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It has been shown that, even for very fast and short duration movements, seeing one's hand in peripheral vision, or a cursor representing it on a video screen, resulted in a better direction accuracy of a manual aiming movement than when the task was performed while only the target was visible. However, it is still unclear whether this was caused by on-line or off-line processes. Through a novel series of analyses, the goal of the present study was to shed some light on this issue. We replicated previous results showing that the visual information concerning one's movement, which is available between 40 degrees and 25 degrees of visual angle, is not useful to ensure direction accuracy of video-aiming movements, whereas visual afferent information available between 40 degrees and 15 degrees of visual angle improved direction accuracy over a target-only condition. In addition, endpoint variability on the direction component of the task was scaled to direction variability observed at peak movement velocity. Similar observations were made in a second experiment when the position of the cursor was translated to the left or to the right as soon as it left the starting base. Further, the data showed no evidence of on-line correction to the direction dimension of the task for the translated trials. Taken together, the results of the two experiments strongly suggest that, for fast video-aiming movements, the information concerning one's movement that is available in peripheral vision is used off-line.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of propriomuscular feedback in the control of pluriarticular pointing movements, performed without visual feedback toward visual targets. The proprioceptive inputs were distorted during movements by applying vibration to the distal tendon of the biceps muscle. Various movement and vibration durations were imposed. The results show that vibration affects the spatial outcome of the movements. The effects of vibration were movement time-independent when the durations were shorter than 450 ms and became movement time-dependent with longer durations. Moreover, the effects of vibration became more marked when a short vibration was applied at the end rather than at the beginning of a slow movement. These studies suggest that at least two types of proprioceptive control loops may be involved in correcting this kind of movement, depending on the execution time. In slow movements, the final phase might be a privileged period for on-line, propriomuscular-based corrections. Lastly, it emerged that the regulation of a goal-directed movement on the basis of proprioceptive feedback processing can take place within at most 200 ms.  相似文献   

The author examined the minimum amount of time needed for vision to increase aiming accuracy and decrease movement duration. Participants selected when they would receive a visual sample during aiming movements by pressing a switch held with the left hand. The sample was one of the following durations: 40 ms, 30 ms, 20 ms, 10 ms, or 0 ms (no vision). Decreased accuracy in the no-vision condition compared to the vision conditions was observed when the duration of the impending sample was unknown (Experiment 1). Samples 40 ms in duration were sufficient to decrease endpoint variability when the duration of the sample was known before the movement (Experiment 2). These results indicate that short visual samples can be used to decrease movement time and increase accuracy and that knowledge of the impending visual context can impact the individual's subsequent behavior.  相似文献   

Examinations of goal-directed movements reveal a process of control that operates to make adjustments on the basis of the expected visual afference associated with the limb's movement. This experiment examined the impact of perturbations to the perceived and actual velocity of aiming movements when each was presented alone or in tandem with the other. Perturbations to perceived velocity were achieved by translating the background over which aiming movements were performed. An aiming stylus that discharged air either in the direction of the movement or in the direction opposite the movement generated the actual velocity perturbations. Kinematic analyses of the aiming movements revealed that only the actual perturbation influenced the control of early movement trajectories. The results are discussed with respect to the influence that visual information has on the control exerted against physical perturbations. Speculations are raised regarding how potential for perturbations influences the strategies adopted for minimizing their impact.  相似文献   

通过考察消失文本条件下的词的预测性效应,探讨影响中文阅读眼动模式的控制因素,为中文阅读的眼动控制理论提供实证证据。以28名大学生为被试,在被试阅读实验句的同时记录其眼动轨迹。被注视的词的呈现时间设为80ms,在这种特殊的实验情境下,考察中文阅读眼动模式的影响因素。以词的预测性为自变量,以被试对目标词的首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间为因变量。结果发现,在消失文本条件下,出现了显著的预测性效应。结果支持眼动的认知控制模型。  相似文献   

