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The aim of the present study was to develop a self-report questionnaire to provide a classification of aberrant road user behaviour in adolescent children. An Adolescent Road user Behaviour Questionnaire (ARBQ) was developed, comprising 43 items requiring respondents to rate the frequency with which they engaged in specific examples of road-using behaviour. The questionnaire was completed by 2433 children aged 11–16. Factor analysis showed that responses to the 43 items were best fitted by a three-factor solution. Factor 1 comprised items relating to “unsafe road crossing behaviour”, factor 2 comprised items related to “dangerous playing in the road”, and factor 3 comprised items which as a group were termed “planned protective behaviour”. A revised 21-item ARBQ was produced by selecting the items that loaded most strongly on the three factors. The 21-item instrument had good internal reliability. The effects of demographic variables on ARBQ scale scores were investigated. This study provided a tool that could be used in the future by researchers investigating adolescent road user safety. Possible avenues for future research include applying the ARBQ to the study of adolescents’ road accident involvement, and the study of the psychological variables that predict the ARBQ scales.  相似文献   

The current review provides a qualitative assessment of the efficacy of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) as adapted for adolescents. The aim was to assess the efficacy of DBT compared to usual methods in the treatment of adolescent mental health symptoms, inclusive of suicidal ideation and self‐harm. Computerised databases including Medline and PsycINFO were accessed and knowledgeable informants in the area of DBT were contacted. Inclusion criteria required the studies to be clinical trials on DBT provided to adolescents. Due to the requirements on research design only three studies were appropriate for review. The review focused on quality assessment of the current data, including investigation into the effects of selection bias, confounding variables, outcome measures and measurement errors. The data suggest that there is some evidence for DBT being effective in reducing symptoms of mental health, especially those consistent with borderline personality disorder. The resultant data, however, are of very poor quality, and as such the review addresses ways to improve the quality of research and offers suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Iran has a high traffic fatality rate and a substantial proportion of those killed on the road are adolescents. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between dimensions of religiosity and the on-road behaviour of adolescents as pedestrians, cyclists and other non-driving activities. A total of 1111 students attending secondary schools in Tehran (Iran) completed the Adolescent Road User Behaviour Questionnaire (ARBQ) and the Duke University Religion Index (DUREL). This study found that adolescents who participated less often in private religious activities were more likely to be: male, have relatives or friends who had been killed in a road collision, previously involved in a road crash themselves and engaged more often in dangerous playing on the road. Adolescents reporting higher levels of religious attendance and intrinsic religiosity were more likely to be: male, without a traffic accident history, younger, from public schools, studying at schools in large urban areas and more frequently engaged in planned protective behaviours. Adolescents with higher involvement in intrinsic religiosity tended to be those: without an accident history, who did not have relatives or friends that had been killed in a crash and who engaged less frequently in unsafe road crossing behaviour. The findings of this study indicate that the different dimensions of religiousness are related to adolescents’ behaviour on the road. Thus, it appears that religion may have a role to play in improving the road safety of adolescents in Iran.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the causal attributions and perceived consequences of unemployment, as well as perceptions of employment prospects, among high school students in New Zealand. A sample of Form 4 (Grade 9) boys (M age 14.3 years) and girls (14.4 years) and a sample of Form 6 and 7 (Grades 11 and 12) boys (16.9 years) and girls (16.6 years) were tested. No sex or age differences were found in students' causal attributions about unemployment. Societal factors were judged as the most important cause for unemployment. Luck was considered the least important reason. Form 4 students placed a greater emphasis on economic consequences, whereas Form 6 and 7 students regarded social consequences as more important. The consistency in the present findings and those from studies in other countries suggests that cross-cultural similarities do exist in adolescents' perceptions of unemployment.  相似文献   

Innovative road markings for motorcyclists, designed as Perceptual Rider Information for Maximising Expertise and Enjoyment (PRIMEs) were installed on the approach to demanding left-hand bends at six trial sites and a comparison site across the West Highlands of Scotland. These road markings were presented as a series of ‘gateways’ to encourage safer riding. Video data were collected to measure motorcycle speed, lateral position, braking and use of the road markings, before and after the PRIMEs were installed. A total of 9,594 motorcyclists were observed. Across the six trial sites, statistically significant reductions in speed were observed (at three sites). Significant changes in lateral position were observed at the final PRIME gateway marking (at one site), and at the apex of the bend (at three sites). Reduced braking was observed at three sites and there was a statistically significant increase in the use of PRIME road markings across four of the sites. No statistically significant effects were observed at the comparison site. These findings are discussed in relation to sustained effects and aspects of the ‘Safe System’ approach that are relevant to reducing motorcycle casualties.  相似文献   

