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Belief in supernatural causation of mental illnesses and resort to faith healing as the method of intervention continue in many parts of the world. This study intended to find out the belief and utilisation of faith-healing, its implications, and associated socio-cultural factors in a sample of psychiatric inpatients in Orissa, an eastern state of India. It was found that the majority (85.5%) of the patients believed in supernatural causation, 75% attended faith healing before seeking medical help, and a considerable proportion had related psychopathology and continued to believe in the therapeutic efficacy of the faith healing, even while continuing medicinal treatment. Resort to faith-healing effectively delayed medical intervention to an extent in many patients and some of the faith-healing methods were traumatising. These observations raised concern. A considerable proportion of patients and families found faith healing supportive, reassuring, and more acceptable in the community. Sensitivity to these belief systems and faith healing practices is important for practising mental-health professionals.  相似文献   

Hewitt, Flett, and Mosher (1992) examined the factor structure of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and its relation to depression in adult psychiatric patients. This study sought to replicate and extend their findings, using a sample of 203 adolescent psychiatric inpatients. All patients admitted to the adolescent unit in a psychiatric hospital over a 3-year period were administered the PSS, as well as measures of depression, life events, dysfunctional attitudes, and intellectual abilities. Consistent with Hewittet al., two factors were found in the PSS, reflecting perceived distress and perceived coping ability. Regression analyses indicated that, for males, both factors account for independent variance in depression, whereas for females, only the distress factor is related to depression. In addition, for both male and female, dysfunctional attitudes account for significant variance in depression in addition to PSS, but negative life events do not. None of the variables were related to intellectual abilities. Implications for clinical assessment and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between measures of shame, guilt, and psychopathology was examined in a heterogeneous inpatient sample (n=82) using the Test of Self-Conscious Affect (TOSCA) and the Personal Feelings Questionnaire-2 (PFQ-2). It was predicted that both shame scales would correlate positively with measures of psychopathology. This hypothesis was supported in bivariate analyses, however, when partialed for each respective guilt scale, only the TOSCA maintained significant associations with measures of psychopathology. It was predicted that only the PFQ-2 guilt scale would correlate positively with measures of psychopathology, and this hypothesis was supported in both bivariate analyses and partial correlations, controlling for shame scores. These findings support previous work, suggesting that the TOSCA and PFQ-2 guilt scales assess different constructs of guilt. Methodological issues of shame and guilt assessment with psychiatric patients also are discussed.  相似文献   

The political, social, and cultural history of a nation modulates the representations of rights and duties. The aim of this research is to compare students from two countries (Italy and Burundi) in terms of how they define their rights and duties. In the two countries, there are differences both in the legal protection of fundamental rights and in regard to material conditions, which in turn ensure the effectiveness of rights. Focus groups structured around nine questions were conducted in Burundi and in Italy. The discussions with Italian and Burundian students showed some clear differences. Although both groups speak of rights as something to be safeguarded and something that everyone is born with, Italian students do not recognize the complementarity of rights and duties and consider the latter simply as a limit and an obstacle to individual enhancement. On the contrary, Burundian adolescents seem more aware of their personal responsibilities and their role in protecting human rights.  相似文献   

We describe the development and preliminary validation of the Concise Neuropsychological Screening Inventory (CNSI), designed to afford clinical psychologists working in psychiatric settings a simple, rapid, and objective assessment of 10 vital left- and right-hemisphere brain functions: (1) Receptive and Expressive Language, (2) Orientation, (3) Attention/Concentration/Immediate Memory, (4) Recent Auditory and Visual Memory, (5) Remote Memory, (6) Motor/Sensory/Tactile Functioning, (7) Visual/Spatial/Motor Integration, (8) Academic Functioning, (9) Intellectual Processes, and (10) Judgment and Reasoning. Preliminary findings suggest that the CNSI can discriminate patients diagnosed with organic mental syndrome from patients with various psychiatric disorders, including chronic schizophrenia (i.e., specificity in screening). Moreover, with regard to predicting neuropsychological differences among various diagnostic groups, the CNSI is superior to some of the most commonly employed tests by psychologists in psychiatric settings (e.g., WAIS-R Digit Span, Digit Symbol, and Bender-Gestalt).  相似文献   

Social competence, peer status, and clinical symptomatology were evaluated in 54 child psychiatric inpatients. Aims were (a) to evaluate whether social competence deficits and peer rejection within an inpatient setting were associated with particular childhood disorders, and (b) to identify predictors of peer status in emerging groups of child inpatients. Results indicated that children with externalizing disorders (conduct or attention deficit disorders) and children with concurrent depressive and externalizing disorders were the most rejected, least liked, and least socially competent children. Depressed children without externalizing disorders had the highest scores on the social status and competence measures. Predictors of peer rejection and acceptance in the hospital differed, with measures of symptomatology predicting peer rejection, and measures of social and intellectual competence predicting peer acceptance. Implications of the results for understanding the role of peer adjustment and social competence in developmental psychopathology were discussed.This research was supported in part by Biomedical Research Support Grant RR756 awarded to the author. The author wishes to thank Donald Guthrie and Sondra Purdue for their statistical consultation, Gwen Gordon for her computer assistance, and Joan Trumbull for her assistance with data collection.  相似文献   

