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The present study focused on the nature of the reading disability of children with the guessing subtype of dyslexia (who read fast and inaccurately). The objective was to separate the excitatory account of their reading disturbance (i.e., in guessers the words' resting levels of activation are oversensitive to semantic context) from the inhibitory account (i.e., guessers tend to react prematurely to (false) candidate words that are activated in the lexicon). To disentangle the above accounts, guessers and normal readers were presented with a sentential priming task (SPT). In the SPT, subjects had to determine whether the final word of a sentence was semantically congruent or incongruent with the sentence, but had to inhibit their 'congruent' or 'incongruent' response in case of an occasionally presented pseudoword. To evoke guessing, each pseudoword closely resembled either a valid congruent or incongruent word. Guessing referred to prematurely accepting a pseudoword as a word that either appropriately or inappropriately completed the sentence. The extent to which subjects guessed at word meaning was evidenced by the false recognition rates (FRR) of the misspelled terminal words. Analyses on the FRRs of the pseudowords showed that guessers had significantly more difficulty in suppressing the 'go tendency' triggered by the pseudowords. It was concluded that the impulsive reading style of guessers should be ascribed to a less efficient suppression mechanism rather than to excessive reliance on contextual information. Specifically, the data were explained by assuming that the availability of the pseudoword's candidate meaning activated the hand to respond with, and that guessers found difficulty in suspending this response until they analyzed all letters in the stimulus and they could be sure of its spelling.  相似文献   

Responses by rats on an earn lever made available food pellets that were delivered to a food cup by responses on a second, collect, lever. The rats could either collect and immediately consume or accumulate (defined as the percentage of multiple earn responses and as the number of pellets earned before a collect response) earned pellets. In Experiment 1, accumulation varied as a function of variations in the earn or collect response requirements and whether the earn and collect levers were proximal (31 cm) or distal (248 cm) to one another. Some accumulation occurred under all but one of the conditions, but generally was higher when the earn and collect levers were distal to one another, particularly when the earn response requirement was fixed-ratio (FR) 1. In Experiment 2, the contributions of responses and time to accumulation were assessed by comparing an FR 20 earn response requirement to a condition in which only a single earn response was required at the end of a time interval nominally yoked to the FR interval. When 248 cm separated the earn and collect levers, accumulation was always greater in the FR condition, and it was not systematically related to reinforcement rate. In Experiment 3, increasing the earn response requirement with a progressive-ratio schedule that reset only with a collect response increased the likelihood of accumulation when the collect and earn levers were 248 cm apart, even though such accumulation increased the next earn response requirement. Reinforcer accumulation is an understudied dimension of operant behavior that relates to the analysis of such phenomena as hoarding and self-control, in that they too involve accumulating versus immediately collecting or consuming reinforcers.  相似文献   

Autonomic reactivity during viewing of an unpleasant film.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of an aversive, high-arousing film on heart rate, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and electrogastrographic activity (EGG) was investigated. Previous studies have indicated a larger heart-rate deceleration for visual stimuli depicting surgery or blood compared to neutral content, and this phenomenon is similar to the bradycardia observed in animals in response to fear. The heart-rate deceleration is clearly parasympathetically driven, and it is considered a general index of attention. An accurate index of cardiac vagal tone can be obtained by means of quantification of the amplitude of respiratory sinus arrhythmia. The relationship between cardiac vagal tone and EGG is complex, but animal research has shown that suppressing vagal activity dampens gastric motility. We have investigated whether a movie depicting surgery is associated with greater heart-rate deceleration, larger increase in respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and greater increase in EGG activity compared to a neutral movie. In addition, if both respiratory sinus arrhythmia and EGG are indices of vagal tone, a positive correlation between these physiological responses was expected. Analysis indicated an effect of the surgery movie on heart rate and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, but not on EGG activity. Moreover, the expected correlation was not found. Implications for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental control of superstitious responding in humans   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Superstitions were demonstrated with human subjects when presses on one button were reinforced on a VI 30-sec schedule while presses on a second were never reinforced. Superstitious responding, on the second button, was often maintained because presses on that button were frequently followed by reinforcement for a subsequent press on the first button. The introduction of a changeover delay (COD), which separated in time presses on the second button and subsequent reinforced presses on the first button, reduced or eliminated the superstitious responding of these subjects. Some complex superstitions were also demonstrated with other subjects for which the COD was in effect from the beginning of the session.  相似文献   

