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《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(3):157-175
IntroductionThe Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the organization of work and represented a turning point in the deployment of mediated and remote work. Wherever the continuation of the activity was possible at a distance, telework was imposed. Nevertheless, it is exercised in new conditions and the organization of work modalities is defined according to the evolution of the situation and governmental health measures.ObjectiveIn this context, the objective of this study is to understand what are, from the point of view of middle managers, the impacts of telework in confinement and then during the progressive re-establishment of the activity on site, on the one hand, on the work, its organization and its conditions of realization and, on the other hand, on the work collectives, the relationship to work and the quality of life of the employees.MethodIn this perspective, we carried out an exploratory and comprehensive study through semi-structured interviews with 17 directors of service in a French public organization.ResultsThe lexical and morphosyntactic analysis performed shows that the modalities of work organization/reorganization at different moments of the crisis, their impact on work activity, the psychosocial experience of telework within the services and the managerial practices deployed (3 classes) could constitute opportunities but also generate risks.ConclusionThe results of this study allow us to identify the benefits but also the potentially deleterious effects of the use of telework in times of crisis and provide elements for consideration in its post-pandemic deployment.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(2):73-81
Based on organizational support theory, job characteristics model, and self-determination theory, we examined the mechanisms that underlie the relations between organizational factors and ill-being. Specifically, the main purpose of the present study was to demonstrate the mediating role of the psychological needs for autonomy (i.e., the need for individuals to feel volitional and responsible for their own behavior), competence (i.e., the need for individuals to interact effectively with their environment), and relatedness (i.e., the need for individuals to feel connected and accepted by others), in the relationships of perceived organizational support (i.e., the degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being) and three motivational job characteristics (i.e., task identity, task significance, and work scheduling autonomy) to job anxiety and burnout. This is the first research, to the best of our knowledge, to test for the joint effects of perceived organizational support and motivational job characteristics on job anxiety and burnout through psychological need satisfaction. Four hundred and fifty-seven employees (216 men and 241 women) from different sectors (i.e., industry, trade, crafts) took part in the study. Fifty-seven participants worked in companies with less than 10 employees, 105 in companies with 11–49 employees, 138 in companies with 50–249 employees, 33 in companies with 250–499 employees, and 124 in companies with more than 500 employees. The hypothesized model was tested with structural equation modeling analyses. Results provided support for our hypotheses and revealed that all hypothesized paths were significant. Specifically, our results showed that perceived organizational support and job characteristics were positively related to psychological need satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction of these psychological needs was negatively associated with job anxiety and burnout. Therefore, feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness play a central role in the development or reduction of well- and ill-being at work. These results are consistent with previous research in the work context, which has shown that social factors (e.g., autonomy-supportive behaviors) have significant effects on workplace mental health through their influence on psychological need satisfaction. Practical and research implications as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Telework, namely so remote work, is composed of three basic forms: home based-telework, alternated telework and mobile telework. These three basic forms of telework and the traditional form of work are compared to identify their respective impact on work centrality, work social representation, and on relations between work life and out of work life. The mobile teleworkers present a high work centrality and the alternated teleworkers, a high family centrality. Concerning the representation, only mobile teleworkers and home based teleworkers cannot think the work without the basic knowledge of constraint. For the exchanges between work of life and out of work life, traditional workers separate their domains of life even though alternated teleworkers and home based-teleworkers combinate it. Mobile teleworkers develop exchanges between some domains of life.This study proves that it is not necessary to reason globally but to consider the specificity of each telework forms introduced or to implant in a organization.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2022,28(3):137-156
IntroductionThe COVID-19 health crisis considerably accelerated the use of telework.ObjectiveThe present study focuses on the impact of telework frequency on workers’ work-life satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. This study also evaluates the mediating role of satisfaction with work-family balance in these two relationships. Finally, it investigates the moderator role of telework adjustment (i.e., adaptation to changes resulting from the transition to a virtual environment) in the relationship between telework frequency and work-family balance satisfaction, as well as the drivers of this adjustment.MethodIn all, 377 teleworkers replied to an online questionnaire measuring the above-mentioned variables.ResultsThe increase in telework frequency is directly associated with a decrease in workers’ work-life satisfaction and affective organizational commitment, due to the degradation of their work-family balance satisfaction. Yet, once workers have made significant adjustments to telework, direct and indirect negative impacts of telework frequency are reduced. Finally, telework adjustment is largely predicted by whether telework resulted from choice or obligation, by the telework environment at home, and by the organizational support provided to workers.ConclusionTheoretical and practical implications of these results will be discussed, with potential avenues to best support the deployment of remote work.  相似文献   

