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The results of a field study confirm what the most important research in knowledge management reveals about communities of practice in organizations. If one accepts that the essence of a community of practice is found in its informal nature and its transmission of tacit knowledge, one observes that it is within informal groups that one finds individuals in the best position to convey tacit knowledge. The community of practice would therefore seem to act as a sort of catalyst in the transmission of tacit knowledge.  相似文献   

This research is aimed to study managers’ professional as well as personal activities in the theoretical perspective of the Activity System. We focused on managers’ population because of the specificity of their relationship to time at work, and the uncertain boundaries they establish between professional and personal life. This leads to a complex relationship between life's boundaries. The triangulation of three methods (self-observations, interviews based on those self-observations, Activity System Inventories) gives access to useful and complementary data, and allows us to carry out four thorough case studies (three women are 38, 46 and 51 years old, one man is 38 years old). The results emphasize the multiple determinants which coexist in each individual, the different ways to manage one's life activities, and finally additional prospects on further studies.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(1):15-29
Recent developments in Western societies and transformations in work organizations have made the vocational issues that people face more frequent, complex, and puzzling. With the individualization of the life course, people now more than ever before need to reflect and deliberate as they design their lives. To assist individuals cope with difficult issues in life-designing, counselors have devised a new approach to counselling dialogues that differs from traditional information and guidance interventions. This article briefly presents the theoretical model for life designing counseling and then compares two distinct life-designing intervention approaches. Both of them share the epistemology of social constructivism and concentrate on the client and counselor's co-construction of meaning. Each approach provides a rigorous and systematic foundation for counselling interviews yet they differ in the ways they tackle meaning-making. The major difference is that the first approach presents a highly-structured form of life-designing interview that highlights the counselor's role in reconstructing a client's meanings, identity, and intentions. In contrast, the second approach presents a form of life-designing interview that highlights the client's role in self-construction of meaning, identities, and future prospects.  相似文献   

Scientific research has shown the influence of norms and of gender and beauty stereotypes on evaluations and hiring decisions. Recent studies (Desrumaux, 2005; Jawahar & Mattson, 2005) have shown an evolution of the lack of Fit model (Heilman, 1983). The objective of this research is to test the effects of physical appearance, GMA and normative pieces of information (internality/externality) related to the candidate on the candidates’ recrutabilty. This study has also taken into account hierarchy level and sexual connotation of the job. We have tested its effects on medical jobs, of higher level (surgeon, doctor nutritionist) or subordinate (ambulance man and dental assistant). The results indicate that an attractive candidate is judged more recrutable for a subordinate job than a superior one. Moreover, for a subordinate job, the effect of the attractiveness was more important for male target than for feminine target. Results show also that men are judged less hirable than the women for female type jobs. Moreover, the effect of the aptitude is more discriminating for the external ones than for the internals. Results were discussed on the line of the lack of fit correspondence model.  相似文献   

The use of confidence intervals instead of significance tests is strongly recommended by the fifth edition of the manual of the American Psychological Association (2001). This possibility as well as other improvements in statistical practice are discussed in the framework of the major theoretical options subtending statistical inference and the way they have been applied in psychology for about 50 years. First, the suggestion of a complete ban on statistical testing is examined and rejected. Next, a procedure consisting in measuring the fit of two competing models based on the likelihood ratio is judged interesting and commendable. Finally, the superiority of an approach based on confidence intervals instead of significance tests is assessed and illustrated by its application to an experimental study aiming to demonstrate the absence instead of the presence of an effect of the independent variable.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2021,27(3):201-207
This document is intended to promote the belief that test use in research should abide by legal and ethical principles as well as best practice standards and that tests should be used by competent professionals who focus attention on the rights of test-takers and other parties involved in the testing process. Issues discussed in this document highlight these considerations.  相似文献   

The Work Ability Index (Ilmarinen, Tuomi, & Klockars, 1997; Ilmarinen, 2007) is a validated tool extensively used in epidemiological studies to measure older workers work ability. The WAI is relatively focused on health. The VOW/QFT (Hellemans, 2010, 2011, 2013) proposes to expand the notion of work ability with these competences, beyond the issue of functional ability. This contribution aims to test convergences and divergences between the WAI and the two work ability indices of the VOW/QFT, and also their respective predictors. Analyzes, conducted with 254 workers subject to medical visits, have shown especially that WAI scores and evolution of ability scores from the VOW/QFT are highly correlated, generally and among laborers, but not among employees. The results highlight the interest accounting for perceived competence for assessing work capacity among employees.  相似文献   

