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对于进化理论与伦理学之间的关系,不同看法构成了一个连续谱,采取互相排斥立场的两端各有问题,而中间立场的成立需要应对自然主义谬误和休谟法则提出的挑战。对于实践判断的分析能为自然主义清除障碍,而针对婴儿的社会评价行为的系列实验在为基于进化论的伦理自然主义提供依据的同时,也表明一定阶段从进化剥离的认知能力对道德价值的塑造超脱了生物学说明的范围。  相似文献   

由儒、佛、道三大支柱构成的中国传统文化向来关注生命.尽管儒、佛、道对生命最深层次的看法有所不同,但其生命伦理精神是一致的.它们都主张以贵生精神看待生命的价值,以平等精神衡量各个生命的价值,以仁爱精神善待一切生命,以和谐精神调节生命之间的关系,并以超越精神面对生命的终结.  相似文献   

尼采自然主义价值观论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜赞东 《学海》2001,(6):51-54
尼采价值观在其哲学中具有十分重要的作用,尼采不仅以生命为基础重估一切价值,而且初步地进行了自然主义价值的建构,试图彻底克服传统价值观反对生命、否定生命的倾向,以为人类提供理想的生活方式.同时,尼采从价值主体方面出发探讨了价值的来源、本质、属性、价值等级的划分等,开创了价值哲学的相对主义的方向,这对于19世纪初、20世纪末德国价值哲学的兴起与发展起到了推动的作用.  相似文献   

对于当代生命伦理学的发展而言,儒家伦理提供了一种理论资源和研究进路,有积极的价值和意义.但是,一方面,儒学是一个历史概念,儒家伦理有其历史局限性和文化相对性,另方面,生命伦理学有不同于传统伦理学的性质、任务和方法,因此,对当代生命伦理学的发展而言,儒家伦理的价值也是有限的.儒家伦理不能自发地成为当代生命伦理学的理论基础、分析工具和核心价值.只有在认真地清理传统儒家伦理的基础上,在不断地对儒学进行"现代诠释"或称之为"儒学创新"的基础上,所构建的儒家生命伦理学才能在后现代多元文化处境中占有一席之地,对当代生命伦理学的发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

随着生命科技的迅猛发展,人类社会面临着前所未有的风险,已有的伦理学理论已不能时当代生命科技发展带来的问题给出满意的回答,生命伦理亟须理论创新.以敬畏生命为基本伦理观念,从人类的共同利益出发,在达成差异共识的基础上,构建当代生命伦理共同体,是解决当代生命科技发展带来的一系列新问题、构建和谐社会的可能路径之一.  相似文献   

生命伦理委员会:作为伦理研讨和政策建议的平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1生命伦理委员会的四种形式及其目标(1)决策委员会和/或咨询委员会(2)保健专业人员协会委员会(3)保健/医院伦理委员会(4)研究伦理委员会1.1生命伦理委员会的前提条件生命伦理委员会应该:(1)尊重人权;(2)承认公民的尊严;(3)支持生命伦理教育计划。1.2四种形式的生命伦理委员会及其目标(1)决策委员会和/或咨询委员会:为成员国公民制订健全的科学和保健政策(公共卫生、福利和权利)(2)保健专业人员协会委员会:建立良好的病人医疗专业实践(医生、护士、药剂师和相关的保健专业人员)(3)保健伦理委员会:改进以病人为中心的保健(医院、门诊、长期护…  相似文献   

作为《庄子》内篇的重要篇章,《养生主》在全书中具有关键意义,它言简意赅地探讨了庄子生命伦理的多重维度,翔实而深刻地透显出庄子的生命哲学与养生艺术。概括而言,《养生主》首先从物我矛盾的困境中引申出顺中为常的总体纲领,紧接着以庖丁解牛、泽雉之养、秦失吊老等寓言揭示出养生的三个维度,即从形为物役到形神兼养、从困于樊中到精神自由、从遁天倍情到洞明生死。此三者紧密相关、层层递进,为人们安身立命、追寻个体生命价值、护持心中净土提供了一条理想之路,同时对于当代社会所面临的种种生存困境亦有不容忽视的重要价值。  相似文献   




论人的生命的人道价值:人的生命价值概念质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问题的提出现代医学伦理学的发展,改变了生命神圣论的传统格局,逐渐把关注的目光投向生命的质量和价值。由此,对人的生命价值的界定就日益凸现出重要性。关于什么是人的生命价值,目前学术界和教科书中尽管在表述上略有差别,却都是从主体、客体及主客体间相互关系的角...  相似文献   

生命问题不仅仅是一个医学问题,也是一个哲学问题.先秦两汉道家哲学对中医学生命观的影响深刻而久远,这体现在中医学关于生命的本源以及养生等各个方面.研究先秦两汉中医哲学,必须重视对道家哲学生命观的研究,这是中医哲学核心问题之一.  相似文献   

Willem B. Drees 《Zygon》2000,35(4):849-860
The term naturalism arouses strong emotions; religious naturalism even more. In this essay, naturalism is explored in a variety of contexts, in contrast to supernaturalism (in metaphysics), normativism (in ethics and epistemology), and rationalism (in the philosophy of mind). It is argued that religious naturalism becomes a "thick" naturalism, a way of life rather than just a philosophical position. We can discern a subculture with a historical identity, a variety of dialects, stories that evoke attitudes and feelings, as well as more systematic theological elaborations. In this context, religious naturalists are called to thicken further the ways of life that embody their religious and naturalist sensitivities. In order to speak of a naturalist theology in this context, one has to define theology in a way that avoids assumptions regarding the supernatural; this can be achieved by presenting theologies as particular combinations of cosmologies (informed by the sciences) and axiologies (values).  相似文献   

