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《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(220):504-540
Book reviewed in this article:
Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays . By G ail F ine .
The Dialectic of Essence: a Study of Plato's Metaphysics . By A llan S ilverman .
Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: an Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy . B y R oss H arrison .
A Defense of Hume on Miracles . B y R obert J. F ogelin .
Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy . B y P atrick R. F rierson .
Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens . B y J ens T immermann .
On Liberty . By J ohn S tuart M ill . E dited by D avid B romwich and G eorge K ateb .
Donald Davidson . E dited by K irk L udwig .
A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals . B y J onathan B ennett .
Modality . B y J oseph M elia .
Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology . E dited by J ohannes R oessler and N aomi E ilan .
Defending Science – Within Reason . B y S usan H aack .
Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition . B y W illiam C ase-beer .
Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy . B y R ussell H ardin .
Indeterminacy and Society . B y R ussell H ardin .
Does God Exist? The Craig—Flew Debatez . E dited by S tan W. W allace .
The Creation of Art . E dited by B erys G aut and P aisley L ivingston .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(2):205-235
Books reviewed in this article:
E ngel , J ames F., K ollat , D avid T., and B lackwell , R oger D. Consumer Behavior.
L itwin , G eorge H., and S tringer , R obert A. J r . Motivation and Organizational Climate.
K irkpatrick , J ames J., E wen , R obert B., B arrett , R ichard S., and K atzell , R aymond A. Testing and Fair Employment: Fairness and Validity of Personnel Tests for Diferent Ethnic Groups.
G eist , H arold . The Psychological Aspects of Retirement.
H olden , P aul E., P ederson , C arlton A., and G ermane , G ayton E. Top Management.
C alvert , R obert , J r . Employing the Minority Group College Graduate (Recruiting, Evaluating Qualifications, Retaining Employees).
E dwards , A llen L. Experimental Design in Psychological Research
G laser , B arney G. (Editor) Organizational Careers: A Source-book for Theory.
Management Education and Development.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
M c M urry , R obert N., and A rnold , J ames S. How to Build a Dynamic Sales Organization.
Z ytowski , D onald G. (Editor) Vocational Behavior: Readings in Theory and Research.
H erman , S tanley M. The Peopte Specialists.
Evaluation of Executive Performance.
M c F arland , D alton E. Personnel Management: Theory and Practice.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 60, 1969.  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(218):122-155
Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn. B y J ohn P. O'C allaghan .
John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master. B y J ack Z upko .
Matters of the Mind. B y W illiam L yons .
Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality. E dited by J osé L uis B ermúdez and A lan M illar . Mind Association Occasional Series.
Common Sense, Reasoning, and Rationality. E dited by R enée E lio . New Directions in Cognitive Science.
Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World. E dited by P hil D owe and P aul N oordhof .
Humans and Other Animals. B y J ohn D upré .
Logical Form and Language. E dited by G erhard P reyer and G eorg P eter .
Action and its Explanation. B y D avid -H illel R uben .
Reasons and Purposes: Human Rationality and the Teleobgkal Explanation of Action. B y G.F. S chueler .
Libertarian Accounts of Free Will. B y R andolph C larke .
Rationality, Rules and Ideals: Critical Essays on Bernard Gert's Moral Theory. E dited by W alter S innott -A rmstrong and R obert A udi .
Forms of Justice: Critical Perspectives on David Miller's Political Philosophy. E dited by D aniel A. B ell and A vner D e -S halit .
Children, Family and the State. B y D avid A rchard .
Interpretation and Construction: Art, Speech and the Law. B y R obert S tecker .
Imagination, Philosophy, and the Arts. E dited by M atthew K ieran and D ominic M c I ver L opes .
