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通识教育的目的在于建立人的主体性,以完成人之自我解放,并与所互为之人文及自然环境建立生存主体性的关系。通识教育可区分为核心课程与一般课程两个层次。伦理是教养之大成,医学伦理是医者把认知、发展与修养在医患关系上的努力。动之以情,说之以理,诉立以法,是通识伦理教育的一般方法。  相似文献   

21世纪是通识教育与专业教育逐步走向综合的世纪,而综合性通识课程内容的构建则是通识课程改革的关键.为了有助于我国医学院校构建综合性通识课程,通过对不同国家和地区综合性通识课程内容的组织、设计和实施的分析,探讨了高等医学院校综合性通识课程内容的构建.  相似文献   

通识教育与文明复兴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通识教育与现代文明 姚中秋(北航高研院):文明视野下通识教育体系之构建 本次会议主题是“通识教育与文明复兴”,当然是指中国文明的复兴.我想讨论的问题是,“文明视野下通识教育体系之构建”.我想回应这样一个主题:在中国文明复兴的历史框架中,大学通识教育教育体系应该是什么样的?这里涉及对中国大趋势的判断,那就是文明复兴.我们在当下讨论所有的问题,尤其是教育问题,都需要置于这样一个框架中思考.  相似文献   

通识教育的渠道主要有家庭模式、社会模式、学校模式。家庭模式和社会模式都不可能提供系统的通识教育内容。我国学校教育自古就有深厚的通识教育传统,现代教育中也不乏通识教育课程,但其"散餐式"模式以及单打独斗的课程生产方式,导致通识教育类课程通常是各说各话,各唱各曲儿,缺少统一规划,内容零散重复不成体系,针对此情形,应从以学生为中心的教学理念出发,尝试构建以"主题→维度→要素"为逻辑关系的三层次套餐式自我塑造系列课程,作为"散餐式"通识教育的补充,"套餐式"通识教育具有其自身的存在价值。  相似文献   

21世纪是通识教育与专业教育逐步走向综合的世纪,而综合性通识课程内容的构建则是通识课程改革的关键。为了有助于我国医学院校构建综合性通识课程,通过对不同国家和地区综合性通识课程内容的组织、设计和实施的分析,探讨了高等医学院校综合性通识课程内容的构建。  相似文献   

市场经济下教育伦理权威的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场经济建立以来,教育伦理权威遇到了严峻的挑战,主要表现为民主化教育与制度化教育权威的矛盾,信息化的发展与学识化权威的矛盾,市场功利化影响与人格化权威的矛盾.以教育价值为先导建立与市场经济相适应的教育伦理理念是教育伦理权威建构的前提,以人人平等的人道主义为理想实现教育公平是教育伦理权威建构的核心,面对市场经济进行教师伦理的重新定位是教育伦理权威建构的基础.  相似文献   

文章主要以通识教育视角下财经类高校美术史类课程体系建设为重点进行阐述,结合当下财经类高校美术史类课程教学现状为依据,首先介绍通识教育概述,其次说明通识教育视角下开设财经类高校美术史类课程的必要性,包括财经类高校层面、学生自身层面,最后从将课堂内容与考古、课外参观相结合,注重美术史课堂中艺术类典型电影的研究,详细讲解与广泛讲解相互融合三个方面深入说明并探讨通识教育视角下财经类高校美术史类课程构建体系有效措施,为相关研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

教育伦理的理念之思,并非一种脱离具体主体性人格和现实情景的抽象玄思,而是有着具体的所指,是基于对教育实践活动之自我纯粹性境界的道德理性诉求与伦理价值期许。面对来自技术、市场和资本等的冲击,现代教育实践和教育理论始终面临着不仅仅基本伦理观念层面的道德困惑与冲突,而且在具体的教育实践活动内部,同样面临着基本伦理价值观念生态(有机)观念的恢复与重建的伦理使命。着眼教育的本质,现代社会的教育伦理观念的建构以及实践展开,必须在反思批判的基础上,结合变动了、变革着的当代世界以及当代中国社会的教育现实,着眼并始终贯彻"教育是通向人类美好生活的通途"之一崇高的教育价值理想,着眼健康生命与健全人格养成,以创制、引领新的文明形态的气度,创建具有典范性、超越性的优良的中国特色的民族化的现代教育伦理文化的高度,切实推定以灵动的整全性生命、丰盈性的精神世界以及健康高尚人格的养成为基本伦理价值追求的"美好生活"本位的现代教育伦理建构以及相应的高远目标的实现。  相似文献   

作为高校素质教育、美育的重要组成部分,艺术团以艺术美陶冶学生的情操、提高学生综合素质、培育学生鉴赏和创造美的能力。在通识教育成为高校发展共识和主流的当下,以通识教育培育全人以及融合艺术、人文和科学的理念,发展艺术团;结合通识教育课程设置,以选修课的形式展开艺术团的练习,将其规范化、制度化,提升为大学教育不可或缺的通识教育课程;运用活动为导向、慕课等通识教育新的教学方法,能够更好地推动高校艺术团美育的展开。  相似文献   

