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In simple motor tasks such as finger tapping at different constant rates, within-trial variability of response interonset intervals (IOIs) increases with IOI duration (which varies between trials). In expressive piano performance, the rate of key depressions is not constant, in part due to compositional structure and in part due to expressive timing, so that IOIs of many different durations occur within a single “trial.” Nevertheless, across repeated performances of the same music (Schumann’s “Träumerei” and Debussy’s “La fille aux cheveux de lin”) at the same intended tempo, the standard deviations of individual IOIs tend to increase linearly with their average duration. This is also true when the variation is due to expressive timing alone and when unintended differences in basic tempo between performances are taken into account. In the music studied here, at least, there was no evidence of compensatory timing. The results suggest that the pianists employed a continuously variable tempo governed by a flexible internal timekeeper whose variability follows a generalized Weber’s law (for IOIs longer than about 300 msec).  相似文献   

The present study addressed the effect of loudness and tempo on kinematics and muscular activities of the upper extremity during repetitive piano keystrokes. Eighteen pianists with professional music education struck two keys simultaneously and repetitively with a combination of four loudness levels and four tempi. The results demonstrated a significant interaction effect of loudness and tempo on peak angular velocity for the shoulder, elbow, wrist and finger joints, mean muscular activity for the corresponding flexors and extensors, and their co-activation level. The interaction effect indicated greater increases with tempo when eliciting louder tones for all joints and muscles except for the elbow velocity showing a greater decrease with tempo. Multiple-regression analysis and K-means clustering further revealed that 18 pianists were categorized into three clusters with different interaction effects on joint kinematics. These clusters were characterized by either an elbow-velocity decrease and a finger-velocity increase, a finger-velocity decrease with increases in shoulder and wrist velocities, or a large elbow-velocity decrease with a shoulder-velocity increase when increasing both loudness and tempo. Furthermore, the muscular load considerably differed across the clusters. These findings provide information to determine muscles with the greatest potential risk of playing-related disorders based on movement characteristics of individual pianists.  相似文献   

Six pianists of varying levels of experience were required to give repeated performances of a note sequence presented for sight-performance under two conditions. The two conditions differed only in the location of metrical stresses signified by the notation. In condition (b) the bar-lines and beams were shifted one note to the right in comparison to condition (a). Details of note duration and intensity were recorded by computer. This allowed the discovery of significant differences in expressive treatment between the two conditions. There were significant agreements between subjects concerning the position, nature and direction of expressive variation. The more experienced players, however, made greater use of expressive variation than did the less experienced players. In a second experiment listeners were asked to identify the metre of each performance from the first experiment. They achieved greatest success at this with the most experienced player, least success with the least experienced player. A detailed examination of between-performer agreements and disagreements, and their effects on listeners, allowed the isolation of a proposed set of generally effective procedures for signalling stress. These procedures imply the existence of an internal representation guiding performance which identifies the major metrical subdivisions of a bar in the absence of notational symbols specifically marking these subdivisions.  相似文献   

Rhythm constancy was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the first rhythm was presented at one tempo, the second rhythm was presented at a different tempo, and subjects judged whether the relative timing structures were identical (i.e., was the first rhythm merely sped up or slowed down to generate the second rhythm?). For the nonmetric rhythms used here, subjects perceived the rhythm in terms of the figural grouping of the tones, and rhythm constancy broke down between slower and faster tempos. In Experiment 2, the first rhythm was presented in tones of one duration; the second rhythm was presented in tones of a different duration; and subjects judged whether the timing structures of the tone onsets were identical (the two rhythms were presented at the same tempo). These results indicated a high degree of constancy; subjects found it easy to discriminate the timing structures. These results confirm that the onset timing is critical to rhythm perception and suggest that rhythm perception at slower rates (2 elements/sec) differs from rhythm perception at faster rates (3–4 elements/sec).  相似文献   

