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采用扎根理论方法,通过深度访谈、查询检索,收集服刑人员谈话派生资料(n=13),通过三级编码分析、构建理论, 探索服刑人员从犯罪到守法的重塑法治价值观过程。结果显示,服刑人员心理变化分四阶段:1)接受期,认清身份,端正态度;2)积累期,学法习德,修正扭曲;3)转变期,反思总结,守法自新;4)拓展期,延伸法治,规划未来。通过管教民警引导,服刑人员联系亲情逐渐修正扭曲价值观,实现守法自新的转变。  相似文献   

The case for qualitative research in psychology is considered. We argue against the idea that qualitative research is merely a matter of technique or method, and question the utility of viewing it as a unitary paradigm. Rather, the links between epistemology, methodology, and method are explored within three theorized strands of qualitative inquiry, making reference to illustrative projects. Each strand is organized around a different approach to the issues of justifying and warranting psychological knowledge: (1) reliability and validity; (2) generativity and grounding; and (3) discourse and reflexivity. These are exemplified in Miles and Huberman's ‘data display’ model, Glaser and Strauss' method of ‘grounded theory’, and in various forms of ‘discourse’ analysis. Reflections upon points of contact between the three strands address two main issues: (1) rendering research publicly accountable; and (2) challenging relativism.  相似文献   

A response equivalent to ‘inspection time’ (IT) was developed using a reaction time task in which Ss were required to respond as quickly and accurately as possible to whichever one of two lights appeared on each of a number of trials. The appearance of the lights was followed on all trials by a backward mask. IT was estimated for each S as the shortest duration between the onsets of the light and the backward mask at which the S could respond accurately on virtually every trial. An estimate of ‘responding time’ was then made by setting the duration between the stimulus onset and the mask to each S's individual IT and gradually reducing the time between trials so that Ss had less and less time in which to respond correctly. Responding time was taken to be the shortest such interval at which the S could respond accurately on virtually every trial. This measure was found to be reliable although quantitatively different estimates were obtained using two different methods of presenting the stimulus trials. Responding time was longer for a group of lower-intelligence Ss than for a group of higher-intelligence Ss and the measure was also found to correlate with measured intelligence in the former group. However, it did not itself correlate significantly with IT suggesting that responding time and IT may be measuring different underlying processes.  相似文献   

A qualitative model is constructed for adaptive processes and, in particular, for Piaget's theory of cognitive development. One of its main features is to describe the threshold period between stages of development. The basic approach is to isolate some general properties of Piaget's theory, and then use Thom's catastrophe theory as the major tool to obtain a geometric representation for a certain aspect of this theory.  相似文献   

A componential model for mental addition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A componential model capable of representing simple and complex forms of mental addition was proposed and then tested by using chronometric techniques. A sample of 23 undergraduate students responded to 800 addition problems in a true-false reaction time paradigm. The 800 problems comprised 200 problems of each of four types: two single-digit addends, one single- and one double-digit addend, two double-digit addends, and three single-digit addends. The results revealed that the columnwise product of addends, a structural variable consistent with a memory network retrieval process, was the best predictor of mental addition for each of the four types of problem. Importantly, the componential model allowed estimation of effects of several other structural variables, e.g., carrying to the next column and speed of encoding of digits. High levels of explained variance verified the power of the model to represent the reaction time data, and the stability of estimates across types of problem implied consistent component use by subjects. Implications for research on mental addition are discussed.  相似文献   

Letters were tachistoscopically presented in pairs to the left or right of fixation for 40 msec. The pair consisted of a target letter (B, D, P, or T) and a noise letter (all other letters of the alphabet except I), with the noise letter appearing either to the inside or the outside of the stimulus letter. S’s task was to report verbally the target letter as fast as possible. Reaction times and number of errors indicated that there was more interference when the noise letter occurred further from the fixation point than the target letter for both the left and right visual field. Since a reading scan cannot account for the results in the right visual field, an outside-toward-fixation scan is proposed. An analysis of the different kinds of errors indicated that the outside to fixation scan is more primitive than the reading scan in that it produces less detailed information about the letters than does the reading scan.  相似文献   

There is an expanding literature on the psychological and relationship effects of positive disclosure, whereby people who disclose about good things that happen to them benefit from this disclosure. Extending this research, we focused on what people identify as positive information about themselves and why they disclose this content to others. College students (190 men and 219 women) described what they considered to be a positive experience, feeling, or private aspect of themselves and whether or not they had disclosed this information to close others (mother, father, same-sex friend, and dating/intimate partner). They also described their reasons for disclosing and/or not disclosing to these relationship targets. Based on participants’ open-ended responses, we constructed taxonomies of positive information about the self and the reasons for and against disclosing this content. The research documents how different relationship contexts affect the disclosure of positive information and the reasons for these disclosure decisions.  相似文献   

