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Fluency of conversational speech in children with unilateral brain lesions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spontaneous conversational speech of 20 children with unilateral left hemisphere lesions and 13 with right lesions was compared to normally developing peers matched by age, sex, race, and social class for instances of stuttering type nonfluencies, normal nonfluencies, and rate of speech. Both left and right lesioned children provided quantitatively more and qualitatively different patterns of nonfluencies than their neurologically normal peers. Left and right lesioned children produced more stuttering types of nonfluencies than their controls, but neither lesioned group produced a greater number of normal nonfluencies than controls. Left lesioned children also had a slower rate of speech as measured by number of syllables per second during either stuttered or fluent speech. Considerable variability was observed among lesioned children. Implications for neurogenic theories of developmental fluency disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

The visual span of apprehension for random letter and digit sequences, approximations to English sequences and non-symbolic line stimuli was measured in patients with unilateral cerebral lesions. The left hemisphere group was significantly impaired relative to the right hemisphere group and a control group on all three types of visual span task. The deficit was most marked in patients with left posterior lesions. The visual span deficits were not related to other language deficits. The findings are discussed in terms of a modality-specific defect of visual short-term memory.  相似文献   

Motor deficits are the most common outcome of brain damage. Although a large part of such disturbances arises from loss of elementary sensorimotor functions, several syndromes cannot be explained purely on these bases. In this article, we briefly describe higher-order motor impairments, with specific attention to the characteristic ability of the human hand to interact with objects and tools. Disruption of this motor skill at several independent levels is used to outline a comprehensive model, in which various current proposals for a modular organization of hand-object interactions can be integrated. In this model, cortical mechanisms related to object interaction are independent from representations of the semantic features of objects.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the role of prefronto-striatal loop systems for cognitive procedural learning (PL) brought inconsistent results. To examine whether the integrity of the dorsolateral prefrontal loop is indispensable for normal cognitive PL, we examined the acquisition of cognitive skills in 35 patients with focal prefrontal lesions, focal caudate lesions, and Huntington's Disease (HD), and compared it with a control group. To examine the potential role of the processing demands made by the cognitive tasks, a set of tasks was applied whose acquisition places demand either on reasoning and problem solving, or on the establishment of fast and repetitive processing routines. The Pursuit Rotor task was also studied with the aim to re-examine earlier findings of a functional segregation of motor and complex prefronto-striatal loops. Deficits of cognitive and motor PL were found to be limited to certain tasks and groups. PL of one task, which demanded rapid, repetitive processing of visuo-spatial stimuli, was impaired in all patient groups. PL of two problem-solving tasks was impaired in patients with focal and degenerative caudate lesions only. None of the groups was impaired at PL of Mirror Reading, another task demanding rapid and repetitive visuo-spatial processing, and none was impaired in a fifth task of language skill. Deficits of motor learning were only observed in patients in whom the motor loop was affected. These results suggest that the dorsolateral prefronto-striatal loop is involved in the establishment of cognitive processing routines. The comparison of patients with and without caudate lesions suggests that disconnection of this circuit is critical. However, the normal acquisition of two cognitive tasks even in this group indicates that the integrity of the dorsolateral prefrontal loop is not mandatory for normal cognitive PL. We discuss these dissociations with regard to the demand profiles of the applied tasks and the locations of the lesions.  相似文献   

Two visuospatial tasks, the WAIS Block Design and the Street Gestalt Completion Test, were administered to men and women with and without unilateral cerebral lesions. These two tasks represent different categories of visuospatial functions. The Street test is a visual-perceptual gestalt task, requiring the closure of fragmented pictures, whereas Block Design is an analytical, manipulospatial task requiring rotation of spatial coordinates. For the non-brain-damaged group, the men showed a nonsignificant trend toward better Block Design performance relative to the women, whereas there was no sex-related difference in Street performance. For the brain-damaged groups, patients with right hemisphere lesions performed significantly worse than patients with left hemisphere lesions on both the Street test and Block Design, indicating that both tasks were more sensitive to right hemisphere functioning. There was, however, a significant sex X side of lesion interaction on Block Design only, with the men showing a more asymmetrical pattern of scores. These results suggest that sex differences in functional lateralization may underlie sex differences in visuospatial ability, and that sex differences in functional lateralization may be present for only certain visuospatial processes.  相似文献   

