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E.P.Torrance教授是当前美国创造力研究中最有影响的权威之一。他在本文中提出了创造性思维的一个新的研究范畴——超越理性、推理的思维。文章对这种思维下了定义,对它的内容作了介绍,并进行了分析论述,以及对它的评价方法作了探讨。本文讨论的内容在当前国际间的兴趣和注意正在高涨并引起了广泛深入的研究。  相似文献   

宁莉娜 《哲学动态》2005,1(10):41-45
以往人们更多的关注古希腊逻辑体系本身的技术结构,而忽视它与生活世界的密切关联.事实上,古希腊逻辑在思维交流的技巧中寻求平等的逻辑尺度;在求知思维的活动中建构逻辑的言说方式;在道德概念的追问中形成有效的逻辑方法;在和谐秩序的构想中确立逻辑论证体系.不仅为科学研究提供方法、成为求取科学真理的证明工具,并且在与哲学、数学、语言学等交互作用中,衍生出丰富多彩的形式化和非形式化的方法,触及人类日常思维与非日常思维的诸多领域,对生活世界的思维活动有着重要的方法论意义.它既折射出科学精神,又充满了人文关注.古希腊逻辑为人类的有效思维提供了必要的工具,它使幻化的神话思维转向现实的理性重建,将思维的对象由神转向了人,它对思维的规范,显示出人类理性的自觉,它锻造的理性思维工具以可交流的话语样式,对人的思维活动进行自识、反思、论证,并试图以此来构建人与人、人与社会的和谐关系.这种在理性思维的导引下寻求人类福祉最高境界的理想,正是古希腊逻辑方法的生命力所在.  相似文献   

现代的终结?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代文明自发端时起就有对现代性的批判、对科学的批判和对文明的批判如影随形地相生相伴.可是,这些疑虑并不能改变事物的进程.但它们还是一再对进步的人道化起到作用的.只是最近几十年来,一种对现代的严肃反思才开始出现.之所以说它严肃,首先是因为它在原则上不是质疑现代,而是意识到我们有哪些东西要归功于现代.的确,这种"后现代的"思维甚至要去捍卫现代的成就,反抗现代某种自我扬弃的倾向.当然,这种后现代的思维摆脱了仅仅利用现代本身的概念和范畴去反思现代这样一种束缚.它相信,现代的成就只有在未来才能得到拯救,如果这些成就较之现代更为深入地扎根于人类天性之中的话,而这是现代无意做到也无法做到的.  相似文献   

在现实生活中,逻辑思维与非逻辑思维总是相互交织、相互渗透的.然而两者比较起来,逻辑思维则始终处于决定和支配的地位,非逻辑思维则总是处于从属、补充的地位.也就是说,非逻辑思维的运作与使用是离不开逻辑思维的.那么具体说来,为什么非逻辑思维要以逻辑思维为基础呢?首先,非逻辑思维以逻辑思维为基础,可以保证思维的正确定向.非逻辑思维主要包括联想、想象、直觉、灵感等思维形式.它是以思维的离散性、不规则性和非确定性为其基本特征的.这种思维形式由于运用了想象、联想,它思维的向度厂,范围大,离散性强,因而往  相似文献   

心理学文化转向的魅力在于为学界提供了研究与审视心理学与文化之间关系新视角,但随之而来的难题在于研究思维和方法论现代性二元对立的无法超越性.它所带给心理学界的困惑远大于它自身拥有的魅力.破解这一难题关键在于思维方式的转向,从对心理学向文化寻求外在的支持转向对心理学本身的文化品性的探新,从关注外在于人的文化或外在于文化的人转向对心理学与文化之间的关联和互动层面.这种思维转向就是提出心理学文化品性探新.  相似文献   

