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We study filters in residuated structures that are associated with congruence relations (which we call -filters), and develop a semantical theory for general substructural logics based on the notion of primeness for those filters. We first generalize Stone’s sheaf representation theorem to general substructural logics and then define the primeness of -filters as being “points” (or stalkers) of the space, the spectrum, on which the representing sheaf is defined. Prime FL-filters will turn out to coincide with truth sets under various well known semantics for certain substructural logics. We also investigate which structural rules are needed to interpret each connective in terms of prime -filters in the same way as in Kripke or Routley-Meyer semantics. We may consider that the set of the structural rules that each connective needs in this sense reflects the difficulty of giving the meaning of the connective. A surprising discovery is that connectives , ⅋ of linear logic are linearly ordered in terms of the difficulty in this sense. Presented by Wojciech Buszkowski  相似文献   

本文首先考察了朋友概念的历史变化,然后比较了友爱和仁两个基本概念,这些是全文的铺垫。本文主要从“信”和“乐”两个方面比较了孔子与亚里士多德的朋友观。“信”为友道之基,这是《论语》强调“信”的原因所在;亚里士多德认为不同类型的朋友“信”的情况不同,有的无“信”可言,有的靠法律来保证,有的靠道德来保证,有的则是朋友本身应有之义。朋友为人类生活带来快乐,孔子认为这种快乐是“仁道之乐”;亚里士多德认为是“理性之乐”。比较有助于我们认识两位大师的伦理、政治以及哲学思想。  相似文献   

The innovative features of multi-player computer games offer compelling opportunities for self-representation during interactions, and the ways in which these avatars are chosen and manipulated may change interactive experiences. This study investigated the effects of avatar choice (choice vs. no choice) and visual point of view (POV; first-person vs. third-person) on the physiological arousal and subjective evaluations of game experiences. A 2 (Avatar Choice, No Avatar Choice) × 2 (first-person POV, third-person POV) × 2 (female players, male players) mixed-design experiment was conducted (N = 22). The results demonstrated that being able to pick the character that will represent the player in the game leads to greater arousal, especially for males. Visual POVs alone did not affect the game player's arousal, but moderated the effect of avatar choice on the game player's heart rates. Avatar choice produced a more pronounced effect in the third-person POV (where the “camera” was located behind the avatar) in which avatar choice was visually more reinforced than in the first-person POV (where the “camera” was the eyes of the avatar). The results also revealed that the gender of the game player was a significant factor in game play experience. The results suggest theoretical implications of video game self-representation and effects on game player's psychophysiological responses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show connections between Wittgenstein's approach to philosophy and the writings on religion of two authors whom we know Wittgenstein read and admired: William James and Leo Tolstoy. Wittgenstein stresses certain attitudes toward philosophical ‘problems’ which resemble the attitudes that James and Tolstoy connect with religious faith. There are also similarities of phrases and expressions. It is not possible to say that these writers influenced the way Wittgenstein regarded philosophy, but it suggests that he recognized the similarities between their approaches and his despite the differences in subject. Consequently it helps to clarify why he would speak of his approach to problems as being from ‘a religious point of view’ even though its orientation is not specifically religious.  相似文献   

To broadly communicate our view of the unity of psychology, the standpoint of recognized cross-cultural and diverse national psychologists is reviewed. Unity is analyzed internationally in terms of: (a) educational programme contents; (b) levels of training; (c) applications; (d) politics; (e) statutory objectives; and (f) theoretical models. Neither practical nor theoretical issues need disrupt this unity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a critical classification of contemporary constructivist orientations. Our fundamental theoretical reference is the notion of genesis, understood as the construction of reality in a way that is neither relativist nor positivist-realist. We identify a nucleus of classic, genetic constructivism that revolves around the ideas of Baldwin, Piaget and Vygotsky and discuss two tendencies that distort the spirit of that nucleus: objectivism and subjectivism. Objectivism rules out the psychological, constructive activity of the subject, subordinating (or just reducing) it to objective structures either from nature (like genetic endowment or neural functioning), or from culture (like language or social practices). Subjectivism completely detaches the objectivity of knowledge from its construction on the part of the subject, reducing it to the mere product of individual interest, view, or irrationality. Thus, subjectivism is the non-constructive way to conceive the subject. Then, we attempt to show the dialectics that exists between these two tendencies and the scope of our criteria by analysing a representative (non exhaustive) group of authors who are defined as constructivists or who bring important elements to the debate about constructivism.  相似文献   

