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The authors measured intermanual transfer in participants (N = 48) whose exposed or unexposed right or left hand was tested 1st after participants experienced prismatic displacement. Test order did not affect either participants' performance during prismatic exposure or the usual aftereffects, but transfer occurred only when the authors tested the exposed right hand 1st. Transfer did not occur, and proprioceptive shift for the exposed left limb decreased when the authors tested the unexposed right limb 1st. The present results suggest that transfer occurs during testing for aftereffects of prism exposure, but not during prism exposure itself, as researchers have previously assumed. Results are consistent with those of previous research that has shown that limb control is lateralized in opposite hemispheres and that the left hemisphere contains a spatial map only for the right limb.  相似文献   

The Bourdon illusion in haptic space   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A strong Bourdon illusion-the apparent bentness of a straight edge-in the active haptic mode was established in two experiments. Blindfolded subjects clasped the opposite surfaces of an object with the same frontal profile as the visual figure between thumb and forefinger and moved the latter together from end to end across the object. When the two triangular components of the objects were rotated through 180 degrees so that their bases instead of their apexes were contiguous, the illusion was reversed in direction and reduced by about half, as with the visual illusion. It was concluded that the active haptic Bourdon illusion is basically the same as the visual illusion and can be accounted for by a compromise in perception between the orientation of the test surface and that of the object of which it is an integral part.  相似文献   

Mirror image equivalence has been studied in four monkeys during inter-manual transfer of tactile discrimination learning. The tasks were designed to progressively reduce the possibility that discrimination would be based on use of the thumb. On three of the four tasks there were consistently significant mirror reversals. The findings support the supposition that mirror inversion occurs during the formation of memory traces, and specifically when the trace is laid down in a second cerebral hemisphere.  相似文献   

The horizontal-vertical illusion consists of two lines of the same length (one horizontal and the other vertical) at a 90 degree angle from one another forming either an inverted-T or an L-shape. The illusion occurs when the length of a vertical line is perceived as longer than the horizontal line even though they are the same physical length. The illusion has been shown both visually and haptically. The present purpose was to assess differences between the visual or haptic perception of the illusions and also whether differences occur between the inverted-T and the L-shape illusions. The current study showed a greater effect in the haptic perception of the horizontal-vertical illusion than in visual perception. There is also greater illusory susceptibility of the inverted-T than the L-shape.  相似文献   

Intermanual transfer of compensation for displaced vision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Gallace A  Auvray M  Spence C 《Perception》2007,36(7):1003-1018
Research has shown that a variety of different sensory manipulations, including visual illusions, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, vestibular caloric stimulation, optokinetic stimulation, and prism adaptation, can all influence people's performance on spatial tasks such as line bisection. It has been suggested that these manipulations may act upon the 'higher-order' levels of representation used to code spatial information. We investigated whether we could influence haptic line bisection in normal participants crossmodally by varying the visual background that participants viewed. In experiment 1, participants haptically bisected wooden rods while looking at a variant of the Oppel - Kundt visual illusion. Haptic-bisection judgments were influenced by the orientation of the visual illusion (in line with previous unimodal visual findings). In experiment 2, haptic-bisection judgments were also influenced by the presence of a leftward or rightward moving visual background. In experiments 3 and 4, the position of the to-be-bisected stimuli was varied with respect to the participant's body midline. The results confirmed an effect of optokinetic stimulation, but not of the Oppel -Kundt illusion, on participants' tactile-bisection errors, suggesting that the two manipulations might differentially affect haptic processing. Taken together, these results suggest that the 'higher-order' levels of spatial representation upon which perceptual judgments and/or motor responses are made may have multisensory or amodal characteristics.  相似文献   

Age differences have previously been found in the magnitude of the visual Horizontal-vertical illusion with an L figure. The present study examined the haptic judgments of an L figure among subjects across the ages of 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 20 years. Significant differences in amount of haptic illusion were found. The developmental function was curvilinear, decreasing from the 6-year-olds to 7-year-olds, and then increasing from 7-year-olds to a peak among 11-year-olds, followed by a decline to adulthood. Variation in the size of the illusion was also found to be related to the rate at which subjects of a particular age group typically move the limb in scanning the figure. The similarity of the haptic function to that obtained previously for the visual L figure was discussed in relation to Piaget's Centration theory.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether the haptic horizontal-vertical illusion occurs with solid, three-dimensional objects as well as with tangible lines. The objects consisted of round or square bases, with dowel rods projecting above them at heights equal to the widths of the horizontal bases. A negative illusion, with overestimation of horizontals, was found with free haptic exploration, but not with tracing with the fingertip. The negative illusion occurred when subjects felt wooden Ls and inverted Ts with a grasping, pincers motion of the index finger and thumb. The presence or absence of illusory misperception was dependent upon exploration strategy, since the negative illusion vanished with finger tracing. A negative illusion was also found when subjects adjusted a vertical dowel so that it was judged to be equal in extent to a round or square base. A general overestimation of judged size derived from the pincers response measure, but was not found with the use of a tangible ruler. Comparable illusory results are most likely when drawings and objects promote similar haptic scanning methods. The results were consistent with the idea that the orientation of an edge or line is more important than whether one explores a tangible line or a three-dimensional object.  相似文献   

