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王琳  卢照忠 《社会心理科学》2004,19(1):37-38,82
拉康的精神分析理论包括心理过程理论、心理变态理论和精神分析的治疗技术。拉康精神分析理论为,心理治疗中各种流派方法应用的整合提供了一种可能性。  相似文献   

通过对拉康文本的阅读能够看到在其精神分析的理论构建中,其中l'autre(小他者)和L’Autre(大他者)这两个术语占据了关键的位置。但由于这两个术语由于单词一致而只是大小写的区分所造成了一定的迷惑性。鉴于对于这两者的区分是拉康理论中非常重要的区分,关键性地支撑着拉康的精神分析欲望的理论,笔者试着来一次对他者之路的欲望的追寻。  相似文献   

本文从拉康派精神分析入手揭示现代精神分析发展中日益近于佛教尤其是禅宗的倾向,比较了精神分析自由联想方法与佛教传统止观法门的异同,以个案对比为方法说明拉康派精神分析风格与禅宗公案确有异曲同工之处,指出佛教禅宗的修行原则同样适用于精神分析。  相似文献   

为庆贺中国社会科学院哲学研究所建所55周年,2010年10月23-24日,《哲学动态》编辑部与河南大学出版社联合举办了精神分析与意识形态专题学术研讨会。与会者主要围绕法国学者拉康的精神分析理论,以及当今西方学者齐泽克的意识形态大众文化理论展开了热烈的讨论。现选取部分参会论文予以发表,以期深化现代意识形态问题的探讨。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德认为,人的思想和行为是受无意识和本能所控制的;而打着“回归弗洛伊德”旗号的拉康则认为人是社会化的产物。  相似文献   

廖智伟 《美与时代》2013,(12):23-23
自古以来,精神疾病就被人们所察觉,其从神秘力量发展到人们可认知治疗,经历了很长一段时间的血雨心酸。精神病医疗及其机构正逐渐由黑暗的非理想转向光明的社会关怀。  相似文献   

萨特在《存在与虚无》中对"注视"的著名分析,在20世纪中叶的法国思想界引发了相当可观的理论效应.在此问题上,作为萨特重要对话者与批评者之一的拉康一方面高度评价了萨特对于注视以及相关问题的天才分析,另一方面又批判性地发展和深化了萨特的观点.拉康从其精神分析的临床经验与理论思考出发,通过借鉴梅洛-庞蒂等不同领域思想家的相关...  相似文献   

与弗洛伊德一样,以拉康(J.Lacan)为代表的现代精神分析理论仍然是以无意识为研究对象的学说。拉康始终声称要回到弗洛伊德,这表明拉康与弗洛伊德之间存在着密切的思想渊源关系。然而另一方面,拉康的思想体系中也渗透着浓重的黑格尔思想成分。这表明,拉康在20世纪30年代  相似文献   




拉康的《讲座XVII)是一部往往被忽视的拉康作品,在这部作品中,拉康开创性地提出了四种话语理论,而这四种话语不能简单看成是精神分析理论内部一次理论运动。最为关键的是,今天的某些左翼理论家如齐泽克,已经充分看到了这四种话语理论的批判性和革命性的根源。在今天,这四种话语,尤其是普遍性话语,已经成为了左翼批判资本主义的全新利器。我们也可以从一个全新的角度来诠释当代资本主义的发展,并找到未来社会的方向。  相似文献   

This paper presents the basic principles of insight-oriented therapy for schizophrenia, emphasizing the effectiveness of this approach: each treatment effort is a unique adventure, fueled by hopefulness in both participants. Next, it reviews the history of such treatment efforts and current tensions in the field. It presents information on the International Society for the Psychological treatments of the Schizophrenias and other psychoses (I.S.P.S.) and its current mission, to promote quality care for patients suffering from schizophrenia, to promote and facilitate research into this work, and to provide organizational support and ongoing educational programs for clinicians involved in these efforts.  相似文献   

From the narrative point of view the plot of a story configures time. In psychosis, when experiences remain unnarrated, experience being-in-time is also missing. Once experiences are given narrative form, they can be left behind as a part of individual's personal history, thus enabling present experiences to be narrated. Unnarrated experiences do not accumulate. Narrative history contains, however, enough redundancy to invite you to restory your past in a new way if you need to. Hence, from the narrative point of view, early, family- and network-centered intervention is of special value in cases of acute psychosis.  相似文献   