The authors investigated the use of visual feedback as a form of knowledge of results (KR) for the control of rapid (200-250 ms) reaching movements in 40 participants. They compared endpoint accuracy and intraindividual variability of a full-vision group (FV) with those of no-vision groups provided with KR regarding (a) the endpoint in numerical form, (b) the endpoint in visual form, or (c) the endpoint and the trajectory in visual form (DEL). The FV group was more accurate and less variable than were the no-vision groups, and the analysis of limb trajectory variability indicated that their superior performance resulted primarily from better movement planning rather than from online visual processes. The FV group outperformed the DEL group even though both groups were obtaining the same amount of spatial visual information from every movement. That finding suggests that the effectiveness with which visual feedback is processed offline is not a simple function of the amount of visual information available, but depends on how that information is presented.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the use of visual feedback as a form of knowledge of results (KR) for the control of rapid (200-250 ms) reaching movements in 40 participants. They compared endpoint accuracy and intraindividual variability of a full-vision group (FV) with those of no-vision groups provided with KR regarding (a) the endpoint in numerical form, (b) the endpoint in visual form, or (c) the endpoint and the trajectory in visual form (DEL). The FV group was more accurate and less variable than were the no-vision groups, and the analysis of limb trajectory variability indicated that their superior performance resulted primarily from better movement planning rather than from online visual processes. The FV group outperformed the DEL group even though both groups were obtaining the same amount of spatial visual information from every movement. That finding suggests that the effectiveness with which visual feedback is processed offline is not a simple function of the amount of visual information available, but depends on how that information is presented.  相似文献   

The authors investigated how visual information from the nondominant and dominant eyes are utilized to control ongoing dominant hand movements. Across 2 experiments, participants performed upper-limb pointing movements to a stationary target or an imperceptibly shifted target under monocular-dominant, monocular-nondominant, and binocular viewing conditions. Under monocular-dominant viewing conditions, participants exhibited better endpoint precision and accuracy. On target jump trials, participants spent more time after peak limb velocity and significantly altered their trajectories toward the new target location only when visual information from the dominant eye was available. Overall, the results suggest that the online visuomotor control processes that typically take place under binocular viewing conditions are significantly influenced by input from the dominant eye.  相似文献   


Behavioral studies consistently find that subjects move their hand along straight paths despite considerations that suggest reaches should be curved. Literature on this topic makes it clear that the experimentally displayed feedback influences how subjects reach. Could the standard visual feedback, a displayed cursor, explain the lack of path curvature in experimental results? To address this question, we conducted three experiments to examine reach behavior in the absence of the standard visual feedback. In the first experiment, we found significant increases in curvature as visual feedback was progressively extinguished across groups. A second experiment revealed that practiced reaches became curved after the standard visual feedback was removed. A final experiment found that subjects’ reaches made before and after a brief display of visual feedback were similar, indicating a preference for specific curved trajectories. Our results suggest that the consistently straight reaches often observed could be due to a bias to move the displayed cursor straight, which when removed reveal subject-specific preferences for reaches that are often curved.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the role of attention and motor preparation for the control of goal-directed movements. In Experiment 1 (double step paradigm), a movement correction was required on 25% of the trials towards the left or right of the initial target. Within these 25% of trials, the probability of location of the second target was manipulated. The efficiency of movement control increased when increasing the probability of correcting the movement in a given direction. In Experiment 2, attentional processes were isolated by asking the subjects to verbally detect the more or less probable target displacement, without correcting their movement. Subjects were able to orient visual attention during movement execution, thus improving the processing of visual feedbacks from target displacement. In Experiment 3, motor preparation processes were isolated by asking the subjects to correct their movement towards a fixed target in response to a more or less probable mechanical perturbation. It was shown that motor preparation not only specifies the initial movement parameters but may also include some parameters of the most probable movement modulations. Overall, these results highlight the role of both attentional and motor preparation processes in the control of goal-directed movements and suggest that the feedback-based corrections of the movement are modulated by a feedforward control.  相似文献   

Target velocity effects on manual interception kinematics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Participants generated manual interception movements toward a target cursor that moved across a computer screen. The target reached its peak velocity either during the first third, at the midpoint, or during the last third of the movement. In Experiment 1 the view of the target was available for either the first 316, 633, 950, or 1267 ms, after which it disappeared. Results showed that for all viewing conditions, the timing of the interception velocity was related to the temporal properties of the target's trajectory. In Experiment 2, when the portion of the target trajectory that was viewed was reversed (such that participants did not see the first 316, 633, 950, or 1267 ms of the trajectory, but instead saw only the later portions of the trajectory), there was no clear relationship between the target trajectory and the timing of the aiming trajectory. These results suggest that participants use visual information early in the target's trajectory to form a representation of the target motion that is used to facilitate manual interception.  相似文献   

