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随着技术干预和增强人类道德的系统性实现,引发了人们的希望与恐惧、期待与不安、支持与反对的对立。增强派认为,人类道德的发展已经严重滞后于科技进步,人类完全有权利进行道德增强:道德增强与自由意志、社会公平、人格特性等问题并不冲突,并能助人以达到"行善"境界。反增强派则主张人类无权进行道德增强:道德增强是一种"扮演上帝"的行为,会限制人类自由、扩大社会差距、人格同质化,甚至引发个体安全和社会风险等问题,道德增强的交锋实质上是传统道德自然主义与道德非自然主义两派博弈的理论翻版,它把技术与道德关系的思考引向深入,有助于人类探寻道德发展的新路径。  相似文献   

徐向东  陈玮 《世界哲学》2023,(2):126-137+161
在目前所能设想的人类增强技术中,通过生物医学手段来增强人类道德被认为是最没有争议的。但是否确实如此关键地取决于我们对道德的本质和来源及其在人类生活中的地位的认识和理解。通过集中考察英格玛·佩尔松和朱利安·萨瓦勒斯库对道德生物增强提出的倡议,本文尝试表明,鉴于人类道德生活的复杂性、多样性和开放性,鉴于我们目前对人类道德行为的神经生物学基础仍然缺乏充分明晰和系统的认识,利用生物医学手段来直接干预大脑以“增强”人类道德的做法不仅并不成熟,而且也未能充分正视自由与其他重要的人类价值之间错综复杂的关系。  相似文献   

王云强  郭本禹 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1436-1440
结合道德心理学研究的新进展,采用问卷法,以803名大学生为被试,对大学生道德人格特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)大学生道德人格的性别差异显著,大学女生的总分和与人为善因素分数显著高于大学男生,而大学男生的不道德性因素分数和刚正无私因素分数显著高于大学女生。(2)大学生道德人格总分的年级差异不显著,而在具体因素上差异显著:大三学生的与人为善分数明显高于大一和大四学生。(3)大学生道德人格与道德行为的相关极为显著,大学生道德人格是道德行为的有效预测源。  相似文献   

人格同一性问题的还原论进路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王球 《世界哲学》2007,(6):92-100
作为最古老的哲学思考之一,尽管人们通常习惯于对人格同一性问题采用第三人称外部标准,或者持有宗教信念的人对其探讨也暗中预设一个不可还原论的"灵魂"。从而使问题变得无可辩驳。然而,由洛克奠定的第一人称记忆标准,经由巴特勒、雷德、休谟,直到以威廉姆斯和帕菲特为代表的当代分析哲学家的还原论进路,实际上构成了西方哲学家对该问题讨论的主流。这一进路在帕菲特那里达成了对人格同一性的问题消解,而它的背后却蕴含着旨在批判古典利已主义的目的论导向。本文工作仅限于按照还原论的内在逻辑来勾勒出这一进路的演进及其争论的内在关联。  相似文献   

面对狂、狷人格日益泛滥的礼崩乐坏局面,为了克己复礼,孔子通过发展民间教育事业与倡导学而优则仕等方式提升中行人格或中庸人格,但其后大一统的皇权专制社会却滋生了数量更为庞大的主奴人格,这种人格也是一种关系人格或身份人格,它是先秦诸人格类型之集大成,与其存在的社会环境共同成为公民人格养成的强大阻力。为了培养公民人格,应当批判地继承孔子培养中行人格的精神和方法。  相似文献   

论慎独与大学生道德人格成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"慎独"作为原始儒家圣贤所倡导的修身方法和推崇的道德境界,是进行道德修养、完善道德人格的根本途径,对当今培养大学生道德人格有着重要的现实价值。要完善大学生的道德人格必须加强"慎独"之德的培养,而培养"慎独"之德的重要途径就是道德主体要心怀诚意和心存敬畏。  相似文献   

当代西方道德人格研究的两类取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德人格研究是西方道德心理学的新主题,主要有两类取向:特质取向和社会认知取向。特质取向把道德人格理解为与道德有关的人格特质,对道德榜样的自然概念和真实道德榜样的人格特征进行了大量研究。社会认知取向以社会认知图式、知识结构和认知-情感机制来解释道德人格,揭示了个体内部动态的心理过程。未来的道德人格研究要强调两类取向的结合,加强发展过程和影响因素研究,并注重多水平与多学科的整合。  相似文献   