The automobile is currently the most popular and frequently reported location for listening to music. Yet, not much is known about the effects of music on driving performance, and only a handful of studies report that music-evoked arousal generated by loudness decreases automotive performance. Nevertheless, music tempo increases driving risks by competing for attentional space; the greater number of temporal events which must be processed, and the frequency of temporal changes which require larger memory storage, distract operations and optimal driving capacities. The current study explored the effects of music tempo on PC-controlled simulated driving. It was hypothesized that simulated driving while listening to fast-paced music would increase heart rate (HR), decrease simulated lap time, and increase virtual traffic violations. The study found that music tempo consistently affected both simulated driving speed and perceived speed estimates: as the tempo of background music increased, so too did simulated driving speed and speed estimate. Further, the tempo of background music consistently affected the frequency of virtual traffic violations: disregarded red traffic-lights (RLs), lane crossings (LNs), and collisions (ACs) were most frequent with fast-paced music. The number of music-related automobile accidents and fatalities is not a known statistic. Police investigators, drivers, and traffic researchers themselves are not mindful of the risks associated with listening to music while driving. Implications of the study point to a need for drivers' education courses to raise public awareness about the effects of music during driving.  相似文献   

Within- and between-S variability in performance of repetitive movements at a self-paced tempo was studied. Male and female Ss (Ns = 75) performed 36 consecutive arm swings at an individually chosen tempo. Differences between Ss' selected tempos of performance were considerably greater than the amount of variation in Ss' motor response times, indicating that individuals have preferred tempos of voluntary movement which differ from those of other individuals. No sex differences were evidenced in either preferred tempo or consistency of performance.  相似文献   

In public good situations, expectations concerning other persons’ moves are important and subtle cues can affect these expectations. In Experiment 1, participants in a public good game who moved simultaneously made high contributions and expected their opponents to make high contributions. However, participants who moved pseudo-sequentially (one after the other, but without knowledge of the other’s decision) expected their opponents to make medium-sized contributions, but made almost no contribution themselves. In Experiment 2, we manipulated expectations experimentally. Participants who moved simultaneously reciprocated what they expected their partners to do. Participants who moved pseudo-sequentially defected, regardless of what they expected from their opponents. Furthermore, we found that simultaneous movers were more likely than pseudo-sequential movers to conceptualize themselves and the other player as a group. This sense of groupness seemed to account partly for their inclination to reciprocate anticipated behavior.  相似文献   

Quinn S  Watt R 《Perception》2006,35(2):267-280
Tempo is one factor that is frequently associated with the expressive nature of a piece of music. Composers often indicate the tempo of a piece of music through the use of numerical markings (beats min(-1)) and subjective terms (adagio, allegro). Three studies were conducted to assess whether listeners were able to make consistent judgments about tempo that varied from piece to piece. Listeners heard short extracts of Scottish music played at a range of tempi and were asked to make a two-alternative forced choice of "too fast" or "too slow" for each extract. The responses for each study were plotted as proportion of too fast responses as a function of tempo for each piece, and cumulative normal curves were fitted to each data set. The point where these curves cross 0.5 is the tempo at which the music sounds right to the listeners, referred to as the optimal tempo. The results from each study show that listeners are capable of making consistent tempo judgments and that the optimal tempo varies across extracts. The results also revealed that rhythm plays a role, but not the only role in making temporal judgments.  相似文献   

The present experiments demonstrated a reliable within-session increase in rectal temperature (T(re)) at 25 degrees C during stable differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) performance. The thermal response was found to be independent of the DRL value and reinforced DRL performance, but dependent on the state of the animal's deprivation. Exposure to a 35 degrees -C environment increased the post-session T(re) significantly above the 25 degrees -C post-session T(re) for seven of eight subjects. Response and reinforcement rate at 35 degrees C was found to be independent of DRL value, although it decreased as DRL value increased at 25 degrees C. A discriminative stimulus used to mark the end of the interval increased the reinforcement rate at 25 degrees C but provided no advantage at 35 degrees C. Measurement of the pattern of responding during DRL performance revealed increases in the proportion of long interresponse times at 35 degrees C. Reinforcement rate was found to decrease progressively at 35 degrees C, reaching a minimum within 40 to 50 min of the 90-min session. Visual observation of overt behaviors during DRL performance at 35 degrees C revealed a reduction in the frequency of overt behavior, characteristic of 25 degrees -C performance, and a time-dependent increase in the probability of an alternative set of behaviors.  相似文献   

