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Of 225 male offenders who were administered both the MMPI and a structured diagnostic interview, the Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview (PDI), 51 (25 blacks, 26 whites) earned highly elevated MMPI profiles (at least one clinical scale greater than or equal to T score of 90) and 46 (26 blacks, 20 whites) achieved profiles that were essentially within normal limits (all clinical scales less than T score of 70). It was noted that the concordance between the MMPI and the total number of PDI syndromes reported by inmates was significantly greater in the white group (classification accuracy = 96%) relative to the black group (classification accuracy = 71%). However, both the black and white hit rates were found to significantly improved upon chance.  相似文献   

One of the major goals of prisons has been the educational rehabilitation of inmates. Studies have shown that predelinquents as well as delinquents could be motivated to achieve in academic areas through the use of an incentive system. The present study attempted to extend the behavioral yield of such a system with prison inmates. The academic performance of two inmates in math and English were compared when two levels of incentives were made contingent on that performance. The results showed that the two inmates passed academic tests as much as nine times faster under an enriched schedule of incentives than under a standard one. This increase in rate of performance was translated into actual academic achievement as one of the inmates passed 9th through 12th grade algebra in only 14 days. A standardized test confirmed this academic advancement for both inmates. These high rates of performance and academic achievement are even more dramatic in view of the fact that five months prior to this procedure, both inmates had been tested as being below average in intelligence.  相似文献   

The Antisocial Personality Questionnaire developed by Blackburn and Fawcett (1999) has shown adequate reliability and validity in studies of male offenders interned in psychiatric hospitals. This paper provides data on the APQ collected from a sample of offenders (males and females) without any diagnosed mental illness. The sample was made up of 216 offenders (108 males and 108 females) confined in Spanish prisons. We analyzed the psychometric properties of the instrument and we also examined differences in personality as a function of gender and type of crime (violent vs. non-violent). Results support the reliability of the APQ scales as well as the structure proposed by Blackburn. Additionally, we selected items that discriminate between offenders convicted for violent and non-violent crimes; when these items are factorized, a three-factor structure emerges, resembling Eysenck's model.  相似文献   

The article presents a profile of college-attending prison inmates' personality and vocational interests based on Holland's theory of careers and an assessment of their attitudes that are critical in realistic career decision-making.  相似文献   

12 Jewish inmates scored significantly higher than 1497 non-Jewish inmates on a measure of intelligence, the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. Interview findings indicated that the present Jewish inmates were never very involved in the practice of Judaisn and were not strongly integrated into their local Jewish communities.  相似文献   

Depression and anxiety often involve high levels of trait anger and disturbances in anger expression. Reported anger experience and outward anger expression have recently been associated with left-biased asymmetry of frontal cortical activity, assumed to reflect approach motivation. However, different styles of anger expression could presumably involve different brain mechanisms and/or interact with psychopathology to produce various patterns of brain asymmetry. The present study explored these issues by comparing resting regional electroencephalographic activity in participants high in trait anger who differed in anger expression style (high anger-in, high anger-out, both) and participants low in trait anger, with depression and anxiety systematically assessed. Trait anger, not anger-in or anger-out, predicted left-biased asymmetry at medial frontal EEG sites. The anger-in group reported higher levels of anxious apprehension than did the anger-out group. Furthermore, anxious apprehension moderated the relationship between trait anger, anger-in, and asymmetry in favor of the left hemisphere. Results suggest that motivational direction is not always the driving force behind the relationship of anger and left frontal asymmetry. Findings also support a distinction between anxious apprehension and anxious arousal.  相似文献   

There are few published studies of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adult inmates, and even fewer studies that have considered ADHD in adult inmates by gender. The present study examined the prevalence of ADHD, its subtypes, and associated psychological and neuropsychological comorbidity as a function of gender in a sample of 3,962 inmates (3,439 men and 523 women; mean age = 33.6 years, range 17-73) who had completed the 250-item, self-report, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (Text Revision) (DSM-IV-TR)-aligned Coolidge Correctional Inventory (CCI). The overall ADHD prevalence rate found was 10.5%, which is substantially higher than the rate among adults in the general population (2-5%). The female inmate ADHD prevalence rate (15.1%) was higher than the male inmate ADHD rate (9.8%), consistent with some previous studies. The most prevalent ADHD subtype for both genders was the hyperactive-impulsive subtype. The combined and inattentive ADHD subtypes had higher levels of comorbid psychopathology than the hyperactive-impulsive ADHD subtype. As the presence of ADHD and associated gender differentials may impact the success of rehabilitation and educative programs with inmates, the assessment of ADHD and comorbid psychopathology should be a priority in initial inmate screening and evaluation.  相似文献   

