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Previous studies have frequently applied a combination of line-bisection tasks (in which participants indicate the middle of a line) and obstacle avoidance tasks (in which participants move their hand between two obstacles) with the aim of revealing perception–action dissociations in certain neurological disorders, such as visual form agnosia and optic ataxia. However, valid conclusions about the underlying processing pathways can only be drawn if participants apply the same strategy in both tasks (i.e. finding the middle between the obstacles). Yet, this assumption has never been tested directly. In this experiment, we investigated whether participants perform obstacle avoidance and line-bisectioning using similar strategies by manipulating the position of the obstacles and the start position of the hand relative to the obstacles. Our results indicate that the lateral hand position during obstacle avoidance does not only vary as a function of obstacle location but also strongly depends on the start position. Moreover, participants showed increased sensitivity to obstacle shifts occurring closer to the hand's start position. In contrast, during line-bisectioning the sensitivity to obstacles shifts was unaffected by the hand's start position. The findings suggest that during obstacle-avoidance the need to keep a safe distance from the obstacles is balanced with the requirement to minimise energetic demands. In contrast, the main intention during line-bisectioning is to move to the perceived midpoint as accurately as possible. The fact that very different constraints underlie trajectory planning in both tasks implies that caution has to be taken when interpreting differences in performance levels.  相似文献   

Behavioral avoidance testing is a substantial addition to self-report questionnaires in the assessment of agoraphobia. However, the tests currently in use have drawbacks and limitations. A multitask behavioral avoidance test (M-BAT) is presented, designed to meet some of these problems. The test was administered to a group of 58 patients and proved to be reliable in terms of internal consistency. Concordance with self-report measures of agoraphobia indicated a high concurrent validity. In comparison with self-report questionnaires, the tests produced a slightly more conservative picture of gains achieved in treatment. Finally, the data revealed that the multitask test was more concordant with other measures of agoraphobia than a single-task test would have been.  相似文献   

In this study, dual-task interference in obstacle-avoidance tasks during human walking was examined. Ten healthy young adults participated in the experiment. While they were walking on a treadmill, an obstacle suddenly fell on the treadmill in front of their left leg during either midswing, early stance, or late stance of the ipsilateral leg. Participants were instructed to avoid the obstacle, both as a single task and while they were concurrently performing a cognitive secondary task (dual task). Rates of failure, avoidance strategy, and a number of kinematic parameters were studied under both task conditions. When only a short response time was available, rates of failure on the avoidance task were larger during the dual task than during the single task. Smaller crossing swing velocities were found during the dual task as compared with those observed in the single task. The difference in crossing swing velocities was attributable to increased stiffness of the crossing swing limb. The results of the present study indicated that divided attention affects young and healthy individuals' obstacle-avoidance performance during walking.  相似文献   

Dynamic and cognitive multi-tasking might affect balance and walking negatively and increase risk of falling. Trunk movement control is critical for balance maintenance and fall-prevention. The impact of multi-tasking on trunk movement control has not been thoroughly studied. In a challenging dynamic multi-tasking condition such as walking and obstacle avoidance, presence of a cognitive task not only increases risk of tripping but also may increase risk of falling by deteriorating trunk control. Our objective was to investigate the impacts of a challenging dynamic and cognitive multi-tasking condition (walking + obstacle avoidance + cognitive task) on trunk kinematics and kinetics and compare those with other joints/segments. Trunk, pelvis, hip, knee, and ankle kinematics and kinetics of 12 young adults were compared between joints/segments and conditions. During walking and obstacle avoidance (dynamic multi-tasking), the trunk had the largest normalized increase in peak flexion angle and extension torque compared to walking, among the other joints/segments. The presence of a cognitive task during walking and obstacle avoidance (dynamic and cognitive multi-tasking) did not impact any of the joints/segments biomechanics except the trunk peak extension torque that was increased. Furthermore, trunk kinematics showed the largest residual differences (post-effects) in 3 cycles after obstacle avoidance compared to walking. The presence of a cognitive task (dynamic and cognitive multi-tasking) did not impact the post-effects of obstacle avoidance on any joints/segments except the trunk with its residual difference from normal walking further increased. These results suggest that a cognitive task deteriorates trunk control and interferes with the ability to regain normal trunk biomechanics after obstacle avoidance. In summary, the trunk requires the largest biomechanical adjustments in a challenging dynamic and cognitive multi-tasking condition where there is a risk of falling. Our study provides baseline results suggesting that trunk control demands more attention and is more negatively affected by dynamic and cognitive multi-tasking. Our results raise a concern for elderly population as their trunk control is already impaired and common daily multi-tasking could further deteriorate their trunk control and increase fall risk.  相似文献   