Pigeons were used to assess stimulus control during the development of a conditional discrimination. The training consisted of three stages. In Stage 1, key pecks were reinforced in the presence of a white line tilted 40 degrees to the right of vertical on a green background and non-reinforced when the same line appeared on a red background. In Stage 2, key pecks were reinforced when a white vertical line appeared on a red background and were non-reinforced in the presence of a 40 degrees slanted line on a red background. In Stage 3, key pecks were reinforced in the presence of the green background regardless of the line tilt, but were differentially reinforced in the presence of the red background (as in Stage 2). Generalization tests were conducted after each stage of training and consisted of five white lines on backgrounds that were green, red, or dark. The effects of the differential reinforcement contingencies on control by line orientation were restricted to the condition in which the red light appeared and resulted in behavioral control that could be characterized as: if red, pay closer attention to line tilt than if not red.  相似文献   

An in vivo tendon force measurement system was used to evaluate index finger flexor motor control patterns during active finger flexion. During open carpal tunnel release surgery (N=12) the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) and flexor digitorum superficilias (FDS) tendons were instrumented with buckle force transducers and participants performed finger flexion at two different wrist angles (0 degrees or 30 degrees ). During finger flexion, there was concurrent change of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint angles, but the FDP and FDS tendon force changes were not concurrent. For the FDS tendon, no consistent changes in force were observed across participants at either wrist angle. For the FDP tendon, there were two force patterns. With the wrist in a neutral posture, the movement was initiated without force from the finger flexors, and further flexion (after the first 0.5s) was carried out with force from the FDP. With the wrist in a flexed posture, the motion was generally both initiated and continued using FDP force. At some wrist postures, finger flexion was initiated by passive forces which were replaced by FDP force to complete the motion.  相似文献   

To examine the relation between timing and forcc control during finger-tapping sequences by both the 10 pianists and the 13 nonpianists, participants tapped a force plate connected to strain gauges. A series of finger-tapping tasks consisted of 16 combinations of pace and peak force. Analysis showed that pianists had smaller correlation between intertap interval and peak force than nonpianists. Thus, force control was more independent of timing for pianists than for nonpianists.  相似文献   

Air Traffic Control Laboratory Simulator (ATC-lab) is a new low- and medium-fidelity task environment that simulates air traffic control. ATC-lab allows the researcher to study human performance of tasks under tightly controlled experimental conditions in a dynamic, spatial environment. The researcher can create standardized air traffic scenarios by manipulating a wide variety of parameters. These include temporal and spatial variables. There are two main versions of ATC-lab. The mediumfidelity simulator provides a simplified version of en route air traffic control, requiring participants to visually search a screen and both recognize and resolve conflicts so that adequate separation is maintained between all aircraft. The low-fidelity simulator presents pairs of aircraft in isolation, controlling the participant's focus of attention, which provides a more systematic measurement of conflict recognition and resolution performance. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that ATC-lab is a flexible tool for applied cognition research.  相似文献   

In three experiments, subjects read text as their eye movements were monitored and display changes in the text were made contingent upon the eye movements. In one experiment, a window of text moved in synchrony with the eyes. In one condition, the size of the window was constant from fixation to fixation, while in the other condition the size of the window varied from fixation to fixation. In the other experiments, a visual mask was presented at the end of each saccade which delayed the onset of the text, and the length of the delay was varied. The pattern of eye movements was influenced by both the size of the window and the delay of the onset of the text, even when the window size or text delay was varying from fixation to fixation. However, there was also evidence that saccade length was affected by the size of the window on the prior fixation and that certain decisions to move the eye are programmed either before the fixation begins or are programmed during the fixation but without regard to the text fixated on. The results thus provide support for a mixed control model of eye movements in reading, in which decisions about when and where to move the eyes are based on information from the current fixation, the prior fixations, and possibly, other sources as well.  相似文献   

The software described runs on Version 7 UNIX, although most run on earlier versions. Using the curses package requires two program libraries from the Fourth Berkeley Distribution (CURSES and TERMLIB). Using any of the functions requires knowledge of programming, preferably in C (Kernighan & Richie, 1978), but the sample experimental control program is usable by nonprogrammers. Because no special hardware is assumed, the resolution of timed presentations and reaction time recordings may not be accurate enough for some purposes. Functions for stimulus presentation have a resolution of 1 sec, and those for timing responses are accurate to about 17 msec.  相似文献   

Echoplanar fMRI was used to measure changes in cortical activation during the performance of a simple hand movement task under three types of voluntary control. Each of three imaging series alternated a task with rest: passive (in which the experimenter moved the hand), voluntary against low resistance, and voluntary against higher resistance. Contralateral activation was observed in the supplementary motor area (SMA), the primary motor cortex (M1), and the somatosensory cortex (S1) in all three tasks in each subject, whereas ipsilateral activation differed in each cortical region for each task. SMA had the widest prevalence of ipsilateral activation in all three tasks. In the M1, ipsilateral activation was observed in all but 1 subject in the two voluntary tasks but in only a few subjects in the S1 in any of the tasks. Quantitative changes in signal intensity and spatial extent of activation differentiated the voluntary tasks from the passive task and were most pronounced in the S1.  相似文献   

