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We compared the results of a brief electronic pictorial multiple-stimulus without replacement (EP-MSWO) preference assessment to a brief tangible MSWO preference assessment in five children with autism. Results of both assessments yielded a match between high preferred (HP) toys for four participants and low preferred toys for three participants. The overall correlation between assessments across participants was strong and statistically significant (ρ = .67, p < .01). A reinforcer assessment conducted with three participants confirmed HP toys identified in the EP-MSWO functioned as reinforcers.  相似文献   

The ability of educators to identify consequences that act as reinforcers may predict the success of behavior change strategies predicated on the use of reinforcement. Supported for individuals with severe disabilities, research concerning the effectiveness of choice-stimulus assessment for students with emotional disturbance (ED) remains limited. The current study evaluated the effectiveness of brief multiple-stimulus without replacement (MSWO) procedures in identifying reinforcers for three elementary students with or at risk for ED. The study compared the effects of MSWO and vocal nomination of preferences on the use of cover, copy, and compare (CCC)—an evidence-based math facts acquisition strategy—using an alternating treatments design. Additional analyses concerned the correspondence between assessments. The stability of the MSWO and vocal nomination assessments was also assessed. Results indicated that the MSWO assessment identified effective reinforcers for students at risk for ED and generated more consistent findings than vocal nomination. In one of three cases, the reinforcers identified by the MSWO assessment resulted in more frequent use of CCC than nominated reinforcers. Directions for future research and implications follow a discussion of findings.  相似文献   

Little research has evaluated open-ended parent reports to identify reinforcers for children with autism. This study evaluated open-ended parent reports and direct preference assessments for six young children with autism in home-based therapy. Results indicated little correspondence between parent reports and direct assessment assessments for all but one child. However, a follow-up reinforcer assessment with two children showed that the top ranked stimulus from both assessments functioned as reinforcers, with one child demonstrating higher levels of responding for the top ranked stimulus from the parent report. Results tentatively support open-ended parent reports to identify reinforcers for young children with autism.  相似文献   

This investigation extends the constant time delay research base by embedding nontargeted information in the task direction when teaching communication skills. Specifically, instructors taught receptive identification of packaged food items to 4 secondary students with moderate to severe disabilities and evaluated generalization to the community. In addition, instructors included the manual sign for each food item. The instructional strategy was a constant time delay procedure using a 5-s delay interval. The intervention, conducted within a multiple probe design across behaviors replicated across students, resulted in the acquisition and generalization of receptive identification of packaged food items by 3 out of 4 of the students. In addition, the students acquired the nontargeted manual signs with an average of 60% percent in the final probe session.  相似文献   

Efficient and effective training strategies for paraprofessionals in special education settings face many challenges. Interactive computerized training (ICT)—a self-paced program that incorporates audio narration, video models, interactive activities, and competency checks—is one potential solution. ICT has been successful in training college students and special education teachers to implement discrete trial instruction (DTI), but its effectiveness to train paraprofessionals is unknown. Using a multiple-baseline design, we evaluated the feasibility of ICT, to train six paraprofessionals to implement DTI with an errorless learning procedure. Following ICT, the fidelity of implementation of DTI increased for all participants when implemented with a student in their classroom; however, competency varied. We added additional training components that progressed from low to more intensive feedback delivered remotely in attempt to increase fidelity to 90% or higher implementation. We also evaluated generalization to novel instructional programs and maintenance of instruction in the absence of feedback.  相似文献   

Group counseling theory and empirical research indicate that interpersonal feedback is an important element that can lead to insight and change in group members. Yet, managing interpersonal feedback is a difficult skill for novice group leaders to learn. This article examines (a) the role of feedback in counseling groups; (b) the implementation of a skill-based training program to teach novice group counselors how to give, receive, and facilitate interpersonal feedback; and (c) students' evaluation of such a program in which they participated. Recommendations are made to practitioners for incorporating feedback into counseling, and for counselor educators regarding the teaching of the intervention.  相似文献   

The pyramidal training or train‐the‐trainer model is a method of training in which a professional teaches a skill to a small group of individuals who then teach that skill to another set of individuals. This model has demonstrated efficacy to teach several behavioral intervention techniques to parents, teachers, and direct care staff in a timely manner. The purpose of the present study was to extend the literature on pyramidal training to teach implementation of the first four phases of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to university students working with a confederate learner. We used a multiple baseline across participants design (Tier 1 and 2) and a non‐concurrent multiple baseline design (Tier 3) to demonstrate the efficacy of this model. Results replicate and extend the literature on pyramidal training. Discussion focuses on implications and limitations to be addressed in future work. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Children of parents with intellectual disabilities are at risk for neglectful care due to parenting skill deficiencies. Previous studies have shown that parents with intellectual disabilities can improve child-care skills with intensive behavioral training, but self-instruction has not been explored. We evaluated the efficacy of self-instructional pictorial child-care manuals with and without accompanying audiotaped instruction using a multielement design with 13 parents with intellectual disabilities. The self-instructional materials were effective in teaching 22 of 26 skills to levels seen in parents without intellectual disabilities. Eighty-one percent of the skills maintained over a 1-15 month follow-up period and self-learning effects were replicated when the parents received self-instructional materials for the original no-training control skill. Despite the low literacy skills of the parents, for most of them no advantage was found in adding the audiotape to the illustrations. Three parents only reached criterion after an audiotape was added to the manual alone skill. Consumer satisfaction ratings were uniformly high and those parents who stated a preference, preferred the pictorial manuals without, as opposed to with, the audiotape. These findings suggest that a majority of parents with intellectual disabilities may improve their parenting skills with low cost, low tech, self-instructional materials.  相似文献   

