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汉语名词特异性损伤的个案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了一例汉语命名性失语症个案,他在口语命名图形与口语产生句子时均表现为对名词的作业能力差于动词,而且这种动-名词分离现象仅局限在语音输出通道上。初步推测,他在语音输出通道存在名词特异性损伤;动、名词信息的表征具有相对独立性;词汇与句子水平的损伤彼此对应。  相似文献   

动、名词损伤的脑功能性定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动词与名词之间的差异近年来已引起认知心理学家、心理语言学家和神经语言学家的广泛兴趣。本文从神经语言学角度出发,以Levelt的语言产生模型为框架,对词语加工哪一水平上的损伤会导致动词和名词分离的研究进行了综述和评价。  相似文献   

语义范畴特异性损伤的理论研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在对人类认知机制的研究中,以患者为研究对象是最近兴起的一种重要的认知神经科学手段.期间,人们发现有些脑损伤患者具有语义范畴特异性损伤现象,即表现出对个别语义范畴的认知能力相对较弱.这一奇特现象的发现,为研究人类的语义记忆系统的结构和功能开辟了一个全新的领域.该文着重介绍了这一现象及其引发的4种新的语义记忆理论,从而对人类的语义记忆作出重新审视.  相似文献   

儿童早期词汇获得存在词类差异,很多语言中名词比例都要高于其他词类,因此一些研究者提出“名词优势”理论。但是,一些对汉语和韩语的研究发现,儿童早期获得的动词比例与名词没有显著差异,甚至高于名词,同时汉语和韩语动词比例也远大于英语动词比例。针对不同语言儿童早期获得的动、名词比例差异现象,研究者认为语言结构特征和成人对孩子的言语输入可以解释不同语言儿童早期词汇中动、名词比例的差异,其中成人言语中词类的频率、单词位置、词形变化复杂性和语用等因素都会影响儿童早期词汇获得。此外,不同的词汇测量方法、观察情境、词类定义、词汇量水平、单词理解与说出也会造成不同研究结果之间的差异  相似文献   

语法语境下汉语名动分离的ERP研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用ERP技术,从语法角度,通过词语搭配判断任务,考察汉语名词和动词加工的脑神经机制。实验结果显示,在适合的语法语境中,名词、动词和动名兼类词所诱发出ERP差异主要反应在P200、N400和P600三个ERP成分上。在正确的语境中,名词诱发出更大的P200,而动词则诱发出比名词更大的N400和减小的P600;当动名兼类词分别用作名词和动词时,虽然二者的N400没有显著差异,但前者诱发出一个增大的P600。根据实验结果认为:汉语名词和动词具有不同的神经表征和加工机制,名词和动词的语法功能在汉语名动分离中起了重要的作用  相似文献   

夏全胜  彭刚石锋 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1333-1340
将ERP技术和半视野技术相结合,采用词汇判断任务,对汉语名词、动词和动名兼类词在左脑和右脑中的加工机制进行了考察。实验结果显示,名词和动词的N400仅在左视野/右脑存在差异,名词和动词的N400在左视野/右脑和右视野/左脑中都比偏(动)和偏(名)更负。不同词类的LPC在右视野/左脑中没有显著差异;偏(名)和偏(动)的LPC在左视野/右脑中比名词和动词更正。实验结果表明,在没有语境条件下,汉语名词和动词的差异主要在具体性上,动名兼类词体现出不同于名词、动词的加工机制。  相似文献   

孙沛 《心理科学》1999,22(1):90-91
0引言健忘症病人(amnesicpatients)是人类记忆研究对象的重要组成部分。对其进行研究,一方面可以验证有关正常记忆理论的正确性和适用性,同时其特异性现象还可以促使新理论的产生;另一方面,对其进行研究还可以为临床诊断和治疗提供心理依据。阿尔兹海默氏病患者是健忘症病人中的主要类型,目前对阿尔兹海默氏病患者的研究呈增长趋势。阿尔兹海默氏病(Alzheimer’sdisease),或更准确地称为阿尔兹海默氏型痴呆,是40岁以上人群易患的疾病,由德国神经病理学家AloisAlzheimer于19…  相似文献   

范畴特异性损伤与人脑中一般知识的组织   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张亚旭  周晓林  闵宝权  贾建平 《心理科学》2003,26(4):698-700,697
1 引言 记忆是多层面的。根据记忆中所存储的材料的性质,人类记忆可分为情节记忆和语义记忆。其中,语义记忆是指被组织起来的、关于世界的一般知识。人脑中一般知识如何组织,是当前认知神经科学争论的热点问题之一。脑损伤病人身上所观察到的语义记忆损伤模式,为回答这一问题提供了难得的机会。  相似文献   

白利莉  陈宝国 《心理科学》2011,34(2):343-347
采用词类判断任务,考察汉语单字词的习得年龄对词类信息加工的影响。实验材料采用了习得年龄不同的名词和动词,结果显示,汉字习得年龄对词类判断的反应时有显著的预测作用。研究结果表明,汉字习得年龄影响汉字词类信息的提取,即早期习得的汉字被试更容易提取其词类信息;研究结果从新的角度支持了任意映射假设对词汇习得年龄效应的解释。  相似文献   