从教育学意义上理解,"医患冲突"现象的发生关乎医患关系主体行为养成的教育环境,其形成是医学伦理教育在育人与形塑社会教育功能上双重阙失的直接后果。"医患冲突"现象折射出当下医学伦理教育存在的诸多问题:"尴尬"的教育定位与关系"错置"、教育"知识化"倾向与能力教育的偏废、理论课程设计不合理与实践课程流于形式、教育方法单一与教学关系的失衡等。以构建和谐医患关系为目标,通过医学伦理教育的再定位、教育模式的转换、课程设计的合理化以及教育方法的创新,可以提升医学伦理教育质量,在一定程度上化解"医患冲突"。  相似文献   

This randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of metacognitive therapy (MCT) and intolerance-of-uncertainty therapy (IUT) for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in an outpatient context. Patients with GAD (N = 126) consecutively referred to an outpatient treatment center for anxiety disorder were randomly allocated to MCT, IUT, or a delayed treatment (DT) condition. Patients were treated individually for up to 14 sessions. Assessments were conducted before treatment (pretreatment), after the last treatment session (posttreatment), and six months after treatment had ended (follow-up). At posttreatment and follow-up assessments, substantial improvements were observed in both treatment conditions across all outcome variables. Both MCT and IUT, but not DT, produced significant reductions in GAD-specific symptoms with large effect sizes (ranging between 0.94 and 2.39) and high proportions of clinically significant change (ranging between 77% and 95%) on various outcome measures, and the vast majority of the patients (i.e., 91% in the MCT group, and 80% in the IUT group) no longer fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for GAD. Results further indicate that MCT produced better results than IUT. This was evident on most outcome measures, and also reflected in effect sizes and degree of clinical response and recovery.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):379-393
The present research aims at defining the process of space appropriation developed by the Technical Institute workers and at appraising its impact on the satisfaction at work. 136 workers answered a questionnaire locating (a) spatial appropriation by using two indicators, the appropriation of the IUT and that of the office and (b) job satisfaction by using two indicators, satisfaction at work and satisfaction related to the workspace. The results underline the differentiated impact of space appropriation on the indicators of satisfaction, in particular pointing at the predicting power of the indicators of space appropriation of the office and the "Environmental Stimulation" dimension of the space appropriation scale on the satisfaction related to the workspace.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a method to supplant missing categorical data by reasonable replacements. These replacements will maximize the consistency of the completed data as measured by Guttman's squared correlation ratio. The text outlines a solution of the optimization problem, describes relationships with the relevant psychometric theory, and studies some properties of the method in detail. The main result is that the average correlation should be at least 0.50 before the method becomes practical. At that point, the technique gives reasonable results up to 10–15% missing data.We thank Anneke Bloemhoff of NIPG-TNO for compiling and making the Dutch Life Style Survey data available to use, and Chantal Houée and Thérèse Bardaine, IUT, Vannes, France, exchange students under the COMETT program of the EC, for computational assistance. We also thank Donald Rubin, the Editors and several anonymous reviewers for constructive suggestions.  相似文献   

Daniel Cohnitz 《Ratio》2016,29(2):202-212
Is moral realism compatible with the existence of moral disagreements? Since moral realism requires that if two persons are in disagreement over some moral question (that has a determinate answer) at least one must be objectively mistaken, it seems difficult to uphold that there can be moral disagreements without fault. Alison Hills argued that moral realism can accommodate such disagreements. Her strategy is to argue that moral reasoners can be faultless in making an objectively false moral judgement if they followed the relevant epistemic norm, i.e. follow your conscience, when making their judgement. I will argue that Hills' strategy does not work. The putative epistemic norm follow your conscience does not trump moral truth, because believing something wrong for the wrong reasons is worse than believing something right for the wrong reasons. 1 1 I would like to thank Alexander Davies, Toomas Lott, Francesco Orsi, the reviewers for Ratio, and the audience at my presentation of an earlier version of this paper at ECAP9 in Bucharest for helpful comments. The research for this paper was supported by the grants IUT20‐5 and ETF9083 of the Estonian Research Council.

Résumé Dans cet article, on s’attache à décrire une expérience d’enseignement à distance biculturelle franco-américaine pendant l’année universitaire 1997/98. Les étudiants d’une classe de 2e année du département GEA (option GAPMO internationale) de l’IUT de Poitiers ont été associés à des étudiants américains de Advanced Technical Studies de l’Université d’Illinois à Carbondale. Deux projets très différents (un par semestre) ont été proposés à ces équipes binationales, le point commun restant l’utilisation du courrier électronique et de la Toile. Au premier semestre, l’objectif fixé par les deux enseignants était la discussion et la résolution en commun d’une étude de cas (à dominante éthique). Le deuxième projet était plus complexe : il s’agissait d’étudier une véritable petite entreprise des environs de Carbondale et d’analyser ses opportunités d’exportation vers l’Europe. Un site a été construit (Poitidale, nom-valise pour Poitiers + Carbondale) où les étudiants des deux bords de l’Atlantique pouvaient se retrouver virtuellement et écrire tous leurs commentaires et propositions. Le site offrait même la possibilité théorique de dialoguer en direct, possibilité qui, compte tenu du décalage horaire et des contraintes de l’emploi du temps, n’a jamais été utilisé. Les difficultés rencontrées pour cette expérience, les réflexions suscitées par les profondes différences culturelles entre les deux populations étudiantes, sont riches d’enseignement et ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes pour d’autres types de collaboration.

