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政治秩序与政治忠诚关系密切。构建良好的政治秩序,需要以构建一套科学完整的政治忠诚话语体系为前提。政治忠诚话语分为“抽象”与“具体”两种类型。首先,政治忠诚话语中“抽象”与“具体”两种类型的忠诚对象应该具备充分的有效性。其次,它们能够得到相对均衡地发展,并在两者之间形成有效的内在联系与支持关系。其中,抽象层面的政治忠诚话语,需要有足够的超越性与先进性,并且能够对现实力量产生有效的制约;而具体层面的政治忠诚话语,在服从抽象政治忠诚话语的前提下,发挥对具体个人或组织的指挥、协调和控制能力。政治忠诚话语体系的科学建构也是推进国家治理现代化的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

郭忠华 《学海》2023,(1):42-53
西方不仅是一个地域概念,更构建了一套表征自由、平等、正义的政治话语体系。在反思东方主义的基础上,以公民话语作为抓手,艾辛提出了西方政治话语构建的“他异性”范式。它表明,西方政治话语构建以群体区隔作为基础,通过团结、竞争和疏离策略而建立起有关自身统治的话语。“他异性”范式尽管把西方政治话语研究推进到一个新的阶段,但与东方主义一样,它忽略了欧洲近代早期的“正面他异性”策略。这种策略体现在对东方的理想化上,伏尔泰的《中国孤儿》表现得较为典型,它为欧洲现代话语建构提供了参照标准。内部“他异性”策略与正反两种外部“他异性”策略结合在一起,构成西方政治话语建构的三种策略。它们表明,以自由、平等、正义自居的西方政治建立在群体区隔和不平等的基础上。  相似文献   

我国存在西医和中医两种知识话语体系,西医占据主导地位是乙肝病毒携带者污名形成的前提条件,民众持有的"乙肝病毒传播方式"的错误知识是污名建构形成的主要原因,传播正确的医学知识去掉萦绕在携带者身上的污名是根除乙肝病毒携带者遭受歧视的关键.  相似文献   

郭萍 《周易研究》2022,(3):101-112
当今建构中国哲学话语的一个重要根由是为了摆脱近百年来西方话语对于中国哲学主体性的宰制,而福柯的“话语理论”就对话语宰制主体的问题做了理论上的揭示与批判。不过,与福柯批判现代性的后现代立场不同,中国学界大多基于中西对峙的民族立场而批判现代西方话语的西方性,这也成为近现代儒学话语建构的底色。然而,包括儒学话语在内的任何主体话语都不具有自明性,而是有着前主体的共同本源,即前主体性言说,其本源地生发着主体话语的实质内容,同时也引导着主体话语的时代更迭。因此不论中西,都需要以当下的现代性生活本身为共同渊源,建构与之相宜的主体话语。据此而言,传统儒学话语并不是落后于西方,而是落后于时代,故当今建构儒学话语的根本在于实现传统儒学的现代转化,即以儒家的思维方式言说现代主体价值。唯其如此,我们才能在顺应时代的积极意义上持守儒学话语的独特性,才能在发展现代主体价值的普遍意义上有效地批判现代西方话语。  相似文献   

福柯的生命政治是其后期哲学思想的一个重要主题.在生命政治视野下,个人—生命与人口—生命成为政治管理的对象,人口问题在18世纪日显突出,事关健康、卫生、出生率、寿命、种族等,因而,君主之眼,即治理者的目光必然聚焦于此.生命政治意味着生命进入历史、政治和政治技术领域,生命获得政治性,而政治也富有生命特色.福柯站在历史本体论...  相似文献   

本文从解析生育性别选择的概念出发全面揭示了生育性别选择中的性别伦理问题,从性别伦理的独特视角对其作出详细分析,进而提出了规制生育性别选择,消除性别歧视,构建合理生育伦理秩序的性别伦理策略.  相似文献   

在1984年《光明日报》社举办的优秀理论文章评选中,《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》一文荣膺特别奖,但获奖名单的公布及奖金的颁发与分发,引来了一场多年未见平息的著作权之争。按照政治系统分析理论,可以把撰写《实》文原稿的胡福明看作民间社会"学术话语"的供给者,而把参与修改《实》文的吴江、孙长江等人看作位居权力系统边缘,并促使"学术话语"转换为"政治修辞"的观念把关性质的"守门者"。两类角色都有其理论贡献,但他们各自的角色认知却发生了某种错位。值得庆幸的是,他们不无论战色彩的回忆文章合在一起,恰好还原了《实》文撰写、修改及发表的历史实况。据此,不仅可以对当代中国知识分子的政治贡献度及贡献方式给出典型性的个案评估,还可以在政治过程的意义上对当代中国的权力系统运作机制作微观的剖析和解释。  相似文献   

引言本文旨在讨论摩洛哥多元文化的活力、社会性别及妇女的政治参与问题。摩洛哥的社会语言环境具有多种语言并存和文化多样的特点。在这里,阿拉伯、柏柏尔和伊斯兰的传统与民主、自由、社会公正和人权等现代普世价值的相互交融形成了多元文化的特征。  相似文献   

