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Trypophobia is a common but unusual phobia that is induced by viewing many clustered objects. Previous studies suggested that this trypophobia is caused by the specific power spectrum of the images; this idea has not been fully investigated empirically. In the present study, we used breaking continuous flash suppression (b-CFS) to clarify whether the trypophobic images affect access to visual awareness, and what features of trypophobic images contribute to rapid access of awareness. In the b-CFS paradigms, a dynamic masking pattern presented to one eye suppresses the target images shown to the other eye. The participants’ task was to indicate where the target image appeared in a dichoptic display through a mirror stereoscope. The target images consisted of trypophobic, fear-related, clusters or neutral images. The trypophobic images emerged into awareness faster than the other types of images. However, the phase-scrambled versions of the trypophobic images did not show any differences across the image types, suggesting that the trypophobic power spectra themselves did not affect access to awareness. Moreover, the phase-scrambled trypophobic images without CFS tended to be detected earlier than the phase-scrambled fearful and neutral images. These findings indicate that trypophobic power spectra might affect post-perceptual processing, such as response production.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a debate on whether visual patterns can be transformed and reinterpreted in mental imagery. In the present study, task demands and age of subjects were manipulated to see whether children and adults were able to discover a novel visual pattern after transforming a mental image. Two tasks, called combination and subtraction, were devised. They consist of either compounding or taking away parts of images to discover a new construal. Results indicate that not only adults, but also children aged 6 and 10, are able to transform a mental image so as to yield another image with a different interpretation. Task demands had a greater effect on children than adults, consistent with the suggestion that the ease of manipulating mental images is a function of the efficiency of control processes.  相似文献   

Deficits in the mental rotation of body parts and of external objects can be doubly dissociated (Rumiati, Tomasino, Vorano, Umiltà, & De Luce, 2001; Sirigu & Duhamel, 2001; Tomasino, Rumiati, & Umità, in press). The aim of this study was to replicate this finding and to then investigate the relevance of the specific hemispheres in these deficits. Nine patients with unilateral lesions (five in the Left Hemisphere and four in the Right) and 20 control subjects, performed a single task requiring mental rotation of hands, and two tasks requiring mental rotation of external objects. RH patients were impaired in the rotation of external objects, but showed intact performance on the rotation of hands; the opposite pattern was found for LH patients. These results support the view that the LH contributes to the mental rotation of hands, recruiting processes specific to motor preparation, while the RH is specialized for mental rotation of external objects.  相似文献   

Gaze was monitored by use of an infrared remote eye-tracker during perception and imagery of geometric forms and figures of animals. Based on the idea that gaze prioritizes locations where features with high information content are visible, we hypothesized that eye fixations should focus on regions that contain one or more local features that are relevant for object recognition. Most importantly, we predicted that when observers looked at an empty screen and at the same time generated a detailed visual image of what they had previously seen, their gaze would probabilistically dwell within regions corresponding to the original positions of salient features or parts. Correlation analyses showed positive relations between gaze’s dwell time within locations visited during perception and those in which gaze dwelled during the imagery generation task. Moreover, the more faithful an observer’s gaze enactment, the more accurate was the observer’s memory, in a separate test, of the dimension or size in which the forms had been perceived. In another experiment, observers saw a series of pictures of animals and were requested to memorize them. They were then asked later, in a recall phase, to answer a question about a property of one of the encoded forms; it was found that, when retrieving from long-term memory a previously seen picture, gaze returned to the location of the part probed by the question. In another experimental condition, the observers were asked to maintain fixation away from the original location of the shape while thinking about the answer, so as to interfere with the gaze enactment process; such a manipulation resulted in measurable costs in the quality of memory. We conclude that the generation of mental images relies upon a process of enactment of gaze that can be beneficial to visual memory.  相似文献   

The research reported in the present article investigates whether information is represented the same way in both visual mental imagery and the early phases of visual perception. In Experiment 1, the same participants scanned over patterns of dots in a mental image (with images based on a just-seen pattern), during perception, and in an iconic image. The time to scan increasing distances increased at comparable rates in the three tasks. However, in Experiment 2, when mental images were created from information stored in long-term memory, participants scanned more slowly in the mental image condition. Nevertheless, the rates of scanning in the perceptual tasks were highly correlated with the rates of scanning in the imagery tasks in both experiments. The results provide evidence that mental images and perceived stimuli are represented similarly and can be processed in the same way.  相似文献   

Mental image generation is a complex process mediated by dynamically interrelated components, e.g. image generation and image enrichment of details. This study investigated the cognitive and neural correlates of sequential image generation. An event-related fMRI experiment was carried out in which general and specific images had to be generated sequentially in two different positions. Participants had to generate either a general image first and then a specific one or a specific image first and then a general one, in response to the same word-stimulus. Generation times showed that specific images took shorter to be produced if they had been preceded by the generation of a general image. The fMRI results showed that position of generation and type of image was associated with different patterns of neurofunctional change. When an image was generated as first, areas of activation were found in the parahippocampal, fusiform and occipital regions. These are areas associated with memory retrieval and visual processing. When an image was generated as second, significant activations were found in superior temporal and precuneus areas, brain structures that are involved in the storage of visual memory for object shapes and imagery, respectively. The generation of a general image was supported by frontal areas and by the precuneus. The generation of a specific image involved frontal and thalamic areas (structures associated with visual processing of details) and the posterior cingulate cortex. When shifting from a specific image to a general one, a higher level of activity was found in the middle frontal gyrus involved in global visuo-spatial processing, suggesting that the generation of specific images required the retrieval of an object’s global shape. Altogether, these data suggest that the sequential generation of different types of image is associated with discrete processes but also shares common cognitive and neural components.  相似文献   