网络游戏成瘾对人类认知功能的损伤日益成为研究焦点之一。采用注意焦点转换任务,分别要求网络游戏成瘾被试与正常被试在工作记忆的语音环内、视空画板内及语音环——视空画板间进行注意焦点转换,然后比较两组被试在各转换任务中转换代价的差异,来探讨网络游戏成瘾者的注意焦点转换功能是否受损以及受损的特征。结果发现网络游戏成瘾组被试在视空画板内进行注意焦点转换时比对照组被试表现出更大的转换代价,而在其他两种转换任务中则没有发现组间差异。此结果表明网络游戏成瘾者的注意转换功能受到特异性损伤。  相似文献   

攻击型受欺儿童的社会行为与心理调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张增修 《心理科学》2003,26(4):650-653
本文通过对488名上海市小学四五六年级学生,采用同伴提名、教师评定、自我评定以及假设情境测验等方法,确定了攻击型受欺者,并考察了性别差异、社会行为特点、心理调节等方面。研究发现,在中国的文化背景下可以通过同伴提名的方法来确定攻击型受欺者,在性别上同样存在明显差异;攻击型受欺儿童明显具有同伴拒绝、缺乏自信心、有孤独感等社会行为特征;攻击型受欺者在社会认知上存在心理失调,表现在社会归因和应对风格上;同伴友谊是影响同伴受欺状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

Productivity is a central concept in the study of language and language acquisition. As a test case for exploring the notion of productivity, we focus on the noun slots of verb frames, such as __want__, __see__, and __get__. We develop a novel combination of measures designed to assess both the flexibility and creativity of use in these slots. We do so using a rigorously controlled sample of child speech and child directed speech from three English‐speaking children between the ages of 2–3 years and their caregivers. We find different levels of creativity and flexibility between the adult and child samples for some measures, for some slots, and for some developmental periods. We discuss these differences in the context of verb frame semantics, conventionality versus creativity and child errors, and draw some tentative conclusions regarding developmental changes in children's early grammatical representations.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the effect of word category in noun and verb processing reflects typical word class properties, which can be characterized in terms of semantic as well as syntactic and morphological features. The present study is aimed at differentiating and discussing the relative contribution of these aspects with a main focus on syntactic and morphological processing. Experiment 1 established a processing advantage for nouns in German visual lexical decision, using nouns denoting biological and man-made objects as compared to transitive and intransitive verbs. Experiment 2 showed that the noun advantage persisted even when the morphological differences between word categories were reduced by using identical suffixes in nouns and verbs. Overall results suggest that the processing differences cannot be reduced to variables such as frequency, word form, or morphological complexity. Reaction time differences between transitive and intransitive verbs strengthen the role of syntactic information. In line with previous accounts the observed effects are discussed in terms of a category-specific combination of linguistic parameters.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence showing that the human sentence processor is guided by lexical preferences in resolving syntactic ambiguities. Several types of preferences have been identified, including morphological, syntactic, and semantic ones. However, the literature fails to provide a uniform account of what lexical preferences are and how they should be measured. The present paper provides evidence for the view that lexical preferences are records of prior linguistic experience. We show that a type of lexial syntactic preference, viz., verb biases as measured by norming experiments, can be approximated by verb frame frequencies extracted from a large, balanced corpus using computational learning techniques.  相似文献   

Background: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) has been shown to be an effective treatment for specific phobia in youth, but not all affected seek or receive treatment. Internet-delivered CBT could be a way to increase the availability of empirically supported treatments. Aims: An open trial was conducted to evaluate Internet-delivered CBT for children with specific phobia. Method: Children (N = 30) aged 8–12, and their parents, with a principal diagnosis of specific phobia were recruited through media advertisement. Participants received six weeks of Internet-delivered CBT with therapist support. The treatment was aimed for the parents and the children, with the first part being only for the parents. The primary outcome measure was the Clinician Severity Rating (CSR), and secondary measures included clinician-rated global functioning and child- and parent-reported anxiety and quality of life. All assessments were made at pretreatment, posttreatment, and three-month follow-up. Results: At posttreatment, there were significant reductions on the CSR, with a large within-group effect size (Cohen's d = 1.0) and 35% of children no longer meeting criteria for specific phobia. Self-report measures from parents and children showed significant effects on anxiety, with small to moderate effect sizes. Effects were maintained at three-month follow-up. Conclusions: Results show that Internet-delivered CBT with therapist support for children with specific phobia has the potential to reduce symptom severity. Randomized controlled trials are needed to further evaluate this treatment format.  相似文献   

本研究目的是考察词汇获得年龄(早与晚)这一因素对物体图画和动作图画命名是否产生了不同的影响。采用物体图画和动作图画命名任务,发现:(1)相比于物体图画命名,动作图画命名的反应时更长,表明动词的产生更为复杂。(2)在物体图画命名任务中,与晚获得词相比,早获得的词产生速度更快;相比而言,在动作图画命名中,晚获得词比早获得词的反应时更短,反应速度更快。基于分析和讨论,我们认为Ao A效应可能发生在图画命名过程中的词汇水平,而非概念水平或反应输出阶段。  相似文献   

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