When reaching for target objects, we hardly ever collide with other objects located in our working environment. Behavioural studies have demonstrated that the introduction of non-target objects into the workspace alters both spatial and temporal parameters of reaching trajectories. Previous studies have shown the influence of spatial object features (e.g. size and position) on obstacle avoidance movements. However, obstacle identity may also play a role in the preparation of avoidance responses as this allows prediction of possible negative consequences of collision based on recognition of the obstacle. In this study we test this hypothesis by asking participants to reach towards a target as quickly as possible, in the presence of an empty or full glass of water placed about half way between the target and the starting position, at 8 cm either left or right of the virtual midline. While the spatial features of full and empty glasses of water are the same, the consequences of collision are clearly different. Indeed, when there was a high chance of collision, reaching trajectories veered away more from filled than from empty glasses. This shows that the identity of potential obstacles, which allows for estimating the predicted consequences of collision, is taken into account during obstacle avoidance.  相似文献   

Within the context of more and more autonomous vehicles, an automatic lateral control device (AS: Automatic Steering) was used to steer the vehicle along the road without drivers’ intervention. The device was not able to detect and avoid obstacles. The experiment aimed to analyse unexpected obstacle avoidance manoeuvres when lateral control was delegated to automation. It was hypothesized that drivers skirting behaviours and eye movement patterns would be modified with automated steering compared with a control situation without automation. Eighteen participants took part in a driving simulator study. Steering behaviours and eye movements were analysed during obstacle avoidance episodes. Compared with driving without automation, skirting around obstacles was found to be less effective when drivers had to return from automatic steering to manual control. Eye movements were modified in the presence of automatic steering, revealing further ahead visual scanning of the driving environment. Resuming manual control is not only a problem of action performance but is also related to the reorganisation of drivers’ visual strategies linked to drivers’ disengagement from the steering task. Assistance designers should pay particular attention to potential changes in drivers’ activity when carrying out development work on highly automated vehicles.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, two conditions were compared: (a) a variability schedule in which food reinforcement was delivered for the fourth peck in a sequence that differed from the preceding N four-peck sequences, with the value of N continuously adjusted to maintain reinforcement probability approximately constant; and (b) a control condition in which the variability constraint was dropped but reinforcement probability remained constant. Pigeons responded approximately randomly under the variability schedule but showed strong stereotyped behavior under the control condition. Experiments 2 and 3 tested the idea that variability is the outcome of a type of frequency-dependent selection, namely differential reinforcement of infrequent behavior patterns. The results showed that pigeons alternate when frequency-dependent selection is applied to single pecks because alternation is an easy-to-learn stable pattern that satisfies the frequency-dependent condition. Nevertheless, 2 of 4 pigeons showed random behavior when frequency-dependent selection was applied to two pecks, even though double alternation is a permissible and stable stereotype under these conditions. It appears that random behavior results when pigeons are unable to acquire the stable stereotyped behavior under a given frequency-dependent schedule.  相似文献   

An avoidance goal is an undesired state from which a person seeks to distance themselves. Though important for understanding behavior, avoidance goals have received less attention than approach goals. In this paper, we present a dynamic, formal model that provides a framework for describing and predicting the dynamics of avoidance goal regulation. We conduct a series of simulations to examine the dynamic pattern of behavior that emerges from the model when an avoidance goal is pursued in isolation and when an approach goal is also present. Two versions of the model were examined. In the first, the avoidance goal is regulated by a positive feedback loop. In the second, the avoidance goal is regulated by a negative feedback loop. We find that the positive feedback model produces a pattern of runaway behavior, even in a scenario where an approach goal is also present. By contrast, the negative feedback loop model produces a stable pattern of behavior that is more consistent with existing theory. The findings provide an important step toward theoretical parsimony by demonstrating that avoidance goal regulation, like approach goal regulation, can be understood using a negative feedback control system framework. We discuss new insights provided by this model and its potential to spark empirical research.  相似文献   

