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未来配偶偏爱的特征——选择长期配偶与短期配偶的条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李天正 《心理学报》2007,39(3):528-535
该研究中被试分配有限“配偶币”来抉择与理想配偶标准相符合的性交往对象。首先,该研究重复验证了Li 等人 (2002) 和Kenrick (2006)的发现,男性理想的长期配偶需要外表出众,而女性理想的长期配偶需要社会地位较高;两性理想的短期配偶都必须外表出众。其次,两性所投射出的理想自我与潜在配偶偏好的特征一致,研究发现,长期性交往条件下,男性需要具有较高社会地位,女性需要外表出众;短期性交往条件下,男性和女性都需要外表出众。评价潜在配偶的机制与评价现有配偶的机制可能是两种受到选择的不同的心理机制。  相似文献   

Michele   K.   Surbey  Gavin   R.   Brice 《心理学报》2007,39(3):513-522
研究分为问卷调查与实验研究两部分。首先,40名女性和33名男性完成有关自感配偶价值评价(SPMV)和择偶偏爱策略的问卷调查,问卷调查结果是实验研究中数据分析的基线。其次,第二部分实验开始后,被试会得到实验者编造的他人潜在择偶对象的积极正面评价,其目的在于提高被试的SPMV。可以假设,男性的SPMV与随意性行为的认同或追求有正相关,男性SPMV的提高将会更加偏爱短期的性策略;女性SPMV与随意性行为不存在相关,女性SPMV的提高不会改变女性的性策略。研究结果显示,SPMV高基线水平的男性更加认可随意性行为,男性SPMV的提高与短期策略选择的增加有关。另外,SPMV提高,而不是一般自尊的提高,与择偶策略的改变具有相关。本研究结果没有证实,与长期稳定的性关系相比,SPMV的基线水平或是提高与女性对随意性行为的认同或追求之间存在相关  相似文献   

从进化心理学视角看两性冒险行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进化心理学研究发现, 男性比女性更冒险, 男性冒险行为有社会助长和性别助长效应, 求偶动机与异性高魅力均可助长男性冒险行为。按照进化心理学观点, 冒险行为能表现男性作为潜在配偶的积极特征, 可增加其获得异性配偶的几率。择偶偏好研究也证实, 女性青睐敢于冒险的男性。作者认为, 女性冒险行为与求偶动机的关系主要受社会文化影响, 如中国女性在中意的异性面前更避险, 冒险行为领域中进化和文化的交互作用可能成为未来研究焦点。  相似文献   

众所周知, 与男性相比, 女性偏爱修饰。通过修饰行为, 提升自身吸引力具有普遍的社会意义。近年来, 一些研究者将女性修饰行为与繁殖目的联系起来, 认为女性修饰行为受到生理周期(主要是排卵期和安全期)的影响。具体而言, 排卵期时, 女性的修饰行为会增强, 缘于同性竞争, 包括竞争资源及配偶; 黄体期时, 启动异性吸引动机也会显著增强女性的修饰动机, 目的可能是保持“异性”对自己及后代的持续“投资”。总之, 上述观点为女性持续存在的、对修饰行为的关注提供了生物学解释。  相似文献   

本研究用实验方法考察同一性感刺激对两性可能产生的动机冲突,使得两性在选择能够展示拥有者特性的商品时,偏好可能大相径庭。本文以i Phone5S手机的色彩选择为例,两个实验的结果显示,来自性感女性的性感刺激,一方面会激发男性的配偶吸引动机,提高其对代表财富的金色手机(相比代表沉稳的黑色手机)的购买欲望;另一方面,会激发女性的配偶维系动机,使她们在给情人(相比给非情人关系男士)选购礼物时,对金色手机的偏好降低(相比黑色手机)。  相似文献   

