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随着医学的发展,许许多多原以为是纯医疗技术的问题却引起了我们在伦理上的困惑,新旧观念的冲突给医务人员的行为选择带来了颇多难处。在医学人道主义日益受到挑战的时候,我们的社会和舆论却毫不犹豫地作出了选择,这或许能警示我们的医学伦理学研究是否应该从更为符合...  相似文献   




医学伦理学的床边教学与案例分析上海第二医科大学(200025)应秀娣范以农曹佳玺近几年来,我们一改医学伦理学单纯的课堂教学法,狠抓案例分析,“床边”教学,笔、口试结合三个环节,形成了适合学科性质的新颖教学方法。在医疗、检验系的实践证明,效果是好的。一...  相似文献   

案例教学与医学伦理学教育   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
案例教学已经成为普遍的方法在我国各医学院校的医学伦理学教学中广泛使用,案例教学作为一种方法,如何客观地看待它,需结合医学伦理学教育的目的和内容。案例教学具有增加互动、加深理解和提高分析能力等优点,但如果驾驭不好,也会暴露一些弱点,而起到反作用。试图还案例教学法于医学伦理学教育的本来位置。  相似文献   

关于医学伦理学案例教学的内涵与外延   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
笔者认为,案例教学是医学伦理学教学中不可或缺的组成部分,其实质是在医学伦理学教学中贯彻理论与实际结合原则,目的是提高医学伦理学教育的实际效果,培养医学生核心的价值观念。1案例教学是一个基本的教学理念在讨论医学伦理学案例教学的时候,人们往往是从教学方法的层面思考,  相似文献   

案例教学的医学伦理学再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国医学伦理学采用案例教学法已经有二十余年的历史了。在此期间,案例教学得到了一定的发展,却也受到了诸多因素的限制。当前,中国医学伦理学的案例教学朝哪里去、怎么去等一系列新的问题摆在我们面前,这些问题必须依赖于加强我国医学伦理学软件环境的建设并对案例教学进行医学伦理学的再造方能加以解决。  相似文献   

案例伦理讨论在《医学伦理学》教学中的应用北京医科大学(100083)李本富由美国纽约中华医学基金会资助我校的“医学伦理学教学模式改革实验”中,将案例伦理讨论引入教学是一项重要的改革内容。我们几年的教学实践证明,这种教学方法是可行的、有效的。作者在《医...  相似文献   

医学人文科学要作为独立的学科门类,就必须有自己独特的研究对象和研究方法.研究对象不清和方法论不明是当今中国医学人文科学研究的基础性问题.笔者认为,人文科学的核心问题是那些与价值相关的主体间的关系、对话和对文本的理解与解释.澄清人文科学的研究对象与方法论,有助于我们明白临床上医疗纠纷的根蒂和中西医论争中的困惑.  相似文献   

医学人文科学的研究对象与方法论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医学人文科学要作为独立的学科门类,就必须有自己独特的研究对象和研究方法。研究对象不清和方法论不明是当今中国医学人文科学研究的基础性问题。笔者认为,人文科学的核心问题是那些与价值相关的主体间的关系、对话和对文本的理解与解释。澄清人文科学的研究对象与方法论,有助于我们明白临床上医疗纠纷的根蒂和中西医论争中的困惑。  相似文献   

从功能角度看医学伦理学案例教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
案例教学,是指在教师的指导下把学生带人特定事件的现场,深人角色,再现案例情景,以提高学生实际运作能力的一种教学方法[1]。有论者认为医学伦理学案例教学的最终目的是培养学生能力[2]。但笔者以为,当前我国医学生的医学伦理学教学应该确立四个基本目的,第一,唤醒医学生的伦理  相似文献   

Casuistic methods of reasoning in medical ethics have been criticized by a number of authors. At least five main objections to casuistry have been put forward: (1) it requires a uniformity of views that is not present in contemporary pluralistic society; (2) it cannot achieve consensus on controversial issues; (3) it is unable to examine critically intuitions about cases; (4) it yields different conclusions about cases when alternative paradigms are chosen; and (5) it cannot articulate the grounds of its conclusions. Two main versions of casuistry have been put forward, and the responses to these objections depend in part on which version one is defending. Jonsen has advocated a version modeled on the approach to casuistry used by moral theologians in the 15th and 16th century, involving comparison of the case at hand with a single paradigm and a lineup of cases. The present author has advocated another version, drawn from experience with cases in clinical ethics, which involves comparing the case at hand with two or more paradigms. Four of the five objections are unsuccessful when directed against Jonsen'sapproach, and all of them are unsuccessful when directed against the approach involving comparison with two or more paradigms.  相似文献   

Casuistry and principlism are two of the leading contenders to be considered the methodology of bioethics. These methods may be incommensurable since the former emphasizes the examination of cases while the latter focuses on moral principles. Conversely, since both analyze cases in terms of mid-level principles, there is hope that these methods may be reconcilable or complementary. I analyze the role of principles in each and thereby show that these theories are virtually identical when interpreted in a certain light. That is, if the gaps in each method are filled by a concept of judgment or Aristotelian practical wisdom, these methods converge.  相似文献   

当代中国医德建设与相对主义医学伦理学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代西方相对主义医学伦理学有许多建树,但也有其致命性的缺陷,这就是否定医学道德的客观绝对性和普遍性医学伦理准则。在引进、介绍了这种学说之后,需要下功夫同它进行对话,即以医德绝对性与相对性辩证统一的原理,对这种学说进行追问,从中借鉴有益的经验和教训,以顺利全面地推进我国当代的医学道德建设。  相似文献   

Case methods of reasoning are persuasive, but we need to address problems of bias in order to use them to reach morally justifiable conclusions. A bias is an unwarranted inclination or a special perspective that disposes us to mistaken or one-sided judgments. The potential for bias arises at each stage of a case method of reasoning including in describing, framing, selecting and comparing of cases and paradigms. A problem of bias occurs because to identify the relevant features for such purposes, we must use general views about what is relevant; but some of our general views are biased, both in the sense of being unwarranted inclinations and in the sense that they are one of many viable perspectives. This reliance upon general views to determine relevancy creates additional difficulties for defenders who maintain that case methods of moral reasoning are not only useful, but more basic, reliable or prior to other forms of moral reasoning. If we cannot identify the case's relevant features and issues independently of our general views or biases, we need further explanation about why a case method or casuistry should be viewed as prior to or more basic or reliable than other forms of moral reasoning. Problems of bias also arise for other methods of reasoning. In medical science, case reviews are regarded as an unreliable way to form generalizations, and methods such as clinical trials are used to address bias.  相似文献   

现代医学伦理学原则的冲突及其原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代医学伦理学追求的是在基本原则指导下建构一个程序规则,让各种理论和价值观获得平等对话和合作的机会。但由于方法本身的缺陷及现代性伦理的内在矛盾,它并没有实现这一目的。我们必须充分尊重中国文化传统和社会现实,谨慎而合理的利用西方医学伦理资源。  相似文献   




当今是一个以利益为轴心的时代。利益伦理学是医学伦理学不可忽视的课题。将病人利益置于首位应当是现代医学伦理学的首要原则。欲望是无穷的,利益是有限的。任何利益都有自己的边界和限度。我们必须设置利益的道德界限,以回答当前医学伦理学面临的种种现实课题。  相似文献   

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