The ability to select efficient routes while reaching several locations, in situations addressed as the "traveling salesperson problem (TSP)", seems to play an important role in the lives of nonhuman species as well as humans. One of our previous studies with pigeons (Columba livia) used different variations of computerized navigation tasks to move a target to one or more goals, and showed that the birds consistently exhibited tendencies to visit the nearest goal first (Miyata & Fujita, 2010). Is this inflexible tendency consistent across all situations, or is it abandoned if it leads to a nonefficient strategy? The present study compared pigeons' route selection strategies in two-goal navigation tasks with and without having an L-shaped line as an obstacle barrier between the starting location of the target and the nearer goal. The pigeons frequently started by visiting the nearer goal in trials with no obstacles, whereas in trials having obstacles the birds often visited the farther goal first. For the detour trials with obstacles, the birds started from visiting the farther goal significantly more often than chance, even though disparity between the two traveling sequences was relatively small. The data demonstrated a case in which a tendency to visit the nearest goal was flexibly abandoned when the route required a detour behavior. Detailed analyses of the movement paths further suggest that the pigeons made decisions to choose a farther goal during the initial few steps, although a past history of reinforcement to avoid the barrier might have guided the birds' behavior.  相似文献   

Fall prevention programs have rarely been evaluated by quantitative movement analysis methods. Quantitative movement analyses could provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the effects of training. A treadmill obstacle avoidance task under time pressure has recently been used to evaluate a fall prevention exercise program for community-dwelling elderly people and it showed that participants improved their obstacle avoidance success rates. The mechanism, by which the increased success rates were achieved, however, remained to be determined. Participants were elderly who had fallen at least once in the year prior to participation. They were assigned to either the exercise or the control group. The control group did not receive any specific treatment. The exercise group was administered a five week exercise program, which consisted of exercises on a functionally oriented obstacle course, walking exercises, and practice of fall techniques. Pre- and post-intervention laboratory obstacle avoidance tests were conducted. Three possible determinants of success were investigated, namely avoidance reaction times, the distribution of avoidance strategies, and three spatial parameters (toe distance, foot clearance and heel distance). Analysis yielded significant TimexGroup interactions in heel distances. The exercise group increased heel distance, while the control group did not. Increased heel distance may result in reduced risk of heel contact with the obstacle and, consequently, larger success rates. The remaining parameters showed no effect of training. In conclusion, the training program was effective in improving time-critical obstacle avoidance skills. In every day life, these effects of training may contribute to less obstacle-related fall incidents in elderly. In addition, these findings could indicate that the execution of other time-critical events, like an actual fall, could also be improved by training.  相似文献   

Periadolescent rats exhibit a number of behavioral differences in comparison with younger or older animals. For instance, periadolescents tend to show enhanced acquisition of simple active avoidance tasks, but impaired acquisition of more complex appetitive and aversive discriminations. In this experiment, rats were trained on a simple passive avoidance task at one of three ages, as weanlings (25 days), periadolescents (35 days), or young adults (45 days). Training occurred in the presence of both a redundant discriminative stimulus and a specified, redundant contextual stimulus. The periadolescents did not differ from either younger or older rats in rate of learning the passive avoidance task. The retention performance of these animals was then tested following a change in either, neither, or both of the redundant cues. When a measure of performance that controls for baseline activity was used, it was observed that periadolescents were not disrupted by a change in the redundant discriminative stimulus, a cue change that clearly disrupted performance in 25- and 45-day-old animals, and tended to be more disrupted by the contextual change than younger or older rats. It is hypothesized that the alterations in performance exhibited by periadolescents may be related to an ontogenetic alteration in stimulus selection modulated by the catecholaminergic systems.  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature examining the role of disgust is limited to specific phobia. Recent research has begun to examine the role of disgust in contamination fear, a subtype of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Through the use of behavioral avoidance tasks (BATs), the current study was designed to examine the role of disgust in people with contamination fears, with attention to distinguishing high and low trait anxiety. From a large screening of undergraduate students, three groups were formed based on their level of contamination fear and level of trait anxiety: contamination fearful ( n = 12 ), high-trait anxiety ( n = 11 ), and low trait anxiety ( n = 15 ). Subjects were asked to engage in six different BATs corresponding to six domains of disgust (food, animals, body products, body envelope violations, death, and sympathetic magic). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences between the contamination fearful group and the high trait anxiety group on the animal and sympathetic magic BATs. Significant differences on the food, animal, body envelope violations, and death BATs were also found between the contamination fearful group and the low-trait anxious group. The findings modestly support the importance of disgust in contamination fears. Implications for the study of disgust in contamination fear are provided.  相似文献   