The paced serial addition task is reminiscent of a series of tasks studied in the later 1950s which were concerned with recall under conditions of pacing. The information processing operations in this task are completed in about a second and the paradigm allows a large amount of data to be collected in a short time. Group performance shows a primacy effect lasting a few seconds followed by a steady state. In this paper, a model is developed for steady-state performance consisting of continuous time and discrete components that generalize to a semi-Markov model. The model accounts for results from the two experiments presented and deviations of the model from the data point out distinct strategies being employed by the subject. The components of the model have direct psychological interpretation and allow many of the processes underlying performance to be specified.  相似文献   

若水 《中国道教》2005,(2):39-41
一李唐王朝被称作老子李耳的后代,道教被定为国教,并以此作为唐高宗、太宗的既定国策。此时的学术思潮以扶持道教为重点,同时尊崇儒学,道、儒配合联同反佛。许多有才能的知识分子天性向道以及“寒窗苦读”的儒生之路不足以实现青云直上的人生超越,便采取“终南捷径”的方式,隐居从道。此时上至卿相重臣如贺知章,下至绝代诗人李太白皆是如此……不难看出道学壮大的声势。道教之影响在绘画上,出现“道释人物”一科;音乐上《玄真道曲》、《大罗天曲》大盛;文学上诗人与道士往来唱和,著名道教理论家司马承祯、李白、孟浩然、王维、贺知章等有“…  相似文献   

The apparent size of squares was determined as a function of physical area and of surface complexity using the method of magnitude estimation. Apparent area increases as a power function of physical area with a slope of about 0.90. The judged areas also increased as a function of complexity of patterns upon the surface, the most complex surfaces being judged approximately 30% larger than the most simple surfaces.  相似文献   

西安市万寿八仙宫属全国道教重点宫观,陕西省第一批重点文物保护单位。目前,宫观总建筑面积一万多平方米,住观道士38人,外聘员工35名。八仙宫一直秉承道教传统的丛林管理体制。  相似文献   

Kraft, Pratt and Seidenberg (Ann. Math. Statist. 30 (1959) 408) provided an infinite set of axioms which, when taken together with de Finetti's axiom, gives a necessary and sufficient set of “cancellation” conditions for representability of an ordering relation on subsets of a set by an order-preserving probability measure. Fishburn (1996) defined f(n) to be the smallest positive integer k such that every comparative probability ordering on an n-element set which satisfies the cancellation conditions C4,…,Ck is representable. By the work of Kraft, Pratt, and Seidenberg (1959) and Fishburn (J. Math. Psychol. 40 (1996) 64; J. Combin. Design 5 (1997) 353), it is known that n-1?f(n)?n+1 for all n?5. Also Fishburn proved that f(5)=4, and conjectured that f(n)=n-1 for all n?5. In this paper we confirm that f(6)=5, but give counter-examples to Fishburn's conjecture for n=7, showing that f(7)?7. We summarise, correct and extend many of the known results on this topic, including the notion of “almost representability”, and offer an amended version of Fishburn's conjecture.  相似文献   

ObjectiveIn this qualitative longitudinal study we assess the retirement process of Olympic athletes. We aim to evaluate the influence that following a dual career or being exclusively focused on sport can have in this process. We compare athletes' prospective views before retirement (Torregrosa, Boixadós, Valiente, & Cruz, 2004) with their retrospective accounts ten years later. This allows us to assess athletes' accuracy in predicting the process and its outcomes in relation to the trajectory followed.DesignWe designed a qualitative longitudinal study (Epstein, 2002) conducting semi-structured interviews.MethodFifteen Olympic athletes were interviewed twice. Thematic analysis was performed on the qualitative data comparing prospective views and retrospective accounts of: (a) retirement planning, (b) voluntary termination, (c), multiple personal identities, (d) availability of social support, and (e) active coping strategies.ResultsTen athletes reported positive transitions related to their favorable approach to the five categories above. Most athletes reporting positive transitions followed dual careers (i.e., parallel or convergent trajectories). Five out of fifteen athletes reported unexpected difficulties in the transition. Four of these followed a linear trajectory during their sporting career. A clear view of retirement in the prospective interviews also facilitated retirement for an athlete following a linear trajectory. While a diffuse view of retirement in the prospective interview signaled future difficulties.ConclusionResults from this qualitative longitudinal study suggest that promoting dual careers in elite sport and working on the prospective view of retirement can facilitate retirement from elite sport and the transition to an alternative professional career.  相似文献   

C-quence is a software application that matches sequential patterns of qualitative data specified by the user and calculates the rate of occurrence of these patterns in a data set. Although it was designed to facilitate analyses of face-to-face interaction, it is applicable to any data set involving categorical data and sequential information. C-quence queries are constructed using a graphical user interface. The program does not limit the complexity of the sequential patterns specified by the user.  相似文献   

This article is a commentary on ‘Assessing ‘good’ qualitative research in the work psychology field: A narrative analysis’ (Cassell & Symon, 2011) and a response to two other commentaries (Hickson, 2011; Locke, 2011).  相似文献   

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