一位儿童扳动手指运算了2+3=5的算题,孩子的这种心理活动算不算思维呢?根据传统心理学给思维规定的定义,这位儿童确确实实的思维过程被排除在“思维”之外了。造成这种状况的原因是心理学对思维理解的贫乏性。思维理解的贫乏性,致使心理学对不同类型的思维,那怕是成年人的正常思维,如动作思维、形象思维等,只要是不属于抽象逻辑思维的,统统都被排斥在思维概念之外了;同时它还引起了思维心理学  相似文献   

中国古代的类推思想与中国古代宗族社会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
援类而推的方法 ,是中国古代社会特有的建立在“类”概念基础之上并广泛使用的一种思维方法 ,在形成这种思维方法的过程中 ,有一个“类”概念的发展过程 ;它的特质的确立 ,与中国古代的宗族社会有密切的联系 ,并因此具有了它的历史必然性与思维必然性。  相似文献   

人类思维活动有两个基本的方面:主体的自我思维和这种思维在公众交流中的传达和表达。思维活动的内部过程与思维活动的表达并不完全一致,它是一个比语言表达有更丰富内容的运动过程。本文提出一种组块论模型以说明人类思维活动的内部过程。  相似文献   

临床医学专科的发展对促进医学科学的进步起到了重要的推动作用,尽管它可能缺乏整体性、系统性临床思维,但在可预见的将来,它仍是综合性医院医疗实践的主旋律,医学界应对此有较为清醒的认识.本文从哲学的角度分析了造成误诊的原因,然后指出防止或减少误诊的途径是培养科学的临床思维,并提出了在临床过程中培养整体思维和系统性科学思维的一些方法.  相似文献   

援类而推的方法,是中国先秦时代特有的并广泛使用的一种思维方法。对于这种推类方法,古代先贤只给出了一系列的语义说明,没有而且也不可能给出一个形式语言的语形说明。如借助现象对事物的状态和功能及其所具有的规律进行描述的科学认识方法,我们今天可以尝试着给它构造一个推理模式,并通过分析它的思维进程、根据、推导原则及违反原则的错误,展现它的特点、能够成立的有效性及世代相传的普遍适用性。并进而了解其背后的逻辑原则、文化传统、人文精神,从逻辑与文化的角度增强我们对传统思维方法论意义、文化认同意义的感受。并在全球化的浪潮中,在越来越广泛的文化交流与沟通中,促进对传统思维方式的辩证扬弃,促进不同文化之间思维方式的沟通。  相似文献   

Attention and memory are highly integrated processes. Building on prior behavioral investigations, this study assesses the link between individual differences in low-level neural attentional responding and false memory susceptibility on the misinformation effect, a paradigm in which false event memories are induced via misleading post-event information. Twenty-four subjects completed the misinformation effect paradigm after which high-density (256-channel) EEG data was collected as they engaged in an auditory oddball task. Temporal-spatial decomposition was used to extract two attention-related components from the oddball data, the P3b and Classic Slow Wave. The P3b was utilized as an index of individual differences in salient target attentional responding while the slow wave was adopted as an index of variability in task-level sustained attention. Analyses of these components show a significant negative relationship between slow-wave responses to oddball non-targets and perceptual false memory endorsements, suggestive of a link between individual differences in levels of sustained attention and false memory susceptibility. These findings provide the first demonstrated link between individual differences in basic attentional responses and false memory. These results support prior behavioral work linking attention and false memory and highlight the integration between attentional processes and real-world episodic memory.  相似文献   

A number of sources suggest that the natural herb ginkgo biloba enhances mental sharpness by increasing blood flow to the brain. A preliminary study was designed to examine whether memory for a maze would be enhanced in 5 mice who received a dietary supplement containing ginkgo biloba. The mice showed an improved memory for the maze as evidenced by a decrease in the number of errors in reaching the goal box when they received gingko biloba as a dietary supplement.  相似文献   

The philosophy of psychology at the turn of the century was an amalgam of perspectives and commitments--experimental science, Darwinian theory, positivism--forged partly out of achievements in experimental science and partly in response to transcendentalist (Hegelian) challenges. The amalgam itself appeared as an early version of the positivism that became developed and dominant early in the 20th century. For many psychologists at the turn of the century, experimental science, as practiced chiefly in physics and chemistry, was tantamount to a philosophy of science and one stripped of what were taken to be distracting and useless metaphysical quibbles. The assets and liabilities of this allegiance were recognized even as it was forming.  相似文献   