The Creation of Art: New Essays in Philosophical Aesthetics. E dited by B erys G aut and P aisley L ivingston .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(3):371-395
Books reviewed in this article:
C ros , P ierre , E mmanuel , L ucas L., G amble , R obert B., E t A l . Imagination-Undeveloped Resource
R oe , A nne . The Psychology of Occupations
F raser , J ohn M unro . Psychology: General, Industrial, Social
M aier , N orman R. F., S olem , A llen R., AND M aier , A yesha A. Supervisory and Executive Development: A Manual for Role Playing
U rwick , L yndall F. The Pattern of Management
H emphill , J ohn K. Group Dzmensions: A Manual for Their Measurement
C ampbell , D onald T. Leadership and Its Egects Upon the Group
C alhoon , R ichard P., AND K irkpatrick , C. A. Influencing Employee Behavior
S priegel , W illiam R., S chulz , E dward , AND S priegel , W illiam B. Elements of Supervision
A bruzzi , A dam . Work, Workers, and Work Measurement
S togdill , R alph M., S cott , E llis L., AND J aynes , W illiam E. Leadership and Role Expectations
S elekman , S ylvia , AND S elekman , B enjamin . Power and Morality in a Business Society
S tunkel , E va R ussell , H eitman , S ara M., AND D avidoff , I sabel S. Improving Employment Reference Checks  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1950,3(2):225-237
Books reviewed in this article:
S uper , D. E. Appraising Vocational Fitness.
B ennett , G. K., and C ruikshank , R. M. A Summary of Clerical Tests.
S tuit , D. B., D ickson , G. S., J ordan , T. F., and S chloerb , L ester . Predicting Success in Professional Schools.
B ellows , R. M. Psychology of Personnel in Business and Industry.
P iéron , H enri. La Psychologie Différentielle.
V ernon , P. E. and P arry , J. B. Personnel Selection in the British Forces.
D ooher , M. J. and M arquis , V ivienne (E ds. ) The Supervisor's Management Guide.
G iven , J r ., W. P. Bottom-Up Management.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(2):247-273
Books reviewed in this article:
W hyte , W illiam H., JR. The Organization Man
S hartle , C arroll L. Executive Performance and Leadership
S togdill , R alph M., S hartle , C arroll L., S cott , E llis L., C oons , A lvin E., AND J aynes , W illiam E. A Predictive Study of Administrative Work Patterns
F leishman , E dwin A., H arris , E dwin F., AND B urtt , H arold E. Leadership and Supervision in Industry: An Evaluation of a Supervisory Training Program
F rancis , R oy G., AND S tone , R obert C. Service and Procedure in Bureaucracy: A Case Study
B endix , R einhard . Work and Authority in Industry (Ideologies of Management in the Course of Industrialization)
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) Human Relations for Management .
McCL oskey , J oseph F., AND C oppinger , J ohn M. (Eds.) Operations Research for Management, Volume II (Case Histories, Methods, and Information Handling)
H ickman , C. A ddison , AND K uhn , M anford H. Individuals, Groups, and Economic Behavior
D etroit F ree P ress . Motivation Research Looks at Detroit Newspaper Readers
G ilman , G lenn . Human Relations in the Industrial Southeast (A Study of the Textile Industry)
G uilford , J. P. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
F arnsworth , P. R., AND McN emar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 8, 1967  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2006,56(222):132-134
Book reviewed in this article:
Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy . B y S imo K nuuttila .
Locke's Philosophy of Language . B y W alter O tt .
The Two Intellectual Worlds of John Locke: Man, Person, and Spirits in the 'Essay' . B y J ohn W. Y olton .
True to Life: Why Truth Matters . B y M ichael L ynch .
Relativism . B y M aria B aghramian .
Veritas . B y G erald V ision .
Understanding Phenomenal Consciousness . B y W illiam S. R obinson .
Brute Rationality . B y J oshua G ert .
Evidentialism: Essays in Epistemology . B y E arl C onee and R ichard F eldman .
Liberalism . B y P aul K elly .
Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties and Plausibility of Hedonism . B y F red F eldman .
Art and Morality . E dited by J ose L uis B ermudez and S ebastian G ardner .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(2):373-411
Book review in this article
M aier , N orman R. F. Problem Solving and Creativity in Individuals and Groups.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Managerial Psychology.
C ohey , E. R aymond and S tar , S teven H. Organization Strategy: A Marketing Approach.
K oontz , H arold . Appraising Managers as Managers.
S hepard , J on M. Automation and Alienation: A Study of Office and Factory Workers.
S ibson , R obert E. Managing Professional Services Enterprises: The Neglected Business Frontier.
M aher , J ohn R. (Editor). New Perspectives in Job Enrichment.
