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运用《外语课堂学习焦虑量表》和《教师教育行为问卷》对399名3~6年级小学儿童英语课堂学习焦虑及他们知觉到的英语教师的教育行为进行了考察。结果发现:(1)小学儿童英语课堂学习焦虑随年级升高而逐渐增长,五、六年级儿童在交际畏惧、考试焦虑、否定评价恐惧方面的得分都显著高于三、四年级儿童;(2)交际畏惧和考试焦虑是我国小学阶段儿童的主要焦虑类型;(3)在英语课堂学习焦虑的三个维度上,男女生差异均不显著;(4)教师的消极反应与评价、鼓励与帮助是预测学生英语课堂学习焦虑的重要变量。研究结果表明,学校、教师和家长应重点关注高年级学生的课堂学习焦虑情况,加强情感疏导,并且教师要多给予学生积极的评价,有助于降低学生的课堂焦虑情绪。  相似文献   

小学教师课堂教学能力构成的研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
采用实验与心理测验法,探讨知识结构、教学效能感、教学监控力和基本心理能力在小学教师课堂教学能力形成与发展中的作用,并通过验证性因素分析的方法,建构了教师课堂教学能力的验证性因素分析模型。结果表明;知识结构、教学效能感和教学监控力在小学教师课堂教学能力中起着重要作用;基本心理能力主要受年龄发展的影响,对教师课堂教学能力的作用不显著。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of college students enrolling in religion courses in recent years are looking to develop their religious faith or spirituality, while professors of religion want students to use and appreciate scholarly tools to study religion from an academic perspective. Some scholars argue that it is not possible to satisfy both goals in the classroom, while authors in this journal have given suggestions on how to bridge the gap between faith and scholarship. I argue that such authors are correct and that, in my experience, historical‐critical methods can help devout students understand the original texts in their own religion better, comprehend why changes in interpretation have occurred over time, and appreciate the values in religions other than their own. Not all devout students are comfortable with an academic study of religion, but many can attain a more mature faith by such an approach.  相似文献   

教师一向被认为是影响学生学业成绩的重要因素。本研究采用第三次国际数学和科学研究TIMSS2003中的数据,以学生数学成绩为因变量,教师课堂教学行为为自变量,使用多层线性回归的方法,比较了美国、瑞典、日本和香港这四个国家(地区)教师课堂教学行为对学生学业成绩的影响。研究结果发现,教师特定的行为因素,教学的准备、对作业的重视、对考试的重视、对推理和问题解决的重视、电脑的使用确实能有效影响美国和瑞典的学生成绩,但对两个亚洲国家(地区)没有影响;教师的性别、教龄、教育水平、所学专业和教师资格再次被证实对学生成绩没有显著影响;学生的家庭和自身的因素(如学生年龄、性别、完成作业的时间,对数学的自信和对数学的评价)能够对学生成绩产生重要影响。  相似文献   

龙君伟  曹科岩 《心理科学》2006,29(4):874-877
文章采用教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感问卷,对广州市的205名初中教师进行了研究,以探讨学校等级、性别、职称、学历、教龄等背景变量对初中教师组织公民行为、教学效能感的影响,以及教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感之间的关系。结果发现:教师组织公民行为、教学效能感在学校等级和职称上存在着显著性差异;教师组织公民行为与教师教学效能感之间存在着显著性相关,教师组织公民行为中的认同组织和良心行为因子是教师教学效能感的有效预测变量。  相似文献   

College students frequently encounter prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes, but there is no research on effective teacher responses to classroom bias. Three studies examined students' perceptions of teacher responses to bias in the classroom. Study 1 experimentally manipulated the level of bias expressed and the teacher's response. Students perceived responding to bias as more effective than ignoring bias. Study 2 demonstrated that students perceive differences in the intensity of common responses to bias. Study 3 manipulated if bias occurred publicly or privately and if the target of bias was present or not, and students evaluated teacher responses of differing intensity for their effectiveness in achieving specific goals. The results provide evidence for the efficacy of matching responses to specific goals.  相似文献   