Sober  Elliott 《Philosophical Studies》1999,95(1-2):135-174
Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

拖延行为在日常生活中非常普遍,给人们的学习、生活带来不利影响。本文阐述了拖延的概念和性质,结合精神分析理论,从冲突、焦虑、防御机制和本能等几个方面对消极拖延行为进行分析,旨在为拖延行为的干预提供借鉴。  相似文献   

编辑职业道德:从经济学的角度审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,人们从各个角度来谈论职业道德,试医用各种理论来解释职业道德。在一个以经济发展为驱动力和刚刚转轨的社会中,我们不妨从经济学的角度来剖析编辑职业道德,也许更有意义。  相似文献   

For three decades nondirectiveness has served as the central ethos for genetic counseling. It has evolved from narrow definitions defining what should not be done to broad definitions that promote active counseling skills in support of client autonomy and informed decision making. As broad definitions have been formulated, the term nondirective has become largely irrelevant to their content; it persists primarily as a historic relic. It has thus become an impediment to creative theory and clinical practice. I propose that nondirectiveness be replaced as the central ethos, while relevant components (providing balanced information, not imposing the counselor's values) are retained as elements of practice and ethics. This raises the question of what principle(s) should be adopted as a new guiding ethos. To promote a discussion of that issue I propose that the central ethos of genetic counseling should be to bring the psychosocial component into every aspect of the work.  相似文献   

体育运动中“兴奋剂使用”的伦理思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
兴奋剂使用已经成为现代体育运动 ,特别是高水平体育运动与竞赛中最大的问题。由于兴奋剂使用的历史时期长 ,使用背景复杂 ,使用药物和技术日益高科技化 ,国际反兴奋剂使用的斗争面临许多的困难。虽然“反”和“堵”是世界体坛的主旋律 ,但也不乏建议“堵”与“疏”并举的声音。然而 ,它们都面临着伦理学的追问和反思。从兴奋剂何以进入伦理学思考的源头开始 ,寻找现代及未来体育的价值根据和行为准则 ,正视体育运动的层次性和领域分化与拓展的事实 ,人类或许在不久的将来能够运用科技和伦理的双层智慧 ,超越或化解兴奋剂使用和反使用的矛盾。  相似文献   


Adult Canadians (N = 120) evaluated criteria of ownership by two tasks. The first was listing exemplars of things owned and things not owned and then rating applicability of criteria to exemplars. The second was judging the strength of criteria as general arguments for ownership. Cluster analysis suggested that free-recall exemplars of property were selected by four principal types of criteria: (a) control criteria (POSSESSION, ASSERTION, TERRITORIALITY) referring to the regulation of social access to the property, (b) attachment criteria (FAMILIARITY, KNOWLEDGE, AESTHETICS, UTILITY) expressing the psychological proximity of the owner to the property, (c) consumer criteria (PURCHASE, HISTORY, DESIRE) reflecting important purchases, and (d) special-acquisitions criteria (GIFT, CRAFTING). By the judgement task, only means-of-acquisition criteria (PURCHASE, CRAFTING, GIFT) were valued as strong arguments for ownership.


In this paper, we propose a game semantics for the (associative) Lambek calculus. Compared to the implicational fragment of intuitionistic propositional calculus, the semantics deals with two features of the logic: absence of structural rules, as well as directionality of implication. We investigate the impact of these variations of the logic on its game semantics. Presented by Wojciech Buszkowski  相似文献   

The meta-analysis by Chen et al. (2020) opened up an area for new research—priming of goals works to enhance performance similar to goal setting theory. This commentary uses an action theory point of view to add some research questions to be answered in the future.  相似文献   

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