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药品是一种特殊商品,直接关系到广大人民群众生命健康.近年来,随着我国医疗体制改革的深入进行,人们健康意识和法律意识得到了普遍提高.为了更好地体现以"病人为中心"的服务理念,提高患者用药的安全性和有效性,提高患者的生活质量,需要我们医院药师不断实践与探索,为临床提供全方位的药学服务.  相似文献   

全面分析在当前新的形势下医院药学发展处在转型期所面临的实际困难.正确认识目前医院药剂科在人才队伍建设和知识结构上存在的不足,以及自身拥有的专业技术优势等.明确今后工作的重点在于深入临床贴近患者,向临床药学服务方向发展,同时不断提高临床药学科研水平,促进医院药学事业更高、更快发展.  相似文献   

药品是一种特殊商品,直接关系到广大人民群众生命健康。近年来,随着我国医疗体制改革的深入进行,人们健康意识和法律意识得到了普遍提高。为了更好地体现以“病人为中心”的服务理念,提高患者用药的安全性和有效性,提高患者的生活质量,需要我们医院药师不断实践与探索,为临床提供全方位的药学服务。  相似文献   

新形势下医院药学的困境与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面分析在当前新的形势下医院药学发展处在转型期所面临的实际困难。正确认识目前医院药剂科在人才队伍建设和知识结构上存在的不足,以及自身拥有的专业技术优势等。明确今后工作的重点在于深入临床贴近患者,向临床药学服务方向发展,同时不断提高临床药学科研水平,促进医院药学事业更高、更快发展。  相似文献   

医院药学服务是医院医疗服务中的重要组成部分,药师在医院人文服务中起着重要作用.本文阐述了人文关怀在医院药学服务中的实施,指出药师在日常工作中的每个环节都要为患者提供充满人文关怀的服务,并指出了现在医院药学服务的人文关怀中存在的困难及解决办法.  相似文献   

医院药学服务与人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医院药学服务是医院医疗服务中的重要组成部分,药师在医院人文服务中起着重要作用。本文阐述了人文关怀在医院药学服务中的实施,指出药师在日常工作中的每个环节都要为患者提供充满人文关怀的服务,并指出了现在医院药学服务的人文关怀中存在的困难及解决办法。  相似文献   

心理干预在放疗患者中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨通过实施恰当的心理行为治疗,尤其是教育性干预措施,达到改善放疗患者情绪、提高其生活质量以及降低治疗负反应的效果.采用病例对照的临床研究方法,选用生活质量和心境问卷对160名正在进行放射治疗的住院癌症病人进行了心理干预的比较研究.结果表明,干预组患者的总体情绪和总体生活质量状况,比对照组患者有明显的改善,但愤怒、认知功能以及恶心呕吐症状在两组间的差异不显著;干预组组内比较中,角色功能没有显著性差别.其原因有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

心理干预在化疗患者中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究针对化疗患者常见的恶心呕吐、烦躁不安等副作用.运用心理行为技术.采用病例对照研究方法,对129名化疗患者进行了比较研究。结果为:各项情绪指标和总的情绪状况以及恶心呕吐反应。干预组患者比对照组改善明显;生活质量各指标在组问和组内比较中,有不同程度的改善,角色、社会、认知功能和疼痛症状在两组比较中改善不明显。由此认为,对化疗患者实施恰当的心理行为技术.干预效果是明显的  相似文献   

对临床药学发展的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经过30余年的探索与实践,我国的临床药学发展已初具规模,其开展的必要性和重要性得到社会各界的肯定。但就开展程度而言,临床药学仍为一门年轻的学科,其内容和体系均凾待完善。在回顾过去,总结经验教训的基础上,我们有针对性地提出了一些关于临床药学体系建设的建议,期望对我国临床药学工作的全面开展有所帮助。  相似文献   

经过30余年的探索与实践,我国的临床药学发展已初具规模,其开展的必要性和重要性得到社会各界的肯定.但就开展程度而言,临床药学仍为一门年轻的学科,其内容和体系均函待完善.在回顾过去,总结经验教训的基础上,我们有针对性地提出了一些关于临床药学体系建设的建议,期望对我国临床药学工作的全面开展有所帮助.  相似文献   

冠心病的发病率逐年升高,死亡率居高不下,成为威胁人类健康的重要疾病。人们为了攻克这一难题进行了不懈的工作,溶栓、监护及介入治疗的出现挽救了众多生命。随着冠状动脉介入治疗方法的不断完善和广泛开展,冠状动脉介入治疗越来越成为冠心病治疗的主要临床手段。但随之而来的手术并发症、支架在狭窄等问题成为不得不考虑的问题。治疗策略的选...  相似文献   