Most research on visual search in aiming at far targets assumes preprogrammed motor control implying that relevant visual information is detected prior to the final shooting or throwing movements. Eye movement data indirectly support this claim for stationary tasks. Using the basketball jump shot as experimental task we investigated whether in dynamic tasks in which the target can be seen until ball release, continuous, instead of preprogrammed, motor control is possible. We tested this with the temporal occlusion paradigm: 10 expert shooters took shots under four viewing conditions, namely, no vision, full vision, early vision (vision occluded during the final +/-350 ms before ball release), and late vision (vision occluded until these final +/-350 ms). Late-vision shooting appeared to be as good as shooting with full vision while early-vision performance was severely impaired. The results imply that the final shooting movements were controlled by continuous detection and use of visual information until ball release. The data further suggest that visual and movement control of aiming at a far target develop in close correspondence with the style of execution.  相似文献   

It is well known that dynamic visual information influences movement control, whereas the role played by background visual information is still largely unknown. Evidence coming mainly from eye movement and manual tracking studies indicates that background visual information modifies motion perception and might influence movement control. The goal of the present study was to test this hypothesis. Subjects had to apply pressure on a strain gauge to displace in a single action a cursor shown on a video display and to immobilize it on a target shown on the same display. In some instances, the visual background against which the cursor moved was unexpectedly perturbed in a direction opposite to (Experiment 1), or in the same direction as (Experiment 2) the cursor controlled by the subject. The results of both experiments indicated that the introduction of a visual perturbation significantly affected aiming accuracy. These results suggest that background visual information is used to evaluate the velocity of the aiming cursor, and that this perceived velocity is fed back to the control system, which uses it for on-line corrections.  相似文献   

Pisella et al. (2000) have shown that fast aiming movements are automatically modified on-line in response to a change in target position. Specifically, when a movement is less than 300 ms in duration the reach is completed to a target’s new location even when one never intended to respond to the target jump. In contrast, when movements are slower, the reach is completed according to instructions. At present, it is unclear if it is possible for one’s intentions to guide the initial stages of these slow movements. To determine if the intentional control mechanism can guide the initial stages of a slow aiming movement, participants aimed to targets that could jump at movement onset, with a slow and very slow movement time goal. In particular, participants were to point towards (“pro-point”) or away from (“anti-point”) the target jump, with a movement time goal of 500 or 1200 ms. Results showed that in the anti-point condition, movement trajectories first deviated in the same direction as the target jump, followed by a response in the intended (opposite) direction. This suggests that while movement outcome is controlled by the intentional system, even in these slow aiming movements the automatic system is engaged at movement onset.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which subjects attempted to locate a specified target word in a short text using a cursor controlled by a computer mouse pointing device. The task was performed at screen refresh rates of 50 Hz, 75 Hz, and 100 Hz. In Experiment 1, both the timing and accuracy of the cursor movement was influenced by screen pulsation. During the early phase of the movement, performance was worse at 100 Hz, whereas in the later, visually guided phase, performance was worse at 50 Hz. In Experiment 2, eye movements were recorded as the task was performed. The results show that the cursor movement is typically preceded by an eye movement and that subjects do not directly inspect the cursor in the early stages of its movement. In the later phase of the movement the cursor is tracked for considerable periods of time. The data suggest that adverse effects of screen pulsation on the control of cursor movement are inherited from penalties incurred during the process of target computation but may also be influenced by concurrent eye movements.  相似文献   

Spatial and metrical parameters of the eye and arm movements made by human subjects (N = 7) in response to visual targets that were stepped unexpectedly either once (single step) or twice (double step) were studied. For the double-step, the displacement of a visual target was decreased or increased in amplitude at intervals before and during a movement. Provided the second target step occurred more than 100 ms before the onset of movement, the amplitude of the subjects' first response was altered in the direction of the new target location. But this amplitude scaling was not always sufficient to reach the new target location, and a second corrective response was required. The latency in producing this second response was greatly increased above reaction time latencies of movements to single-step targets, especially when the target change occurred 100 ms or more before movement onset. These findings suggest that even though serial processing limitations delay the production of a second corrective response, continuous parallel processing of visual information enables the amplitude of the first response to be altered with minimal delay. This enables some degree of real-time continuous control by the visuomotor control system.  相似文献   

