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在包容性、开放性与多元性财产概念的理论体系下,具备经济利益价值且能被企业所持有控制的企业数据可以成为法律意义上的财产权益客体。从法律属性上看,企业数据权益既不是物权、也不单纯只是一种知识产权或财产性权利,它是由不同权益集合而成的权利束,囊括了法定化权利及受法律保护的利益两种类型。企业数据利益应受严格限定,符合"非类型化、正当性与保护必要性"三个条件方可构成受法律保护的企业利益。采用确权保护模式与行为规制模式相结合的方式保护企业数据权益,可克服确权保护模式的封闭僵化问题,给予法官在个案中足够的自由裁量空间,也可妥善解决因科技迭代发展、社会变革所产生的新的数据纠纷。在适用行为规制模式保护企业数据权益时,应秉持反不正当竞争法的谦抑性,遵循利益动态平衡原则,严格限定适用反不正当竞争法一般条款。  相似文献   




数据化催生了数据主义,数据主义是数据化的一种哲学表达。数据主义主张数据流最大化和信息自由是至善,其实质是从以人为本走向以数为本,用数本主义取代人本主义,从强调人的自由走向强调数据的自由,用数据主义取代自由主义。为避免数据主义的弊端,应倡导人本主义数据伦理,尊重人的自由和权利。  相似文献   

张梦蝶 《学海》2022,(1):81-88
随着大数据等新兴信息技术的应用与发展,数字经济正成为未来经济的主要形态之一,为人类社会的生产、生活带来越来越多的便利和机遇。但是,大数据等技术在不断开发挖掘个人信息价值的同时,也在不断地塑造着个人信息的新特征,使得数字经济时代个人信息的边界更加宽泛、结构更加复杂、属性更加多元。个人信息的新特征对个人信息法律保护制度的建构提出了新的要求,要求法律保护从一元利益保护向多元利益平衡转变,同时加强过程性监管。传统的个人信息保护方式,难以有效回应新特征所引发的新的保护需求,需要引入行政监管等公法保护力量,通过行政监管的介入,实现个人信息保护与数据自由流通之间的平衡,从而推动数字经济的健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

因为中法法人犯罪的刑事立法基于共同的功利主义动因,又采取相同的例外到原则的立法路径,使得两国法人犯罪刑事规制体系常常被认为具有高度相似性。然而,通过对中法两国关于法人主体资格、罪名范围、归责理论、刑罚配置的制度设计、理论解读和实践适用的比较研究,足以发现两国法人犯罪刑事规制的具体条文、基本原理和发展趋势都存在天壤之别。这些细节差异之处集中体现了中法两国法人犯罪刑事规制体系理论发展的不同重心和共同动向,对反思中国刑法单位犯罪的资格认定和立法技术具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

人工生殖技术触及到人类生命、人权问题的议题,须理性反思其发展结果是否侵害到人性的尊严及人权等可能性,面对生命本身的权利问题,构筑生命伦理观念,必须回溯探究人的尊严及生命权等人性最原始最基本的价值.提供人类在未采社会发展中所要采取的相应措施的理由,因为生殖技术的伦理与法律规范的作用与干预将使这些行为变成可能.  相似文献   




史学界大多关注议会圈地的经济社会影响,鲜有关注议会圈地本身的性质及内在理念。英国历史上形成的公地制使英国农民的土地产权不明晰,土地流转面临多种束缚。从中世纪开始的圈地运动已经蕴含着土地确权的因素,18、19世纪的议会圈地是规模最大的一次土地确权运动。土地确权是圈地议案出台的主要动因,也是圈地法案的主要内容;圈地法案的实施是土地确权的实践。土地产权的明确使农民最终冲破公地制的束缚,议会圈地过程中及结束后的土地流转达到高潮。  相似文献   




同一社会的法律法规整体中,不同性质的法对行为违法性的评价始终是一致的。《民法典》的问世,将人格权独立成编。人格权的独立成编不仅彰显了国家对公民的生命权、身体权、健康权的法律保护,亦体现了法律对现代医学科学时代人格权新型权利内容的特别维护。刑法应当积极回应非法人体试验这一社会现实,准确把握刑事法律的国际趋势,科学构建刑法体系,完善人体试验法律秩序,保护受试者的合法权益,推动医学研究的良性发展。  相似文献   


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the new European Union-wide (EU) law on data protection, which is a great step towards more comprehensive and more far-reaching protection of individuals' personal data. In this editorial, we describe why and how we – as researchers within the field of health psychology – should care about the GDPR. In the first part, we explain when the GDPR is applicable, who is accountable for data protection, and what is covered by the notions of personal data and processing. In the second part, we explain aspects of the GDPR that are relevant for researchers within the field of health psychology (e.g., obtaining informed consent, data minimisation, and open science). We focus on questions that researchers may ask themselves in their daily practice. Compliance with the GDPR requires adopting research practices (e.g., data minimisation and anonymization procedures) that are not yet commonly used, but serve the fundamental right to protection of personal data of study participants.  相似文献   

