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Burns and Pritchard's (1971) explanation of the Poggendorff illusion is criticized. An experiment was designed to determine whether the acute angle plays any role in the perception of the illusion. The results showed that (i) an inducing line which crossed a test-line was highly effective in altering the apparent orientation of the test line, (ii) an inducing line forming an acute angle with a test-line had a small effect in changing the apparent orientation of the test-line, and (iii) an acute angle which formed part of the Poggendorff configuration produced an effect opposite to that predicted by the view that acute angles are perceptually enlarged.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to determine whether infants, like adults, utilize previous experience to guide figure/ground processing. After familiarization to a shape, 5-month-olds preferentially attended to the side of an ambiguous figure/ground test stimulus corresponding to that shape, suggesting that they were viewing that portion as the figure. Infants’ failure to exhibit this preference in a control condition in which both sides of the test stimulus were displayed as figures indicated that the results in the experimental condition were not due to a preference between two figure shapes. These findings demonstrate for the first time that figure/ground processing in infancy is sensitive to top-down influence. Thus, a critical aspect of figure/ground processing is functional early in life.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of inhibitory control in young children’s human figure drawing. We used the Bear–Dragon task as a measure of inhibitory control and used the classification system devised by Cox and Parkin to measure the development of human figure drawing. We tested 50 children aged between 40 and 64 months. Regression analysis showed that inhibitory control predicted development in human figure drawing even after the effect of age was excluded. These data suggest that inhibitory control plays a role in the development of children’s drawing and imply a relation between the executive functions and representational change.  相似文献   

J T Petersik 《Perception》1987,16(4):453-459
In a series of demonstrations, two stimulus frames that contained subjective figures were alternated. It is shown that the perception of apparent movement of a subjective figure depends upon the configuration of the inducing stimuli and whether or not conditions of presentation favor the short-range or long-range process in apparent movement. Those conditions that favor the long-range process result in global apparent movement of the subjective figure. However, those conditions that favor the short-range process may prevent apparent movement of the subjective figure, or may result in a kind of apparent movement that is qualitatively different from that seen when similar physical contours are alternated. These results are interpreted in terms of the assumed differences between the short-range and long-range processes.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed which examined the role of figural orientation directly, and the role of an inappropriately invoked size-constancy mechanism indirectly, in the actuation and magnitude of the horizontal-vertical illusion. When the vertical line of the stimulus figure was aligned above the horizontal line, the illusory effect was significant and positive; in contrast, when the vertical line was located below the horizontal line, the illusion was negative. Under the assumption that a vertical line can appear as a foreshortened line in depth, these findings support an explanation based on the operation of a misapplied size-constancy mechanism.  相似文献   

The role of effort justification in psychotherapy was examined. It was hypothesized that the effort involved in therapy, plus the conscious decision to undergo that effort, leads to positive therapeutic changes through the reduction of cognitive dissonance. An experiment was conducted in which overweight subjects attempted to lose weight through one of two forms of “effort therapy”. These therapies were bogus in that they were based solely on the expenditure of effort on a series of cognitive tasks that were unrelated to any existing techniques or theory addressing weight loss. One of the therapies called for a high degree of effort while the degree of effort in the second therapy was low. A no-treatment control group was also included. It was predicted that greater weight loss would occur for high-effort than low-effort or control subjects, and that this weight loss would be maintained or increased over time. Results supported these predictions. Over an initial 3-week period, high-effort subjects lost slightly more weight than low-effort subjects or controls. A 6-month follow-up revealed that the effects of effort on weight loss had increased and were highly significant. Reliable differences remained even 1 year after the initial experimental sessions. Possible mechanisms mediating the dissonance effect were discussed, as were several alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of sexual offender recidivism have proliferated in recent decades. Virtually all of the studies define recidivism as a new legal charge or conviction for a sexual crime, and these studies tend to find recidivism rates of the order of 5–15% after 5 years and 10–25% after 10+ years. It is uncontroversial that such a definition of recidivism underestimates the true rate of sexual recidivism because most sexual crime is not reported to legal authorities, a principle known as the “dark figure of crime.” To estimate the magnitude of the dark figure of sexual recidivism, this paper uses a probabilistic simulation approach in conjunction with the following: (i) victim self‐report survey data about the rate of reporting sexual crime to legal authorities; (ii) offender self‐report data about the number of victims per offender; and (iii) different assumptions about the chances of being convicted of a new sexual offense given that it is reported. Under any configuration of assumptions, the dark figure is substantial, and as a consequence the disparity between recidivism defined as a new legal charge or conviction for a sex crime and recidivism defined as actually committing a new sexual crime is large. These findings call into question the utility of recidivism studies that rely exclusively on official crime statistics to define sexual recidivism, and highlight the need for additional, long‐term studies that use a variety of different measures to assess whether or not sexual recidivism has occurred.  相似文献   