Humans have unique abilities in using tools. The skilled and goal-directed use of a tool implies that processes of motor control can be adjusted to the transformation of the movement of a part of the body into the movement of the effective part of the tool. A common example is the transformation of a hand movement in the motion of a cursor on a computer monitor. In part the adjustments to such transformations are implicit, that is, without conscious awareness of the novel transformation and the appropriate change of one’s own movements. However, the adjustments can also be explicit and intentional. We review a series of experiments which show that implicit and explicit adjustments to a novel visuo-motor gain are additive. This finding suggests that the processes which generate different types of adjustment are functionally independent. In a second series of experiments it turned out that at older adult age explicit adjustments to novel visuo-motor transformations are impaired, whereas implicit adjustments remain unaffected across working age.  相似文献   

The relationship between attention and the programming of motor responses was investigated, using a paradigm in which the onsets of targets for movements were preceded by peripheral attentional cues. Simple (button release) and reaching manual responses were compared under conditions in which the subjects either made saccades toward the target location or refrained from making eye movements. The timing of the movement onset was used as the dependent measure for both simple and reaching manual responses. Eye movement latencies were also measured. A follow-up experiment measured the effect of the same peripheral cuing procedure on purely visual processes, using signal detection measures of visual sensitivity and response bias. The results of the first experiment showed that reaction time (RT) increased with the distance between the cued and the target locations. Stronger distance effects were observed when goal-directed responses were required, which suggests enhanced attentional localization of target positions under these conditions. The requirement to generate an eye movement response was found to delay simple manual RTs. However, mean reaching RTs were unaffected by the eye movement condition. Distance gradients on eye movement latencies were relatively shallow, as compared with those on goal-directed manual responses. The second experiment showed that the peripheral cue had only a very small effect on visual detection sensitivity in the absence of directed motor responses. It is concluded that cue-target distance effects with peripheral cues are modulated by the motor-programming requirements of the task. The effect of the peripheral cue on eye movement latencies was qualitatively different from that observed on manual RTs, indicating the existence of separate neural representations underlying both response types. At the same time, the interactions between response modalities are consistent with a supramodal representation of attentional space, within which different motor programs may interact.  相似文献   

The relationship between attention and the programming of motor responses was investigated, using a paradigm in which the onsets of targets for movements were preceded by peripheral attentional cues. Simple (button release) and reaching manual responses were compared under conditions in which the subjects either made saccades toward the target location or refrained from making eye movements. The timing of the movement onset was used as the dependent measure for both simple and reaching manual responses. Eye movement latencies were also measured. A follow-up experiment measured the effect of the same peripheral cuing procedure on purely visual processes, using signal detection mea-sures of visual sensitivity and response bias. The results of the first experiment showed that reaction time (RT) increased with the distance between the cued and the target locations. Stronger distance ef-fects were observed when goal-directed responses were required, which suggests enhanced attentional localization of target positions under these conditions. The requirement to generate an eye movement response was found to delay simple manual RTs. However, mean reaching RTs were unaffected by the eye movement condition. Distance gradients on eye movement latencies were relatively shallow, as compared with those on goal-directed manual responses. The second experiment showed that the peripheral cue had only a very small effect on visual detection sensitivity in the absence of directed motor responses. It is concluded that cue-target distance effects with peripheral cues are modulated by the motor-programming requirements of the task. The effect of the peripheral cue on eye movement latencies was qualitatively different from that observed on manual RTs, indicating the existence of separate neural representations underlying both response types. At the same time, the interactions be-tween response modalities are consistent with a supramodal representation of attentional space, within which different motor programs may interact.  相似文献   

Examinations of goal-directed movements reveal a process of control that operates to make adjustments on the basis of the expected visual afference associated with the limb's movement. This experiment examined the impact of perturbations to the perceived and actual velocity of aiming movements when each was presented alone or in tandem with the other. Perturbations to perceived velocity were achieved by translating the background over which aiming movements were performed. An aiming stylus that discharged air either in the direction of the movement or in the direction opposite the movement generated the actual velocity perturbations. Kinematic analyses of the aiming movements revealed that only the actual perturbation influenced the control of early movement trajectories. The results are discussed with respect to the influence that visual information has on the control exerted against physical perturbations. Speculations are raised regarding how potential for perturbations influences the strategies adopted for minimizing their impact.  相似文献   

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