关于小学教师对学生课堂参与的内隐观的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾琦 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1228-1229
本研究通过课堂观察和结构化访谈,从三个侧面,即:教师判断学生参与的标准、对学生参与特点的描述、对参与功能的界定,考察了49名小学教师对学生课堂参与的内隐认识。研究表明,教师:1)重视师生交往中学生的参与,忽视学生与同学间的交往和学生独立活动时的表现;2)最关注学生在行动上的参与,其次是学生思维的投入,对学生情绪的投入是比较忽视的;3)特别注重参与促进学生认知能力发展的功能。  相似文献   

采用主动性人格量表、工作绩效量表、人际关系量表、教师职业认同量表对385名实习教师从其实习第一周起连续追踪测量五周,利用多层线性模型探讨实习初期教师职业认同的发展轨迹,以及主动性人格对教师职业认同的影响及其机制。结果表明:(1)实习初期教师职业认同呈先高后低再升高的U型非线性发展趋势;(2)工作绩效和人际关系在主动性人格与教师职业认同之间起部分中介作用,且工作绩效的中介效应显著大于人际关系的中介效应。研究结果不仅揭示了实习初期教师职业认同的动态发展轨迹,同时还揭示了主动性人格影响教师职业认同的中介机制,对提升教师培养质量具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

大学教师职业生涯管理因素结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄洁华  田甜 《心理科学》2007,30(3):689-692,682
在文献研究、结构化访谈和半开放式问卷调查的基础上,采用因素分析方法对大学教师职业生涯管理的因素结构及其与人口统计学变量之间内在关系进行了实证研究,结果显示(1)大学教师自我职业生涯管理是由教书育人、科研创新、明确目标、沟通协调、认识自我和了解组织等六因素结构构成,大学教师组织职业生涯管理是由专业支持、职业通道、科研激励和组织公平等四因素结构构成;(2)大学教师自我职业生涯管理与组织职业生涯管理显著相关;(3)大学教师自我职业生涯管理与性别、婚姻、教龄、学历、职称等人口统计学变量显著相关。研究结果对高校人力资源管理有启示意义。  相似文献   

Educating undergraduates about current genetic testing and genomics can involve novel and creative teaching practices. The higher education literature describes numerous pedagogical approaches in the laboratory designed to engage science and liberal arts students. Often these experiences involve students analyzing their own genes for various polymorphisms, some of which are associated with disease states such as an increased risk for developing cancer. While the literature acknowledges possible ethical ramifications of such laboratory exercises, authors do not present recommendations or rubrics for evaluating whether or not the testing is, in fact, ethical. In response, we developed a laboratory investigation and discussion which allowed undergraduate science students to explore current DNA manipulation techniques to isolate their p53 gene, followed by a dialogue probing the ethical implications of examining their sample for various polymorphisms. Students never conducted genotyping on their samples because of ethical concerns, so the discussion served to replace actual genetic testing in the class. A basic scientist led the laboratory portion of the assignment. A genetic counselor facilitated the discussion, which centered around existing ethical guidelines for clinical genetic testing and possible challenges of human genotyping outside the medical setting. In their final papers, students demonstrated an understanding of the practice guidelines established by the genetics community and acknowledged the ethical considerations inherent in p53 genotyping. Given the burgeoning market for personalized medicine, teaching undergraduates about the psychosocial and ethical dimensions of human gene testing seems important and timely, and introduces an additional role genetic counselors can play in educating consumers about genomics.  相似文献   

This research explores the emergence of student creativity in classroom settings, specifically within two content areas: science and social studies. Fourteen classrooms in three elementary schools in Korea were observed, and the teachers and students were interviewed. The three types of student creativity emerging in the teaching and learning process found in this research were: (a) heuristic creativity when the students express their thoughts about a new concept based on their experience, (b) interpretive creativity when the students explain the meaning of materials based on students' knowledge, and (c) integrative creativity when students generate new solutions or make new products based on their internalized knowledge. The study results will challenge teachers to find instances of student creativity in their teaching and learning situations and to facilitate student creativity when the students interpret data or materials related to the contents of the curriculum.  相似文献   

中小学教师教学胜任特征模型的检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分层对比专家、熟手及新手教师,利用验证性因素分析验证了先前提出的中小学教师工作胜任特征的结构.其中,任务导向模型包含4个一阶因子,即认知能力、教学监控力、职业动机、职业管理.关系导向模型包含1个二阶因子和4个一阶因子,即沟通合作、学生观、个人修养和个性特征.  相似文献   

