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<正>牟钟鉴先生是我国著名的宗教学家,在宗教学领域建构了自己的学术理论体系,享誉学界。他的新作《当代中国特色宗教学十二论》(人民出版社出版,2018年12月)旨在以马克思主义为理论指导,着眼于理论与现实的双重维度,结合中国国情和各宗教的实际情况,从宗教社会论、宗教五性论、宗教法治论、宗教适应论、宗教文化论、宗教和谐论、宗教促进论、宗教生态论、宗教传统论、宗教民族论、民间宗教论、温和无神论等  相似文献   

正《当代中国特色宗教学十二论》(以下简称《十二论》)作为中央民族大学哲学宗教学文库之一,已于2018年12月由人民出版社出版发行。该书是牟钟鉴先生长期追踪当代中国特色宗教学发展、系统诠释马克思主义宗教观中国化最新理论成果、吸收中华优秀传统文化并凝练具有中国风格中国气魄宗教模式的代表作。在我看来,该书体现出以下三个鲜明的特征。  相似文献   

宗教市场,对谁开放?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教市场论是当前宗教社会学研究中颇为流行的、以经济学供需关系解释宗教现象的一种理论。该学说引入国内后,深得学界某些研究者推崇,被视为一场“哥白尼式革命”。客观地说,宗教市场论从“市场”角度诠释宗教现象,为人们全面、理性认识宗教打开了一扇新的窗口。然而,谬误离真理只差一步,当前某些学者提出的“开放(中国)宗教市场”论不仅无助于解决中国的“宗教问题”,反而会扰乱中国“宗教市场”,其消极作用不容低估。  相似文献   

正出版社:中国社会科学出版社出版时间:2020-2021年该文丛包括《经典与实践—论马克思主义宗教学》《唯真与求实—马克思主义宗教观中国化之探》《宗教学史论》《宗教社会论》《宗教文明论》《宗教思想论》《世界宗教论》《中国宗教论》《基督教思想》《基督教文化》《中国基督教》和《反思与会通》,共12部,约450万字,是卓新平研究员对中国宗教学建设的长期思考和新的论述。  相似文献   

杨庆堃关于中国宗教研究的社会学范式,给后期的研究奠定了重要的学术基础,但中国学界对其学术价值与理论意义的探讨主要聚焦在弥散性宗教概念的界定与运用上。本文关注杨庆堃关于中国宗教研究的理论在学术史中"承上"与"启下"的作用,梳理了该理论对韦伯"理性化与现代化"旨趣的超越、对民间宗教划分人群属性传统的弥合,以及与当代理论包括宗教生态论、宗教场域论及礼物模式的对话。本文认为,杨庆堃的宗教概念、宗教与社会的关系等经典解释在现今社会仍具有理论生命力。而且这种宗教社会学理论的解释力并不只局限汉族社会,也可以适用于我国少数民族民间宗教的分析。  相似文献   

近年来,在辽宁省委、省政府的正确领导下,中共葫芦岛市委深入学习习近平总书记关于宗教工作的重要论述,认真贯彻落实全国宗教工作会议精神,全面加强党对宗教工作的领导,坚持我国宗教中国化方向,通过开展创建“三爱”“正行”“平安”“和谐”“文化”“数字”“生态”宗教活动场所和争做新时代优秀宗教教职人员的“七创一优”活动,构建了坚持我国宗教中国化方向葫芦岛实践模式,形成了宗教和顺、社会和谐的良好局面。  相似文献   

正目前,我国宗教界在国际上积极传播中国宗教谦和宽容的信仰理念,分享圆融中道的传统智慧,开展公益慈善活动,提供宗教文化公共产品,支持和平与正义事业,抵制宗教极端主义,促进跨国对话和人文交流,从而推动了我国对外关系的发展,丰富了我国对外交流的路径。宗教与文化的关系是国内外学术研究的恒久议题,向来就有主从论和两元论之争。就主从论而言,有的学者强调文化的重要性,认为宗教只是文  相似文献   