Abstract. Engaging students in a course in the Sociology of Religion can be a challenge, particularly when working with student populations in a homogeneous region of the country who have limited experience with religious diversity. We approached the course from a sociological/anthropological perspective, requiring each student to complete an in‐depth participation/observation research experience and write an ethnographic account of a religion or belief system different from his or her own. While other instructors have used a similar pedagogy, using ethnography with our student population was generally successful as a learning and writing tool.  相似文献   

One of two little league baseball teams, consisting of boys between the ages of 8 and 12, was taught to hit a baseball using a chaining-mastery program extrapolated from the "Total Golf" (Simek & O'Brien, 1981) program. Following two baseline games and a baseline measurement session, 10 of the 12 boys on the experimental team participated in a chaining-mastery batting program, beginning with slow pitches from close to the batter and progressing to normal speed pitches from the regulation distance. Both game performance and a repeat of the baseline measures following Game 6 showed large increases in the number of hits. The control team showed no such increases. Following Game 6, a program of discrimination training for hitable balls (strikes) was instituted with the experimental team using a mastery approach to produce earlier discriminations of strikes from balls. Number of bases on balls increased for Games 7 through 10 after remaining stable for the first 6 games. For the control team, bases on balls increased during Games 3 through 6, but remained stable for Games 7 through 10. Batting averages revealed similar improvement for the experimental team from a baseline of .250 to .342 for Games 3 through 6, and .369 for Games 7 through 10, and no improvement for the control team (baseline = .281, Games 3 through 6 = .230, Games 7 through 10 = .230). Two members of the experimental team rejected the chaining-discrimination training program in favor of practice in "guided positive fantasy" for batting skills, which was provided by the father of one of the boys. These two boys showed little improvement on the dependent measures. The results suggest that a program of chaining-mastery instruction for batting and discrimination training for pitch selection can be effective in teaching little leaguers to hit.  相似文献   

Preference stability refers to the objectively measured choice consistency among options with different attribute values in the same product category. We suggest that a consumer's subjectively held belief of preference stability may be an important determinant of response to personalized recommendations. Experimental results confirm that preference stability belief moderates the effect of customization on the evaluation of recommendation accuracy and receptiveness to the learning relationship. Customization will produce stronger effects on accuracy evaluation and receptiveness for subjects with high preference stability belief than for subjects with low preference stability belief. Customers who believe their preferences are stable appreciate customized recommendations more, notice more acutely whether recommendations are customized or not, and are more receptive to the learning relationship when recommendations are customized than when not. Customers who believe their own preferences are less stable do not appreciate customized recommendations as much, are less sensitive to whether recommendations are customized or not, and are not more receptive to the learning relationship even when recommendations are customized. Theoretical and managerial implications of our findings are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Six same-different matching tests, both verbal and nonverbal, in three modalities, along with a set of reading tests, were administered to 120 Israeli children in second, third, and fourth grade. The main effects of all S variables, except sex (grade, socioeconomic level, and ability) were significant, as were the test factors of modality (visual, auditory, cross-modal) and form (verbal-nonverbal), but interactions between S and test factors were small. Multiple regression analysis revealed that overall matching test scores accounted for 35% of the variance in reading scores, although the additional contribution of specific subtests was negligible. Performance on the visual-visual tests was virtually perfect. Auditory-auditory matches were more difficult than auditory-visual matches with nonverbal stimuli, while the reverse was true with verbal stimuli.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of point-of-view video modeling in a forward-chaining procedure to teach a 4-year-old boy with autism to serve himself an afternoon snack. Task analysis was undertaken, and the task was divided into 3 phases with 1 video produced for each phase. A changing criterion design was used to evaluate the effects of the intervention on the participant’s ability to independently prepare and serve himself Weetbix. The results indicated that the combination of point-of-view modeling and forward chaining was effective in teaching the child to serve himself a snack without any prompting. The results also indicated that although the skill was maintained at follow-up, generalization to snacks other than Weetbix and to a different setting was limited. Parents reported satisfaction both with the procedures undertaken and with the outcomes of the intervention.  相似文献   

