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A countermanding procedure and race model are used to assess separately the effects of experimental factors before and after the "point of no return" in response preparation. The results reveal details about processes that so closely precede the initiation of movement that they cannot be inhibited. These processes appear to be affected by the repetition of stimulus-response pairs, but not by the physical or semantic properties of the stimuli. A model of response preparation is supported in which response inhibition depends upon the outcome of a race between independent excitatory and inhibitory processes, and reaction time is the sum of the durations of at least two stages, separated by the point of no return.  相似文献   

Probing distractor inhibition in visual search: inhibition of return   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of inhibition of return (IOR) in serial visual search was reinvestigated using R. Klein's (1988) paradigm of a search task followed by a probe-detection task. Probes were presented at either the location of a potentially inhibited search distractor or an empty location. No evidence of IOR was obtained when the search objects were removed after the search-task response. But when the search objects remained on, a pattern of effects similar to Klein's results emerged. However, when just the search-critical object parts were removed or when participants received immediate error feedback to prevent rechecking of the search objects, IOR effects were observed only when probes appeared equally likely at search array and empty locations. These results support the operation of object-based IOR in serial visual search, with IOR demonstrable only when rechecking is prevented (facilitating task switching) and monitoring for probes is not biased toward search objects.  相似文献   

Social learning and cognitive-developmental theories of sex-role acquisition have yet to receive clear and unequivocal research support. While it is apparent that sex-typing of interests and behaviors does occur in early childhood, we are at a loss to explain the mechanisms involved. A model of sex roles as rules is presented, which attempts to analyze the acquisition of sex roles as similar to the process of pattern recognition in vision and speech. Social learning theory can help to account for how the child acquires the distinctive features of sex-role patterns, while cognitive-developmental theory points to the categories that are essential in this process.The generous support of the Grant Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   


Some ten years ago, while I was training towards ordination as a minister in the Church of England, close friends in the village where I lived took me to a talk given by Michael Jacobs to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of CCC, the Cambridgeshire Consultancy in Counselling, on whose training course my friends, Jenny and David, were then studying.  相似文献   

In search of remembrance: evidence for memory in visual search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observers searched for a target among distractors while the display items traded places every 110 ms. Search was slower when the target was always relocated to a position previously occupied by a distractor than when the items remained in place, showing the importance of memory for locations in a visual search task. Experiment 2 repeated a previous study in which items could move to any location within the display, but used a larger range of set sizes than tested in the earlier study. A cost in search times to relocating items was found at the larger set sizes, most likely reflecting that the probability that the target would replace a distractor increased witht he set size. The findings provide strong evidence for the role of memory for locations within trials in a visual search task.  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) has long been viewed as a foraging facilitator in visual search. We investigated the contribution of IOR in a task that approximates natural foraging more closely than typical visual search tasks. Participants in a fully immersive virtual reality environment manually searched an array of leaves for a hidden piece of fruit, using a wand to select and examine each leaf location. Search was slower than in typical IOR paradigms, taking seconds instead of a few hundred milliseconds. Participants also made a speeded response when they detected a flashing leaf that either was or was not in a previously searched location. Responses were slower when the flashing leaf was in a previously searched location than when it was in an unvisited location. These results generalize IOR to an approximation of a naturalistic visual search setting and support the hypothesis that IOR can facilitate foraging. The experiment also constitutes the first use of a fully immersive virtual reality display in the study of IOR.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test whether information transmission between the perceptual and motor levels occurs continuously or in discrete steps. Ss performed visual search across nontargets that shared visual features with one of two possible targets, each assigned to a different response. In addition to reaction time, psychophysiological measures were used to assess the duration of target search and the onset of central and peripheral motor activity. Nontargets sharing features with a target selectively activated the response associated with that target, even when it was not present in the display. This suggests that information transmission to the motor level can consist of fine-grained visual information and that visual search and response selection occur in parallel.  相似文献   

Efficient visual search, wherein reaction times to acquire targets are largely independent of array size, is commonly observed in adults. Evidence for efficient search in infants may imply that selective attention to visual features is similar across development. In the current cross-sectional eye-tracking study, we examined spontaneous visual search at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Infants were presented with Random arrays (one target among 7, 13, or 26 pseudorandomly distributed elements) and Circle arrays (one target among 4, 7, or 13 elements arranged in a circle). Contrary to predictions, we did not find evidence of efficient search among infants. With increasing array size, time-to-target increased, the proportion of targets fixated (analogous to accuracy) decreased, and the proportion of first looks to the target decreased for both types of array (ps < .001). For Random arrays, the proportion of first looks to the target was similar to chance for all ages and array sizes; for Circle arrays, it exceeded chance for some ages and array sizes. The proportion of targets fixated and first looks to target increased with age across display types (ps < .05). We also tested adults with the same stimuli under similar conditions; the adults showed evidence of efficient visual search. Possible explanations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reflects a recent shift towards the study of early stages of expert memory acquisition for chess positions. Over the course of 15 sessions, two subjects who knew virtually nothing about the game of chess were trained to memorise positions. Increase in recall performance and chunk size was captured by power functions, confirming predictions made by the template theory [Cogn. Psychol. 31 (1996) 1; Memory 6 (1998) 225; Cogn. Sci. 24 (2000) 651]. The human data were compared to that of a computer simulation run on CHREST (Chunk Hierarchy and REtrieval STructures), an implementation of the template theory. The model accounts for the pattern of results in the human data, although it underestimates the size of the largest chunks and the rate of learning. Evidence for the presence of templates in human subjects was found.  相似文献   