Images that are presented with targets of an unrelated detection task are better remembered than images that are presented with distractors (the attentional boost effect). The likelihood that any of three mechanisms, attentional cuing, prediction-based reinforcement learning, and perceptual grouping, underlies this effect depends in part on how it is modulated by the relative timing of the target and image. Three experiments demonstrated that targets and images must overlap in time for the enhancement to occur; targets that appear 100 ms before or 100 ms after the image without temporally overlapping with it do not enhance memory of the image. However, targets and images need not be synchronized. A fourth experiment showed that temporal overlap of the image and target is not sufficient, as detecting targets did not enhance the processing of task-irrelevant images. These experiments challenge several simple accounts of the attentional boost effect based on attentional cuing, reinforcement learning, and perceptual grouping.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate potential qualitative differences in relative timing across age both within and across speed conditions. Forty right-handed males performed 48 trials of a five-component coincident-timing task at one speed and then 16 more at a different speed. The independent variables were age (5-7, 8-10, 11-13 years, and adult), speed (slow and fast), and block order (training and transfer). The results indicated that within-speed relative timing consistency improved with increasing age for movement-time and pause-time components, while across-speed transfer improved with age only for pause time. movement velocity emerged as a more stable timing parameter than movement time across speeds for all groups. The last movement-time component correlated highly with the total response times, suggesting that coincident-timing accuracy was controlled to a large degree by a final, fine-tuning correction. These results imply that developmental deficits in relative timing increase the attention demands of a given task, thereby reducing a child's capacity to concurrently control his movements and monitor events in the environment.  相似文献   

This paper reports two experiments concerned with the interaction of response and target factors in a coincident timing situation. Coincident timing involves executing a response to intercept a moving target. The target response relationship was manipulated in the first experiment by providing some targets with no structure (linear path) and others containing 1 and 2 bounce points. In the second experiment, responses required 0, 1, or 2 reversals in direction. The results provide tentative support for the notion that structure in the target path could be linked to the key temporal response dynamics for improved performance consistency, and that subjects may alter their response structure to incorporate this linkage. This can be further extended to the advantage of simply moving while perceiving movement. This paper stresses the importance of examining the perceptual and motor requirements of the coincident timing skill in unison.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of two stimulus-presentation methods on coincident timing performance. 50 participants performed a button press and striking task in coincidence with a target stimulus. Participants were randomly divided into either the Terminating Group, whose target light was the last in the series, or the Apparent Motion Group, whose target was not the final light in the series and allowed the apparent motion of the stimulus to continue. 20 trials at each of three velocities, 4, 8, and 12 mph, were randomly performed for each task. The analysis yielded no significant differences between groups, indicating that coincident timing performance was not dependent on the method of stimulus presentation.  相似文献   

The tuned-trace multiple-time-scale (MTS) theory of timing can account both for the puzzling choose-short effect in time-discrimination experiments and for the complementary choose-long effect. But it cannot easily explain why the choose-short effect seems to disappear when the intertrial and recall intervals are signaled by different stimuli. Do differential stimuli actually abolish the effect, or merely improve memory? If the latter, there are ways in which an expanded MTS theory might explain differential-context effects in terms of reduced interference. If the former, there are observational and experimental ways to determine whether differential context favors prospective encoding or some other nontemporal discrimination.  相似文献   