张謇是中国近代化的开拓者之一。作为一个皇帝亲点的状元 ,却淡薄仕途 ,毅然走向以实业和教育而救国之途。他的一生 ,反映了一个爱国志士谋求国家兴盛的艰苦曲折的历程 ;他的思想和实践所体现出的高尚道德品格和开拓进取精神 ,是留给后人的一笔珍贵的财富。研究张謇的道德人格 ,承继先人的传统美德 ,对于弘扬和培育民族精神 ,促进当前的公民道德建设 ,具有一定的积极意义和现实价值。  相似文献   

论网络文化条件下大学生道德人格的培育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络技术的普及和运用对大学生道德人格的培育产生了深远的影响.大学生道德人格培育的关键是培育大学生的网络道德人格.通过把握虚拟性与真实性、多元性与普适性、共性与个性的统一,认清网络道德人格的实质.大学生网络道德人格的外部型塑不仅需要大学生在自我塑造上积极地正身、修己、明志,同时需要作为外因的高校道德教育树立大德育观念,提高教育者自身的素质,注重网络文化环境建设,以此调动学生自我探求、自我创造、自我约束、自我修养的积极意识.  相似文献   

化学是打开人类道德进化的一本书。化学演进史亦是人类道德演进史。在与传统化学技术互动的历史进程中,道德因之发生了正向增强与反向进化的双重演化。与传统化学技术相比,非传统化学技术基于自然主义的理论立场,把道德问题还原为技术问题,继而借助化学药物的嵌入,对"道德因子"进行增删补益,从而实现了人类道德增强作用"量的增长"和"质的飞跃",起到了极其特殊的作用。可以预见,随着化学技术作用的充分涌流,非传统化学道德增强技术的系统性实现,化学对人类道德增强作用的确定性与不确定性将与日俱增。  相似文献   

We all could have had better lives, yet often do not wish that our lives had gone differently, especially when we contemplate alternatives that vastly diverge from our actual life course. What, if anything, accounts for such conservative retrospective attitudes? I argue that the right answer involves the significance of our personal attachments and our biographical identity. I also examine other options, such as the absence of self-to-self connections across possible worlds and a general conservatism about value.  相似文献   


Personal Identity theorists as diverse as Derek Parfit, Marya Schechtman and Galen Strawson have noted that the experiencing subject (the locus of present psychological experience) and the person (a human being with a career/narrative extended across time) are not necessarily coextensive. Accordingly, we can become psychologically alienated from, and fail to experience a sense of identity with, the person we once were or will be. This presents serious problems for Locke’s original account of “sameness of consciousness” constituting personal identity, given the distinctly normative (and indeed eschatological) focus of his discussion. To succeed, the Lockean project needs to identify some phenomenal property of experience that can constitute a sense of identity with the self figured in all moments to which consciousness can be extended. I draw upon key themes in Kierkegaard’s phenomenology of moral imagination to show that Kierkegaard describes a phenomenal quality of experience that unites the experiencing subject with its past and future, regardless of facts about psychological change across time. Yet Kierkegaard’s account is fully normative, recasting affective identification with past/future selves as a moral task rather than something merely psychologically desirable (Schechtman) or utterly contingent (Parfit, Strawson).  相似文献   




Despite people’s claims, their national, ethnic and other identities are not ubiquitously relevant, they are rather situationally evoked and performed. Such is the case with the German, Paraguayan and Germanino identity in the municipality of Nueva Germania, in Paraguay. Recognising such contextual epistemic permissibility allows us to form a de-essentialised understanding of groups and individuals. One of the challenges that emerge from this approach, is to understand how a person can perform different identities, which differently define who they are, while remaining certain of being a continuous and persistent person. The objective of this article is to provide a theoretical grounding for theories of social identity in theories of personal identity. It allows us to analytically accommodate the situational and multiscalar character of identities, while recognising their existential importance for personal identity (for the Self).  相似文献   