This paper addresses three commentaries on Victims' Stories and the Advancement of Human Rights. In response to Vittorio Bufacchi, it argues that asking victims to tell their stories needn't be coercive or unjust and that victims are entitled to decide whether and under what conditions to tell their stories. In response to Serene Khader, it argues that empathy with victims' stories can contribute to building a culture of human rights provided that measures are taken to overcome the implicit biases and colonialist interpellations she identifies. In response to Andrea Westlund, it proposes a taxonomy of types of narrative closure and offers some arguments to strengthen her view that empathy with victims' stories endows audience members with a new reason and new motivation to support human rights.  相似文献   




信息流广告飞速发展的同时用户广告回避愈发普遍,然而传统广告回避结论无法平移到该情境。本研究基于用户动态的信息加工视角,试图探讨(1)动态信息加工状态下(收敛式vs发散式)产生广告屏蔽和广告跳过行为的内在机制;(2)采用归因引导重定向策略,挖掘用户屏蔽广告的“残留效应”所带来的信号价值;(3)采用广告凸显重定向策略,突破用户跳过广告的“学习效应”造成的负面影响。丰富现有理论的同时,为信息流广告的响应式优化提供理论和决策支持。  相似文献   

An enduring question in the field of judgment and decision making is when people are likely to choose on the basis of intuition and when they are likely to pursue a more deliberative decision strategy. Here, we attempt to shed light on that question by examining whether people tend to weight intuition more heavily when making experiential purchases, and to weight deliberation more heavily when making material purchases. Results from seven studies indicate that they do. In Study 1 (and a replication), participants expressed an explicit preference for choosing experiential purchases intuitively and material purchases analytically. In Study 2 (and a replication), participants anticipated experiencing more regret after going against reason for material purchases and going against intuition for experiential purchases. Participants in Study 3 who were asked to think about an experiential purchase wanted to see the relevant information presented by alternative, which facilitates intuitive/holistic processing, more than did those who were asked to consider a material purchase. In two additional studies, participants who were induced to think intuitively chose experiential purchases more often (Study 4) and reported a higher willingness to pay for them (Study 5) compared with participants induced to think analytically. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A model of the relationship between attitude involvement and attitude accessibilitywas developed and tested. The model specifies that attitude involvement leads to selective(biased) issue-related information-gathering strategies, which in turn produce extreme andunivalent (unambivalent) attitudes. Finally, attitudes associated with univalent and extremeunderlying structures should occasion relatively little decision conflict and thus should be highlyaccessible. Questionnaire response data gathered in a national telephone survey and from twosamples of undergraduates revealed that both attitude extremity and attitude ambivalence onselected political issues mediated the relationship between attitude involvement and attitudeaccessibility. Some findings indicated that selective processing mediated the relationshipbetween attitude involvement and attitude extremity and ambivalence. Discussion focuses on theprocesses linking involvement to accessibility, the factors that moderate theambivalence-accessibility relationship, and the relevance of the model to media-based primingeffects and tothe nature of public opinion and the survey response.  相似文献   




Often when participants have missing scores on one or more of the items comprising a scale, researchers compute prorated scale scores by averaging the available items. Methodologists have cautioned that proration may make strict assumptions about the mean and covariance structures of the items comprising the scale (Schafer &; Graham, 2002 Schafer, J.L., &; Graham, J.W. (2002). Missing data: Our view of the state of the art. Psychological Methods, 7, 147177.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Graham, 2009 Graham, J.W. (2009). Missing data analysis: Making it work in the real world. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 549576.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Enders, 2010 Enders, C.K. (2010). Applied missing data analysis. New York, NY: Guilford Press. [Google Scholar]). We investigated proration empirically and found that it resulted in bias even under a missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism. To encourage researchers to forgo proration, we describe a full information maximum likelihood (FIML) approach to item-level missing data handling that mitigates the loss in power due to missing scale scores and utilizes the available item-level data without altering the substantive analysis. Specifically, we propose treating the scale score as missing whenever one or more of the items are missing and incorporating items as auxiliary variables. Our simulations suggest that item-level missing data handling drastically increases power relative to scale-level missing data handling. These results have important practical implications, especially when recruiting more participants is prohibitively difficult or expensive. Finally, we illustrate the proposed method with data from an online chronic pain management program.  相似文献   

A new type of nonnormality correction to the RMSEA has recently been developed, which has several advantages over existing corrections. In particular, the new correction adjusts the sample estimate of the RMSEA for the inflation due to nonnormality, while leaving its population value unchanged, so that established cutoff criteria can still be used to judge the degree of approximate fit. A confidence interval (CI) for the new robust RMSEA based on the mean-corrected (“Satorra-Bentler”) test statistic has also been proposed. Follow up work has provided the same type of nonnormality correction for the CFI (Brosseau-Liard & Savalei, 2014). These developments have recently been implemented in lavaan. This note has three goals: a) to show how to compute the new robust RMSEA and CFI from the mean-and-variance corrected test statistic; b) to offer a new CI for the robust RMSEA based on the mean-and-variance corrected test statistic; and c) to caution that the logic of the new nonnormality corrections to RMSEA and CFI is most appropriate for the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, and cannot easily be generalized to the most commonly used categorical data estimators.  相似文献   

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