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墓地园林化作为墓葬发展的新趋势,以园林设计理论与方法营造纪念性的空间,作为特殊类型的公共绿地,它是城市绿地必不可少的一部分。从墓地园林化内涵、风水理论、规划建设三个方面进行论述,展望墓地园林化未来发展方向:扩展墓地园林化的内涵;建立墓地园林化建设的量化标准;构建从宏观到微观层次的墓地园林化规划设计体系。以期转变传统丧葬观念,提升墓地景观功能,缓解人与墓地之间的矛盾,在满足墓葬需求的同时,使墓地园林具备生命教育、休闲游憩、生态修复等作用。  相似文献   

张学海 《管子学刊》2010,(4):108-110,128
陈庄西周城是周代考古的重大新发现。南城门内的祭坛与贵族墓地对城的属性作出了证明。祭坛为社坛、贵族墓地是家族墓地,两者的平面关系体现了"左祖右社"的思想观念。陈庄西周城是齐侯所立之"家",是迄今首例西周卿大夫封邑。  相似文献   

磁村春秋墓地位于山东省淄博市淄川区磁村西南一公里处,东北距齐故都临淄约五十公里。地处鲁中低山丘陵的北部边缘。因整修农田时墓地遭破坏,范围不清。一九七七年春,淄博市文物普查队清理发掘了四座墓葬。其中三座墓葬遭破坏,编号为 M01、M02、M03,还有一座墓葬保存比较完整,编号为 M1。四座墓葬形制均为竖穴土坑墓,东西向。M01位于墓区最南部,M02位于 M01东北三点三  相似文献   

临淄商王村墓葬中出土的玉器,可以根据其风格区分为两组。M1与M2所出玉器可能来源于楚地,并非齐国玉器,M4属于典型的战国晚期齐国贵族墓,墓葬中出土的玉器可能是齐国玉器。根据目前资料可以推测以水晶、玛瑙、滑石为代玉用品是齐国丧葬用玉的特点。  相似文献   

试论齐国的墓葬特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试论齐国的墓葬特色张明东近十几年来,随着齐文化研究的兴起,各地考古工作的展开,积累了大量的齐国墓葬资料。目前所见齐墓除少量西周墓外,以东周墓葬为多,改变了过去在东周几个大国中,齐国墓葬资料较少的状况,为齐国葬制的研究提供了依据。齐文化类型的墓葬出土地...  相似文献   

注鬼论是早期道教的一个重要神学理论,对研究早期道教史、古代墓葬考古和古代丧葬习俗具有重要学术价值。本文剖析并论述了注、注病的含义以及道教对注鬼的解释,并在此基础上界定了道教注鬼论。  相似文献   

高青陈庄铜器铭文与城址性质考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
方辉 《管子学刊》2010,(3):102-105
山东高青陈庄西周城址及墓地的发现对于西周考古与历史的研究意义重大。本文根据迄今所报道的资料,对两则铜器铭文做了解读,并对陈庄城址的性质做了推考。文章认为,陈庄墓地从西周早期成王开始延续到中期的昭穆时期,其间未曾中断,与城址的存续时间相吻合。陈庄城址规模较小,不大可能是西周齐国的都城,其属于齐国贵族封邑的可能性较大;而这个封邑,应该是豐。  相似文献   

西顾庄遗址位于淄博市沂源县大张乡西顾庄东南一公里处。遗址地处山区丘陵,南北约一百米、东西约六十米、面积约六千平方米。经考古调查,遗址文化层由西向东逐渐增厚,东部文化层厚约一点五米。在遗址断崖处发现有墓葬遗迹,估计可能是一处墓葬区。  相似文献   

六朝建康墓葬的地域分布述论郭黎安六朝以建康为都,长达三百余年。其时,人物荟萃,户口殷繁,从而为这一地区留下了极其丰富的墓葬。建国后,随着考古工作的进展,在今南京周围不断地有六朝墓出土。从地域看,遍及城内和城外四郊;以等级论,大致可分为帝王陵寝、大族墓...  相似文献   

从考古资料可知,东周齐国贵族墓葬有的殉葬马匹,集中见于中高级贵族墓葬中。殉葬的马匹应按照一定的标准选取,而非随意使用,其殉葬方式包括车马同殉和单独殉马两种。根据文献记载可知,在春秋早中期,齐国的殉马主要是由东部的莱国输入;春秋晚期开始主要是由本国饲养。  相似文献   

In this paper, I defend the claim that many sentient nonhuman animals have a right to privacy. I begin by outlining the view that the human right to privacy protects our interest in shaping different kinds of relationships with one another by giving us control over how we present ourselves to others. I then draw on empirical research to show that nonhuman animals also have this interest, which grounds a right to privacy against us. I further argue that we can violate this right even when other animals are unaware that we are watching them.  相似文献   