Jennifer   Byrd-Craven  David   C.   Geary  Jacob   M.   Vigil  Mary   K.   Hoard 《心理学报》2007,39(3):469-480
本研究探讨了单一性伙伴(n = 222)、两个以上性伙伴(n = 145)与无性伙伴(n = 106)三组低收入女性的长期配偶偏好、人生阅历、生活史特质与个人特征的关系。研究结果显示三组女性的配偶偏好趋于一致,繁衍策略的组别差异与人生阅历和所处环境具有较高相关,三组女性并不偏好特定类型的配偶。路径分析显示首次生育年龄直接预测配偶数量,受教育水平和初次性交时间对配偶数量与首次生育年龄之间的关系具有显著调节作用;女儿与父亲相处的时间可以预测初次性交年龄。研究结果显示父亲投资影响青少年性行为发展的时间表,人类繁衍的长期进化是性行为变化的根源  相似文献   

通过追踪研究,考察了老年人夫妻依恋的稳定性及配偶支持情况对夫妻依恋稳定性的影响.共有75名配偶健在的老年人参与了间隔3年的两次调查,第一次参与研究时的年龄范围为60~84岁.老年人夫妻依恋问卷和配偶支持问卷分别用来测量夫妻依恋和经历生活事件时夫妻间的支持情况.结果表明:(1)老年人夫妻依恋安全、依恋焦虑和依恋回避的跨时间稳定性较低;(2)对于依恋的变化,配偶支持是较生活事件发生数量更有效的预测指标,觉知到的配偶支持水平和支持满意度能够显著预测依恋安全、依恋焦虑和依恋回避分数的改变.  相似文献   

为了探讨配偶排斥对女性离婚意愿的影响,以及愤怒情绪和婚姻满意度在其中的中介作用,对543名已婚女性施测了社会排斥体验量表、特质愤怒问卷、婚姻满意度问卷以及离婚意愿问卷。中介效应检验结果表明,配偶排斥显著正向预测女性的离婚意愿,愤怒情绪和婚姻满意度分别在二者之间起中介作用,同时配偶排斥还顺序地先通过导致愤怒情绪增加,再使得婚姻满意度降低这一链式路径对女性的离婚意愿产生影响。未来可以通过减少配偶排斥以及减弱愤怒情绪和提升婚姻满意度的途径来增加婚姻稳定性。  相似文献   

婚姻的幸福与不幸,常常根源于对配偶的选择。一个错误的选择,哪怕在恋爱期间是那样地令人陶醉或引起不少人的羡慕,但终究会导致不良的结果。美国心理学家耐尔森精心设计了一套测验表,用于帮助恋爱中或恋爱前的女性正确鉴别所选的配偶是否适于自己。当然,对于已婚的女性而言,做做这个测验题同样可起到全面认识你的配偶及你们之间关系的作用,现编译出来,供读者朋友参考。个别题目不太适应我国的国情,你在填写时,仅做个参照。 1、下列哪种情形最能表达你们的性情?  相似文献   

进化心理学认为女性会随生理周期的变化发生心理和行为的波动,这是由于短暂受孕机会造成的繁衍动机的波动。排卵带来的受孕机会使得女性产生更加强烈的性欲,追求、吸引配偶。为了确保子女基因的优良,女性在排卵期偏好具备优良基因特质的男性,同时采取自我保护行为以避免遗传基因被玷污。此外,女性排卵期的特征还会影响到男性的动机和行为。未来研究应进一步探索排卵期对女性同性间竞争等其他动机的影响,以及消费行为等方面的研究,以拓展实践启示。  相似文献   

Female extrapair copulation (EPC) can be costly to a woman's long-term romantic partner. If a woman has copulated recently with a man other than her long-term partner, her reproductive tract may contain the sperm of both men, initiating sperm competition (whereby sperm from multiple males compete to fertilize an egg). Should the woman become pregnant, her long-term partner is at risk of cuckoldry-investing unwittingly in offspring to whom he is not genetically related. Previous research in humans (Homo sapiens) and in nonhuman animals suggests that males have evolved tactics such as partner-directed sexual coercion that reduce the risk of cuckoldry. The current research provides preliminary evidence that mated men (n = 223) at greater risk of partner EPC, measured as having spent a greater proportion of time apart from their partner since the couple's last in-pair copulation, more frequently perform partner-directed sexually coercive behaviors. This relationship is moderated, however, by men's perceived risk of partner EPC, such that the correlation between the proportion of time spent apart since last in-pair copulation and sexually coercive behaviors remains significant only for those men who perceive themselves to be at some risk of partner EPC. Discussion addresses limitations of this research and highlights directions for future research investigating the relationship between female EPC and men's partner-directed sexual coercion.  相似文献   

