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刘春晓 《哲学研究》2012,(11):23-26
<正>马克思主义自诞生以来,对基督教世界产生了深刻影响,尤其是其社会分析方法和政治批判精神深刻影响了基督教的发展走向。美国学者詹兹(D.R.Janz)认为:"从某种意义上说,马克思的思想改变了基督教世界的面貌并使今日之基督教仍然具有活力。"(Janz,p.16)概括而言,这种影响表现在两个方面:一是教会方面,二是基督教神学方面。  相似文献   

有机马克思主义本质上是以怀特海的过程哲学为基础的、直接为西方基督教服务的过程神学,它不是马克思主义、也不想是马克思主义,它是西方基督教在中国传播时依傍政治而偶尔穿上的一件外衣,直接服务于西方基督教的利益。  相似文献   

恩格斯早期对基督教的批判,如对反理性、反人道的狭隘救赎观和圣经无误论等教条的批判,具有理性化和人性化的特点。他对宗教的批判,实际上提升了宗教的价值蕴含,促使宗教形成符合理性、符合人性的自觉。就此而言,马克思主义宗教观含义下的宗教自由,是一种更具积极意义的宗教自由。通过对恩格斯早期的基督教批判作为马克思主义宗教观之起始阶段的考察,有助于更准确地认识马克思主义宗教观的形成过程,把握其宗教批判的路径和目的。  相似文献   

《论原始基督教的历史》是恩格斯运用唯物史观研究和阐述宗教问题的重要著作,蕴含着丰富的宗教研究方法。恩格斯运用历史分析法把原始基督教作为一种特定的社会现象和社会事实,将其放在人类历史的过程中考察其产生的历史根源及演变过程;运用阶级分析法将宗教视为一种带有阶级属性的特殊社会现象,揭示原始基督教的社会阶级属性及其本质;运用比较分析法指出原始基督教同现代工人运动二者之间既有值得注意的共同点又存在本质区别;运用实证分析法阐明马克思主义理论的抽象逻辑建构是以具体案例分析为基础的。这些方法在其宗教研究的过程中并不是割裂独立的,而是综合运用、交叉并存的。  相似文献   

田薇在2006年第2期《世界宗教研究》上发表文章《试论基督教的神圣原则》。基督教伦理作为一种宗教伦理,与世俗伦理的区别在于后者立足于世间生活和人类行为自身,道德的根据在于人的自律而不是神律,不是从神圣命令推出道德,而是从自我命令推出道德,道德是人的自律之域。文章从基督教伦理的上帝信仰、人性论预设、救赎观念、爱的规范、终末盼望等几个方面来阐释基督教伦理的神圣原则。  相似文献   

基督教和马克思主义的关系问题,一直是西方哲学探索的一个重要课题,许多左派学者试图开创两者的对话渠道,并做过许多有价值的理论探索.英国学者克莱尔(Andrew Collier)继承了这一理论传统,在其新著<基督教和马克思主义>[1]中,从基督教的马克思主义立场出发,对这一问题做出了开创性的探索.他详细论证了基督教和马克思主义展开对话的可能性和必要性,以及对话的理论基础和现实意义,并全面阐述了二者联合的目的和基本任务以及要注意的问题.克莱尔的理论观点应当引起我们的注意.  相似文献   

一个读了圣经而不做革命之梦的人是误读圣经的人。作为一个创造性的马克思主义者,恩斯特·布洛赫恰恰在基督教中发现了"希望"要素,这正是他对马克思主义文化遗产思想的创新所在。圣经宗教的本真遗产是对尘世美好生活的渴望和憧憬。基督教以及以后的基督教思想中所剩下的正是我们人类应当追求的自由的王国。在布洛赫那里,所谓"元宗教"并非"非宗教",而是遗产中的宗教,这意味着既与神的信仰决裂,又超越传统无神论去证实宗教的连续性。作为一种"元宗教",布洛赫宗教无神论的根本目标是"进行没有超越者的超越活动",创建一种既不同于有神论也不同于无神论的"没有神的王国",即全面发展人的本性,全面实现人的自由,走向马克思意义上的"自然的人化和人的自然化的王国"。  相似文献   

陈永涛 《天风》2017,(2):29-30
前面已经说过,在基督教神学中,对神学与经验的关系有两种基本的看法:一是认为经验为基督教神学提供了一个基本资源,另一是认为基督教神学提供了一个解释的架构,以诠释人类的经验。一方面,一些神学家认为,人类的经验(特别是宗教经验),可以作为基督教神学一个基本资源,  相似文献   