Self-help groups are generally described as “group[s] composed of individuals who meet on a regular basis to help one another cope with a life problem” (APA, 2019). Yet, it is challenging to find a univocal definition of self-help groups. Scholars usually use different labels to highlight various features of self-help groups, suggesting the need for further inquiry regarding commonalities and differences. The level of professional involvement is one of the most disputed factors influencing whether a group is considered to belong to the “self-help family.” The present qualitative study aimed to understand how professional support in Tuscany, Italy can influence the organizational choices of these groups (place for meetings, admission criteria, timing, etc.), as well as the personal beliefs of members. The study included 17 self-help groups. During 13 focus groups meetings, 92 participants were interviewed; then, we individually interviewed 19 facilitators and six additional key informants from mental health settings. We used a grounded theory approach, and we discussed the emerging models with participants at a public event. Results show the emergence of two theoretical models to define self-help groups, not to be interpreted as mutually exclusive. The “relational model” refers to self-help groups whose main feature is to guarantee the acquisition of specific skills (social comparison skills, active listening, and empathy), while the “therapeutic model” seems to represent a kind of assimilation of other types of interventions.  相似文献   

Japanese participants in Study 1 exhibited a self‐effacing tendency when no reason for their self‐evaluation was provided. However, they exhibited a self‐enhancing tendency when they were offered a monetary reward for the correct evaluation. In Study 2, Americans, especially American men, exhibited a self‐enhancing tendency whereas Japanese exhibited a self‐effacing tendency when no reason for making the evaluation was presented. This cultural difference disappeared when participants were provided with a monetary reward for correctly evaluating their performance level. These results support the view that the modesty observed in self‐evaluation among Japanese participants is a ‘default strategy’ to avoid offending others.  相似文献   

传承与融通--《老子》与《周易》中民族精神比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<老子>与<周易>是中国传统文化中的两部经典,是中国古代社会的智慧结晶.其中所凝聚的民族精神影响着中国人民的性格与情操,影响着中国几千年的文化传统和思维特质.<老子>上承<易经>之风,下启<易传>之理,以其独特的哲学思维方式,构建了与其"道"哲学相符合的民族精神,这种民族精神在<易传>中得到传承与融通,两者互补互进,共同缔造了中国民族精神的灵魂,推动着中国文化和文明的发展和积淀.这些民族精神则表现为"刚柔同构"的进取精神、"宽厚相得"的道德情怀、"中和为用"的和谐观念以及"重生利物并重"的人文理想,其中以"天人合一"的思维模式贯穿始终,突出了中国民族精神最一般的特质与深刻内涵.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between sport related metacognitions with state anxiety dimensions, and compared how sporting categories affected these variables, among an online sample of athletes (N = 187). A MANOVA revealed there were significant differences between sporting types in metacognitive beliefs relating to the utility of rumination and arousal, the need to control thoughts, and levels of somatic anxiety. Correlations and multiple regressions showed that that in contrast to the relationships with self-confidence, cognitive and somatic state anxiety were positively associated with specific dysfunctional metacognitive beliefs, but negatively related to metacognitive processes. Overall, these findings highlight that: (a) athletes might adopt metacognitions to meet the different cognitive demands of sport types; and (b) metacognitions are in part responsible for the occurrence of state anxiety and self-confidence during competitions. The findings of this study have implications toward how researchers and sports practitioners approach the comprehensive nature of competitive anxiety.  相似文献   

杨东 《周易研究》2004,(5):37-44
王弼在吸取<易传>乘、承、比、应、当位、中位等说的基础上,详细论述了<周易>的体例以及原则,进一步阐发了<易传>所蕴含的取义说、适时说,还提出了主爻说、初上不论位等说,确立了义理派解易的基本思想方法.尽管程颐在对<周易>体例的看法上基本上承袭王说,但亦有发展与创新之处.他在王氏"适时说"基础上强调<易>随时取义的观点,提出了中则正、乾坤卦变以及卦才说等,丰富了义理派解易的方法,增加了解释卦爻象和卦爻辞的灵活度.本文在论述以上观点时,还对前人之说提出了一些异议.  相似文献   