A study of the time required for Ss to perceive the two meanings of ambiguous sentences, supports the following conclusions: (I) Perception time (PT) is a function of the type of ambiguity, three of which are defined in this study. (2) A similar relative function was obtained for thePT in sentences with more than one ambiguity and for sentences with only a single ambiguity. (3) ThePT for finding a single ambiguity in such multiply ambiguous sentences was significantly longer than in singly ambiguous sentences. (4) When one of the interpretations of certain types of ambiguous sentences is less likely than the other (where likeliness is defined in terms of the number of Ss perceiving that inter-pretation first)PT is high. (5) Complexity of the surface and underlying structures (which are defined in transformational grammar) is an important determinant of thePT for surface and underlying structure ambiguities, respectively.  相似文献   

Four experiments designed to investigate a visual search task are reported. In each experiment, subjects searched for either a two-dimensional shape rotated in depth among frontal-parallel distractors or a frontal-parallel shape among distractors that were rotated in depth. The principal independent variable was search-set size. In addition, over the four experiments, a variety of spatial arrangements and two axes of rotation in depth were sampled. The chief aim of the experiments was to adduce evidence bearing on the attentional demands of searching for depth. The slopes of the reaction-time (RT) functions were taken as diagnostic. Experiments 1–3 exhibited positive slopes for the RT-set-size function. These slopes appear to be due to a conscious adoption of a serial search strategy by the subjects. When this tendency was suppressed by the procedures of Experiment 4, the slope of the RT-set-size functions did not differ significantly from zero. We conclude that, in agreement with the findings of other studies, slant-in-depth can be detected preattentively.  相似文献   

Kirsi Stjerna 《Dialog》2018,57(3):219-221
The movie The Third Miracle invites theological reflection on miracles, sainthood, and faith. A movie filled with Lutheran themes of unmerited grace and blessings of the ordinary life, the story line follows a Catholic priest tasked with exploring the authenticity of reported miracles associated with a lay woman and a bleeding statue. Faith and miracles are shown in their ordinariness, easily missed without the eye of faith, and sainthood is juxtaposed with the expected and unexpected vis‐à‐vis motherhood.  相似文献   

Martin Bernal, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. 2 vols. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 1987–1991. Vol. 1, pp. 575. Vol. 2, pp. 736. ISBN vol. 1 0–8135–1276‐X, 0–8135–1277 (paperback); vol. 2 0–8135–1583–1, 0–8135–1584‐X (paperback). Price: $17.95 per volume.  相似文献   

Four experiments designed to investigate a visual search task are reported. In each experiment, subjects searched for either a two-dimensional shape rotated in depth among frontal-parallel distractors or a frontal-parallel shape among distractors that were rotated in depth. The principal independent variable was search-set size. In addition, over the four experiments, a variety of spatial arrangements and two axes of rotation in depth were sampled. The chief aim of the experiments was to adduce evidence bearing on the attentional demands of searching for depth. The slopes of the reaction-time (RT) functions were taken as diagnostic. Experiments 1-3 exhibited positive slopes for the RT-set-size function. These slopes appear to be due to a conscious adoption of a serial search strategy by the subjects. When this tendency was suppressed by the procedures of Experiment 4, the slope of the RT-set-size functions did not differ significantly from zero. We conclude that, in agreement with the findings of other studies, slant-in-depth can be detected preattentively.  相似文献   

Performance asymmetries between the hands have recently been explained in terms of differences in the nature of motor control processes between the hands. If performance asymmetries between the hands on a serial tapping task are due to differences in motor control processes, the degree of asymmetry should be sensitive to changes in the manipulated response parameter, speed of tapping. The results strongly supported this prediction. The differences in control processes observed here seem to be explained by the feedback model proposed by Flowers. Alternate models to that of Flowers (1975) are, however, presented.  相似文献   

Some previous researchers have found that affect can be described in terms of two dimensions (pleasure and arousal), while others have noted three dimensions are needed (pleasure, arousal, and dominance). The competing claims were tested by creating stimuli with factors previously demonstrated to elicit responses of arousal or dominance, asking respondents to rate the stimuli, and contrasting correlations between ratings and the stimulus factors. Under the two-dimensional theory, the planned contrasts should be zero, while under the three-dimensional theory, the planned contrasts should be nonzero. Results supported the three-dimensional model.  相似文献   

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