何绵山 《福建宗教》2002,(1):32-33,46
1627年,荷兰东印度公司派宣教士甘究士抵台,一方面为在台的荷兰人举行主礼拜,一方面向原住民传教。台湾基督教在1945年光复前只有台湾基督教长老会、真耶稣教会和台湾圣教会这三种教会,前两种教会与福建关系密切,影响大,台湾教会与日本关系密切。  相似文献   

马里坦的学说在欧美流传甚广,特别在拉丁美洲信仰天主教的国家里影响更大。马里坦采用新托马斯主义的新花招:理性与信仰、科学与宗教的调和论,来宣传新经院哲学,辩护宗教唯心主义世界观,维护资本主义反动统治,反对无产阶级革命,诬蔑马克思主义。本文译自他最近出版的《道德哲学》一书中的第十章第三节。在这篇文章中,他大肆诬蔑马克思和马克思主义。他说:马克思在“一切问题上所谈到的人,乃是而且只能是集体的人”。“他一点不关心自由意志”。“他不考虑个别的人,而只看到社会的人”。因而,“马克思不承认有什么人性”。接着,马里坦又说:马克思主义宣称“国家最后也必然要消亡”,并且到那时候,“不应当有、而且永远不应当有任何超乎人以上的东西,甚至不应当有那种脱离了人而被神化在国家中的人的权力;这将是人本身最终被神化,或真正完满地恢复他的本质”。所以,“马克思主义是一种人道主义,是一种无神论的人道主义,在这种人道主义中,人类进入理性主义的世纪”。换言之,这就是“以人为中心的人道主义”。“但是,这种人道主义是一种人的类存在的人道主义,是在社会中得到发扬和完成了的那种人性的人道主义,它却一点也不知道所谓人的人格是什么”。“它完全不知道那种在其本身上构成其自律性和精神性的人格是什么”。“它把个体只理解为社会的存在”。因此“在马克思主义的无神论的人道主义中保持着黑格尔所主张的这种人的人格辩证的牺牲”。它“有一种神秘的‘纯粹的爱’,一种不计个人得失和自我牺牲的精神。但由于这些精神,人献出了自己的心灵而再也找不到它,而且这些精神是出卖了人格本身、出卖了我们身上的自在的目的和上帝的形象而得到的。所以在精神界也同在社会界一样,人格也完全被辩证法牺牲了”。“这种人道主义是一种把人看作‘人的最高本质’和历史的最后原因的神学”。最后,作者硬说:“人们在马克思那里还发现了一种虽然被歪曲了的但是真正是基督教的因素”。特别“当他站在‘被剥削和被压迫的阶级’的方面”,起来保卫“人性的尊严以及被侮辱和被损害的群众的尊严感”时,马克思表现着具有“从基督教思想中保存下来的唯一的残余因素”。但是,这种“残余因素是被用来回头反对基督教思想的;于是一种不可和解的仇恨使得人的心灵中的一切基督教的真理归于消灭,只胜下这种残余物的真理还保持着它的爆炸力。这就是说,马克思是犹太—基督教传统的一个异端之徒,而马克思主义则是‘基督教的一种异端’,是基督教的最新的异端”。  相似文献   

张宪 《现代哲学》2003,25(3):42-50
本文以解放神学为例考察了基督宗教与马克思主义的内在关联性,对中国基督宗教的处境化作了初步的分析。  相似文献   

Chinese culture has remained steady, stretching through time as long and unbroken as the Great Wall. In thousands of years, Chinese culture has exhibited a remarkable ability to assimilate foreign intrusions. Even though several times throughout Chinese history minority nationalities have been in military and political control of China, they were gradually assimilated by Chinese culture. Christianity has spent more than a thousand years attempting to convert the Chinese with only negligible success. However, why was Marxism able to become the dominant ideology in only 30 years? This article discusses the critical cultural roots of the different destinies of Marxism and Christianity within the Great Wall.  相似文献   

Muslim perception of Christianity has been coloured by references to Jesus and Christianity in the Qur'an and by the great range of historical encounters between members of the two traditions over fourteen centuries. In response to colonialism and Christian missionary activity in Muslim countries, Muslim modernists depicted Christianity as a religion of the sword and cast Islam as a superior system noted for its moderate and pluralistic vision. By the second half of the twentieth century, the challenge of Marxism and Zionism gave credence to the Islamist ideology of the Islamic imperative to eliminate all other systems. Muslim society was depicted as the victim of secular, Christian and Jewish fanaticism that sought to eradicate Islam. During the eighties, a new discourse on the role of religious minorities has developed which sees pluralism as a foundational principle of Islamic society sanctioned by God since it was his will to create difference. The purpose is to promote not discord, but the perception of a sign of God's mercy.  相似文献   

