千后演化为精神治疗术中应用广泛、声名著卓的认识疗法。依据伊壁鸠鲁残篇分析了这种古代精神治疗术的基本原理、实施方法及其在思想史上的重要意义。  相似文献   

佛教本质上是一种和的宗教,佛教伦理本质上是一种和的伦理,佛教和谐伦理依缘起论、心性论和同理心构成其道德哲学的三大基础原理,以心灵的和谐为根本,使佛教伦理凸显出德性伦理的特色,由心的外在呈现和人的社会关系及与自然界关系的存在方式的不同,佛教的和谐伦理表现为僧团伦理、家庭伦理、公民道德、生态伦理等不同的内容,具体的思想内容非常丰富,构成当代和谐伦理的一种重要思想资源.  相似文献   

孔子的人性论思想,在人的自然属性上主张顺从而不放纵,在人的社会属性上倡导人格的健全和“道德个人主义”,在人的身与心的和谐方式上追求审美方式,以构建感性与理性、情感与道德诗意共存的和谐,这对当前人的自身和谐建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

苏格拉底伦理思想的渊源主要有智者、奥尔弗斯教和伊流欣努秘仪、古希腊悲剧作家等,其基本内容包括"认识你自己"、"美德即知识"和"照料好自己的灵魂",对当代和谐文化建设的作用体现在对和谐的多层意义、对践行荣辱观的指导作用、对寻求终极关怀的启示三个方面。  相似文献   

和谐是中国传统伦理的理想追求,是用来调节人与人,人与社会,人与自然关系的重要的规范和要求.中国传统和谐伦理思想主要包含了"和合"体系和"人伦"体系,提倡"仁爱"、"己所不欲,勿施于人"、"修身养性"、"和为贵"的和谐理念;积极推崇"天和"、"人和"、"心和"的"太和"境界;强调"五伦"的人伦规范.中国传统和谐伦理思想为中国特色社会主义现代化建设和学校的德育工作提供了丰富的伦理资源.  相似文献   

当前,认知科学的突飞猛进对人的认知结构提出新的解释。它要求我们对通过人的认知过程形成的哲学理论的本性有一个新的认识和理解。在哲学探究上,我们再也不能漠视认知科学所取得的经验性研究成果。"体验主义"是一种以当今认知科学的研究成果为基础,逐步形成发展的崭新的哲学视角。它主要以"身的复权"作为重要的哲学议题,对人的"身体化的经验"结构进行全面而恰当的解释,从而为传统哲学理论的本性探讨,乃至对其进行经验再诠释提供方法论途径。现阶段,对于孔孟伦理思想的体验主义再诠释,可以把它建构成符合当今新的认知科学知识的,即"以经验为主地负责任的"伦理思想。这种经验再诠释,能够更好地展现出孔孟伦理思想在其理论上和实践上的旺盛生命力。  相似文献   

略论道教伦理思维的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教伦理思维是中国道教认识伦理本体、完善自我和协调自然的特有的方式方法,是古代中国人道德智慧的独特体现.自我性思维、人本性思维和生态性思维是道教伦理思维的三大特征,它折射出道教抗命逆修、抱朴守真、清静恬淡、慈爱和同、度人济世、性命双修、顺应自然和力行不止的主体精神.道教伦理思维和主体精神的最终旨趣是对自我完满、人我和谐和人物(自然)和顺的追求.在现代化过程中,道教伦理思维及其主体精神是人类精神资源宝库中使生命得以充实、发展和丰富的重要智慧,值得我们认真汲取.  相似文献   

Epicurus was a philosopher who lived in Greece in the 3rd century B.C. Like his contemporaries, he was much concerned with the question of how to live a good life. In his view the Chief Good is to decrease pain and increase pleasure. Though Epicurus is reputed for advocating the pursuit of refined sensorial pleasures, he recognized the need for deferring gratification or enduring pain. He advised his followers to lead a modest and contemplative life in friendly communities. His advice can be characterized as ‘serene hedonism’. This paper explains that position and considers its applicability for the present day. It concludes that Epicureanism was quite accurate in describing the conditions of happiness and that he offered valuable guidelines in dealing with hardship and difficult emotional content. His ideas that happiness is the same as the absence of pain and that one should withdraw from society are less fortunate. It made him assume that happiness automatically follows if one is in the right state of mind, and that there is no need to actively seek interaction with the environment for the betterment of the circumstances of life. However, Epicurus’ advice might have been a good option for his contemporaries given the societal turmoil in his times.
Aart C. LiefbroerEmail:

Practitioners of palliative medicine frequently encounter patients suffering distress caused by uncontrolled pain or other symptoms. To relieve such distress, palliative medicine clinicians often use measures that result in sedation of the patient. Often such sedation is experienced as a loss by patients and their family members, but sometimes such sedation is sought as the desired outcome. Peace is wanted. Comfort is needed. Sedation appears to bring both. Yet to be sedated is to be cut off existentially from human experience, to be made incapable of engaging self-consciously in any human action. To that extent, it seems that to lose consciousness is to lose something of real value. In this paper, I describe how sedation and the question of intentionally bringing about sedation arise in the care of patients with advanced illness, and I propose heuristics to guide physicians, including Christian physicians, who seek to relieve suffering without contradicting their profession to heal.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing ethical consciousness in Russia since the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and discusses how this change was reflected in Russian religious philosophy. This process can be characterized by a series of sudden and violent replacements of contradictory ethical models, which, by disorientating the public consciousness, led to the atrophy of the ethical instinct. The last two models in the series correspond to the “anti-ethics” of the 1990s and the “non-ethics” of the third Millennium. The latter model (“non-ethics”) corresponds to the current absence of individual ethical positions and the willingness to adopt any position prescribed by the state. A review of philosophical reflection on this process shows that Russian religious thought did not foresee such an ethical catastrophe. Indeed, although Vladimir Solovyov presented an alarming eschatological foresight of the future, and despite the fact that the collection Landmarks, written in 1907, firmly identified the intelligentsia as a highly destructive agent promoting their own alternative ethics, the optimistic philosophical model nonetheless prevailed. According to this optimistic model, the period of disasters and catastrophes will be followed by a new spiritual reawakening.  相似文献   

On ethical order     
The existent ethical relationships are the result of the historical amalgamation of objective and subjective conditions. Ethical relationships are essential relationships in the real and rational order, which are maintained by a system of regulations on morals, laws and customs, and infused with a spirit of subjectivity. Rationality and legitimacy are the primary concerns of those relationships. A distinction between morals and ethos needs to be made when studying ethical order. Sound ethical order lies in effective regulation of morals and effective control of law. In the process of social reform, ethical order promotes social development through the dialectical movement of freedom and necessity. A harmonious society is a society which is based on legitimate and just ethical order. Translated by Cui Hui from Lunlixue yanjiu 伦理学研究 (Studies in Ethics), 2007, (5): 1–8  相似文献   

The Journal of Value Inquiry -  相似文献   

The growing sophistication in the Soviet discussion about man and morality carries with it the threat that human autonomy may recover some of its Marxian originality in contrast with the Leninist-Stalinist insistence on a mechanist determinism.Previously published in German inStimmen der Zeit 191 (April 1973), 249–263.  相似文献   

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