Preference reversals between joint and separate evaluation procedures (JE and SE) were studied as a function of attribute evaluability (Hsee, 1996) and attribute importance. First, the present research replicated Hsee's (1996) JE-SE preference reversal findings with willingness-to-pay judgments. In addition, choices showed a preference pattern similar to that of willingness-to-pay judgments. Second, consistent with Hsee's (2000) speculation, the study showed that attribute importance is a key determinant of JE-SE reversal.  相似文献   

This study tested the feasibility of using a psychoeducational video recording to teach a behavioral skill from the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993a, 1993b) skills training program to individuals meeting criteria for borderline personality disorder. A video presenting a DBT emotion-regulation skill was developed and the extent to which viewers learned the skill material was evaluated via a randomized controlled trial (RCT), utilizing a within-subjects design. Thirty individuals meeting DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder participated. Participants were recruited from mental health treatment settings and were naïve to DBT. Viewing the video was associated with significant increases in knowledge of the skill, relative to viewing a control video, and with increases in participants' expectations of positive outcomes for skill use. In addition, participants rated the video as relevant and helpful. A remarkably high number (80%) utilized the skill taught subsequent to viewing the video when assigned to do so, and overall reported significant decreases in negative affect after using the skill. Video appears to be feasible as a medium for teaching DBT skills material under controlled conditions; future research is needed to examine the effectiveness of video in more naturalistic settings.  相似文献   

Using the telephone to contact others can be an important skill in maintaining friendships with peers. This investigation used a system of least prompts (SLP) procedures to teach two telephone skills to 3 elementary students with cognitive disabilities: (a) placing phone calls and (b) leaving recorded voicemail messages. The SLP procedure was effective in teaching both skills to all 3 students. Results for maintenance and generalization, however, were mixed. This investigation was completed to partially satisfy the thesis requirement for a Master’s degree at the University of Kentucky.  相似文献   

Use of scores on a single test of endurance which discriminates potentially talented under-age players' performance is insufficient for prediction of later performance, but such data could be useful when considered with other test scores.  相似文献   

Many investigators have noted that depression is a common symptom among pediatric cancer patients. However, prevalence rates vary widely across studies This variation in prevalence rates may be due, in part, to selective reporting of patients based on measure, used and environmental cues. In this study, we evaluated 50 chronically ill pediatric patients (19 cancer and 31 diabetic patients) for their use of selective reporting of depression. Factors in the 2 x 2 design were Intervention (disclosure videotape and cartoon videotape) and Examiner (familiar examiner and unfamiliar examiner). In the intervention manipulation, subjects were shown either a videotape prompting the child that self-disclosure was appropriate or a tape of a cartoon (control condition). In the Examiner manipulation, subjects were administered the experimental measures by either a familiar (parent) or unfamiliar (research assistant) examiner. Dependent variables were the Children's Depression inventory (CDI; Kovacs, 1981), the Depression scale of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children (RATC; McArthur & Roberts, 1982), and a depression measure taken from the Child Behavior Checktist (CBCL; Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1983). As hypothesized, the Examiner x intervention interaction revealed that children who did not view the disclosure videotape and who were tested by an unfamiliar examiner gave significantly lower self-reports of depression on the CDI than children in the other conditions. However, parent and child projective reports of depression did not vary as a function of experimental condition. The results are interpreted as selective responding on the part of pediatric patients. Limitations of assessing internal psychological states in children are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this essay I reflect on my experience thus far of teaching Islam as a non‐Muslim at Metropolitan State University and at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. I begin by narrating a conversation about conversion that I had with one of my Muslim students. Then I introduce the theme of multiplicity as a way of being, teaching, and learning. The third section illustrates the theme of multiplicity pedagogically with reference to institutional identity, choice of textbooks, topical organization of the course, the “mosque visit” assignment, and class composition and student roles in the classroom. I conclude in the fourth section with personal reflections on multiplicity in relation to credibility and identity, politics and transformation. The essay was inspired by my realization that I embody multiple religious identities, and that one of my purposes is to build community inside and outside the classroom in an effort not only to transcend the tendency of our culture to adopt an essentialist view of Islam as suspect and alien, but also to recover Islam as a universal religion and to consider its agenda for world transformation alongside those of other religions.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated preference for mode of instruction (i.e., visual or vocal) for four children diagnosed with a language-based learning disability. Each participant was an elementary student who was initially referred to a neuropsychology clinic specializing in learning disabilities. As a part of the evaluation, measures of each participant’s academic skills were collected. Following the diagnostic evaluation, each participant was referred to a behavioral psychologist to participate in this two-experiment study. In Experiment 1, preference for mode of instruction was evaluated within a concurrent schedules design across increasing task difficulty. In Experiment 2, changes in preference for mode of instruction following increases in task amount were evaluated via a progressive ratio arrangement within a concurrent schedules design. Results from both experiments showed that preference for mode of instruction can change under high-effort conditions (i.e., task difficulty and task amount).  相似文献   

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