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The time-based resource-sharing model of working memory assumes that memory traces suffer from a time-related decay when attention is occupied by concurrent activities. Using complex continuous span tasks in which temporal parameters are carefully controlled, P. Barrouillet, S. Bernardin, S. Portrat, E. Vergauwe, & V. Camos (2007) recently provided evidence that any increase in time of the processing component of these tasks results in lower recall performance. However, K. Oberauer and R. Kliegl (2006) pointed out that, in this paradigm, increased processing times are accompanied by a corollary decrease of the remaining time during which attention is available to refresh memory traces. As a consequence, the main determinant of recall performance in complex span tasks would not be the duration of attentional capture inducing time-related decay, as Barrouillet et al. (2007) claimed, but the time available to repair memory traces, and thus would be compatible with an interference account of forgetting. The authors demonstrate here that even when the time available to refresh memory traces is kept constant, increasing the processing time still results in poorer recall, confirming that time-related decay is the source of forgetting within working memory.  相似文献   

This study investigated the costs of directed forgetting within the framework of a search model. In such models, retrieval failure can occur at either the sampling or the recovery stage of recall. Multiple measures of performance were employed to answer two primary questions of interest: (1) Where does the locus of forgetting occur in the directed forgetting paradigm? and (2) What current theory of directed forgetting can best account for the pattern of data observed? Converging evidence from these measures suggested that the costs of directed forgetting are the result of sampling issues during retrieval. Further, these results were best explained by a contextual-change account that argues an instruction to forget creates a break in context causing individuals to sample more items at retrieval. It is argued that the retrieval deficits observed in list-method directed forgetting paradigms are due, in part, to the fact that individuals sample a greater number of items (that include both targets and intrusions) during retrieval in the forget-condition, thereby creating greater response competition compared with retrieval in the remember-condition.  相似文献   

Tomasello M 《Cognition》2004,93(2):139-40; discussion 157-65

This study attempts to account for the vastly different trajectories taken by mass andelite opinion in the wake of the Lewinsky affair. Data from a panel study, collected before andjust after the scandal broke, suggest that Clinton's prior popularity indelibly colored massresponse to the scandal, thereby constraining citizens' reactions. As would be predicted bytheories of "motivated reasoning," the influence of various considerations (like thecredibility and importance of the allegations) on reactions to the scandal was conditional uponprior affect for the president. Such findings are difficult to accommodate within the more rational"Bayesian updating" perspective. These data shed light on mass response to theLewinsky scandal in particular and citizen reaction to presidential behavior more generally, aswell as on the cognitive mechanisms that facilitate motivated reasoning in candidate evaluation.  相似文献   

In theintegrated structures model of simple multiplication (Manly &; Spoehr, 1999), it is proposed that retrieval of a multiplication fact (e.g., 2 × 7=?) activates and strengthens operand multiples representations (e.g., 4, 6, 8, etc.; 14, 21, 28, etc.). In contrast, in the phenomenon ofretrieval-induced forgetting (RIF; M. C. Anderson, Bjork, &; Bjork, 1994), it is suggested that operand multiples ought to be suppressed with practice. Participants (N=72) performed 40 blocks of practice trials in which they generated answers to a subset of simple multiplication problems. We then measured response times and errors in a true—false product verification task. Both true and related false equations with practiced operand multiples as presented products were solved relatively poorly in the verification task. In agreement with RIF, this suggests that operand multiples were suppressed, rather than strengthened, during the practice phase.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— This experiment examined the ability of pride to serve as an adaptive emotion within the context of social interaction. After an in vivo induction of pride or a neutral state, participants engaged in a group problem-solving task. In contrast to a conventional view that pride is often associated with negative interpersonal outcomes, results confirmed that proud individuals not only took on a dominant role within the group problem-solving task, but also were perceived as the most likeable interaction partners. These findings suggest that pride, when representing an appropriate response to actual performance (as opposed to overgeneralized hubris), constitutes a functional social emotion with important implications for leadership and the building of social capital.  相似文献   

It has been widely reported that in computerized adaptive testing some examinees may get much lower scores than they would normally if an alternative paper-and-pencil version were given. The main purpose of this investigation is to quantitatively reveal the cause for the underestimation phenomenon. The logistic models, including the 1PL, 2PL, and 3PL models, are used to demonstrate our assertions. Our analytical derivation shows that, under the maximum information item selection strategy, if an examinee failed a few items at the beginning of the test, easy but more discriminating items are likely to be administered. Such items are ineffective to move the estimate close to the true θ, unless the test is sufficiently long or a variable-length test is used. Our results also indicate that a certain weighting mechanism is necessary to make the algorithm rely less on the items administered at the beginning of the test. This research was partially supported by the NSF Grants SES0241020 and SES0613025. The authors thank the Editor, Associate Editor and two anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions. Send further information to Hua-Hua Chang, Department of Psychology, 603 E. Daniel Street, M/C 716, Champaign, IL 61820.  相似文献   