Imagery is a multi-componential process involving different mental operations. This paper addresses whether separate processes underlie the generation, maintenance and transformation of mental images or whether these cognitive processes rely on the same mental functions. We also examine the influence of age on these mental operations for independence of components. In Experiment 1, younger (22 years) and older (69 years) adults generated and maintained general, specific, contextual and autobiographical visual mental images evoked in response to concrete nouns. The older adults had longer generation times, but there was no difference between the two groups on maintenance. Both groups had shortest generation and maintenance times for general images, whereas only the older adults took longest in generating autobiographical images. In Experiment 2, the total maintenance time and number of transformations for each type of image were compared in another group of younger and older adults. General images were less transformed and more subject to decay for both groups. The older people maintained the autobiographical mental images for longest compared to other image types. In conclusion, image generation, maintenance and transformation seem to be differently affected by type of image and aging, supporting a model of their cognitive segregation.  相似文献   

Using a temporal integration task, subjects in 5 experiments were expected to combine information from temporally separated visual presentations. Evidence from these experiments indicated that perceptual information can be integrated with previously generated and currently maintained visual images to form a representation that contains information from each source. Properties and limitations of this integration process were also explored, including the time required to generated the image, the speed at which percepts were integrated with images, and the capacity of the representation. Implications for theories of visual processing and memory are discussed.  相似文献   

How information is represented in visual images was explored in five experiments where subjects judged whether or not various properties were appropriate for given animals. It took more time to evaluate an animal when the subjective image of it was small, whether size was manipulated directly or indirectly (e.g., by having a target animal imaged at the correct relative size next to an elephant or a fly). More time also was required if the animal was imaged in a relatively “complex” environment (next to 4 vs. 2 digits painted on an imaginary wall, or next to a 16 cell vs. 4 cell matrix). Finally, subjectively larger images required more time to evoke than smaller images. These results support a constructivist notion of imagery, and the idea that images may act as ‘analogues’ to percepts.  相似文献   

The study reported here considers the effect of rotation on the decision time taken to compare nonrigid objects, presented as like and unlike pairs of knots and unknots. The results for 48 subjects, 21 to 45 years old, support the notion that images which have a characteristic 'foundation part' are more easily stored and accessed in the brain. Also, there is evidence that the comparison of deformable objects is processed by mental strategies other than self-evident mental rotation.  相似文献   

Mental images seem to have a size; the experimental problem was to map that image size onto a scale of physical measurement. To this end, two experiments were conducted to measure the size of mental images in degrees of visual angle. In Experiment 1, college students employed light pointers to indicate the horizontal extent of projected mental images of words (the letter string, not the referent). Imagined words covered about 1.0 degress of visual angle per letter. In Experiment 2, a more objective eye-movement response was used to measure the visual angle size of imagined letter strings. Visual angle of eye movement was found to increase regularly as the letter distance between the fixation point and a probed letter position increased. Each letter occupied about 2.5 degrees of visual angle for the four-letter strings in the control/default size condition. Possible relations between eye movements and images are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent developments in modeling image discrimination by feature analytic and frequency selective methods are discussed. Some issues relating to the design of two-dimensional spatial frequency filters are developed within the context of two experiments on texture discrimination using artificial and naturally occurring textures. Results of these experiments indicate that, given an adequately formulated relationship between spatial frequency and orientation tuning parameters of the filter, one can predict a variety of texture discriminations using only amplitude-specific models. Finally, guidelines are established for ascertaining when phase transmission characteristics do become critical in two-dimensional image processing by the human observer.  相似文献   

Preferences for faces are thought to be the result of either general adaptations for mate selection, and thus influenced by sexual dimorphism, or mechanisms of general information processing and thus nonspecific to faces. If mate choice determines face preference then it should follow that the sex of a face should affect attractiveness judgements. To test this idea we used image morphing to generate three versions of face images: original, opposite sex, and antiface. First we established that the sex of the face was identifiable in our images. We then collected attractiveness ratings for the three face types. We found that attractiveness ratings to the original faces were correlated with, and did not differ significantly between, ratings to the opposite-sex faces. However, ratings for either the original or opposite face types were not correlated with and were significantly lower than ratings to the antifaces. Our findings failed to support the idea that attractiveness is related to sexual dimorphism in faces alone but suggest instead that other more generic factors influence preferences for all faces.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that visual information can be integrated over a relatively long delay (> 1500 ms) to form a more complete representation (image-percept integration). The current studies investigated whether this process can occur between stimuli that differ in their spatial properties. Participants viewed two dot arrays that filled all but one space in a square or rectangular grid when combined, and reported the missing space. The arrays differed either in size or orientation. Performance reached a comparable level as when spatial properties were matched. However, such performance depends on at least two processes. We suggest an early encoding process and a later image formation/spatial attention reallocation process are required. The flexibility of the image-percept integration process suggests a strong mechanism to form more complete or detailed representations over time, even when the retinal size and orientation of the scene may change between successive views.  相似文献   

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