This study explores the differences in safety perceptions and reported behavior of cyclists in mixed traffic between an emerging cycling city (Brisbane, Australia) and an established cycling city (Copenhagen, Denmark). Perceptions and reported behavior were retrieved from a custom-designed web-based survey administered among cyclists in the two cities. Elicited items concerned perceived risk of infrastructure layouts, fear of traffic, cycling while distracted, use of safety gear, cycling avoidance due to feeling unsafe, and avoidance to cycle in mixed traffic conditions. The data were analyzed with structural equation models. Results show that, in comparison with cyclists in Copenhagen, cyclists in Brisbane perceive mixed traffic infrastructure layouts as less safe, feel more fear of traffic, and are more likely to adopt cycling avoidance as a coping strategy. Results also show that cyclists in Copenhagen tend to use less helmets and to cycle more while being distracted.  相似文献   

Recently, researchers have begun to explore people's motives to forgive those who have offended them. Using a recall method, we examined whether such motives (relationship‐, offender‐ or self‐focused) differ between and within cultures that are more collectivistic (Moluccan Islands in Indonesia) or more individualistic (the Netherlands) and whether this depends on people's relationship with the offender. More specifically, we examined the idea that other‐focused motives should be more important in cultures that are more collectivistic and that self‐focused motives should prevail in more individualistic cultures. We found that Moluccan participants indeed endorsed relationship‐ and offender‐focused motives more than Dutch participants. Moluccan and Dutch participants did not, however, differ in the extent to which they endorsed self‐focused motives. Furthermore, Dutch participants were more likely to endorse relationship motives (especially in close relations) than self‐focused motives. For Moluccan participants, relationship‐, offender‐ and self‐focused motives were equally important and also did not depend on how close they were with the offender. Differences between the samples could not be explained by the extent to which people defined themselves as more independent or interdependent. The implications of these findings for future research on forgiveness motives are discussed.  相似文献   

Two self‐report inventories developed to assess different dimensions of aggression, the Aggression Questionnaire and the EXPAGG, were administered to a sample (N = 400) of men and women undergraduates in two Japanese and Spanish universities. The factor structure of scales was assessed using exploratory factor analysis. Both questionnaires showed high correlations between their respective scales. In both cultures, males reported more physical aggression, verbal aggression, and hostility as well as higher instrumental beliefs, whereas females reported more expressive representation than males. Japanese students reported more physical aggression than their Spanish counterparts, who reported more verbal aggression, hostility, and anger and more expressive representation of aggression. Aggr. Behav. 27:313–322, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: Few studies have compared the psychological functioning of individuals with gender dysphoria in Western and non-Western cultures. To our knowledge, this is the first study comparing the mental health of transgender individuals from an Islamic and non-Islamic country (Iran and the Netherlands).

Methods: In this study, the psychological functioning and body image of 163 individuals with gender dysphoria (100 transgender women (75 in the Netherlands, 25 in Iran) and 63 transgender men (45 in the Netherlands, 18 in Iran) in two clinics located in Iran (N = 43) and the Netherlands (N = 120) was evaluated using the SCL-90 and the Body Image Scale (BIS). Also, none of these individuals had yet received hormonal therapy and/or surgery in their clinics.

Results: Dutch participants (M = 31.56, SD = 12.26) were older than Iranian participants (M = 25.21, SD = 3.04). Dutch transwomen were less often androphilic (sexually attracted to men) than Iranian transwomen, and Iranian trans people were more often bisexual than the Dutch trans people. Significantly more Dutch transgender people were married (we had no information about the gender of the spouse), and indicated to have more contact with their families than the participants in Iran. The participants from Iran had significantly more psychological complaints than the Dutch participants. Compared to participants in Iran, participants in the Netherlands were more dissatisfied with their secondary sexual characteristics and neutral body characteristics, but there was no significant difference between the countries in terms of satisfaction with primary sex characteristics.

Conclusions: Although transgender people in many countries face social and mental health problems, this study suggests that socio-cultural factors may increase the likelihood of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Postural control is a highly automatized basic activity that requires limited attentional investments. These investments have been shown to increase from balancing experts to controls, and from controls to persons with impaired postural control. Such between-subject comparisons led to a proposed direct relation between the regularity of center-of-pressure (COP) fluctuations and the amount of attention invested in posture. This study aims to expand this relation to a within-subject comparison of conditions that differ in balance demands. Specifically, more regular COP fluctuations were expected for standing than sitting, as stimulus-response reaction-time studies showed that the required attentional demands are lower for sitting than standing. COP registrations were made for fifteen healthy young adults in seated and standing postures. COP regularity was quantified with sample entropy. As expected, COP fluctuations were found to be more regular for standing than sitting, as evidenced by significantly lower sample entropy values. These findings expand the relation between COP regularity and the amount of attention invested in posture to postural tasks that vary in balance demands. An assessment of COP regularity may thus not only be instrumental in the examination of attentional investment in posture in between-subject designs, but also for different postures in within-subjects designs.  相似文献   

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