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Evidence-based psychosocial family interventions enhancing empathy and empowerment are particularly beneficial to families of children who have developmental disabilities. This study assessed the effectiveness of an intervention called the Nurturing Program for Parents and Their Children with Special Needs and Health Challenges (SNHC). Eighty-seven families were enrolled and randomly assigned to a control or treatment group. Forty-six families in the control group received individualized case management (CM) services and forty-one families in the treatment group were assigned to 12 sessions of the SNHC curriculum along with case management services. Before and after the intervention, participants in both conditions completed the Adult and Adolescent Parenting Index-2 assessing parents’ attitudes toward child rearing and the Family Empowerment Scale (FES) measuring family empowerment. Caregivers in the intervention condition improved in empathy towards children’s needs, F(1, 54)?=?4.52, p?=?.04; and all families, both control group and treatment group, improved their attitudes towards the use of corporal punishment by posttest, F(1, 54)?=?6.56, p?=?.013. Also, all caregivers increased in their empowerment over the course of the intervention, F(1, 50)?=?13.28, p?=?.001. Attrition, 22–26% among CM and 51–56% among SNHC+CM, limited generalizability as did participants not completing all SNHC sessions. Despite these limitations, findings suggest that early interventions catering to families of children with developmental disabilities have a positive impact on parenting. To varying degrees, both conditions provided caregivers with tools that positively affected the quality of the parent–child relationships and promoted empowerment.  相似文献   

Transition of special needs students from school to work has become a primary concern for special services providers. The support of home and parents is a major factor in this transition process. Based upon survey research, parent expectations of special needs students have been described as minimal. Suggestions are offered here about how to enhance support for parents and their special needs students.  相似文献   

This article describes an extensive community involvement program which is intended to: (1) provide year-round social and recreational opportunities for persons with special needs; (2) support and empower families of these persons; and (3)facilitate community awareness and knowledge about persons with special needs in the Fort Knox (KY) community and region. Initially, the background and context of program development is presented, followed by analysis of need for the progrma, and then delineation of guiding principles which have provided programmatic focus. Next, central program elements are outlined to demonstrate its complexity, integrity, and replicability. Finally, a discussion of the program's implications for other communities is provided.  相似文献   

The author addresses the importance of vocational assessment for students with disabilities, discusses the legislative and governmental impetus for the development of vocational assessment programs in the schools, and presents several current vocational assessment models. The transdisciplinary vocational assessment model developed by the author, school-based models that have been developed in four states, and a traditional rehabilitation-based model are presented.  相似文献   

The author describes a multidisciplinary vocational evaluation program for handicapped students that integrates the vocational evaluation and special education triennial reevaluation processes.  相似文献   

Although adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience serious life impairment (Molina et al., 2009; Wolraich et al., 2005), very few effective psychosocial interventions exist to treat this population (Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Smith, Waschbusch, Willoughby, & Evans, 2000). Intensive child-directed interventions are an important component in the treatment of childhood ADHD (Pelham et al., 2005), yet no study exists that fully evaluates an intensive adolescent-directed intervention. The current investigation is a pilot study of 19 adolescents with ADHD (age range: 11-16) who participated in an 8-week intensive Summer Treatment Program–Adolescent (STP-A) during the summer of 2009. The program was developed to address specific difficulties associated with ADHD in adolescence. As such, the program was designed to be ecologically valid, age appropriate, and parent-involved. Results suggest that almost all adolescents who attended the STP-A benefitted from the program according to parent, self, and staff ratings and objective measures. These ratings also indicated that participants showed moderate improvement in each of the 6 domains targeted by treatment (i.e., conduct problems, adult-directed defiance, social functioning, inattention/disorganization, mood/well-being, and academic skills). All parents indicated that both they and their children benefitted from the program and all but 1 parent indicated that the STP-A was more effective than the treatments they had utilized in the past. A case example is presented to illustrate typical improvement patterns during the STP-A. Discussion addresses the role of the STP-A in the treatment of ADHD in adolescence.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of a Career Placement Project using enhanced career services specifically designed for community college students with disabilities. The 4 areas of services provided by the project were career exploration, Job readiness, Job-seeking skills, and Job shadowing. A pretest-posttest design using a participant group and a control group measured change in career readiness. Based on the data, it seems that the Career Placement Project was effective in increasing the career preparedness of participating students with disabilities.  相似文献   