从语义上看,社会主义价值体系就是人们对社会主义属性的感受、体验、认知以及评判的总和,体现为一种观念的集合(社会意识系统),社会主义核心价值体系就是指在这些观念集合中居于主体地位、起着主导性作用的观念系统。而在语用层面,社会主义核心价值体系因解释者不同而具有不同的诉求。一般来说,主要有这样三种类型的诉求:国家的角度,基于阶级意志而要求整个社会如何如何;社会的角度,着眼于“应该”的愿景来表达预期的意愿;个体的角度,立足于事实的效力坚持大众认同的标准。  相似文献   

Naturalism is often considered to be antithetical to theology and genuine religion. However, in a series of recent books and articles, Willem Drees has proposed a scientifically informed naturalistic account of religion, which, he contends, is not only compatible with supernaturalistic religion and theology but provides a better account of both than either purely naturalistic or purely supernaturalistic accounts. While rejecting both epistemological and methodological naturalism, Drees maintains that ontological naturalism offers the best philosophical account of the natural world and that, in addition, it provides the opening for a supernaturalistic understanding of religion and theology, one that best fits the condition of epistemic and moral distance from the transcendent characteristic of religious wonderers and wanderers. In this paper I examine Drees's claim and argue that it is seriously flawed. I show that Drees's naturalism is, in fact, both methodologically and epistemologically naturalistic. I also show that his attempts to limit naturalism to the sphere of the natural world by means of the phenomena of limit questions and underdetermination fail. Arguing for a more optimistic, but also, I contend, more empirically accurate account of human epistemic and moral capacities, I propose a full-fledged scientifically based naturalistic account of theology.  相似文献   

生命伦理学应把主要的研究内容转移到精神、灵性与社会生命的伦理解读,研究什么是生命的伦理价值,以及"医疗与保健政策的公正"方面;生命伦理学的学科体系可分为原理(原道)、原论(原法)与原用(原实)三部分,可划分为理论生命伦理学与应用生命伦理学两部分;生命伦理学的原则可分为母原则、基本原则与应用原则;生命伦理学要鼓励创建各种学派,不要搞一言堂;在生命科学进化的今天,有必要保持心境平和,而不是戏剧性的躁动。  相似文献   

This article analyzes certain aspects of the structure of bioethics as a discipline. It begins by arguing that bioethics is an academic discipline of a pragmatic nature and then puts forward a classification of the main problems, issues, and concerns in bioethics, using this classification as a way to outline the limits and framework of the field. Pushing further, it contends that comprehensive treatment of any topic in bioethics requires that three normative dimensions (the ethical, the moral, and the political) be taken into account. It concludes that the classification of the issues and analysis of each issue's normative dimensions can provide valuable contributions toward understanding the sui generis structure of bioethics as a pragmatic discipline.  相似文献   

在一个没有单一国教或价值权威能全盘解决科技政策与价值问题的多元社会中,由政府设置公共论坛性质的政策咨询委员会,是一项值得采纳的作法.美国先后设立过6个国家生命伦理学委员会,探析它们的建立与变迁,可以为我国类似组织提供参考.  相似文献   

刘书正 《管子学刊》2009,(1):109-113,119
儒道二家提出的生态伦理思想构成了传统伦理生态文明观的核心,他们在生态环境问题上表现出的智慧和远见卓识,直至今日令我们赞叹不已。这些深邃的思考既展现了圣人先哲独特的生存智慧,又为我们提供了应对现代生态挑战可资借鉴的思想资源。只要我们充分利用儒道传统生态伦理观的优势和长处,并及时赋予新的时代内容,对实现人类与自然的和谐相处、建立现代生态文明是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

Steve Clarke 《Sophia》2009,48(2):127-142
There is overwhelming agreement amongst naturalists that a naturalistic ontology should not allow for the possibility of supernatural entities. I argue, against this prevailing consensus, that naturalists have no proper basis to oppose the existence of supernatural entities. Naturalism is characterized, following Leiter and Rea, as a position which involves a primary commitment to scientific methodology and it is argued that any naturalistic ontological commitments must be compatible with this primary commitment. It is further argued that properly applied scientific method has warranted the acceptance of the existence of supernatural entities in the past and that it is plausible to think that it will do so again in the future. So naturalists should allow for the possibility of supernatural entities.
Steve ClarkeEmail:

Tim Lewens 《Metaphilosophy》2012,43(1-2):46-57
Philosophers have nothing to lose, and much to gain, by paying close attention to developments in the natural sciences. This insight amounts to a case for a tempered, eclectic naturalism. But the case for naturalism is often overstated. We should not overestimate the heuristic benefits of close attention to scientists’ claims, nor should we give up on traditional “armchair” philosophical methods. We should not draw solely on the natural sciences (at the expense of the humanities) when seeking to enrich and discipline our philosophical theorising. Finally, philosophers should not shy away from criticising some scientists’ claims, at the same time as they learn from others.  相似文献   

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