Men who report performing more mate retention behaviors, in general, and more benefit-provisioning mate retention behaviors, in particular, also report greater interest in, and spend more time, performing oral sex on their female partner. We extended these findings to a female sample to investigate whether women’s oral sex behaviors are related to their mate retention behaviors. We secured self-report data from 410 women residing in the United States or in Germany in a committed, sexual, heterosexual relationship. The results indicate that women who report performing more benefit-provisioning mate retention behaviors also report greater interest in, and spend more time, performing oral sex on their partner. Further, there are no sex differences in the magnitudes or directions of these relationships. The results suggest that both men and women are more interested in, and spend more time, performing oral sex on their partner as part of a benefit-provisioning strategy to increase their partner’s relationship satisfaction. We address limitations of this research, and discuss explanations for the results.  相似文献   

Mate retention behaviors are designed to solve several adaptive problems such as deterring a partner's infidelity and preventing defection from the mating relationship. Although many mate retention behaviors appear to be innocuous romantic gestures (e.g., displaying resources, giving flowers), some may be harbingers of violence. We investigated the associations between male mate retention and violence against women in romantic relationships. In Study 1, 461 men reported their use of mate retention behaviors and separately completed instruments designed to assess violence in their relationships. Study 2 assessed 560 women's reports of their partners’ mate retention behaviors and the degree to which their partners used violence against them. As predicted, and across both studies, men's use of particular mate retention behaviors was related positively to female‐directed violence. Study 3 secured 2 separate data sources—husbands’ reports of their mate retention and wives’ reports of their husbands’ violence in a sample of 214 individuals forming 107 couples. The results corroborated those of Studies 1 and 2, with particular male mate retention behaviors predicting violence against romantic partners. The general discussion outlines future directions for research that are likely to result in a more comprehensive understanding of partner violence against women.  相似文献   

Men perform “mate retention” behaviors to reduce the likelihood of their partner’s infidelity. One mate retention strategy men use is to increase their partner’s relationship satisfaction by provisioning her with benefits. We recruited 351 men to investigate whether men perform oral sex on their partner as part of a broader benefit-provisioning mate retention strategy. In support of the predictions, men who reported performing more mate retention behaviors, in general, and more benefit-provisioning mate retention behaviors, in particular, also reported greater interest in and spent more time performing oral sex on their partner. We present limitations of the research and discuss the benefits of an evolutionary perspective for investigating oral sex as a mate retention behavior.  相似文献   

Women perform oral sex on their male partner (i.e., fellatio) as part of a Benefit-Provisioning mate retention strategy, and women’s personality predicts their interest in, and time spent, performing fellatio. We explored whether women’s mate retention behavior mediates the relationship between their personality traits and their performance of fellatio in a long-term romantic relationship. Women (n = 401) reported their personality traits, the frequency with which they performed mate retention behaviors during the past month, and their interest in and the time they spent performing fellatio on their partner during their most recent sexual encounter. The results indicate that women higher in Conscientiousness spend more time performing fellatio on their partner, and this relationship is mediated by their Benefit-Provisioning mate retention. Women higher in Agreeableness report greater interest in performing fellatio on their partner, and less Cost-Inflicting mate retention, but mate retention behaviors do not mediate the relationship between their Agreeableness and their interest in performing fellatio. The current research is the first to investigate the relationship between women’s personality traits and oral sex behaviors, and contributes to research documenting that mate retention strategies are associated with sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Individual differences in attachment bonds may influence the performance of mate retention behaviors. Because anxiously attached individuals are hypervigilant to partner rejection cues, we hypothesize that individuals higher in anxious attachment will perform more frequent mate retention behaviors. Because avoidantly attached individuals evade intimacy with their partners, we hypothesize that individuals higher in avoidant attachment will perform less frequent mate retention behaviors. Participants (N = 469) in a romantic relationship completed measures of romantic attachment and mate retention behaviors. The results provide support for the study hypotheses but also reveal that avoidantly attached women perform more frequent mate retention behaviors that deter intrasexual rivals. We discuss limitations of this research and highlight directions for research on romantic attachment, mate retention behaviors, and infidelity.  相似文献   