《内经》藏象理论体系的建构方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献发生学研究方法,分析<内经>藏象理论体系的建构过程.认为:观察方法、系统方法、数学方法、逻辑方法、医疗实践方法等是形成<内经>藏象理论的主要方法.揭示了<内经>藏象理论体系的整体性、功能性、辨证性等内在特征和本质规律.  相似文献   

Editor's Choice     
Book reviewed in this article:
Roland Boer (ed.), Tracking 'The Tribes of Yahweh': On the Trail of a Classic  相似文献   

Jinhua Jia 《亚洲哲学》2016,26(4):281-293
This article proposes to challenge the generally accepted argument that early Chinese cosmology transcended questions of gender by presenting a new analysis of the Xian 咸 and other relevant hexagrams in the Classic of Changes (Yijing 易經), as well as their classical commentaries. This new study shows that, the concept of the resonant gendered relation of husband and wife played a significant role in constructing social relations and cosmological modes implied in this significant classic. The harmonious husband–wife relation was placed at the center of the social, political, and cosmic order. This may be one reason that from about the same period, Confucian moral and political philosophy always emphasized the importance of ordering one’s family before governing the state. In this sense, the Chinese cosmology, as seen in the Classic of Changes, does not transcend gender; on the contrary, it is gendered.  相似文献   

从文本表达看易、老、孔、医的同源性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《老子》、《论语》和《内经》等经典的文本表达呈现出共性:篇与篇、段与段甚至句与句之间看似缺乏逻辑衔接但却是一个有机整体。这种表达方式受到《易经》卦与卦、爻与爻排列方式的直接影响。其文本特征为:指点、叙述(呈现)和互文见义。共同的文本表达方式是易、老、孔、医同源性的又一重要表现。  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese philosophical advice: can it help us find happiness today?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are three main classic Chinese philosophy schools, which all deal with the question of how one should live. In this paper, we first review these ancient recommendations and next consider whether they promise a happy life in present-day society. Recommended behaviours found in the ancient texts are compared with conditions for happiness as observed in present-day empirical investigations. Classic Confucianism appears to offer the most apt advice for finding happiness in present-day society, in particular because it recommends that one should be involved in real life. Classic Taoist advice is second best: its strong point is that it advises us against too much social conformism and bookishness. The advice given by classic Buddhists is better not followed in modern society.  相似文献   

《周易》作为五经之首,对于中华民族性格有着重要的影响,其中很重要的一个方面是通过诠释古老的天圆地方宇宙观,塑造了中华民族外圆内方的理想人格模式:效法天道,刚健自强,圆转不穷;效法地道,守正固本,崇德广业;刚柔立本,变通趋时,方智圆神。但是,中国人在现实生活中却很难实现外圆内方、圆神方智的理想,总是处于非圆即方的状态:多数人却走向了世故圆滑,那些始终坚持内在品质和理想的少数人才是中华民族的脊梁。  相似文献   

Maria Rogińska 《Zygon》2016,51(4):904-924
This article deals with phenomena occurring at the interface of the existential, the religious, and scientific inquiry. On the basis of in‐depth interviews with Polish physicists and biologists, I examine the role that science and religion play in their narrative of the meaning of the Universe and human life. I show that the narratives about meaning have a system‐related (“amalgam") character that is associated with responses to adjacent metaphysical questions, including those based on scientific knowledge. I reconstruct the typical amalgam questions of Polish scientists and come to a conclusion about the stability of religious and nonreligious amalgams in this group. Critically referring to the thesis concerning the secularizing impact of science, I conclude that science by itself does not have a destructive effect on Polish scientists’ confidence that life and the Universe are meaningful, but is rather an exacerbating factor of the existing worldview system.  相似文献   

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