Brown SW 《Perception》1998,27(5):609-625
This research was designed to examine the consistency of individual differences in timing. Subjects were tested initially on a temporal-signal-detection task. In a series of trials, subjects judged whether a stimulus figure was displayed for either 12 s or greater than 12 s. Task performance was used to classify the subjects into groups with high or low temporal sensitivity (d'). Later, the subjects were tested on two classic time-judgment tasks. In a temporal-interference task, subjects reproduced intervals of 8-16 s during which they had rehearsed 0, 3, or 7 digits. Absolute error in time judgments increased linearly as a function of task demands. However, subjects with low temporal sensitivity made more error under all conditions compared with those with high sensitivity. In an isochronous-tapping task, subjects produced a series of 2-s and 5-s intervals. The low-temporal-sensitivity group produced more variable and inaccurate responses than the high-sensitivity group. The results demonstrate cross-situational consistency in timing performance across different tasks, time-judgment methods, and stimulus durations.  相似文献   

Pubertal development is a nonlinear process progressing from prepubescent beginnings through biological, physical, and psychological changes to full sexual maturity. To tether theoretical concepts of puberty with sophisticated longitudinal, analytical models capable of articulating pubertal development more accurately, we used nonlinear mixed-effects models to describe both the timing and tempo of pubertal development in the sample of 364 White boys and 373 White girls measured across 6 years as part of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Individual differences in timing and tempo were extracted with models of logistic growth. Differential relations emerged for how boys' and girls' timing and tempo of development were related to physical characteristics (body mass index, height, and weight) and psychological outcomes (internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and risky sexual behavior). Timing and tempo are associated in boys but not girls. Pubertal timing and tempo are particularly important for predicting psychological outcomes in girls but only sparsely related to boys' psychological outcomes. Results highlight the importance of considering the nonlinear nature of puberty and expand the repertoire of possibilities for examining important aspects of how and when pubertal processes contribute to development.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that human timing may be affected by alcohol administration. The current study aimed to expand on previous research by examining the effect of alcohol on prospective timing, retrospective timing and passage of time judgements. A blind between-subjects design was employed in which participants were either administered 0 g of alcohol per kilogramme of body weight (placebo), 0.4 g/kg (low dose) or 0.6 g/kg (high dose). Participants completed four types of temporal task; verbal estimation and temporal generalisation, a retrospective timing task and a passage of time judgement task. A high dose of alcohol resulted in overestimations of duration relative to the low dose and placebo group in the verbal estimation task. A high dose of alcohol was also associated with time passing more quickly than normal. Alcohol had no effect on retrospective judgements. The results suggest that a high dose of alcohol increases internal clock speed leading to over-estimations of duration on prospective timing tasks, and the sensation of time passing more quickly than normal. The absence of an effect of alcohol on retrospective timing supports the suggestion that retrospective judgements are not based on the output of an internal clock.  相似文献   

We examined the role of action in motor and perceptual timing across development. Adults and children aged 5 or 8 years old learned the duration of a rhythmic interval with or without concurrent action. We compared the effects of sensorimotor versus visual learning on subsequent timing behaviour in three different tasks: rhythm reproduction (Experiment 1), rhythm discrimination (Experiment 2) and interval discrimination (Experiment 3). Sensorimotor learning consisted of sensorimotor synchronization (tapping) to an isochronous visual rhythmic stimulus (ISI = 800 ms), whereas visual learning consisted of simply observing this rhythmic stimulus. Results confirmed our hypothesis that synchronized action during learning systematically benefitted subsequent timing performance, particularly for younger children. Action‐related improvements in accuracy were observed for both motor and perceptual timing in 5 years olds and for perceptual timing in the two older age groups. Benefits on perceptual timing tasks indicate that action shapes the cognitive representation of interval duration. Moreover, correlations with neuropsychological scores indicated that while timing performance in the visual learning condition depended on motor and memory capacity, sensorimotor learning facilitated an accurate representation of time independently of individual differences in motor and memory skill. Overall, our findings support the idea that action helps children to construct an independent and flexible representation of time, which leads to coupled sensorimotor coding for action and time.  相似文献   

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