Hermeneutical premises are adequate in understanding the psychotic patient. It is more important to hear and try to understand the patient's story told by the latter as an equal partner in conversation than understand events through stories in which the meanings are already determined. Understanding is dependent on the unique way in which the feelings, thoughts, and actions of the patient are connected with those of the ward staff, i.e., mutual knowledge. In this way understanding conforms to the preunderstanding of the interpreter as well as adequately captures the intentions of its originator. These are the preconditions for the integration of the need-adapted approach to the treatment of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This article examines the narratives, imaginaries, and subjectivities that underpin the far-right, ethnic nationalist “defense leagues” that have emerged in Australia (and across Europe) in the past decade. Referencing three, interrelated nationalist events in Australia—the Cronulla Riots, Cronulla Memorial Day, and the “race-riot” that occurred in Melbourne on January 5, 2019—I argue that defense leagues resist conceptualization through existing theories of nationalism and community, including those articulated by Anderson, Hage, and Esposito. Drawing on Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, I argue that unlike other nationalists, defense nationalists are not primarily concerned with realizing their avowed political projects (such as fortifying national borders, halting immigration, and preserving so-called national values). Instead, they are focused on constructing and enjoying themselves as the privileged national subjects who get to do the nation's defending. As I elaborate, the enjoyment they derive from defending the nation—which is approximate to the Lacanian concept of jouissance—means that paradoxically, that which threatens the nation legitimizes and fortifies the nationalist, because the more the nation is threatened, the more the nationalist's perceived role within it is secured. Ultimately, I argue this jouissance salvages a symbolic life within the nation that is always-already dead.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis cannot distance itself from culture and its transformations. It cannot ignore cultural ideals, which each individual uniquely appropriates to produce identifications, find his place within the human community, express his desires, and manifest the suffering occasioned by each difficult experience. This article will try to demonstrate this necessity of taking culture into account by drawing on Lacan's approach, which is based on the lessons of Freud. The author emphasizes the fact that every culture has its “discontents,” which stem from the incompleteness at the very heart of human experience, and that our cultural constructions are therefore constantly being reworked. By doing so, she aims to cast a different perspective on the relationship between the psyche and culture, and bring out the inherent complexity of the now fashionable notion of the “decline of the father,” which is systematically used to explain the new symptoms and ills of modern society. By detecting this decline, by searching for the visible signs of this deficit, do we not instead end up creating them ourselves?  相似文献   

The search for a narrative in acute psychosis exists but the result of this search can be insufficient because the stories available do not sufficiently capture the pre-narrative quality of personal experience, and hence the sense of agency may be diminished. The context of reflexivity is lost when a subjugating story blocks an individual off from making a choice from among a multiplicity of stories. Psychosis can also be an escape in order to maintain a sense of agency. When the patient has trouble in creating meaning through narrative action, the aim of therapy and treatment is to open a channel through which the pre-narrative quality of life can become narrated, to create a multiplicity of stories, and so offer the possibility of choice in the construction of a narrative identity.  相似文献   

This article considers theoretical and clinical implications of the practice of ‘double sessions’ as defined by two consecutive sessions of psychotherapy divided by a 10-minute break. Limited existing literature of ‘double sessions’ is critiqued and the therapeutic significance of the 10-minute break provides the focus for this article with reference to the Lacanian practice of ‘scansion’. The author draws on relevant therapeutic experience and case material to elucidate the potential benefits of the introduction of double sessions with particular client groups. It is argued that the break provides the opportunity to access often hidden archaic defences as the effects of rupture and reconnection are worked through. Equally, the separation of the break allows the patient's immediate associations following the end of the first session to be brought immediately back into the work. The practice is problematised in relation to potential contraindications with particular patient groups and this, in turn, elucidates the conceptual differences between Freudian/Lacanian and object relations traditions.  相似文献   

This essay attempts to examine the difficult question of sex scandals both in public school settings and in the academy. It raises issues over the way authority in the classroom is unequally exercised by both male and female teachers in terms of power and seduction. However, the Law remains explicit when it comes to judging who is at fault within a-student relationship that collapses into the bedroom. The ethics that surround such sexual affairs is raised through the psychoanalytic and philosophical writings of Jacques Lacan. The essay ends by offering a surprised perspective over the question whether an ethics of diabolical evil is possible, given that such affairs are differentiated as post-Oedipal relationships where age differentiations have become blurred.  相似文献   


Lacanian psychoanalysis is often considered antithetical to Frantz Fanon's decolonizing political project. This paper argues, by contrast, that by exploring hitherto under-explored aspects of the Fanon-Lacan relation we are able to re-articulate many of Fanon's most crucial political insights. The paper adopts three routes of enquiry. Firstly, it investigates Fanon's earliest citations of Lacan, noting how Fanon utilizes Lacan's ideas of historically-situated forms of madness, (mis)recognition, paranoia and psychic causality. Secondly, it highlights a series of conceptual affinities that exist between the work of the two theorists including idea of sociogeny, the importance of symbolic (or social) structure, the notion of fantasy and of a social (or transindividual) unconscious. Thirdly, it provides an instructive example of how Fanon's theorizations of colonial oppression might be supplemented by means of Lacanian social theory especially in respect of how the colonized are positioned as "non-subjects" relative to the master-signifier of whiteness.  相似文献   

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