尽管抑郁的影响因素得到了比较多的探讨,但是鲜有研究探讨职业自我概念清晰度与抑郁的关系以及性别和性别平等观在其中的作用。根据生涯发展理论和自我差异理论,本研究探讨了大学生职业自我概念清晰度与大学生抑郁的关系,并考察了性别和性别平等观在二者关系之间的调节作用。通过对463份大学生的数据进行实证分析发现:(1)职业自我概念清晰度与大学生抑郁负相关;(2)职业自我概念清晰度与抑郁的关系存在显著的性别差异;(3)职业自我概念清晰度、性别和性别平等观对大学生抑郁存在三重交互作用。当个体持有高性别平等观时,男性和女性的职业自我概念清晰度都与抑郁负相关。当个体的性别平等观较低时,女性的职业自我概念清晰度与抑郁正相关。研究结果对于大学生的职业发展和心理健康教育具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

元话语作为话语分析领域内的一个比较新的概念,越来越受到学术界的关注。而元话语可以引导读者去组织、诠释、评价主题信息,并促使他们对写作内容做出反应。本文首先系统的讲述了元话语的界定,其次介绍了元话语的分类和功能,然后回顾了元话语的研究现状及发展动态。  相似文献   

Gender has been thought to be less salient than race among black women. Data from two national surveys of black Americans, conducted in 1984 and 1996, show that black women identify as strongly on the basis of their gender as their race, and that these gender and racial identities are mutually reinforcing. Nevertheless, among black women, their identification with their race more powerfully affected their political attitudes than did their identification on the basis of gender, except in instances where the interests of blacks directly conflict with the interests of women. These empirically based findings speak to the issue of why the attitudes of black women toward contemporary gender issues can sharply diverge from those of white women.  相似文献   

How ethics in human services is a political activity, shaping social relationships, is explored through the examination of two opposing discourses, a principle-based and a situated/relational narrative. Factors such as neo-liberalism, managerialism, and the risk-aversive society give a context for the reasons that the principle-based discourse has been the predominant influence, and what interests are served by this trope taking center stage. A delineation and critique of both perspectives are provided, including an explanation of the epistemological underpinnings of these discourses. The piece ends with what needs to be done to strengthen ethics.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the way in which discourse and argumentation may vary depending on participants educational level and gender. Men and women from three different educational levels (literacy, advanced level and university students) participated in discussion groups that debated about women and work, the sharing of housework and the way in which girls and boys are educated. The results showed important differences depending on participants educational level and gender. In general, the main differences were related to educational level, while gender tended to interact with educational level, as a moderating factor.  相似文献   

Presented as part of a symposium at the 1996 American Psychological Association Convention in Toronto, Canada, this paper reflects an historical overview of the political issues faced by psychologists in academic medical centers. Ivan Mensh, Ph.D., senior psychologist and founding member of the Association of Medical School Psychologists, suggests that those psychologists involved in medical education should learn who the decision makers are and how decisions are made at academic medical centers in order better to assure the continued viability of psychology in those settings.  相似文献   

This article describes the interaction of giftedness with gender identity, gender role, and gender relations. The authors explored ways in which many gifted educational practices are gendered, a model for the development of talent in the context of gender and gender relations, and ways of reducing gender inequities in the realization of potential for both male and female students. Issues that are unique to gifted individuals are aligned with suggestions for counseling interventions.  相似文献   

通过眼动实验考察了语篇背景对不同类型句子语义整合过程的影响。句子类型有3个水平:(1)宾语违反了动词的选择性限制; (2)宾语符合选择性限制, 但是违反了世界知识; (3)无违反。语篇背景有2个水平:(1)中性背景; (2)校正背景。在中性语篇背景下, 句子(1) (2)是不合适的; 而在校正背景下, 三种句子都是合理的。24名大学生被试自然阅读的眼动数据表明, 违反动词选择性限制的目标词上的首次注视时间、回视路径时间和总注视时间, 在中性背景下比在校正背景下长, 注视点个数也更多; 而在非选择性限制违反条件下, 语篇背景的效应只在总注视时间和注视点个数两个指标上显著。这些结果表明, 当句子中的宾语违反了动词的选择性限制时, 语篇背景影响了宾语的早期和晚期加工。而当宾语只违反世界知识时, 语篇背景的作用体现在晚期阶段。语篇背景对当前信息的整合是动态的过程, 并不是只能在固定某个阶段起作用。  相似文献   

The impact of gender on productivity and satisfaction was examined among a random sample of 293 psychologists employed as faculty members in medical schools. Forty-one percent of the respondents were female. Males were older than females, had worked in a medical school longer, had higher academic ranks, held more administrative positions, were more likely to be tenured, and earned higher salaries. When years of employment as a psychologist were statistically controlled, there were no gender differences in productivity, as measured by publications, presentations, and grant awards; however, gender differences in salary remained. Females were less satisfied than males with regard to salary, promotion opportunities, and overall respect. Results are discussed within the context of the changing gender composition within psychology and the changing demands within the health care system.  相似文献   

近几年,国家采取了一系列降低药品价格的政策。药品价格的调整是否从一定程度上减缓了“看病难,看病贵”的问题,是否达到了预期效果?本文将从医院、患者、医药公司和药店以及医药企业四方的角度对药品价格下调产生的影响进行探讨。  相似文献   

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