Coalitional mate retention (CMR) occurs when individuals request assistance from a friend to minimize the risk of partner infidelity. We secured reports from men and women in a committed, heterosexual relationship to investigate associations between CMR requests and the sex and personality traits of individuals who request CMR and the sex of their friends. Consistent with our hypothesis, individuals scoring higher in Honesty–Humility requested CMR less frequently. We also documented that individuals higher in Extraversion and lower in Conscientiousness requested CMR more frequently. We address limitations of the research and future research directions, including tests of the hypothesis that CMR involves duplicitous behaviors that are less typical of individual mate retention.  相似文献   

Several evolutionarily relevant sources of individual differences in face preference have been documented for women. Here, we examine three such sources of individual variation in men's preference for female facial femininity: term of relationship, partnership status and self‐perceived attractiveness. We show that men prefer more feminine female faces when rating for a short‐term relationship and when they have a partner (Study 1). These variables were found to interact in a follow‐up study (Study 2). Men who thought themselves attractive also preferred more feminized female faces for short‐term relationships than men who thought themselves less attractive (Study 1 and Study 2). In women, similar findings for masculine preferences in male faces have been interpreted as adaptive. In men, such preferences potentially reflect that attractive males are able to compete for high‐quality female partners in short‐term contexts. When a man has secured a mate, the potential cost of being discovered may increase his choosiness regarding short‐term partners relative to unpartnered men, who can better increase their short‐term mating success by relaxing their standards. Such potentially strategic preferences imply that men also face trade‐offs when choosing relatively masculine or feminine faced partners. In line with a trade‐off, women with feminine faces were seen as more likely to be unfaithful and more likely to pursue short‐term relationships (Study 3), suggesting that risk of cuckoldry is one factor that may limit men's preferences for femininity in women and could additionally lead to preferences for femininity in short‐term mates.  相似文献   

Sperm competition occurs when the sperm of multiple males concurrently occupy the reproductive tract of a female and compete to fertilize an egg. We used a questionnaire to investigate psychological responses to the risk of sperm competition for 237 men in committed, sexual relationships. As predicted, a man who spends a greater (relative to a man who spends a lesser) proportion of time apart from his partner since the couple's last copulation reported (a) greater sexual interest in his partner, (b) greater distress in response to his partner's sexual rejection, and (c) greater sexual persistence in response to his partner's sexual rejection. All effects were independent of total time since the couple's last copulation and the man's relationship satisfaction. Discussion addresses limitations of the current research and situates the current results within the broader comparative literature on adaptation to sperm competition.  相似文献   

An evolutionary history of human female infidelity and consequent sperm competition may have caused the evolution of male counter-adaptations. The infidelity-detection hypothesis for oral sex proposes that men perform oral sex to gather information about their partner’s recent sexual history. We tested this hypothesis with data secured from 231 men in committed, sexual, heterosexual relationships. We found support for two derivative predictions: men at a greater recurrent risk of sperm competition expressed greater interest in, and spent more time performing, oral sex on their partner, even after controlling statistically for relationship length, relationship satisfaction, and sexual intercourse duration. The discussion addresses limitations of this research and highlights directions for future research, including distinguishing empirically the infidelity-detection hypothesis from alternative hypotheses for oral sex.  相似文献   

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