卓新平 《天风》2014,(6):6-6
随着中国改革开放的深入发展,宗教在中国社会的存在处境发生了重要改进和越来越好的变化。但中国社会对宗教的认知,以及近百年来中国社会、政治、思想、文化的复杂历史所形成的独特宗教生态,使宗教在中国当代社会的存在及理解仍面临着不少难题和挑战。宗教在当今中国社会文化中的定位仍不清晰。从整体来看,宗教也还没有根本"脱敏"。  相似文献   

本文:一、深入阐述了宗教异化论的源头…费尔巴哈的宗教异化论的基本思想;二、介绍了马克思、恩格斯的宗教异化论思想;三、介绍了当代中国的宗教异化论思想,着重分析了当代中国的宗教异化论思想与费尔巴哈、马克思恩格斯的宗教异化论思想的关系与异同;四、对当代中国的宗教异化论进行了分析与评述;五、简要分析了当代中国的宗教异化论的消极影响。通过这些分析,力图使人们对不同时代的不同人的宗教异化论有一个比较准确的认识。  相似文献   

正"宗教学新论文丛"为文化名家暨"四个一批"人才项目,由以下12部著作构成:(1)《经典与实践:论马克思主义宗教学》;(2)《唯真与求实:马克思主义宗教观中国化之探》;(3)《宗教学史论:宗教学的历史与体系》;(4)《宗教社会论》;(5)《宗教文明论》;(6)《宗教思想论》;(7)《世界宗教论》;(8)《中国宗教论》;(9)《基督教思想》;(10)《基督教文化》;(11)《中国基督教》;(12)《反思与会通》。由中国社会科学出版社陆续出版。  相似文献   

Nancy R. Howell 《Zygon》1997,32(2):231-241
Ecofeminism refers to feminist theory and activism informed by ecology. Ecofeminism is concerned with connections between the domination of women and the domination of nature. Although ecofeminism is a diverse movement, ecofeminist theorists share the presuppositions that social transformation is necessary for ecological survival, that intellectual transformation of dominant modes of thought must accompany social transformation, that nature teaches nondualistic and nonhierarchial systems of relation that are models for social transformation of values, and that human and cultural diversity are values in social transformation. Ecofeminist theology, ethics, and religious perspectives are particularly concerned with the integration of science and religion. Examples of religious or spiritual ecofeminisms are North American Christian ecofeminism, North American womanist Christian theology, neopagan Wiccan ecofeminism, Native American ecofeminism, and Third World ecofeminism.  相似文献   

本文所用的基督教中国化概念,旨在立足于学术的立场来更客观、更理性地探讨基督教何以能够融入中国文化、中华民族,特别是当代中国社会。通过中韩基督教史比较、当代中国宗教生态和国际宗教对话动向三方面的思考,笔者力主如下结论:社会实践是检验宗教信仰的唯一标准;就当今中国国情而言,基督教中国化的必由之路在于,为当代中国社会的改革开放、发展进步做出积极而重要的贡献。  相似文献   

为了使公民道德能在我国整个社会文化生态系统中获得稳定的、可持续的快速发展,必须深入考察、全面审视和正确把握我国现今的文化生态系统,努力探寻使系统保持良性循环并不断优化的最佳途径,从而为公民道德建设提供一个健康、坚实的客观文化基础。  相似文献   

With a growing number of sport performers revealing their religious and spiritual beliefs, it is becoming increasingly important for sport psychologists to recognize and appreciate the values (and value systems) to which such beliefs are attached. Using the RRICC model (Plante, 2007) as a framework for discussion, and through the lens of cultural praxis, the purpose of this article is to highlight ethical issues for sport psychologists when working with religious and spiritual athletes. The RRICC model addresses the ethical principles of respect, responsibility, integrity, competence, and concern. It is hoped that a discussion of these guidelines will help sport psychologists better navigate the often challenging landscape of working with athletes whose everyday lives and identities are grounded in religious and spiritual association.  相似文献   