The Wiener-Harmon subtle-obvious MMPI subscales (Wiener, 1948; Wiener & Harmon, 1946) have been the subject of considerable debate. In this study, we examined the intercorrelations among full clinical scale T scores and their subtle and obvious subscales in an offender population. Low subtle to full-scale correlations were observed, suggesting that these items contribute little to full-scale scores. Further, we explored the criterion validity of the MMPI-2 subtle-obvious scales in this forensic sample. The results demonstrated that the obvious scales of the MMPI-2 had greater criterion validity than the subtle scales when compared to crime history data. Scores on the subtle subscales were unrelated to crime history. The Ma-O subscale demonstrated the strongest association to crime history data. The findings from this study add to a mounting body of evidence indicating that when respondents are in a position to understand item content, and can therefore provide a direct self-appraisal, responses are most predictive of clinical criteria.  相似文献   

Forty-four inmates transferred to a state mental hospital from a maximum-security prison and its adjacent trusty unit were compared with a randomly selected group of thirty-seven inmates from the same prison. Transferred inmates were found over-represented in terms of assignment to restrictive housing units, sentences of life or some form of life imprisonment, prior hospitalization in a state mental hospital, and conviction for murder. The two groups were not statistically different in terms of age, race, conduct, or prior incarcerations. Implications for planning psychological services in prisons are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, media accounts have shed light on a number of correctional employees who were terminated for engaging in "inappropriate relationships" with prisoners. This study employed face-to-face interviews of 32 inmate "turners" who were investigated for engaging in inappropriate relationships with security officers. We found that many inmate manipulators share similar attitudes and beliefs regarding inappropriate relationships. Our findings indicate that there are three distinct types of inmate "turners," each exhibiting an entirely different set of motivations and behavior from one another. We conclude that inmates are very persistent in attempting to initiate an inappropriate relationship with prison employees.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThere is very little information available about the characteristics of drivers convicted for traffic offences. The objective of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of the psychosocial characteristics of Spanish prison inmates convicted of road traffic offences (CRTOs), drivers serving a prison sentence for other types of offence (DCOOs), and drivers with no criminal record (DNCRs), in order to identify the psychosocial predictors associated with RTOs.MethodsThe study sample comprised 434 male participants divided into three groups: CRTO (n = 240); DCOO (n = 85); and DNCR (n = 105). Instruments included an interview on sociodemographic data, driving behaviour, and past offences, as well as a set of tests to evaluate personality traits (ZKPQ-50CC), driving-related aspects (MDSI-S and DAS), and alcohol dependence (AUDIT).ResultsA logistic regression analysis showed the following to be reliable predictors of RTOs: low education level (p < .05); having been involved in several road traffic accidents (p < .001); having received several fines (p < .001); a high score on the MDSI-S Risky subscale (p < .05); a low score on the MDSI-S Careful subscale (p < .05); AUDIT scores > 8 (p < .05), and repeatedly driving whilst under the influence of alcohol (p < .05).ConclusionsThe results obtained have significant practical implications for designing and implementing traffic offenders programmes.  相似文献   

To assess the health effects of writing about traumatic events in a clinical population, 98 psychiatric prison inmates were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 conditions in which they were asked to write about their deepest thoughts and feelings surrounding upsetting experiences (trauma writing condition), write about trivial topics (trivial writing control), or go about their daily routine without writing (no-writing control). Both writing groups wrote for 20 min per day for 3 consecutive days. Participants in the trauma condition reported experiencing more physical symptoms subsequent to the intervention relative to those in the other conditions. Despite this, controlling for prewriting infirmary visits, sex offenders in the trauma writing condition decreased their postwriting infirmary visits. These results are congruent with predictions based on stigmatization and inhibition.  相似文献   

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