By referring to the ergonomic analysis of work and to the management sciences, the authors propose an analysis model of the managers’ activity. Until then, few researchs were realized in ergonomics science with this population which has to prepare and to organize the works of other operators. According to the authors, it is possible to apply to this population the model of “the centre de décision”. It allows to understand how their activity is determined by “upstream” centres and then how it determines the activity of centres “approval”. Applied to the project and site managers, this model brings solutions to transform their work and the work of the workmen.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationships between care activity and temporal constrains. The main objective is to understand the constrain effects on care givers activity. It is aimed at understanding the effects of the requirements on care givers activity. A research-action of eighteen month was conducted within a residential establishment for older dependent people and studied the activity of thirty four care givers. Our theoretical frame associates both work clinic and ergonomics. Investigations method combined both observation and interviews. The analysis of the care givers activity shows the effects of the organizational constrains on the activity. The care givers activity focuses on time organization rather than care. Finally, the quality of work is impaired, the work looses its sense and misses its primary objectives.  相似文献   

Traditionally, a “direct and certain” causal link was required between fault and harm in order to engage an individual's compensatory liability. However, upon reading case law, it is possible to note that causality no longer necessarily has to be either direct or certain. Indeed, although the presence of a previous condition long enabled the exclusion of a direct link between a harmful event and its aftereffects, the French Court of Appeal (Cour de Cassation) now considers that pathological predispositions must no longer be taken into account (in respect of an exclusion or a reduction in the right to compensation) if these were latent, and only revealed by the harmful event. Similarly, on occasion the plaintiffs support their claims with bundles of evidence and arguments that can but force magistrates to set aside the absence of absolute certainty on a scientific level. Presumptions of accountability have even been put forward in some areas of personal injury compensation (traffic accidents and workplace accidents). The conduct and content of forensic expertises are then disrupted, both for the expert and for the victim's lawyer.  相似文献   

The anxiety engendered by the sanitary crisis of the COVID-19 is a novel emotional phenomenon. Due to its recency and novelty, this form of anxiety and its effects are largely unknown. To explore this issue, we conducted a study among 650 civil agents of the Quebec government during the first wave of the pandemic that examined the effects of COVID-19-triggered anxiety on four indicators of work adjustment: job engagement, organizational commitment, psychological empowerment, and ego depletion. While controlling for the effect of relevant contextual factors, our analyses indicate that COVID-19-triggered anxiety is positively related to organizational commitment and ego depletion and negatively related to psychological empowerment. In contrast, COVID-19-triggered anxiety was not significantly related to job engagement.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the mediating role of reflexivity (West, 1996) and climate to innovation (Anderson & West, 1998) between power distances and effectiveness of work teams of engineers training. Regression analysis (Baron & Kenny, 1986) reveals a total mediation of climate and a partial mediation of reflexivity. These results are discussed from a practical perspective.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on “pendular” telecommuting practices of senior managers of several large international companies. We use the systemic perspective of activity theory in order to address the way telework redistributes the balance of work and its articulation. Our study is based on a 59 semi-structured interviews. The results show that telework in the socio-technical context of its implementation, reconfigures different dimensions of work by establishing relational ecosystems and complex activities that bring up a new order in the collective working relationships and open up new possibilities for activity while preventing others.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explain the variance of intent for adopting enterprise resource planning systems (ERP). Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM, Davis, 1989), we studied the impact of self-efficacy and two regulatory elements effectiveness: behavioral control and subjective workload that may influence the usefulness, usability and the intention to use an ERP system. The results of this quantitative study develop a revised TAM highlighting the synergy between the variables mentioned and dimensions of subjective workload in a Tunisian airline enterprise.  相似文献   