According to event cognition theory, people segment experience into separate event models. One consequence of this segmentation is that when people transport objects from one location to another, memory is worse than if people move across a large location. In two experiments participants navigated through a virtual environment, and recognition memory was tested in either the presence or the absence of a location shift for objects that were recently interacted with (i.e., just picked up or set down). Of particular concern here is whether this location updating effect is due to (a) differences in retention intervals as a result of the navigation process, (b) a temporary disruption in cognitive processing that may occur as a result of the updating processes, or (c) a need to manage multiple event models, as has been suggested in prior research. Experiment 1 explored whether retention interval is driving this effect by recording travel times from the acquisition of an object and the probe time. The results revealed that travel times were similar, thereby rejecting a retention interval explanation. Experiment 2 explored whether a temporary disruption in processing is producing the effect by introducing a 3-second delay prior to the presentation of a memory probe. The pattern of results was not affected by adding a delay, thereby rejecting a temporary disruption account. These results are interpreted in the context of the event horizon model, which suggests that when there are multiple event models that contain common elements there is interference at retrieval, which compromises performance.  相似文献   

It is often important to accurately predict not only what information we will later remember, but also what information we are likely to forget. The present research examined these abilities in the context of item-method directed forgetting, to determine whether people are aware of their strategic control of remembering and forgetting, as well as what cues are used when making metacognitive judgments. Participants studied words, each of which was followed by a cue to remember (R) or forget (F) the word for an upcoming test, and also made predictions of how likely they would be to later recall each word. When asked to recall all of the words, regardless of cue, both recall and predicted recall were fairly sensitive to the R or F instructions, despite some overconfidence. A similar and stronger pattern was found when words were assigned positive or negative point values as cues to remember or forget. These findings suggest that item-based cues to remember or forget information can be successfully utilized when making metacognitive judgments, and that people are fairly aware of the control they have over both remembering and forgetting information.  相似文献   

A recalibration response shift will cause the patient to think about a self-report measure’s response options differently after a health state change. Commonly assessed using the retrospective-pretest design (“then-test”), recent guidelines suggest adjusting then-test estimates for competing explanations. This prospective longitudinal study investigated recalibration response shift after adjusting for implicit theories of change in patients undergoing spinal surgery. The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Short Form-36 (SF-36) were collected before surgery and at 6 weeks and 3 months after spinal decompression surgery. Then-tests of the measures were also collected at all post-tests. Recalibration response shift was operationalized as the then-minus-pre difference score on the evaluative SF-36. Implicit theories of change were operationalized as the then-minus-pre difference score on the perception-based ODI. Improved vs. No-Effect patient groups were compared using the Minimally Important Difference (±15 points) as a cut-off on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) items for back and leg pain. Logistic regression analyses investigated whether recalibration response shift had an independent effect distinguishing patient groups, after adjusting for implicit theories of change. The sample (baseline n?=?169, mean age 52, 39 % female) was well-educated, and 1/3 were working. All then-minus-pre difference scores were non-zero at each time point and were stable over time. In the adjusted models distinguishing Improved versus No Effect groups, then-minus-pre ODI difference scores were significant in the majority of the adjusted models at all timepoints, but only one then-minus-pre SF-36 difference score—for physical functioning recalibration—was significant and only at 6-weeks post-surgery. This suggests that implicit theories of change bias the estimation of post-surgical outcomes, but that recalibration response shift biased only the estimation of physical functioning and only at 6 weeks post-surgery. Recalibration response shift and implicit theories of change can both be sources of bias in patient-reported outcome assessment. Our findings suggest that implicit theories of change are a greater threat to validity in this patient sample. Future research using the then-test should control for implicit theories of change to minimize misspecification of effects.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Previous researchers have interpreted the phenomenon of directed forgetting in terms of animal short-term memory and rehearsal. An alternative explanation-that directed...  相似文献   

Male college students (N = 72) were administered an occupations/activities preference scale as a measure of action- and thought-oriented behavior styles, and responded to seven TAT cards varying in degrees of “stimulus pull” for action and thought modes of expression. Verbs in TAT stories were assigned to action and thought categories. Mean percentages of action and thought verbs were significantly related to both Ss’ behavior styles and to TAT stimulus demands. The results support Phillips’ (1968) action-thought typology, but suggest that situational demand may be equally as important as behavior style in determining one's action or thought mode of response in a given situation. Additional results raised questions concerning the adequacy of Phillips’ developmental conceptualization of action-thought behavior styles.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the mental processes that are applied to previously attended items of working memory. In an object-switching task, participants counted the number of sequentially presented objects. In Experiment 1 the processing time increased when the object category switched from the prior trial compared to a repetition. More importantly, the further in the past the last instance of a current category was presented, the more processing time was necessary - an observation suggesting passive decay rather than inhibition of previously attended items. However, results differed when only two object categories were employed. Experiment 2 suggests that the lack of a clear indication of decay with small numbers of categories was due to participants' expectancy of category switches rather than repetitions. Taken together, the results suggest that working memory items become less accessible the longer they have not been attended to, when strategic processes are controlled.  相似文献   

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