Three experiments establish the size-weight illusion as a primarily haptic phenomenon, despite its having been more traditionally considered an example of vision influencing haptic processing. Experiment 1 documents, across a broad range of stimulus weights and volumes, the existence of a purely haptic size-weight illusion, equal in strength to the traditional illusion. Experiment 2 demonstrates that haptic volume cues are both sufficient and necessary-for a full-strength illusion. In contrast, visual volume cues are merely sufficient, and produce a relatively weaker effect. Experiment 3 establishes that congenitally blind subjects experience an effect as powerful as that Of blindfolded sighted observers, thus demonstrating that visual imagery is also unnecessary for a robust size-weight illusion. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for both sensory and cognitive theories of the size-weight illusion. Applications of this work to a human factors design and to sensor-based systems for robotic manipulation are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

The haptic horizontal-vertical illusion was studied in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the illusion was relatively weak in sighted subjects and depended on stimulus size and the nature of the figure, that is, whether the pattern was an inverted-T or L shape. Experiment 2 compared early blind and late blind subjects. The illusion was present for an inverted-T figure but absent for an L figure in late blind subjects. However, the early blind subjects treated both the L and T figures as similar and showed the illusion to both. These results support the idea that visual experience may alter haptic judgments in sighted and late blind subjects.  相似文献   

Illusion-decrement and transfer-of-illusion-decrement procedures were used to examine the contribution of the obtuse- and acute-angle components of the Poggendorff pattern to the standard Poggendorff illusion. In the first four experiments, subjects were required to scan between the oblique lines of the Poggendorff pattern during the inspection phase of the decrement procedure. However, because of a possible confound associated with this procedure, a different decrement technique was used in Experiment 5. The results of Experiment 5 confirm and extend MacKay and Newbigging's (1977) finding that similar amounts of transfer to the standard pattern are obtained from the obtuse- and acute-angle patterns as from the standard pattern itself: In showing that the acute- and obtuse-angle components both contribute to the illusion, these findings question the plausibility of those theories of the Poggendorff illusion which do not assign any significant role to the acute-angle component. Furthermore, the potential confound associated with the decrement procedure of Experiments 1-4 suggests that the results of other studies obtained with similar procedures need to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Subjectively divided tone components in the gap transfer illusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a long glide with a short temporal gap in its middle crosses with a continuous short glide at the temporal midpoint of both glides, the gap is perceived in the short glide instead of in the long glide. In the present article, we tested possible explanations for this "gap transfer illusion" by obtaining points of subjective equality of the pitches and durations of the two short tones that are subjectively divided by the gap. The results of two experiments showed that neither an explanation in terms ofenvelope patterns nor explanations in terms of combinationtones or acoustic beats could account for the perception of the short tones in the gap transfer illusion. Rather, the results were compatible with the idea that the illusory tones were formed by the perceptual integration of onsets and offsets of acoustically different sounds. Implications for the perceptual construction of auditory events are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-two adult volunteers were asked to memorize a simplified geographical map, visually displayed, together with an auditorially presented 19-item set of instructions regarding a particular route. During this session, half the subjects were sober and half were under the effects of a moderate dose of alcohol (mean blood alcohol concentration = 81mg/100ml). Twenty-four hours later they were tested under the same or different conditions. Learning performance on Day 1 was unaffected by alcohol. Learning transfer (tested on Day 2) was equally good when subjects were intoxicated during both sessions or were sober during both sessions. There were significant decrements in recall on Day 2, when subjects were in a different drug state. This ‘dissociation of learning’ was found to be symmetrical in that the recall decrement was the same whether the initial learning was acquired in a sober or a drugged state.  相似文献   

Retention of spatial information by rats was shown to decrease significantly over a 90-sec retention interval. However, this decrement was alleviated significantly when a reactivation or cueing treatment was presented during the 90-sec interval. Further, the rate of forgetting following reactivation was shown to be similar to that which occurs following original information input. The implications of these findings for information loss models of forgetting were discussed.  相似文献   

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