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An instrument designed to measure components of two distinct alcoholism aftercare treatments was developed and evaluated for reliability and validity. Trained judges reliably rated audiotaped samples of coping skills and interactional group therapy sessions. Coping skills groups engaged in significantly more education and skill training, problem solving, and role playing. Interactional groups showed more interpersonal learning, expression/exploration of feelings, and here-and-now focus. Groups that employed more education and skill training, less expression and exploration of feelings, and less her e-and-now focus were associated with fewer members reporting subsequent drinking-related problems. None of the ratings of group activities was related to abstinence.  相似文献   

In a study of 20 female and 21 male Korean clients with three group counseling approaches (individualistic, collective, and a balanced combination of both), no treatment effects were found for social commitment or perceptions of counselor effectiveness. Significant changes were seen in individualism-collectivism congruent with different treatments.  相似文献   

This study of verbal interventions of counselors during group counseling with predelinquent urban youth revealed that of the 12 counseling skills rated, 3 accounted for 2/3 of the verbal interventions used by the counselors.  相似文献   

Older Japanese American clients bring a unique set of historical and cultural characteristics to the counseling setting. Several important aspects of providing counseling to this group are discussed, including ethical issues based on cultural differences and nontraditional approaches to counseling.  相似文献   

Atheism is a controversial topic, with individuals who identify as atheist reporting high rates of discrimination. Despite increasing literature discussing religious/spiritual views and beliefs, few scholarly discussions of atheism in the counseling field can be found. Counselors need to be made aware of the issues facing atheist clients and educated on the best interventions to use in collaborative work with clients. Counselors should also be prepared to advocate for atheist clients in multiple domains. This article aims to explore the relevant literature around atheism, identify implications for counselors, and provide a path to advocacy for counselors in their work with atheist clients.  相似文献   

Although current research indicates that psychotherapeutic change both affects and is affected by spiritual concerns, relatively little is known about the degree to which spirituality is used as an intervention in counseling and how it is perceived by clients and mental health professionals. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of clients and professionals regarding the use of spirituality in counseling. The results suggest that more professionals may be using spirituality in counseling than has previously been reported.  相似文献   

This article presents a counseling strategy selection model grounded in technical eclecticism (A. A. Lazarus & L. E. Beutler, 1993) and based on thorough assessment of the client's problems. Assessment should consider client mental health, counseling goals, problem complexity, and capacity and desire for insight. Distinguishing between simple and complex problems can aid assessment and provide direction for counseling modality selection (L. E. Beutler & J. F. Clarkin, 1990). Behavioral interventions are more appropriate for less complex problems or when capacity or desire for insight is low. Insight‐based interventions are more appropriate for more complex problems or when capacity or desire for insight is high.  相似文献   

The authors review the empirical literature on counselors' values, describe values salient to the 4 largest ethnic minority groups in the United States, identify similarities and differences between counselors' values and those of the minority groups, and discuss implications for counseling ethnically different clients. Understanding counselors' values can lead to an examination of how these values may affect the counseling process, particularly when clients are from ethnic minority groups that may espouse differing cultural values.  相似文献   

The authors used a factorial multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to determine whether counselor trainees’ group differences on measures of multicultural competence, empathy, and multicultural counseling self‐efficacy (CSE) when working with Middle Eastern American (MEA) clients were moderated by trainee race. Two hundred and fifty‐six trainees responded to 3 different clinical vignettes that gave information on clients who had varying degrees of MEA characteristics. MANOVA results revealed a significant main effect for trainee race. Follow‐up analyses demonstrated that trainees of color reported higher multicultural competence and multicultural CSE than White trainees. Los autores usaron an análisis factorial multivariante de la varianza (MANOVA, por sus siglas en inglés) para determinar si las diferencias en grupos de consejeros en formación respecto a competencia multicultural, empatía y autoeficacia en consejería (CSE) multicultural al trabajar con clientes americanos con ascendencia de Oriente Medio (MEA) estaban moderadas por la raza del consejero. Doscientos cincuenta y seis consejeros en formación respondieron a 3 viñetas clínicas que ofrecían información sobre clientes que tenían diversos grados de características de MEA. Los resultados del MANOVA revelaron un efecto principal significativo para la raza del consejero. Análisis de seguimiento demostraron que los consejeros de color en formación comunicaron un mayor nivel de competencia multicultural y CSE multicultural que los consejeros blancos.  相似文献   

This study examines one subgroup of clients seen at a university counseling center, namely, 72 clients who were expected by their counselor to remain in counseling for 10 or more interviews. Ratings were available on psychological characteristics for this sample and for the Counseling Center's total client population. In addition, the total university population could be compared with both of these groups on demographic characteristics. On the basis of pre- and post-counseling ratings of severity of problem, the sample being investigated was divided into Improved and Unimproved groups. Comparative data are examined with regard to class, college, sex, type of residence, type of problem, severity level at onset and termination, number of counseling interviews, motivation for counseling, defensiveness, and counselor's feelings toward client. Long-term counseling and improvement status are found to be a function of most of these variables.  相似文献   

Because of the benefits of group-counseling experiences, the lack of psychological services for older adults, and the unique concerns of aged women, a group-counseling program for aged women was conducted. The results of these efforts are presented for the purposes of sharing the proposed program sequence, describing what actually took place during the group sessions, conveying the comments and reactions offered by the group participants, and summarizing what we learned about facilitating groups for aged women.  相似文献   

Poverty is a pressing sociopolitical issue in the United States and worldwide. Poverty experiences have a significant effect on one’s mental health and overall wellness. Therefore, the ability to effectively serve clients experiencing poverty is critically important to professional counselors. However, there are no empirical models for counseling clients experiencing poverty. The authors present the results of a constructivist grounded theory study in which 21 professional counselors who work with clients experiencing poverty were interviewed to identify best practices for working with this population. Five major best practices are identified: (a) awareness, (b) training, (c) knowledge, (d) skills, and (e) advocacy. Implications for professional counseling are included.  相似文献   

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