V aid , K. N. Papers on Absenteeism.
J affee , C abot L. Effective Management Selection: An Analysis of Behavior by Simulation Techniques.
W egneh , R obert E. C. and S ayles , L eonard . Cases in Organizational and Administrative Behavior.
D uerr , C arl . Management Kinetics: Carl Duerr on Communication.
M c F arland , D. E. (Editor). Personnel Management.
D eci , E dward L., G ilmer , B. V on H aller and K arn , H arry W. Readings in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
B ursk , E dward C. and B lodgett , T imothy B. (Editors). Developing Executive Leaders.
S eashore , S tanley E. and M c N eil , R obert J. (Editors). Management of the Urban Crisis: Government and the Behavioral Sciences.
K laus , D avid J. Instructional Innovation and Individualization.
P eskin , D ean B. The Building Blocks of EEO.
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Editors). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 23, 1972.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(1):135-181
Book review in this article
W olfle , D ael . The Uses of Talent. Princeton, N. J.
F reeman , R ichard B. The Market for College-Trained Manpower: A Study in the Economics of Career Choice.
C ooper , C. L. and M angham , I. L. (Eds.). T-Groups: A Survey of Research.
K obayashi , S higeru . Creative Management.
G lueck , W illiam F. and T horp , C ary D., J r . The Management of Scientific Research: An Annotated Bibliography and Synopsis.
E kval , G ökan . Creativity at the Place of Work.
B urstein , H erman . Attribute Sampling: Tables and Explanations.
B arrett , J on H. Individual Goals and Organizational Objectives: A Study of Integration Mechanisms.
B assett , G lenn A. and W eatherbee , H arvard Y. Personnel Systems and Data Management.
D ickmann , R obert A. Personnel Implications for Business Data Processing.
W eissenberg , P eter . Introduction to Organizational Behavior.
P orter , D onald E., A pplewhite , P hilip B. and M isshauk , M ichael J. Studies in Organizational Behavior and Management.
S rivastva , S uresh . (Editor) Behavioural Sciences in Management.
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M c I ntyre , J ames M. Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings.
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) The Disadvantaged Worker: Readings in Developing Minority Manpower.
R eddin , W. J. Effective Management by Objectives: The §-D Method pf MBO.
J ennings , E ugene E. Routes to the Executive Suite.
S troh , T homas F. Managing the New Generation in Business.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1977,30(3):457-511
Book Reviewed in this article:
B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . Consultation.
A nastasi , A nne . Psychological Testing.
C ohen , A llan R., F ink , S tephen L., G adon , H erman and W illits , R obin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts, and Student Experiences.
J ackson , T heodore A. TA is for Everyone.
S teers , R ichard M. Organizational Effectiveness: A Behavioral View.
H are , A. P aul . Handbook of Small Group Research.
S anzotta , D onald . Motivational Theories and Applications for Managers.
M aier , N orman , R. F. Appraising Performance: An Interview Skills Course (A Tape-Assisted Learning Program).
S teele , F ritz and J enks , S tephen . The Feel of the Work Place: Understanding and Improving Organizational Climate.
G etman , J ulius G., G oldberg , S tephen B. and H erman , J eanne B. Union Representation Elections: Law and Reality.
N ord , W. R. (E ditor ) Concepts and Controversy in Organizational Behavior.
C raig , R obert L. (Editor) Training and Development Handbook: A Guide to Human Resource Development.
Y oder , D ale and H eneman , H erbert G., J r . (Eds.) Planning and Auditing PAIR: Volume 4, ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations.
B ennett , D udley . TA and the Manager.
B radford , L eland P. Making Meetings Work: A Guide for Leaders and Group Members.
S ibson , R obert E. Increasing Employee Productivity.
H arris , O. J eff , J r . How to Manage People at Work: A Short Course for Professionals  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1967,20(3):343-368
Book reviews in this article:
D onnette , M arvin D. Personnel Selection and Placement.
B ass , B ernard M., and V aughn , J ames A. Training in Industry : The Management of Learning.
H aire , M ason , G hiselli , E dwin E., and P orter , L yman W. Managerial Thinking: An International Study.
A ndrews , K enneth R. The Effectiveness of University Management Development Programs.