The authors formed and tested a model of the antecedents, consequences, and possible moderators or mediators of the role ambiguity construct in a new occupational group of nurses (N = 1,240) in Finland. They hypothesized that (a) job characteristics (control and feedback) would be associated with role ambiguity and (b) this association, in turn, would be moderated by personal need for structure. The authors hypothesized that role ambiguity would affect occupational strain partially by the strength of occupational identity. They tested these models by using hierarchical regression analysis and structural equation modeling (LISREL 8; K. G. Jöreskog & D. Sörbom, 1993). Both hypotheses were supported.  相似文献   

Personal political salience (PPS) is proposed as a personality characteristic that assesses individuals' linkage of political events with their personal identities. Its role in facilitating the development of politicized collective identity and action is examined. In four samples of midlife and activist women, we show that PPS was consistently related both to politicized gender identity and political participation. Further analyses show similar results for PPS, politicized racial identity, and political participation. Politicized gender identity mediated the relationship between PPS and women's rights activism, and politicized racial identity mediated the relationship between PPS and civil rights activism. PPS is demonstrated to independently predict political action and also to provide a personality link between group memberships, politicized collective identity, and political participation.  相似文献   

Amy Kind 《Metaphilosophy》2004,35(4):536-553
Abstract: Philosophers have long suggested that our attitude of special concern for the future is problematic for a reductionist view of personal identity, such as the one developed by Derek Parfit in Reasons and Persons. Specifically, it is often claimed that reductionism cannot provide justification for this attitude. In this article, I argue that much of the debate in this arena involves a misconception of the connection between metaphysical theories of personal identity and our special concern. A proper understanding of this connection reveals that the abovementioned objection to reductionism cannot get off the ground. Though the connection I propose is weaker than the connection typically presupposed, I nonetheless run up against a conclusion reached by Susan Wolf in “Self‐Interest and Interest in Selves.” According to Wolf, metaphysical theses about the nature of personal identity have no significance for our attitude of special concern. By arguing against Wolf's treatment of self‐interest, I suggest that her arguments for this conclusion are misguided. This discussion leads to further clarification of the nature of the link between theories of personal identity and our special concern and, ultimately, to a better understanding of the rationality of this attitude.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated a model of relations among contextual factors (family, school, and peer group), personal identity (i.e., coherence and confusion), and problem behavior among Iranian adolescents. The sample consisted of 765 Iranian adolescents and 615 primary caregivers. Results indicated that family functioning (adolescent report) was related to adolescent problem behavior (a) directly and (b) indirectly through identity confusion. Peer support on the other hand was solely indirectly related to adolescent problem behavior through identity confusion. School functioning was also significantly and negatively related to adolescent problem behavior. The present findings suggest that identity and contextual factors play important roles in steering Iranian adolescents toward or away from behavior problems. Implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Many requirements of rationality rely for their application on facts about identity at a time. Take the requirement not to have contradictory beliefs. It is irrational if a single agent believes P and believes ~P, but it is not irrational if one agent believes P and another believes ~P. There are puzzle cases, however, in which it is unclear whether we have a single agent, or instead two or more. I consider and reject possible criteria of identity at a time before proposing a pluralist alternative on which there are vastly more agents than we might have thought. This pluralist thesis is analogous to mereological universalism, on which there are all sorts of strange disconnected objects of which we don’t usually take note. I conclude by giving a pragmatic account of which of these rational agents it makes sense to attend to, by appealing the purposes that we have in employing rationally evaluative language.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relative roles of identity structure (i.e., personal identity) and identity contents (i.e., religious identity and moral identity) in predicting emerging adults’ prosocial and antisocial behaviors. The sample included 9,495 college students. A variable-centered analysis (path analysis) used personal identity, religious identity, and moral identity as predictors of prosocial and antisocial behavior and tested interactions of personal identity with religious identity and moral identity. Moral identity was the strongest predictor of both behaviors, and religious identity and moral identity both interacted with personal identity in predicting antisocial behavior. A person-centered analysis (latent profile analysis) found three classes: integrated, moral identity–focused, and religious identity–focused, with integrated being most adaptive on both outcomes.  相似文献   

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