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This longitudinal study aimed to examine how physical activity parenting (PAP) directly predicted objectively measured children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sedentariness over a three-year transitional period from early to middle childhood, and second, whether the children’s perception of motor competence (PMC) mediated or moderated the influence of PAP to children’s MVPA or sedentariness. At time 1 (T1), PAP and children’s (N = 396, mean age 5.80, SD 1.04) PA were assessed by parental questionnaire. Three years later, at time 2 (T2), children’s (N = 396, mean age 8.80, SD 1.04) PMC was measured by a validated pictorial scale, and MVPA and sedentariness were measured by accelerometers. All the analyses were conducted using the Mplus statistical package (Version 8.4). The models were adjusted for the following covariates: children’s PA (T1), gender (T1), age (T1), mean accelerometer measurement in hours per day (T2), and parents’ education level (T1). Results showed that PAP at T1 did not significantly predict level of MVPA or sedentary time at T2 and, therefore, PMC did not mediate the PAP-children’s MVPA or sedentary time relationship either. However, PMC significantly moderated the relationship between PAP and MVPA but not between PAP and sedentary time. The results suggested that parental support positively predicts children’s MVPA among children with low PMC but not among children with high PMC. This unique finding proposes that family-based PA interventions could benefit from screening of children with low PMC and provision of PA counselling to their parents.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis was used to integrate research on the relations between parental socialization behavior and child and adolescent physical activity (PA) levels. Four major databases were examined: PubMED, ERIC, Web of Science, and PsychLit (1960 -2005). Thirty studies met the following inclusion criteria: (a) child age (2-18 years) and (b) statistical information permitting calculation of an effect size between parent socialization behavior and child PA. Mean age of participants across studies ranged from 2.54 to 15.5 years. The unweighted mean and median effect sizes (as indexed by r) were .17 and .13, respectively, indicating that a moderate positive relation exists between parental support and modeling behavior and child and adolescent PA levels. The moderating effect of type of parental socialization behavior, population characteristics, and methodological factors were investigated. Theoretical and methodological implications concern the inclusion of mediated models of parental influence and the use of longitudinal investigations in determining causal direction. From an applied viewpoint, these results are useful for the design of future, more effective childhood obesity prevention programs by suggesting child-age-appropriate parental influences.  相似文献   

Previous research highlighted gaps between socio-cognitive factors (e.g., intentions, social norms) and physical activity (PA) participation. Recently, researchers have asserted that considering affective processes may help bridge this gap. Leveraging the affective-reflective theory of physical inactivity and exercise, this study examined whether individuals’ attraction toward PA moderated the relationship between PA intentions and behaviors, and the relationship between social norms and PA intentions. Analysis of online survey data (NT1 = 582; NT2 = 327) provided evidence that social norms more strongly predicted PA intentions under conditions of lower attraction to PA. However, the results differed depending on how intentions were measured: Moderation was found for intention strength as the outcome, but no moderation was found for decisional intention as the outcome. The intentions-behavior relationship, despite nonsignificant interaction terms, showed patterns of positive moderation based on changes in simple slopes: Intentions more strongly predicted PA behavior at time 2 under conditions of higher attraction to PA. The findings align with recent theorizing that emphasizes the role of affect-related determinants when understanding and promoting PA. Practically, these results suggest that intervention strategies should differ according to the individuals’ current levels of attraction toward PA.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of the study was to provide an in-depth analysis of how the Physical Education (PE) teaching context influences teachers' motivational strategies towards students.DesignQualitative semi-structured interviewsMethodsUsing Self-determination theory (Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). Psychological Enquiry, 11, 227-268) as a guiding framework, semi-structured interviews of 22 PE teachers were examined using categorical content analysis.ResultsThe teachers perceived that an emphasis on student assessment and the time constraints associated with PE lessons often compelled them to use teaching strategies which conflicted with their beliefs about the most appropriate ways to motivate students. The teachers' own performance evaluations and pressure to conform to other teachers' methods also influenced the teachers' motivational strategies, but these influences were often congruent with their teaching beliefs. Additionally, the teachers discussed how perceived cultural norms associated with the teacher-student relationship impacted upon their chosen motivational strategies. These cultural norms were reported by different teachers as either in line, or in conflict with their teaching beliefs. Finally, the influence of the teachers' perceptions of their students helped produce strategies that were congruent with their beliefs, but often different to empirically suggested strategies.ConclusionsIt is important that teacher beliefs are targeted in education programs and that the teaching context aid in facilitating adaptive motivational strategies.  相似文献   

The impact of child abuse on the developmental functioning of infants was investigated. Thirty verified cases of physically abused children were compared to a reference group of 30 nonabused children matched for age, sex, race, and socioeconomic status. Abused children scored significantly lower in terms of cognitive and motor development as measured by the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Developmental delays on three of the four sectors of the Denver Developmental Screening Test, personal-social, language, and gross motor, were also found in the abused children. There were, however, relatively few item differences between the two groups on the 30 more general behavioral variables constituting the Bayley Infant Behavior Record. Results appear to confirm clinical observation of abused children as developmentally retarded with specific delays in the language and gross motor areas. Although methodologically complex, longitudinal studies are clearly indicated to assess the stability and/or reversibility of the present findings.The author is indebted to John E. Overall for statistical analysis of the data, and to Drs. Joan Hebeler, Margaret McNeese, Manon Brenner, and Sally Robinson for their invaluable assistance in obtaining children for this study, and to the M. D. Anderson Foundation for their support of this project.  相似文献   