D ickson , W illiam J., and R oethlisberger , F. J. Counseling in an Organization: A Sequel to the Hawthorne Researches.
O ppenheim , A. N. Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement.
B eer , M ichael . Leadership, Employee Needs and Motivation.
F lippo , E dwin B. Principles of Personnel Management.
B ritt , S teuart H enderson (Editor). Consumer Behavior and the Behavioral Sciences: Theories and Applications.
B lack , J ames M enzies , and L ynch , E dith M. How to Move in Management: An Executive's Guide to Changing Jobs.
B ennis , W arren G., and S chein , E dgar H. with M c G regor , C aroline (Editors). Leadership and Motivation: Essays of Douglas McGregor.
K err , W illard A., and D unbar , F lorence W. Theory and Problems of Industrial Psychology.
Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(4):609-651
Book reviews in this article:
B urns , T homas J. (Editor) The Behavioral Aspects of Accounting Data for Performance Evaluation.
C ampbell , J ohn P., D unnette , M arvin D., L awler , E dward E., III, and W eick , K arl E., J r . Managerial Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness.
K ast , F remont E. and R osenzweig , J ames E. Organization and Management: A Systems Approach.
P owell , R eed M. Race, Religion, and the Promotion of the American Executive.
W asmuth , W illiam J., S imonds , R ollin H., H ilgert , R aymond L., and L ee , H ak C hong . Human Resources Administration: Problems of Growth and Change.
M ueller , E va (with others). Technological Advance in an Expanding Economy: Its Impact on a Cross-section of the Labor Force.
B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . The Grid for Sales Excellence: Benchmarks for Effective Salesmanship.
F rench , W endell . The Personnel Management Process: Human Resources Administration.
R eddin , W. J. Managerial Effectiveness.
B lack , J ames M. HOW to Get Results from Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Operating Management.
C ohen , J acob . Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavorial Sciences.
L ucas , R ex A. Men In Crisis:. A Study of a Mine Disaster.
G roff , G ene K. and M uth , J ohn F. (Editors) Operations Management: Selected Readings.
N i B hroin , N oirin . the motivation and Productivity of Young Women Workers.
E rdos , P aul L. Professional Mai Surveys.
A dams , S exton and F yffe , D on . The Corporate Promotables.
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

C. G. Jung Letters. (Volume 1.) Selected and edited by G. Adler in collaboration with A. Jaffe. Translated by R. F. C. Hull
M ax S chur : Freud: living and dying
C. A. M eier : Die Bedeutung des Träumes (The significance of the dream)
H ans D ieckmann : Träume als Sprache der Seele (Dreams as language of the soul)
F. P erls , R. F. H efferline , P. G oodman . Gestalt therapy
M ario M oreno : La Dimensione Simbolica
The psychoanalytic study of the child. Vol. 27. Ed. A nna F reud , H. H artman , and E. K ris
Annual survey of psychoanalysis (A comprehensive survey of current psychoanalytic thought and practice). Vol. 10, 1959. Ed. F rosch J. and R oss N.
M aurice M erleau -P onty . Vorlesungen I. Phenomenologisch-psychologische Forschungen, Vol. 9. Translated from the French by Alexandre Métraux
H enry V. D icks . Licensed mass murder; a socio-psychological study of some S. S. killers
Analytical psychology: a modern science. (Ed. M. F ordham , R. G ordon , J. H ubback , K. L ambert , M. W illiams .)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
L iliane F hey -R ohn : Von Freud zu Jung (From Freud to Jung)
W illiam W illeford : The fool and his scepter
M oreno , M. Psicodinamica della Contestazione (Psychodynamics of the Student revolt)
A nna F reud , H einz H artmann et al.: The psychoanalytic study of the child , Vol. XXIV
E rnst L. F reud (Ed.): The letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig , translated by Professor and Mrs W. D. Robson-Scott
P aul R oazen : Brother animal: the story of Freud and Tausk
D. L. B urnham , A. I. G ladstone , R. W. G ibson : Schizophrenia and the need-fear dilemma
W illiam B itter : Der Verlust der Seele (Loss of Soul)
J. D. S utherland and H. S. G ill : Language and psychodynamic appraisal  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(3):609-661
Book Reviewed in this article:
D avis , S tanley M. and L awrence , P aul R. Matrix.