This study examined the development of helping behaviour and moral judgement during adolescence. Adolescents of three age groups, 12–13, 14–15 and 16–17 years, were asked to fill out a moral judgement questionnaire and were later asked to volunteer to help old people under three helping conditions: when tangible reward was promised in return for their help; when social reward was promised; and when no reward was promised. The volunteers who arrived at the appointed hour on the set date were asked by the experimenter to explain in writing why they had decided to help. The results showed that the older the adolescents, the less they expressed their willingness to help. Helping conditions had a differential effect on behaviour and influenced the three age groups differently. Finally, the results showed that the older the adolescents, the more altruistic the motives expressed and the more relativistically oriented they were. These results are explained within the framework of adolescents' social-developmental psychology.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate contextual predisposition to risk-taking behaviour among South African adolescents. Participants included 194 black adolescents from central South Africa (female = 50.5% between the ages of 16 and 19 years). The adolescents completed a youth risk behaviour survey as well as a questionnaire on their parental, peer, school, and community relationships. Data were analysed by means of multivariate analyses of variance and standard multiple regression analyses in order to predict risk-taking behaviour (violence, substance use, and risky sexual behaviour) from various relationship contexts (parents, peers, school, and community). Irrespective of relationship context, males portray a higher risk for all types of risky behaviour, and the more time adolescents spend with their peers, the higher their risk for engagement in risk-taking behaviour. Parental monitoring predicted a lower risk for portraying risky behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper describes medical psychology and health psychology in New Zealand, particularly in relation to psychologists teaching in medical schools, psychologists working in general medical settings, and health psychologists. It identifies a reasonably slow but continuing consolidation of the discipline, particularly from a research perspective, but also with therapeutic initiatives in the public and private health sector. The potential for increased activity in health promotion and increased psychological analysis and influence in the health system is identified.  相似文献   

This article offers a brief overview of the history of counselling psychology in New Zealand. It describes current postgraduate study options and registration pathways as well as the institutions and organisations that provide legislative and professional membership and support to counselling psychologists in New Zealand. Data collected from a national survey in 2014 provide insight into the demographics of the profession in New Zealand, the theoretical frameworks that are utilised and employment opportunities that exist for counselling psychologists. The article also highlights the uniqueness of a cultural and contextual approach that aligns itself with New Zealand’s founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi/te Tiriti o Waitangi which is based on the principles of partnership, participation and protection. It concludes with the challenges the profession face as a new scope of practice. These challenges include establishing a professional identity in the mental health delivery system in New Zealand and responding to an ever increasing multicultural society.  相似文献   

The author examines articles published in a special issue of the New Zealand Journal of Counselling that highlight career topics in New Zealand. Parallels are drawn between these topics and similar ones identified by M. Savickas (2003a) for advancing career counseling in the United States. The author argues that the similarity of career issues in both New Zealand and the United States indicates that these issues are universal concerns and need to be addressed for career counseling to develop as a profession.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that higher levels of moral value evaluation (i.e., the attribution of importance to moral values) are consistently correlated with less externalizing behaviour in adolescents. The current study further investigates this relationship in a community sample of adolescents (N = 216, 100 males, MAGE = 15.2, SDAGE = 1.3), while differentiating between value areas (i.e., clusters of affiliated values: contract, truth andaffiliation; life and property, lawandlegal justice) and between delinquent and antisocial behaviour. Higher levels of moral value evaluation for the property, lawandlegal justice area were associated with less delinquent and antisocial behaviour, while controlling for gender and age. Contrastingly, the area contract, truthand affiliation was not associated with delinquent or antisocial behaviour, and life was positively associated with antisocial behaviour. Implications for the nature of moral value evaluation and previous research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested the four factor structure of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX) in a sample of young Malaysian drivers and the relationship these factors had with several other variables. Confirmatory Factor Analysis broadly supported the four factor solution of the DAX, being: Personal Physical Aggressive Expression, Use of a Vehicle to Express Anger, Verbal Aggressive Expression and Adaptive/Constructive expression. The short version of the Driving Anger Scale was positively correlated with the three types of aggressive responses and not surprisingly with a variable comprised of all three types of aggressive responses (Total Aggressive Expression). Total Aggressive Expression was higher for males and negatively related to age, years licensed and slower preferred driving speed. All three of the aggressive forms of expression had significant relationships with crash-related conditions, such as: loss of concentration, losing control of their vehicle, having received a ticket and involvement in near-misses. In particular, all three of the aggressive forms of expression had significant relationships with losing control of the vehicle and Total Aggressive Expression was correlated with all crash-related conditions. In addition, Personal Physical Aggressive Expression and Total Aggressive Expression were both significantly related to crash involvement.  相似文献   

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