张宪 《现代哲学》2005,1(3):1-9
马克思的宗教批判对当代基督宗教人文主义有相当的影响,虽然两者对宗教异化有不同的理解,但都认为消除异化是人类走向自由的前提。  相似文献   

This article takes the burgeoning interest in Celtic Christianity as a key example of the way in which churches may be responding to the changing spiritual and religious landscape in the United Kingdom today and examines the power of psychological type theory to account for variation in the attitude of committed churchgoers to this innovation. Data provided by a sample of 248 Anglican clergy and lay church officers (who completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales together with the Attitude toward Celtic Christianity Scale) demonstrated that intuitive types, feeling types, and perceiving types reported a more positive attitude towards Celtic Christianity than sensing types, thinking types, and judging types. These findings are interpreted to analyse the appeal of Celtic Christianity and to suggest why some committed churchgoers may find this innovation less attractive.  相似文献   

The attached (to mother) fetus-infant finds his religious expression in Buddhism. The attached (to group) juvenile finds his religious expression in Judaism and other tribalisms. The attached (to spouse) adult finds his religious expression in agnosticism and secularism. Attached phases are placid and of progressively decreasing emotional intensity. The three detaching phases are hurtful and hence soteriological, and are also of progressively decreasing emotional intensity. The toddler-young child finds his religious expression in Christianity, the adolescent in atheism and/or Marxism, and the aged, sick or dying plucks at any religious or secular aid.He has written numerous papers on aspects of child care, medical history, interrelations between medicine and religion, and between Judaism and Christianity.  相似文献   

David Martin 《Dialog》2007,46(2):139-152
The author sets out the different elements in his approach to secularization over forty years from a conceptual critique to an empirical general theory, initially covering Europe and America and later global Christianity, taking into account different historical inflections to secularization as a component of master narratives. The author presents his interest in secularization as strongly linked to his interest in religion and politics, faith and violence.  相似文献   

This essay addresses the problem of communication between Christianity and the secular world in an area where the latter tends to oppose the moral norms endorsed by the former. How, in the interest of missionary outreach (and with which understandings of what such outreach involves) can the language barriers be bridged? Whereas the Roman Catholic natural law tradition posits a neutral common ground of (traditional or hermeneutical) rationality between Christianity and the world, an Ebeling- and Barth-modified Lutheranism engages in an argument ad hominem by seizing upon an admitted deficiency within that world, and by recommending Christianity for mending that deficiency. Both positions differ from the Evangelical claim that since that which the world politically values is derived from Christianity, it must remain subject to Christianity's moral legislation. An entirely different approach to the communication- and outreach-problem is taken by Orthodox Christianity: The gulf which separates it from the world is acknowledged, and the possibility of trans-gulf-traffic is referred to God's grace. It is only this latter model, however, which preserves Christianity's theological terms (such as "Scripture", "law", and "holiness") from common-ground-securing, deficiency-mending, or authority-imposing secularizing, and thus from compromising that very theological context into which communicative outreach endeavors were to invite.  相似文献   

During the last four decades, Christianity in China has grown quickly. There are about 50 million Protestant Christians in today's China. The majority of them, however, are in rural areas. This rural Christianity, or folk Christianity, is influenced by Chinese folk religion. This article explores the features and the missional nature of Chinese folk Christianity. It exposes several main features of folk Christianity, including its charismatic orientation, pragmatic concern, moral emphasis, and superstitious factors. Its main argument is that Chinese folk Christianity is missional in a situation where the absolute majority of the population is non‐Christian. Through describing and analyzing Chinese folk Christianity as biblical, historical, contextual, eschatological, and practicable, which are fundamental affirmations about the missional church, this article reaches the following conclusion: Although it is somewhat syncretic, Chinese folk Christianity, as God's people called in a particular context, has its missional nature. It is a contextualized form of Christianity. Given the particular Chinese context in participating in God's mission, it might be inevitable for Chinese folk Christianity to be syncretic to some degree. In the contexualization of Christianity, however, Chinese folk Christianity has raised some theological questions: How deeply and thoroughly contextualized can folk Christianity become? Are there limits to its contextualization? If yes, what are the limits?  相似文献   

The vexed and ever‐controversial question of hell and the possibility of its final realization is the subject matter of this article. The current fading of belief, or at least serious interest, in this traditional aspect of Christian teaching is the starting‐point for a brief historical survey of the meaning of the term in general and its meaning within Christianity in particular. The article argues for a retention of the doctrine, albeit shorn of some of its more flamboyant, traditional attributes, as being of lasting significance to the Christian understanding of salvation.  相似文献   

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