David Clarke is the Editor of KT&P and he would like to dedicate this article to his friendship with Jean-Charles Khalifa. Also, thanks to J-C for the précis above and for making helpful suggestions regarding the text (but all errors and rank opinions are my own alone). This article is non-peer reviewed.  相似文献   

日常经验研究:一种独具特色的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日常经验研究是一种通过研究日常生活中各种事件发生时人们的瞬时感受而在自发、自然的情景中对人的心理现象、过程进行探索的方法。其目的是通过获得关于个人日常生活中某些特定事件或特定时刻的详细描述,来提取有关思维、情绪、行为的持久性、周期性、变化以及时间结构等方面的信息,并确定上述因素之间的情境性以及倾向性相关。日常经验研究的价值和意义在于在方法论三角互证原则的指导下,与其他各种方法结合起来,帮助研究者从不同角度理解心理现象及其过程,从而达到最大限度地探索、了解人类心理世界的目的  相似文献   

The author proposes the usefulness of Wilma Bucci's Multiple Code Theory in clarifying some controversial issues in psychoanalytically inspired psychosomatics. Definition of a dialectic among different entities may appear difficult in an unitarian view of the organism, where body and mind are seen as having no kind of intrinsic existence, which may be differentiated from the organism as a whole, but as two categories having to do with the perspective of the observer. This aporia may find a solution in a redefinition of the body-mind relationship as that between symbolic systems and the subsymbolic system, both of which may be viewed as mind or as body depending on the point of observation. Similarly, somatic pathology, if we accept an unitary paradigm, need no longer be viewed as due to an influence of 'mind' on 'body': a definition of pathology as linked to a disconnection between different systems, as found in Bucci's theory, is proposed as a possible solution. Emergence of somatic symptoms, however, besides being witness to disconnection, may be seen as the subsymbolic first expression of an item of content, an attempt at reconnection, as already proposed, in a way, by Winnicott in 1949. This attempt has much better opportunities to succeed when it finds an adequate container, as in analysis. A clinical situation of this kind is presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an interview study of twelve high school teachers to ascertain their general knowledge about adolescents, as well as their knowledge of issues important to adolescents. The results were as follows: (a) teachers lacked knowledge about what adolescents in previous studies have referred to as important issues in their lives; (b) teachers' general knowledge about adolescents was mainly based on experiential, as opposed to theoretical, knowledge; and (c) teachers were not interested in theoretical knowledge about normal adolescent development. These results are discussed in relationship to the Swedish school system, as well as their relationship to teacher training, which traditionally has focused on the what and how aspects of teaching, not on the aspect of whom one is teaching.  相似文献   

Ecofascism as a tradition in Environmental Ethics seems to burgeoning with potential. The roots of Ecofascism can be traced back to the German Romantic School, to the Wagnerian narration of the Nibelungen saga, to the works of Fichte and Herder and, finally, to the so-called volkisch movement. Those who take pride in describing themselves as ecofascists grosso modo tend to prioritize the moral value of the ecosphere, while, at the same time, they almost entirely devalue species and individuals. Additionally, these ecofascists are eager to reject democracy, the idea of progress in its entirety, as well as industrialization and urbanization. They also seem to be hostile towards individual autonomy and free will. In this short essay I will present and discuss Kaarlo Pentti Linkola's approach to environmental ethics, one that could be well described as the epitome of Ecofascism. I will argue that his arguments are neither sound nor documented, and I will conclude that Linkola's overall approach is, in my view, contrary to the purpose as well as to the very essence of morality.  相似文献   

The paper explores the extent to which cultural aspects contribute to the modalities of human relations and consequently to the qualities of the internal objects and the sense of identity. Therapeutic relationships and techniques, as well as the theories on which they are based, are seen as being equally embedded in their cultural context. An encounter with a traditional African healer offers the author, a western trained European analyst, an opportunity to think about similarities and differences in the therapeutic approach to mental distress, as well as in the training of therapists/healers in the two cultures. Special attention is given to the role of ancestor reverence in African culture. The notion of the ancestors is related to what psychoanalysis describes as internal objects. Cultural differences in the role and importance of verbal language in the therapeutic relationship are described, and the importance and meaning of non-verbal forms of communication are explored.  相似文献   

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