With a growing number of sport performers revealing their religious and spiritual beliefs, it is becoming increasingly important for sport psychologists to recognize and appreciate the values (and value systems) to which such beliefs are attached. Using the RRICC model (Plante, 2007) as a framework for discussion, and through the lens of cultural praxis, the purpose of this article is to highlight ethical issues for sport psychologists when working with religious and spiritual athletes. The RRICC model addresses the ethical principles of respect, responsibility, integrity, competence, and concern. It is hoped that a discussion of these guidelines will help sport psychologists better navigate the often challenging landscape of working with athletes whose everyday lives and identities are grounded in religious and spiritual association.  相似文献   

Moral foundations theory has recently emerged from the field of social psychology as a means for understanding cultural, political, and religious differences between individuals and groups. The authors review the moral foundations theory literature to help counselors in understanding the roots of their clients' and their own moral belief systems and how these systems contribute to decision-making pertaining to morally laden topics. Lastly, the authors present a model for self-awareness around moral issues along with a fictional case study intended to illustrate the use of the model.  相似文献   

Robert E. Ulanowicz 《Zygon》2010,45(4):939-956
Mutual critique by scientists and religious believers mostly entails the pruning of untenable religious beliefs by scientists and warnings against scientific minimalism on the part of believers. John F. Haught has been prominent in formulating religious apologetics in response to the challenges posed by evolutionary theory. Haught's work also resonates with a parallel criticism of the conventional scientific metaphysics undergirding neo‐Darwinian theory. Contemporary systems ecology seems to indicate that nothing short of a complete reversal of the Enlightenment assumptions about nature is capable of repositioning science to deal adequately with the origin and dynamics of living systems. A process‐based alternative metaphysics substantially mitigates several ostensible conflicts between science and religion.  相似文献   

This article seeks to locate the manifested Pentecostal characteristics of Chinese Protestantism in the context of an individualistic and feminised religious arena during China's Cultural Revolution (1966–1976). Life-story interview data collected in south-eastern China reveal that the unavailability of religious authorities during the Cultural Revolution brought about a decentralised and experiential Protestant religious form, demonstrating a cultural pattern similar to that of Pentecostalism. This religious form was particularly successful in attracting women and communicating across cultural frontiers, thus contributing to Protestant breakthroughs in rural areas. Nevertheless, without institutionalising a Pentecostal doctrine and practice, this Pentecostal-like religiosity would be subject to further change with the return of religious authorities after the 1980s. I propose an analytical tool that I call ‘practice-led Pentecostalism’ for grasping this fluid religious dynamic.  相似文献   

Connor Wood 《Zygon》2020,55(1):125-156
The cognitive and evolutionary sciences of religion offer a standard model of religious representations, but no equivalent paradigm for investigating religiously interpreted altered states of consciousness (religious ASCs). Here, I describe a neo-Durkheimian framework for studying religious ASCs that centralizes social predictive cognition. Within a processual model of ritual, ritual behaviors toggle between reinforcing normative social structures and downplaying them. Specifically, antistructural ritual shifts cognitive focus away from conventional affordances, collective intentionality, and social prediction, and toward physical affordances and behavioral motivations that make few references to others’ intentional states. Using synchrony and dance as paradigmatic examples of antistructural ritual that stimulate religious ASCs, I assemble literature from anthropology, cognitive neuroscience, and philosophy of language to offer fruitful empirical predictions and opportunities for testing based on this framework. Among the empirical predictions is that antistructural ritual may provide for cultural change in religions when religions are construed as complex adaptive systems.  相似文献   

This article considers the problems arising from cultural and religious differences in Jewish-non-Jewish marriage, briefly reviews the literature, and offers suggestions for assessment and treatment. Treatment requires dealing with family systems dynamics while educating the couple about the role of cultural difference in their relationship. The goal of treatment is to assist the couple to view their differences flexibly and use them to their advantage while they develop a blended culture that satisfies their individual and partnership needs, including the religious and spiritual.  相似文献   

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