The term compound letter refers to a large (global) letter made up of small (local) letters. Reaction time to identify local letters is longer when local and global letters are different than when they are the same (the global dominance effect). The possible contribution of lateral masking to this effect was investigated. Lateral masking denotes reduced probability of identifying a stimulus when it is closely surrounded by other stimuli (as is the case for the local items in a compound stimulus). Three experiments were conducted in which the dependent measure was percentage of correct responses, rather than reaction time. In experiment 1 compound letters were used; accuracy of performance yielded evidence of global dominance such as obtained with reaction time measures. In experiments 2 and 3 the strength of lateral masking in geometrical forms was varied by varying the density of their component items. In agreement with earlier suggestions based on indirect evidence, the results directly implicated lateral masking as an important determinant of global dominance. However, lateral masking could not account fully for the experimental outcome. Factors beyond lateral masking, such as global precedence in the processing sequence or inhibitory interactions among low and high spatial-frequency components of the compound images are required in order to provide a comprehensive account of global dominance effects.  相似文献   

Physical activity (PA) is critical for a healthy lifestyle. The current study assessed heart rate (HR) as a primary measure of moderate and vigorous PA with four typically developing children. First, individualized HR assessments were conducted to determine moderate and vigorous HR zones. Next, participants engaged in various exercises at a local YMCA facility (i.e., biking, elliptical, basketball, and exergame boxing) to determine how HR during these activities aligned with their individualized HR zones. During exercise bouts, HR was typically above moderate, but below vigorous HR zones for all participants. Additionally, exercises that restricted range of motion (i.e., biking and elliptical) engendered generally lower HR than exercises with greater range of motion. Vocal instructions to exercise at vigorous levels were effective at increasing HR to vigorous levels for one participant. The advantages of using HR as a metric of PA during assessment and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors conducted an exploratory study with Israeli adults examining their personal incentives for physical activity (e.g., appearance, weight management). The participants formed a sample of 379 physically active Israelis, aged 20-89 years, divided into 3 age groups and 3 levels of activity. The authors found a similar profile for men and women for most incentives, with men scoring more highly than did women on only competition and fitness. Participants in the highest level of activity attributed greater importance to all incentives than did those in the other levels, and older adults attributed less importance to all incentives except for health benefits. The findings are relevant for planning activities intended to encourage adults to engage in more physical activity.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined whether the reinforcing efficacy of sedentary behaviors was related to their base rates. Base rates of 3 sedentary and 1 physical activity were determined for 40 sedentary adults. Participants were randomized to groups in which either high-rate, moderate-rate, low-rate, or no sedentary activity was contingent on being physically active. Noncontingent sedentary activities remained freely available. Contingent high- or moderate-rate sedentary activities increased physical activity, whereas no increases in physical activity were observed for contingent low-rate or control conditions. Thus, sedentary behaviors can be used to reinforce physical activity, their reinforcing efficacy depends in part on their base rates, and they are not completely substitutable.  相似文献   

Four experiments tested the hypothesis that objects toward which individuals hold attitudes that are highly accessible from memory (i.e., attitude-evoking objects) are more likely to attract attention when presented in a visual display than objects involving less accessible attitudes. In Experiments 1 and 2, Ss were more likely to notice and report such attitude-evoking objects. Experiment 3 yielded evidence of incidental attention; Ss noticed attitude-evoking objects even when the task made it beneficial to ignore the objects. Experiment 4 demonstrated that inclusion of attitude-evoking objects as distractor items interfered with Ss' performance of a visual search task. Apparently, attitude-evoking stimuli attract attention automatically. Thus, accessible attitudes provide the functional benefit of orienting an individual's visual attention toward objects with potential hedonic consequences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between level of physical activity and perceived physical self-concept of young children. The sample comprised 364 children from Slovenia, aged 6.4 yr. (SD = 0.3), of which 179 were boys and 185 girls. Parents and teachers reported children's physical activity using the Harro questionnaire. We divided children into Low and High Activity groups based on their mean scores. The children completed Stein's Children's Physical Self-concept Scale, which assesses Global Physical Self-concept and the subdomains of Physical Performance, Physical Appearance, and Weight Control behavior. Two-way analysis of variance with both sex and physical activity levels, and their interaction were used to examine differences in Physical Self-concept. There were significant differences between the Low and High Activity groups on scores for global Physical Self-concept Scale, Physical Performance, and Weight Control, on which children from the High Activity group scored higher; whereas on the subscale Physical Appearance, there were no significant differences. There were no significant sex differences on the Physical Self-concept Scale. The most important conclusion of this research indicates the theoretical assumptions that Physical Activity and perceived Physical Self-concept are related. Direction of the relationship remains unclarified.  相似文献   

The study was designed, using the ?matched-guise' technique, to determine how different groups of Welshmen perceive members of their own national group who use various linguistic codes. Three matched groups of adult Welsh Ss were used: Bilinguals, those who were learning Welsh and those who could not speak Welsh and were not learning it either. These Ss were asked to evaluate on 22 scales the personalities of various Welsh speakers they heard reading the same passage of prose on tape. Essentially, the stimulus tape consisted of two male bilinguals reading the passage once each in Welsh, in English with a Welsh accent and in English with an RP accent. It was found, despite the fact that the groups differed in their language skills and self-perceived Welshness, that Ss as a whole upgraded the bilingual speakers on most traits. Indeed, the RP speakers were evaluated most favourably on only one trait - self-confidence. It was suggested that language to a large extent serves as a symbol of Welsh identity, and the results were discussed in relation to how other ethnic groups appear to view their own linguistic codes.  相似文献   

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