Eye movement control during reading: II. Frequency of refixating a word   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An analysis of over 40,000 eye fixations made by college students during reading indicates that the frequency of immediately refixating a word following an initial eye fixation on it varies with the location of that fixation. The refixation frequency is lowest near the center of the word, positively accelerating with distance from the center. The data are well fit by a parabolic function. Assuming that refixation frequency is related to the frequency of successful word identification, the observed curvilinear relation results naturally from models that postulate a linear decrease in visual information with retinal eccentricity. A single letter difference in fixation location in a word can make a sizeable difference in the likelihood of refixating that word. The effects of word length and cultural frequency on the frequency of refixating are also examined.  相似文献   

Rats searched in a matrix of vertical poles for food hidden on top of the poles. The only information available about the location of the food was the consistent spatial pattern of the baited poles, which was a checkerboard. This spatial pattern of hidden-food locations came to control the choices of poles made by the rats. The experiments ruled out the possibility that this control can be explained by the acquisition of simple response tendencies to move from pole to pole. Instead, this behavioral control of choices was attributed to the development of a representation of the checkerboard pattern of baited locations. Spatial pattern learning may have mechanisms in common with other forms of pattern learning.  相似文献   

This study investigated the properties of speed control and psychophysiological response when subjects changed movement speed internally. The task consisted of a continuous forearm rotational movement, which 14 women performed under 3 conditions, namely, (1) Preferred: the subject performed the task at a freely selected speed, (2) Slow: the subject changed the speed in two steps from preferred to a slower pace (slow, then very slow), (3) Fast: the subject changed the speed in two steps from preferred to a faster pace (fast, then very fast). Rotation speed and the coefficient of variation were measured to evaluate within-subject variability. Under the Preferred condition, there were no significant differences in rotation speed or coefficient of variation during the trials. However, under Slow and Fast conditions, the standard variation scores and coefficient of variation indicated different tendencies. Under the Fast condition, although the standard variation increased with the faster speed, the coefficient of variation decreased. On the other hand, the coefficient of variation increased under the Slow condition. Preferred speed had a significant positive relationship to the slow, very slow, fast, and very fast speeds. Heart rate (R-R interval) and EEG spectral intensity measurements showed no significant changes among the three conditions: however, respiration frequency significantly increased during Fast as compared to Preferred and Slow conditions. These results suggest that a preferred speed for continuous movement exists and that it is closely related to internal speed control as a psychological criterion. Furthermore, different movement speeds may reflect different psychophysiological responses.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study determined whether adults who stutter (AWS) exhibit deficits in responding to an auditory feedback timing perturbation, and whether external timing cues, which increase fluency, attenuate any disruptions due to altered temporal auditory feedback.MethodsFifteen AWS and sixteen adults who do not stutter (ANS) read aloud a multisyllabic sentence either with normal pacing or with each syllable paced at the rate of a metronome. On random trials, an auditory feedback timing perturbation was applied, and timing responses were compared between groups and pacing conditions.ResultsBoth groups responded to the timing perturbation by delaying subsequent syllable boundaries, and there were no significant differences between groups in either pacing condition. Furthermore, no response differences were found between normally paced and metronome-paced conditions.ConclusionThese findings are interpreted as showing that 1) AWS respond normally to pure timing perturbations, and 2) metronome-paced speech has no effect on online speech timing control as assessed in the present experiment.  相似文献   

Human gaze control during real-world scene perception   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In human vision, acuity and color sensitivity are best at the point of fixation, and the visual-cognitive system exploits this fact by actively controlling gaze to direct fixation towards important and informative scene regions in real time as needed. How gaze control operates over complex real-world scenes has recently become of central concern in several core cognitive science disciplines including cognitive psychology, visual neuroscience, and machine vision. This article reviews current approaches and empirical findings in human gaze control during real-world scene perception.  相似文献   

Pigeons learned to respond to the middle-sized member of six or seven sets of three stimuli differing in size. The sets were used successively, each serving as the discrimination problem from 10 to 16 times. After attaining criterion with one set, the birds received the others as probes. The number of responses in probes was related to the similarity of the probes to the prevailing discrimination problem. The birds responded either to the probe stimulus to which responding had most recently been reinforced, or to the probe stimulus closest in size to the positive member (S+) of the prevailing discrimination problem. Responses to a middle-sized probe-set stimulus occurred when it was the probe-set member most recently correlated with reinforcement, when it was one of two stimuli closest in size to S+, and when the stimulus closest in size to S+ was a negative member of the discrimination problem. All of the behavior could be explained in terms of control by the absolute sizes of the various stimuli.  相似文献   

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