This article proposes a criticism of the concept of technology acceptance. Starting from a distinction between operational and social acceptance, the authors present an overview of the concepts and notions associated to the paradigm of technology acceptance. Then, they criticize the paradigm and propose the idea that human and technologies are connected by interactions that are so narrow that one can refer to human-machine symbiosis, as Licklider (1960) suggested. The first part of the paper is devoted to the various ergonomic aspects of the operational acceptance (usability, ergonomic criteria, model of the interaction) while the second part addresses the psychosocial aspects of acceptance (Technology Acceptance Model, User Information Satisfaction Theory, Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory, Agile Organizational Development…). The idea behind the authors’ point of view is that technology must not inevitably be thought of as a foreign thing that the human must accept or refuse. From a metaphorical point of view, technology is more and more part of ourselves and behaves like a symbiont. From the time human and technologies start to form coherent and linked units, the relation between human, technology and organization can be apprehended according to a symbiotic approach which considers that human and technologies are connected by strong dependent relationships. In short, this article proposes to consider that the concept of symbiosis is more capable to explain the relationships of human with technology than the acceptance concept.  相似文献   

We focus in this study on strategies used by clinical psychologists to cope with their own or patient psychological distress in the framework of help relationship. A self-administered form was sent to listings of professionals by e-mail. The sample is made of 187 French clinical psychologists. To cope with patients’ suffering, psychologists use mostly avoidance coping style. And the strategies they prefer are “supervision”, “personal therapy” and “speaking with colleagues” (problem focused coping strategies). To cope with their own distress, which has a lot of negative impacts on help relationship, psychologists have most frequently a problem focused coping style but their favourite strategy is to “lighten their schedules”. And almost a quarter of the sample presents a significant level of distress. In conclusion, results show that psychological distress management by psychologists is an important question with a lot of ethical questions.  相似文献   

With the Internet and the artificial intelligence, the collection of personal data is becoming a strategic element for the digital economy. The collection of information touching the health or the body must respect the patients’ rights. The GDPR came into effect on May 25th, 2018. The healthcare professionals who are established in a Member state, must be careful because they can base their exercise on clinical or biological elements of their patients.  相似文献   

Malgré le refus que Wittgenstein semble avoir toujours opposé à l'idée d'une esthétique philosophique, son oeuvre et les nombreuses suggestions que contiennent ses divers propos se révélent riches d'enseignements, en particulier pour ce qui concerne les voies dans lesquelles certaines formes de discours sur l'art se sot engagées. La notion wittgensteinienne dejeu de langage est, sous ce rapport, éclairante. Elle permet de mettre au jour, ou du moins d'entrevoir, deux catégories de faits. Tout d'abord, elle offre une perspective critique intéressante sur le programme de ce que l'on s'est plu à nommer une poétique, dans le prolongement d'Aristote, de Jakobson et de Valéry. La poétique structuraliste, en particulier, se révéle solidaire d'une philosophie que ses ambitions théoriques ne suffisent pas à occulter. En second lieu, la notion de jeu de langage, chez Wittgenstein lui-même, est associée à une pratique d'écriture originale qui obscurcit les frontiéres que la philosophie, depuis Platon, s'est toujours souciée de tracer. Pour une poétique des jeux de langage, il existe, entre la poétique et la philosophie une double symétrie. La premiére — celle des structuralistes ou des néo-structuralistes —obéit à un programme plus philosophique qu'on ne croit; la second, en revanche, comme on le voit avec Wittgenstein, intégr une démarche poétique qui nous invite à penser à nouveaux frais ce que nous faisons.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the predictive effect of two variables related to meritocratic ideology and possibly associated with academic stress: academic orientation related worries and apprehension of school evaluation. Differential effects of these variables on stress were also investigated regarding gender and school (middle-high and high schools). Six hundred and nine secondary students completed a questionnaire. Results show that emotional worries regarding academic orientation and apprehension of school evaluation are significant predictors of academic stress. Results reveal differential effects for middle-high school and high school students. In practice, grading and methods used to this aim should be carefully considered as well as the support offered regarding orientation project of middle-high school students especially.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two exploratory studies on user’s satisfaction about their work environment and especially the case of contemporary Tunisian office buildings characterized by highly glazed facades. Designing office buildings as a uniform and standard work environment was discussed by ambiantal approach of architectural spaces. With palliative actions, users of office building try to have a suitable environment. The results are discussed and some suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

IntroductionCrohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, has strong psychological and social repercussions related to the specificity of the symptomatology. To better understand how patients cope with the disease, coping strategies have been studied but without taking into account the specificity of the CD experience.ObjectiveOur objective is to identify the perceived coping strategies used by patients in relation to their illness experience.MethodUsing a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews and thematic content analysis with 33 CD patients in remission were conducted.ResultsOur results highlight that some of the coping strategies used are not taken into account by the coping scales frequently used in the literature. Indeed, the illness experience appears to be fundamental in the establishment of new strategies based on the experiential knowledge patients use to reduce the stress induced by a potential relapse. Moreover, coping strategies based on positive emotions are also implemented, and they enable patients to make sense of the disease.ConclusionThe coping strategies, i.e., “experiential knowledge” and “positive emotions”, may shed more light on the complexity of the illness experience of CD patients and allow us to make recommendations concerning the psychological support of patients.  相似文献   

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