Parkinson's patients have been found to be impaired in learning movement sequences. In the current study, patients with unilateral basal ganglia lesions due to stroke were tested on a serial reaction time task in which responses were based on the spatial location of each stimulus. The spatial locations either followed a fixed sequence or were selected at random, with learning operationalized as the difference in reaction time between these two conditions. In addition, three response-to-stimulus intervals were used, and these either followed a fixed sequence or were randomized. Compared to control participants, the patients showed normal learning of the spatial and temporal sequences, as well as normal cross-dimensional learning. This was true for performance with either the contralesional or ipsilesional hand. Sequence learning was not correlated with maximum tapping rate, a simple measure of motor impairment. These results raise questions concerning the use of Parkinson's disease as a model for studying basal ganglia dysfunction.  相似文献   

Memory strategies with brain damage   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The ability of anterograde amnesics with and without a history of alcoholism and patients with frontal lobe damage to think about memory, memorizing, and remembering was assessed. Alcoholic Korsakoffs' and frontal lobe patients' knowledge and use of memory strategies was deficient when compared with controls whereas nonalcoholic amnesics' was not. The use of the categorization mnemonic was assessed in a verbal learning experiment. Frontal lobe patients failed to spontaneously categorize a categorizable word list when trying to memorize it. Nevertheless, when forced to categorize the list, they benefited from the imposed structure. Nonalcoholic amnesics spontaneously categorized the list and benefited from the resulting organization.  相似文献   

Memory strategies were examined among children, 7–13 years old, with diagnosed learning disabilities, in order to investigate whether they perform in appropriately active and efficient ways. The children were grouped at two age levels and administered tasks of serial recall and free recall. A strategy-training session was conducted on the second task. On the serial recall, neither age group showed evidence of rehearsal, in contrast to previous studies. On the free recall task, the younger children's performance was consistent with the mediation deficiency hypothesis, while the older children improved in sorting, clustering, and recall following training; i.e., they showed a typical production deficiency. There was support for considering this sample of learning disabled children as inactive learners, with potential developmental change. Serial recall improved with age, and the older children's production deficiences in free recall appeared to be ameliorated with training in organizational strategies.  相似文献   

A better reinforcement schedule may be associated with one exteroceptive stimulus (S+) than with another exteroceptive stimulus (S−). While all theories agree that performance in such discrimination tasks is affected by the reinforcement schedules associated with the exteroceptive S+ and S− cues, some theories suggest that performance is also affected by the reinforcement schedule associated with interoceptive reward produced cues. The two experiments reported here were concerned with identifying the conditions under which the interoceptive cues produced by nonreward come to affect performance. According to one hypothesis, such cues will acquire control over approach responding if animals make an approach response in their presence, but not otherwise. According to the memory hypothesis, the memory of nonreinforcement will become a signal for reinforcement, thus invigorating performance, if it is retrieved on a rewarded trial. In two experiments, two groups made strong approach responses to the nonreinforced cues on S− trials, but the memory of nonreward was better retrieved on a subsequent rewarded trial in one group than in the other. Subsequently, both groups were extinguished. The extinction findings support the memory view.  相似文献   

A picture story task was developed to examine expression of emotion via the verbal/lexical channel. The task elicited discourse with either emotional, visual-spatial, or neutral content and was administered to right brain-damaged (RBD), left brain-damaged (LBD), and normal control (NC) right-handed adults. Subjects were matched for gender, age, education, and occupational status. The brain-damaged groups were matched for months post-CVA onset and were similar with respect to intrahemispheric site of lesion. While the number of words produced was equivalent for each of the subject groups, the RBDs and LBDs expressed quantitatively less content than did the NCs. When content differences were examined within each subject group, there were no differences for LBDs and NCs, but the RBDs showed a selective deficit when producing emotional content. This finding suggests a special role for the right hemisphere in the production of emotional content in verbal discourse.  相似文献   