Duffy  Jim  Warren  Kelly  Walsh  Margaret 《Sex roles》2001,45(9-10):579-593
An observational study investigated the effects of gender of teacher, gender of student, and classroom subject (mathematics vs. English literature/language) on teacher–student interactions. A total of 597 high school students (294 males and 303 females) and 36 teachers (28 males and 8 females) were observed in either 18 mathematics classes or 18 literature/language classes. Students and teachers were predominately Caucasian, with the majority of students from a lower- or middle-class background. Observations were coded using the interactions for sex equity in classroom teaching (INTERSECT) observational instrument. It was found that female mathematics teachers, male literature/language teachers, and female literature/language teachers tended to interact somewhat more with male students than with female students. This tendency was not the result of male students having initiated more direct verbal interactions with teachers.  相似文献   

Matching law and theory have applied implications for classroom instruction and student behavior. The Generalized Matching Law (GML) is examined in this exploratory study to assess its utility for quantitatively describing student behavior in the classroom. Data were collected using computer-based observational software. Time-lag sequential analysis was used to identify specific teacher behaviors following specific student behaviors as estimates of reinforcement. Derived rates of student and teacher behaviors were analyzed in a linear regression of the natural logarithmic form of the GML. On average, the GML described over 70% of the variance in two students' behavior in a first-grade regular education classroom. Discussion addresses the potential utility of the GML for observation and intervention in the classroom.  相似文献   

Although academic dishonesty is a major problemin American colleges and universities, relatively littleresearch has investigated gender differences incheating. Based on the differential socialization theory of gender differences in moral reasoning(e.g., Chodorow, 1989; Gilligan, 1982) we expected that,compared to women, men would report more favorableattitudes toward cheating and more cheating behavior. We conducted a meta-analysis that included 8studies of gender differences in attitudes towardcheating, 34 studies of gender differences in cheatingbehavior, and 6 studies that investigated both attitudes and behavior. Although the mean effect size forgender differences in attitudes was of moderatemagnitude, equivalent to a correlation of r = .21, themean effect size for behavior was small, equivalent to r = .08. Behavior effect sizes also varied asa function of field of study, method of data collection,and country in which the study was conducted. We discussthe implications of our results for future research on gender differences in academicdishonesty.  相似文献   

大学生消费心理和消费行为的研究   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
胡娟 《心理科学》2003,26(2):297-300
当代大学生是跨世纪的人才,是开创21世纪大业和进一步振兴中华的主力军,社会对大学生的整体素质提出了更高的要求。大学生所受的教育、校园的环境以及该年龄的特殊心理特征,使他们有自己特有的消费心理和消费行为,对他们的消费心理和消费行为的研究,有助于认识青年一代乃至整个社会的消费趋势。本文对当代大学生的消费水平、消费结构、消费方式、消费心理特点及其影响因素、对策等作了分析。  相似文献   

通过对现有中学教师问题行为概念的分析整合和访谈,初步确立了教师问题行为的基本维度,以此为基础编制问卷,并对1274名中学教师进行测查,采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析对教师问题行为的结构进行剖析.结果表明:(1)中学教师的问题行为可以分为三个维度:认知问题、行为问题与适应问题;(2)这三个维度由10个因子组成,它们是粗暴行为、教学观、放任敷衍行为、职业道德、学生观、职业观、职业适应、情绪、人际关系和不公正感受;(3)本研究自编的教师问题行为问卷具有较好的信度、效度和可用性.  相似文献   

中学教师教学风格和工作满意度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贺雯 《心理科学》2007,30(3):596-599
本研究以上海市四所中学的153名教师为研究对象,进行了教师教学风格量表和工作满意度量表的施测。研究结果表明:(1)从总体上看,教师的教学风格以激进型、立法型、评判型和整体型四种教学风格为主,这四种教学风格是相对复杂、有创造性、效率较高的教学风格;(2)中学教师对同事关系的满意度最高,对自我实现和学校领导的满意度也较高,而对学生素质的满意度最低,其次为工资福利;(3)随着教龄的增长,教师对工作压力和工资福利的满意度逐渐下降;(4)对工作的满意度越高,教师越可能具有立法型、评判型、激进型和整体型四种教学风格,而教师对工作压力不满则倾向于采取消极、保守的教学风格。  相似文献   

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