M oses , J oseph L. and B yham , W illiam C. (Editors) Applying the Assessment Center Method.
G albraith , J ay R. Organization Design.
P alm , G öran . The Flight from Work.
M irvis , P hilip H. and B erg , D avid N. (Editors) Failures in Organization Development and Change: Cases and Essays for Learning.
H ill , H erbert . Black Labor and the American Legal System. Volume I: Race, Work, and the Law.
D octoroff , M ichael . Synergistic Management: Creating the Climate for Superior Performance.
H ebden , J ohn and S haw , G raham . Pathways to Participation.
M iller , R ichard B. (Editor) Participative Management: Quality of Worklife and Job Enrichment.
M igliore , R. H enry . MBO: Blue Collar to Top Executive.
M oore , B rian E. and R oss , T imothy L. The Scanlon Way to Improved Productivity: A Practical Guide.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Leadership: The Cutting Edge.
H unt , J ames G. and L arson , L ars L. (Editors) Leadership Frontiers.
G oodman , P aul S., P ennings , J ohannes M. and A ssociates . New Perspectives on Organizational Effectiveness.
P eterson , R ichard B. and T racy , L ane . Models of the Bargaining Process: With Special Reference to Collective Bargaining.
S tockard , J ames G. Career Development and Job Training: A Manager's Handbook.
W allace , P hyllis A. and L a M ond , A nnette M. (Editors) Women, Minorities and Employment Discrimination.
A lbers , H enry H. and S choer , L owell . Programmed Organization and Management Principles.
S chindler -R ainman , E va and L ippitt , R onald . Taking Your Meetings Out of the Doldrums.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(3):589-646
Book reviewed in this article:
P eterson , R ichard B. and T racy , L ane . Systematic Management of Human Resources.
T homason , G eorge . A Textbook of Personnel Management. (Third Edition)
L ansbury , R ussell D. Professionals and Management: A Study of Behaviour in Organizations.
B uros , O scar K risen . (Editor) The Eighth Mental Measurements Year Book, Vols. I and II.
D unham , R andall B. and S mith , F rank J. Organizational Surveys: An Internal Assessment of Organizational Health.
L au , J ames B. Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. (Revised Edition)
R ausch , E rwin . Balancing Needs of People and Organizations: The Linking Elements Concepts.
W atson , C harles E. Management Development Through Training.
W oodcock , M ike and F rancis , D ave . Unblocking Your Organization.
H inrichs , J ohn R. Practical Management for Productivity.
G ilbert , T homas F. Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance.
C ooper , C ary L. and A lderfer , C layton . (Editors). Advances in Experiential Social Processes: Volume 1.
Saxon House, Teakfield Limited, 1978.
K illian , R ay A. Managers Must Lead. (Revised Edition)
B risolara , A shton . The Alcoholic Employee: A Handbook of Helpful Guidelines.
W alker , J ames W. and L azer , H arriet L. The End of Mandatory Retirement: Implications for Management.
A merica , R ichard F. and A nderson , B ernard E. Moving Ahead: Black Managers in A merican Business.
A nderson , H oward J. Primer of Equal Employment Opportunity.
B arrett , R ichard S. Zetetic for Testers II. Hastings-on-the-Hudson.
J ansen , R obert B.
G arvin , C harles D., S mith , A udrey D. and R eid , W illiam J. (Editors). The Work Incentive Experience.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. Winning at Office Politics.
R osenzweig , M ark R. and P orter , L yman W. (Editors) Annual Review df Psychology, 1979. (Volume 30)  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(2):351-406
Book reviews in htis article:
R obson , M ike . Quality Circles: A Practical Guide .
C arkhuff , R obert R. Sources of Human Productivity .
L idstone , J ohn . How to Recruit and Select Successful Salesmen .
G oodstein , L eonard D., P feiffer , J. W illiam and B yrum -G aw , B everly . (Eds.) The 1983 Annual for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants .
L andy , F rank J. and F arr , J ames L. The Measurement of Work Performance: Methods, Theory and Applications .
G ordon , J udith R. A Diagnostic Approach to Organizational Behavior .