Recently, cross-sectional research has demonstrated that depressive rumination is significantly associated with the tendency to engage in cognitive and behavioral avoidance. This evidence suggests that rumination may be the result of attempts to avoid personally threatening thoughts, in a manner suggested by multiple contemporary theories of worry. This investigation examined the temporal relationship among daily levels of cognitive avoidance, behavioral avoidance, rumination, worry, and negative affect. Seventy-eight adolescents completed baseline questionnaires and then electronically completed daily measures of rumination, worry, behavioral avoidance, and cognitive avoidance, as well as sad and anxious affect for 7 days. Lagged-effect multilevel models indicated that increases in daily sadness were predicted by greater daily rumination and cognitive avoidance. Increases in daily anxiety were predicted by greater daily rumination, worry, and both cognitive and behavioral avoidance. Further, both daily rumination and worry were positively predicted by daily cognitive, but not behavioral, avoidance. Mediation analyses suggested that rumination mediated the effect of cognitive avoidance on both sadness and anxiety. Also, worry mediated the effect of cognitive avoidance on anxiety. Implications for models of avoidance, rumination, and worry are discussed.  相似文献   

Two tasks hypothesized to assess the efficiency of route selection were administered to 328 adults ranging from 18 to 93 years of age. Increased age was associated with slower completion of mazes, even after adjusting for differences in perceptual-motor speed, and with longer and less accurate routes in a task in which participants were asked to visit designated exhibits in a zoo. The route selection measures were correlated with measures hypothesized to represent executive functioning, such as the number of categories in the Wisconsin card sorting test and the number of words generated in a category fluency test. However, most of the age-related influences on the measures from the route selection tasks were shared with age-related effects on established cognitive abilities, which implies that the same mechanisms may account for the relations of age on both sets of variables.  相似文献   

McDowell’s evolutionary theory of behavior dynamics (McDowell, 2004) instantiates populations of behaviors (abstractly represented by integers) that evolve under the selection pressure of the environment in the form of positive reinforcement. Each generation gives rise to the next via low‐level Darwinian processes of selection, recombination, and mutation. The emergent patterns can be analyzed and compared to those produced by biological organisms. The purpose of this project was to explore the effects of high mutation rates on behavioral variability in environments that arranged different reinforcer rates and magnitudes. Behavioral variability increased with the rate of mutation. High reinforcer rates and magnitudes reduced these effects; low reinforcer rates and magnitudes augmented them. These results are in agreement with live‐organism research on behavioral variability. Various combinations of mutation rates, reinforcer rates, and reinforcer magnitudes produced similar high‐level outcomes (equifinality). These findings suggest that the independent variables that describe an experimental condition interact; that is, they do not influence behavior independently. These conclusions have implications for the interpretation of high levels of variability, mathematical undermatching, and the matching theory. The last part of the discussion centers on a potential biological counterpart for the rate of mutation, namely spontaneous fluctuations in the brain's default mode network.  相似文献   

The authors examined the validity of the group interview, in which several applicants are interviewed simultaneously, vs. the traditional 1-on-1 selection interview. The authors also investigated perceptions of fairness for each interview format and whether the order in which the applicant was asked to respond in the group interview affected the quality of his or her response. Participants were 91 undergraduates who participated in 1-on-1 or group interviews for a scholarship award. The present results supported the hypothesis that interviewers in the 1-on-1 format were significantly better at predicting the applicants' academic potential. Also, in the group interviews, the order in which the applicants were asked to respond affected the quality of their responses significantly.  相似文献   

Failure to resolve peer conflict is associated with children's reports of loneliness, social anxiety, and social avoidance. Although these relationships are well established, researchers have not examined the association between the avoidance of peer conflict and various adjustment characteristics. The current study examined the association between avoidance of conflict and measures of loneliness, social anxiety, and social avoidance for 59 pupils in Grade 4 (31 boys and 28 girls) and 47 in Grade 8 (22 boys and 25 girls). Volunteers indicated that conflict avoidance based on autonomy, e.g., independence issues, and interpersonal issues, e.g., closeness and cohesion, was associated with scores on loneliness for boys and girls, respectively. Conflict avoidance for emotional and physical well-being and fear of punishment was associated with increased reports of loneliness and social anxiety for children in Grade 4.  相似文献   

Approach, avoidance, and coping with stress   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

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