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To answer one of the criticisms most often formulated about the logical reasoning tests, i.e. characterizing the persons only on their global score, we have created a test aiming to take into account two other types of individual differences: the success profile and the errors. From the use of such a test on 562 persons, the results analysis confirm that our test allows both to collect information and to calculate specific indicators on these two aspects of the performance. The discussion topic turns on the advantage of such approaches.  相似文献   

Introduction and objectiveLittle is known about employment discrimination in France. The goal of this study was to examine some of the determinants of employment discrimination toward French Young from Turkish and North-african Immigration (YTNI).MethodUnder this perspective, 62 employers filled out an anonymous questionnaire in France (Auvergne).ResultsFirst, results reveal that the level of employers’ prejudice determines their behavioural intentions during recruitments, especially two kinds of prejudice: perception of YTNI overpopulation, and perception of incompatibility between YTNI recruitment and firm brand image. Second, the quality of intergroup contact is significantly related to prejudice, but not to discrimination. Concerning employers’ acculturation orientations, they prefer segregation compare to assimilation. Finally, the more they endorses ethnocentric acculturation orientations, the more they are prejudiced and the more they have the intention to discriminate.ConclusionThis research suggests courses of action for the reduction of employment discrimination.  相似文献   

Let us take advantage of this state of health crisis to promote within the committees a real ethics of the discussion on research practices.  相似文献   

Organizational initiatives to empower employees have limited success if they are supported only by top managers. The goal of this study is to examine how two actors in the workers’ proximal social environment, the supervisor and colleagues, contribute to employee empowerment. A questionnaire study was conducted with a sample of 418 workers relying both on psychological and behavioral self-report measures of employee empowerment. Multiple regressions revealed that contributions from the supervisor and colleagues are distinct, additive and interact in a synergic way to increase employee empowerment. These results suggest that it is important to foster favorable conditions in the workers’ proximal social environment to instill employee empowerment.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn this research we want to show that influence of social stereotypes linked to the social background on the students’ orientation is not a social fate that cannot be ignored but that there really are conditions that allow to reduce or even suppress those effects. The objective is to test the hypothesis according to which the seniority of the teachers, their type of professional commitment and the fact of working or not in an area earmarked for special educational assistance (prioritary education zone) must allow to significantly reduce the stereotypes effects on the academic judgment.MethodWithin the framework of an experimental research lead in school, we have asked high school teachers to express propositions of continuing studies as well as success predictions from ficticious student files reaching the end of high school. The results confirm that the bias generally observed in academic judgments are reduced in professors having a seniority above 5 years compared to the ones having a seniority lower than 5 years, those who have a strong work commitment, like the “self made persons” or “social activists” types, compared to those having a lower type of work commitment like the “self investors” or “careerists” types and those working in an area earmarked for special educational assistance (prioritary education zone) compared to those who work outside these areas.ConclusionThis research shows that factors likely to limit the effects of social background stereotypes on academic judgments do exist.  相似文献   

Supervisors’ laissez-faire leadership has been scarcely studied in the management literature. Moreover, the role of individual differences in employees’ reactions to laissez-faire leadership remains unknown. In the present study (n = 248), we examine the relationship between supervisors’ laissez-faire leadership and employees’ (affective) commitment to the supervisor and the organization, and their job satisfaction, and consider employees’ goal orientations (learning, performance, and avoidance) as moderating variables of these relationships. The results of multiple regression analyses indicate that laissez-faire leadership is negatively associated with employee commitment to the supervisor and the organization and job satisfaction. In addition, the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and commitment to the supervisor and to the organization was more negative when performance orientation was high. In contrast, the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and commitment to the supervisor and the organization and job satisfaction was less negative when avoidance orientation was high. Learning orientation exerted no moderating effect. These results reveal that the undermining effect of laissez-faire leadership varies across levels of employees’ performance and avoidance orientations. We discuss the implications of these results for future research.  相似文献   