J ames , R oger G. and E lkins , A aron J. How to Train and Lead a Quality, Circle .
N ash , M ichael . Managing Organizational Peformance .
S tech , E rnest L. Leadership Communication .
B rown , F rederick G. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing .
S mith , B arry J. and D elahaye , B rian L. How to Be an Effective Trainer: Skills for Managers and New Trainers .
F innigan , J ohn . The Right People in the Right Jobs .
L assey , W illiam R. and S ashkin , M arshall . (Editors) Leadership and Social Change .
B urgess , L eonard R. Wage and Salary Administration: Pay and Benefits .
S pencer , A nne . On the Edge of the Organization: The Role of the Outside Director .
L ynn , R obert J. The Pension Crisis .
How To Improve Your Listening Skills .
S weetland , R ichard C., K eyser , D aniel J. and O'C onnor , W illiam A. (Eds.) with Sam Pimazar, Contributing Consultant. Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education and Business .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(1):167-167
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Negro Norms: A Study of 38,452 Job Applicants for Affirmative Action Programs. Northfield, Ill.: E. F. Wonderlic & Associates, Inc.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology.
S haw , L ynette and S ichel , H erbert .
C hambers , C arl D. and H eckman , R ichard D.
B urack , E lmer H. and W alker , J ames W. (Editors).
P arsons , H. M. Man-Machine System Experiments. Baltimore
S ilvern , L eonard C. Systems Engineering Applied to Training.
W ieland , G eorge F. A nd L eigh , H ilary .
A rgyris , C hris . The Applicability of Organizational Sociology.
G eorgopoulos , B asil S. (Editor) Organization Research on Health Institutions.
G raham , W illiam K. and R oberts , K arlene H. (Editors) Comparative Studies in Organizational Behavior.
T urner , J ohn H., F illey , A lan C. and H ouse , R obert J. (Editors) Studies in Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior.
D yer , W illiam G. (Editor) Modern Theory and Method in Group Training.
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Climate for Creativity: Report of the Seventh National Creativity Research Conference.
R ock , M ilton L. Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration.
H eyel , C arl . (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Office Management and Administrative Services.
M atteson , M ichael T., B lakeney , R oger N. and D omm , D onald R. Contemporary Personnel Management: A Reader on Human Resources.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Personnel Management.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Readings in Personnel Management.
S hout , H oward F. Start Supervising.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(4):446-482
Book reviewed in this article:
Man and his Salvation: Studies in Memory of S. G. F. Brandon. Edited by E ric J. S harpe and J ohn R. H innells .
Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. By S. G. F. B randon .
The Attractiveness of God. By R. P. C. H anson .
Christian Celebration: The Sacraments. By J. D. C richton .
La Confirmation: sens et conjoncture oecuménique hier et aujourd'hui. By L ouis L igier .
Christian Marriage in Africa: A Report , By A drian H astings .
The Priesthood of Man. By A nthony D. D uncan .
The Christian Priest: Elder and Prophet. By D avid N. P ower .
Les Dieux Rêvés. By H. D esroche .
Politics, Medicine, and Christian Ethics. By C harles E. C urran .
Essays on the Freedom of Action. Edited by T ed H onderich .
Problems of the Self. By B ernard W illiams .
The Nature of Things. By A nthony Q uinton .
The Existence of Cod. (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Volume XLVI.) Edited by G eorge F. M aclean , o.m.i.
Analogy. By H umphrey P almer .
Modes of Thought. Essays on Thinking in Western and Non- Western Societies. Edited with an introduction by R obin H orton and R uth F innegan .
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Volume II. By S usanne K. L anger .
Psyche and Cerebrum. By J ohn N. F indlay .
Existential Guilt; a Phenomenological Study. By D onald V. M orano .
The Existential Experience. By R alph H arper .
Fractured Personalities. By G ary C ollins .
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion. By H. H. P rice .
Religions of the Ancient Near East. By H elmer R inggren .
History of Israelite Religion. By G eorg F ohrer .
Religion in Judah under the Assyrians. By J ohn M c K ay .
The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts. By S. G. W ilson .
By R. de V aux , o.p.
The Stones and the Scriptures. By E dwin Y amauchi .  相似文献   

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