Do free markets teach us how to construct humane social relations or do they impede us from doing so? We discuss social scientific evidence on the nature of commercialization and its consequences for moral formation. From a virtue ethics perspective, people face a need to learn and practice the good. When interactions transition into the market sphere, we argue commercialization can fundamentally alter the nature of relationships, particularly for those relations formerly based on gift, sacrifice, and obligation. While modern social scientists accurately identify problems resulting from commercialization, we argue for the importance of theological social ethics, which can offer a penetrating analysis of the habits of gift and communal responsibility. Catholic social teaching in particular outlines the set of principles and institutions which foster sacrificial gift‐giving among individuals and organizations within society, providing a bulwark against the threat commercialization poses to many social relations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the economic philosophies of Adam Smith (1723–1790) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) are discussed, with special reference to their respective views on money. It is argued that self-love plays an important role in their philosophies of money. For Smith, self-love is the foundation of economic activity and a means to quantify exchange relations. Rousseau, in turn, rejects money because of the possibility that it may give rise to destructive and narcissistic forms of self-love—which he calls amour-propre. It seems that Smith's and Rousseau's views of money are in opposition to each other; however, both argue that their view of money becomes unsustainable, if not qualified, by the embedded tension present in self-love. For Smith, self-love must remain in tension with sympathy for the economy to function, as discussed in his Theory of Moral Sentiments. Rousseau concedes that in society both amour-propre and amour de soi (passionate, sacrificial love) are necessary. This tension introduces a moment of madness that may have important implications when contemporary philosophies of economics engage issues such as economic inequality and poverty.  相似文献   

G. A. Cohen 《Erkenntnis》1977,11(1):5-23
Let us now suppose that I have sold the product of my own labour for money, and have used the money to hire a labourer, i.e., I have bought somebody else's labour-power. Having taken advantage of this labour-power of another, I turn out to be the owner of value which is considerably higher than the value I spent on its purchase. This, from one point of view, is very just, because it has already been recognized, after all that I can use what I have secured by exchange as is best and most advantageous to myself... Persons, who under a vicious order of things have obtained a competent share of social enjoyments, are never in want of arguments to justify to the eye of reason such a state of society; for what may not admit of apology when exhibited in but one point of view? If the same individuals were tomorrow required to cast anew the lots assigning them a place in society, they would find many things to object to.

When observing ostracism, individuals can either side with the target or the sources of ostracism. Here we demonstrate that side-taking depends on whether the target previously acted in adherence to or in violation of perceived social norms. In four studies, a target behaved either norm-consistently or violated a social norm, and was subsequently either excluded by the sources or was not. Next, participants could sanction the behavior of the observed persons by refraining to assign money (Studies 1 and 2), or by subtracting money from a bonus (Studies 3 and 4). Observers assigned less money to the sources when these excluded a norm-consistent target. However, when the target had violated a social norm before, participants assigned less money to the target instead. These results have far-reaching implications because the (in)actions of neutral individuals can legitimize the sources’ behavior, or help a target under attack.  相似文献   

金钱启动能够提高自我损耗后个体的利他,而金钱功能也可能对损耗后个体利他产生不可忽视的影响。实验让处于自我损耗状态的被试数金钱或白纸,然后测量其利他水平及其对金钱功能的内隐偏好。结果证实了金钱启动的积极效应。此外,在数金钱和数白纸两种条件下,金钱象征性功能偏好对自我损耗后个体利他的效应是相反的。这表明,激活金钱概念与偏好金钱象征性功能都有可能补偿自我损耗后的消极影响,但两者的补偿作用是相互独立的。  相似文献   

abstract 'Time is money', Benjamin Franklin's 'Poor Richard' tells us. But instead of converting time expenditures into monetary equivalents, it makes more sense in many cases to convert money into temporal equivalents. The difficulty in putting a monetary value on time in unpaid household labour, when adjusting the National Accounts, points to the problems of the first approach. The advantages of the latter approach are illustrated by the Swedish system of specifying criminal fines in terms of the number of days the offender would have to work to pay them off .  相似文献   

Long considered to be heretical, ancient Gnostic Christian texts unearthed this century display compelling similarities between Gnostic conceptions of life and death and modern NDEs. The Gnostic texts devoted extensive tracts to what readers could expect to encounter when they died. Other passages make numerous allusions to NDE-like experiences that can be realized in this life, most notably the human encounter with a Divine Light. The Gnostic Christian literature gives us one more example of NDEs and similar experiences in the ancient world.  相似文献   

赵玉杰  高扬  周欣悦 《心理学报》2020,52(7):909-920
本文通过两个研究探讨天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响。研究1通过重新分析Cohn, Maréchal, Tannenbaum和Zünd (2019)在全球范围内对诚信行为的研究数据, 发现了天气状况和空气污染对诚信行为的影响; 研究2通过准实验的研究方法, 在3所高校进行了丢钱包的实验并记录当天天气和空气污染状况。两项研究共同表明:(1)在非晴朗的天气下, 人们会做出更多的不诚信行为; (2)空气污染越严重, 人们越有可能出现不诚信的 行为。  相似文献   

For several decades, there has been a debate in the philosophical literature concerning whether those of us who live in developed countries are morally required to give some of our money to aid agencies. Many contributors to this debate have apparently taken it that one may simply assume that the effects of the work such agencies do are overwhelmingly positive. If one turns to the literature on such agencies that has emerged in recent decades, however, one finds a number of concerns about such agencies and the work they do that put that assumption in serious doubt. This situation raises a number of pressing questions, many of which have received little or no attention from philosophers. After articulating a number of those questions, I focus mainly on what I call the ‘Epistemic Question (for potential contributors to aid agencies)’: How can those of us who are not experts in international aid arrive at an estimate concerning the effects of the work aid agencies do that we have at least some good reason to believe accurate?  相似文献   

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