The association learning between taste and odor is important in ingestive behavior. For a better understanding of this learning, we have developed a convenient and useful paradigm to assess the taste-mediated odor learning. In the training session, Wistar male rats drank water from two bottles in their home cages and from eight small glass dishes. In the learning session they were exposed in their home cages and also in a circular open-field apparatus to 0.005 M Na-saccharin and 0.02 M quinine hydrochloride which contained either banana or almond odors. One learning trial consisted of this pair of exposures. The preceding behavioral experiment has shown that these two odors are not aversive and are differentially perceived by rats. In the test session, the animals were put in the open-field apparatus equipped with eight dishes: four contained water with banana, and another four, with almond. Normal control rats preferred to drink water with the odor previously associated with saccharin. Stronger and more persistent preference was attained after two or three learning trials. To elucidate the brain sites responsible for this taste-mediated odor learning, the same procedure was assessed on brain-lesioned rats. Rats with lesions in the amygdala showed rapid extinction of preference to the saccharin-associated odor, whereas control rats did not. However, rats with lesions in the insular cortex showed retention of learning similar to that of the control rats. Rats with lesions in the sulcal prefrontal or cingulate cortices showed moderate disruptive effects on preference to the saccharin-associated odor. In conclusion, the odor learning established in our experimental paradigm is based on the association between the quality of odor and hedonics of taste. The amygdala may play a role in the formation, at least in the retention process, of this taste-odor association learning.  相似文献   

Spoken syntax in children with acquired unilateral hemisphere lesions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spoken syntax of eight left hemisphere lesioned and eight right hemisphere lesioned children were compared to matched controls. The children's lesions were acquired between 0.08 and 6.17 years of age (mean = 1.33 years), and at the time of testing they were between 1.67 and 8.15 years of age (mean = 4.19). Based on analyses of spontaneous language samples, left hemisphere lesioned subjects performed more poorly than did their controls on most measures of simple and complex sentence structure. In contrast right lesioned subjects performed similarly to their controls on these measures, except for a tendency to make more errors in simple sentence structures. These findings provide further evidence that the left and right hemispheres are not comparable in supporting syntactic abilities.  相似文献   

Episodic memory and working memory decline with advancing age. Nevertheless, large-scale population-based studies document well-preserved memory functioning in some older individuals. The influential ‘reserve’ notion holds that individual differences in brain characteristics or in the manner people process tasks allow some individuals to cope better than others with brain pathology and hence show preserved memory performance. Here, we discuss a complementary concept, that of brain maintenance (or relative lack of brain pathology), and argue that it constitutes the primary determinant of successful memory aging. We discuss evidence for brain maintenance at different levels: cellular, neurochemical, gray- and white-matter integrity, and systems-level activation patterns. Various genetic and lifestyle factors support brain maintenance in aging and interventions may be designed to promote maintenance of brain structure and function in late life.  相似文献   

Subjects identified target letters that occurred randomly at the local or global level in a divided attention task. The visual angle of the stimuli was varied. Neurologically intact controls showed a reaction time advantage for local targets which increased as visual angle increased. Patients with lesions centered in the posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) showed a larger local advantage than controls if the lesion was on the right and a global advantage if the lesion was on the left. STG patients were no more influenced by visual angle than were controls. Control subjects also showed the usual interference of global distractors on responding to local targets. STG patients showed little evidence of interference. Control patients with lesions centered in the rostral inferior parietal lobe performed normally. The findings suggest that several component mechanisms are involved in the processing of hierarchical levels of structure, each linked to specific anatomical regions.  相似文献   

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