Our study aims to describe and explain the diversity of students’ evaluative conducts according to socio-technical characteristics of their courses setting (face-to-face/e-learning) but also to sense of community. Our survey results based on a questionnaire administered to 195 students confirm our hypothesis. They show that e-learners are more satisfied with their training than face-to-face students are. Moreover, they point out that sense of community has a positive impact on e-learners satisfaction and on the way, they give meaning to their training according to their different spheres of activities. However, the influence of sense of community on those both dimensions is less straight to face-to-face students.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the relationship between workplace stressors and innovative work behavior. The joint analysis of the mediation process supporting this relationship as well as the influence of certain external conditions such as the moderating role of the supervisor has made it possible to highlight the dynamic that underlie the relationship between stressors and innovation behavior. Using the challenge-hindrance model, this theory proposes that challenge (i.e., role overload) and hindrance (i.e., role ambiguity and role conflict) stressors exert positive and negative indirect effects, respectively, on innovative work behavior through psychological empowerment (PE). Furthermore, empowering leadership (EL) has the potential to optimize the benefits of challenge stressors and reduce the effects of hindrance stressors on PE and indirectly on innovation work behavior. In support of these predictions, a time-lagged study of 146 employees from various Canadian firms reveals that hindrance stressors, particularly role ambiguity, are negatively related to innovative work behavior through PE. Moreover, when EL was high, the positive effects of role overload were enhanced through PE while the negative effects of role ambiguity and role conflict were attenuated. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2016,2016(140):109-116
Full time hospital doctors may have private practice. The National Medical Council is charged by laws and rules to give or not favorable notice before action.  相似文献   

Dropping out of school is a break that permanently interrupts a pupil's schooling. Mainly psychological factors may contribute to this situation. The study focuses on the role played by some socio-emotional factors in the risk of dropping out of school in Lebanon. A quantitative research has been conducted on 504 teenagers attending middle school in 7th grade about their dropping out risks. Causal track analyses show that school learning experiences, social support provided by family and teachers, as well as some individual characteristics – (school anxiety, feelings of effectiveness related to school domain, expectations versus in school, school project) interact to increase or decrease the risk of dropping out.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):315-331
Studies on attitudes towards refugees in France have only focused on “native” French people. Extending the study beyond the majority group is important, given the multicultural composition of contemporary Western societies. To this end, 144 “native” French and 109 Maghrebi-French were surveyed. We first tested the model whereby the link between national identification and prosocial intentions towards refugees is mediated by the threat perception, with the group of origin as a moderating variable. This model only applies to “native” French. We then took a closer look at the precursors of prosocial intentions among Maghrebi-French (national identity misrecognition , individualistic/collectivistic orientation). Identity misrecognition correlates positively with prosocial intentions. When controlling for other variables, collectivism is the factor that best predicts the expression of these intentions. Overall, our study showed that depending on the group of origin (“natives” vs. Maghrebi-French), we react differently to refugees. However, even if the feeling of identity misrecognition among Maghrebi-French seems to be associated with the expression of prosocial intentions, the extent of its negative consequences should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(3):219-234
Recidivism prevention remains a crucial issue in France. While meta-analyses clearly indicated the effectiveness of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (R-N-R) model for assessment and rehabilitation, this model is not used in French probation services. The aim of this article is to introduce the R-N-R model, through an emphasis on its three main principles. A necessary continuity from assessment to intervention is highlighted. The article concludes by stressing the need to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of intervention to prevent recidivism.  相似文献   

The restaurant sector questions through the tensions and difficulties it encounters in order to retain employees. In order to cope with this, some managers are mobilizing managerial innovation. This action research exposes the effects on the trades and the work group of a reorganization of a traditional restaurant into a “freedom-form” company. Based on co-construction between researchers, employees and owners, and the use of qualitative methods (interviews, observations), the research presents the levers for more innovation and “happiness at work”. The study shows that the predispositions of the company and the attachment of employees to it were the essential motivating engine for imagining a new work organization.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on “pendular” telecommuting practices of senior managers of several large international companies. We use the systemic perspective of activity theory in order to address the way telework redistributes the balance of work and its articulation. Our study is based on a 59 semi-structured interviews. The results show that telework in the socio-technical context of its implementation, reconfigures different dimensions of work by establishing relational ecosystems and complex activities that bring up a new order in the collective working relationships and open up new possibilities for activity while preventing others.  相似文献   

Our aim to identify factors which support use or provide rejection for “regular” but non intensive Enterprise Social Network (ESN) users. From UTAUT model, we propose to adapt social context evaluation by fixing attention on professional stake and context. Our results show partial benefits for the tool in professional activity. Even if these results are able to explain user disaffection, it also questions ESN as the structuring artefact.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(124):3-8
The conceptualization of conflicts of interests and deployment of their regulatory systems are primarily modes of economic and managerial health control. When did the legal regime of conflicts of interests, which formalizes the process, clash with the conditions of professional practice? Not all assumptions of friction or opposition of interests necessarily constitute a conflict of interests. All public sector professionals have interests but not all their interests generate conflicts. The aim of public declaration of interests is to reveal the relations of interest in order to allay suspicion. Most frequently in the form of soft law system, the declaration of interests is a way of warning about the existence of a “grey zone” or time of deontological risk. It was changed by the law of 29 December 2011  相似文献   

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