每年中考、高考前夕,考生是为考试温功课忙,家长是为小辈前程忙,而这时候的算命、相面人,更为考生、家长所急,不过他们是为赚钱而已。章半仙为老金家孩子金朝测算前程就是例子。  相似文献   

The commonly cited maxim, “Spare the rod and spoil the child” is often traced incorrectly back to the biblical book of Proverbs when its point of origin lies instead first in Langland’s Piers Plowman and then, in the highly satirical and sexualized text of Samuel Butler’s Hudibras. Thus, from a religious origin, it has metamorphosed into a woman-man relationship. Indeed to follow the evolution of this phrase is to uncover the extent to which the disciplining impulses of religious rhetoric are eroticized in one Western European literary theme, that of feminine dominance, from the tenth century when the word Dominatrix appeared in the writings of Hroswitha of Gandersheim. The period leading up to the 1650s, when Butler turned the phrase into one line of a heroic iambic couplet in the middle of a stanza on an amorous jaileress, was also a time when medical research on human and animal anatomy and physiology had unravelled the pathways of libido-lifting buttock-beating. Far from demonizing woman the literary image of the whip-wielding mistress did not degrade the female sex but instead apotheosized the dominatrix as a major erotic image of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

A white disk presented inside a small concentric circle (a display like the Delboeuf figure) looks lighter than when inside a larger one. The magnitude of the effect was measured with 20 observers (10 women, 10 men; ages 19 to 26 years). The decrements in luminance of the disk inside the smaller circle, in order to match the lightness of the disk inside the larger circle, are reported for three different grey backgrounds and correspond to 9.13, 10.33, and 10.46%.  相似文献   

Several investigators of reasoning with abstract categorical syllogisms have noted that the four figures of the classical syllogism, which vary in the order in which terms occur in the major and minor premises, resemble the four three-stage mediation paradigms in paired associate learning. On the basis of the analogy, figure differences have been predicted and some support has been obtained for these predictions. The present paper proposes an alternative information processing explanation for figure effects based upon contradictions between the correct conclusions that follow from forward and backward processing of the premises. This explanation, in contrast to the associative explanation, successfully predicts which premise combinations will show figure effects as well as the nature of the specific errors which will occur.  相似文献   

The ambiguous rat-man figure was tachistoscopically presented to 36 subjects in successive segments to test the hypothesis that the starting segment would determine the perception of the figure. Starting segments were selected which were expected to produce the perception of a rat, a man, or either a rat or man. The remaining segments came from figures evaluated in a preliminary study. The selected figures differed in drawn bias and tended to be seen as a rat, a man, or either a rat or a man. The three starting segments were combined factorially with the three levels of drawn bias of the remaining segments. The effect of the starting segment was significant; the effect of drawn bias was not. A further experiment showed that presentation of the rat vs. man starting segments by themselves did not produce a reliable difference. The results support a constructive model of form perception in which the stimulus material first presented establishes a hypothesis which is used to interpret the remaining material.  相似文献   

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