Mosher  Catherine E. 《Sex roles》2002,46(3-4):113-119
The extent to which prejudicial views of both genders influence college students' clinical evaluations was investigated. Primarily White and working-class students listened to 1 of 4 audiotapes of either a male or a female actor with identical major or minor psychological problems. Participants selected 1 of 4 intervention levels (no intervention, workshops/seminars, counselor, or psychiatrist) for the actor and for themselves if they were to experience the actor's problems. The results indicated that both actor gender and participant gender influenced intervention choice. Participants, especially men, tended to select a higher intervention level for the actor than for themselves. These findings are congruent with the self-serving biases exhibited in therapeutic contexts and support the position that gender affects clinical decisions.  相似文献   

对价值问题的处理是心理咨询中的重要哲学命题。人本主义心理学所遵循的“价值中立”原则,是心理咨询中回避价值干预的根源所在。通过对心理咨询理论的整体审视,提出不能简单地把价值中立原则拓展到整个心理咨询之中,不能忽视心理咨询的教育功能和社会责任,纯粹的“价值中立”是无法实现的。  相似文献   

为了研究药学信息学的研究范畴,通过文献分析方法研究药学信息学从技术和服务两个角度嵌入新药从筛选到上市的全部过程。结果表明,药学信息学的研究范畴为技术信息学和服务信息学。技术信息学包括系统生物技术信息学、基因技术信息学、免疫技术信息学、计算毒理技术信息学、化学反应技术信息学、代谢组技术信息学和中药信息学。服务信息学包括药疗信息学、药研信息学和药品信息学。因此,药学信息学描述了前所未有的数据、学科和技术的交叉。  相似文献   

四川汶川大地震心理危机干预的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对大地震我们如何应对?突发的灾难除了顷刻间造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失外,还会对人们的心理产生巨大影响。帮助灾区人民渡过心理创伤,减少心理疾病的发生和对心理社会功能的后遗影响。灾后心理危机同样是灾难,灾后心理疏导需专业人员,抗震救灾与灾后的心理干预同等重要。  相似文献   

The increased proportion of juvenile court‐involved girls has spurred interest to implement and evaluate services to reduce girls’ system involvement. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a family‐based intervention by using a dominant sequential mixed methods evaluation approach. First, we examined quantitative data using a quasi‐experimental design to determine whether the family‐based intervention reduced recidivism among court‐involved girls. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to construct statistically equivalent groups to compare one‐year recidivism outcomes for girls who received the court‐run family‐based intervention (n = 181) to a group of girls on probation who did not receive the intervention (n = 803). Qualitative interviews (n = 39) were conducted to contextualize the quantitative findings and highlighted the circumstances that family‐focused interventions for court‐involved girls. Girls who received the program had slightly lower recidivism rates following the intervention. The qualitative findings contextualized the quasi‐experimental results by providing an explanation as to the girls’ family circumstances and insights into the mechanisms of the intervention. Results highlighted the importance of family‐focused interventions for juvenile justice‐involved girls. These findings have practical and policy implications for the use interventions—beyond the individual level—with adjudicated girls and offer suggestions for ways to improve their effectiveness using a community psychology lens. In addition, this paper includes a discussion of evaluating of juvenile court programming from a community psychology perspective including strengths, challenges, and considerations for future work in this area.  相似文献   

临床路径管理模式的应用及效果评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了评价临床路径的效果,探索符合我国医院实际的临床路径实施办法,对某三级甲等综合医院对两种外科疾病应用临床路径的结果进行统计分析。结果显示:两种外科疾病的平均住院日缩短、住院费用降低、病人满意度提高。由此得出结论,临床路径管理模式能使病人得到高品质、低费用的医疗服务,有利于医疗规范化管理。但其广泛实施受到诸多因素的影响,尚需要结合医院的实际情况,加强各专业科室的协调,加强医院信息管理系统的建设,改革医疗费用支付方式等。  相似文献   

Response to intervention (RTI) has been discussed as a new model of assessment. Although the basic process by which RTI works has received frequent attention in the literature, the available research leaves several important questions unanswered (Kavale et al. in Learn Disabil Q 28(1): 2–16, 2005). One concept within RTI that has received little empirical consideration is intervention intensity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the application of increased intervention frequency on the mathematics performance of students and to evaluate this increased frequency as a systematic means of increasing and quantifying intervention strength. Results indicate that although all students were responsive to the intervention, some participants were sensitive only to more frequent application of the treatment or at more intense levels of treatment. Through this methodology a means of quantifying treatment intensity was also identified and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A formative evaluation (consisting of two phases: a scoping literature review and a focus group with mental health professionals) was conducted to inform the design of a web-based intervention to prevent postpartum depression, in terms of its characteristics and content: the Be a Mom program. The results showed that the web-based intervention should be short-term, delivered postnatally, and grounded in cognitive-behavior therapy principles. Moreover, the intervention should include weekly sessions targeting basic contents: motherhood changes, reorganizations and emotional experience; cognitions, self-criticism, and self-compassion; parenting values, social support, and assertive communication skills; couple relationship, negotiation and conflict resolution skills; and postpartum depression signs and professional help-seeking. These results may improve the Be a Mom’s adequacy, implementation success, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

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