Dropping out of school is a break that permanently interrupts a pupil's schooling. Mainly psychological factors may contribute to this situation. The study focuses on the role played by some socio-emotional factors in the risk of dropping out of school in Lebanon. A quantitative research has been conducted on 504 teenagers attending middle school in 7th grade about their dropping out risks. Causal track analyses show that school learning experiences, social support provided by family and teachers, as well as some individual characteristics – (school anxiety, feelings of effectiveness related to school domain, expectations versus in school, school project) interact to increase or decrease the risk of dropping out.  相似文献   

This article examines the impacts of the changes in the labor market and organizations as well as their effects on women executives’ job retention and professional mobility. This research is rooted in a qualitative approach based on 51 individual interviews with female executives. The results reveal that the work of women executives is organized around financial goals and could entail risks such as loss of meaning. In these contexts, women developpe resistance or collaboration strategies to integrate and stay at work. These strategies have consequences on their professional mobility.  相似文献   

This article aims to inform the intervention process and the institution of conflictuality around the criteria on quality of work in an Activity Clinic perspective. From the example of a recent intervention in sanitary service of a big city, this article instructs this process when the conflictuality around the criteria of quality of work can be instituted in the organization. When field professionals can do more authority on their activity in the organization, we then witness in action a modification of their role in decision process, regarding their own work. The article concludes with the contribution of the results produced to current reflections on the union work actuality.  相似文献   

This research aims at a better understanding of one aspect of emotional labor in child welfare: coping with intense negative emotions. It is based on 15 interviews conducted with social workers from Child Protective Services. Results indicate that the drivers of this aspect of emotional labor are characterized by unpredictability and interpersonal conflict. They give rise to surprise, anxiety and especially anger, particularly against institutions. Emotional regulation is carried out implicitly with a professional instrumental purpose. Different strategies are mobilized sequentially: social sharing of emotions and cognitive strategies allow recovery. The team social support during informal times appears central. These results underline the role of the team and plead for the recognition and professionalization of emotional work in this sector.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of work engagement on altruistic performance and emotional exhaustion as well as the moderating effect of the positive and negative affectivity traits. Data were collected through questionnaires among a sample of 279 employees working in a variety of industries. Results indicate that positive and negative affectivity exert distinct moderating influences on the effects of the dimensions of work engagement. Positive affectivity accentuates the positive effect of physical engagement on altruistic performance and the negative effect of emotional engagement on exhaustion. Negative affectivity acts as a moderator in the relationship between emotional engagement and exhaustion such that emotional engagement considerably reduces the risk of exhaustion among individuals with high levels of negative affectivity.  相似文献   

The question of the introduction of emerging technologies and their incessant renewal in organizations basically refers to the place and role that these devices play in activity, as well as how they can affect activity and health at work … Thought as a prospective reflection trying to grasp the logic and the modalities of the digital transformations in progress, the ambition of this paper is: (i) first, identify and characterize the emerging technologies that are deployed in the company; (ii) discuss their impact on the activity and well-being of employees, showing the uses and paradoxical effects that these devices can have on work; and (iii) finally think about the psychosocial function of these devices as potential health and business development operators.  相似文献   

In this article we address, on the basis of various knowledge in ergonomics, work psychology and work demography, the stakes of a confrontation between two trends in progress: on one side the structural ageing of workforce, on the other side work intensification, and intensification of changes at work. This analyze includes statements on these evolutions by themselves, and a synthesis of knowledge on the difficulties created by the intensification of work, or changes at work, for elderly workers, but also on work strategies that those can elaborate, using their experience, in order to cope with these constraints.  相似文献   

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