The mixed-method study reported here was designed to evaluate a strengths-based career intervention program for secondary school students with mild special educational needs (SEN). A sample of 32 SEN students (19 boys: 13 girls) from 5 inclusive schools in Hong Kong were recruited to a treatment group. An additional 32 SEN students (19 boys: 13 girls) were selected to form the control group matched for age, gender and parents’ education level. The special needs exhibited by both groups were in areas of literacy and numeracy, attention deficits, and social-emotional problems, but did not include severe or complex disabilities. Participants in both groups responded to pre- and post-intervention questionnaires covering career development self-efficacy, personal and social development self-efficacy, and meaning in life. As a follow-up, two teachers and three social workers providing support to SEN students, and the 32 participants were interviewed several months after the intervention. Interviews also took place with teachers, social workers and students to evaluate the perceived effects of the intervention. Findings indicated significant interactions between Time 1 and Time 2, and between groups (control vs. treatment) in personal goal-setting, career goal-setting, and the presence of meaning in life. Additionally, several themes were identified from the interviews suggesting that the intervention did have positive effects on SEN students’ career, personal and social development self-efficacy, and acquisition of meaning in life.


The authors examined the perception of college students from Greek organizations on the effectiveness of an alcohol intervention program that included gender‐specific programming. Significant reductions in risky alcohol use were found in men who attended and evaluated the program as helpful.  相似文献   

This article examines the psychosocial needs of disabled persons and the counseling approaches for dealing with their special needs. The authors discuss problems of self-concept, body image, frustration and anger, and dependency and motivation. Strategies are drawn from a broad spectrum of counseling theories, with examples from neo-Freudian, Gestalt, rational-emotive, and behavioral frameworks, with a stress on counselor versatility and involvement with clients' individual responses to disability.  相似文献   

大学生心理需求及其满足与网络成瘾的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以武汉地区1183名大学生为被试,通过问卷调查探讨大学生心理需求程度及其在现实和网络中的满足程度与网络成瘾的关系。结果表明:与非网络成瘾大学生相比,网络成瘾大学生的心理需求的网络满足更多而现实满足更低,但两组大学生的心理需求程度并无明显差异;网络成瘾大学生的心理需求与网络满足的相关高于与现实满足的相关,但非成瘾大学生不存在这种差异;心理需求现实满足高但网络满足低的大学生网络成瘾的比率最低,而心理需求现实满足低网络满足高的大学生网络成瘾的比率最高。  相似文献   

An embedded mixed-methods design was implemented with 34 elementary-age students (mean age = 10.15 years, SD = 0.65) to evaluate salient experiences and improvements in protective factors and life satisfaction associated with a subjective well-being intervention program (SWIP). Analyses resulted in a model of participant experiences in which thematic experiences with SWIP participation (improved emotional expression, enhanced self-discovery, and increased empathy) promoted the emergence of protective factors (self-concept and self-confidence) that contributed to life satisfaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare students identified as gifted, general, and having special learning needs on academic and social self-concept. The three groups of students were identified by their schools according to their academic abilities. Gifted students were selected because of inordinately high academic abilities, those with special learning needs because of inordinate academic difficulties, and general students because their academic abilities were not at either extreme. Junior high school students (N = 243) completed the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and the School Attitude Measure. These measures were given in September and then repeated in May of the same academic year. Gifted students tended to score highest on both academic and social self-concept, although this relationship was influenced somewhat by sex. Students with special learning needs scored lowest on all variables. Differences found in the September testing were maintained in May. Educational implications of these results are elaborated.  相似文献   

Post-9/11 service members may return from military service with a complicated set of symptoms and conditions, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance misuse, and traumatic brain injury (TBI), that interfere with reintegration and impair functioning. Although evidence-based treatments that facilitate recovery exist, their successful delivery at a sufficient dose is limited. Barriers to accessing treatment combined with challenges compiling a comprehensive treatment team further delay delivery of effective evidence-based care for PTSD, TBI, and co-occurring mental health conditions. This paper describes the development of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, 2-week intensive day program for post-9/11 veterans with complex mental health concerns. The treatment program combines skill building groups, family education, and integrative health approaches with evidence-based individual PTSD or TBI care. Initial results from the first 132 participants were notable for a 97% completion rate, as well as statistically significant and clinically meaningful reductions in PTSD, neurobehavioral, and depression symptom severity for the 107 veterans who completed the PTSD track and the 21 who completed the TBI track. These data suggest the intensive program approach is an effective, well-tolerated model of treatment for post-9/11 veterans with PTSD and/or TBI. Future controlled studies should examine the effectiveness of this intensive model compared to standard evidence-based therapy delivery, as well as longitudinal outcomes.  相似文献   

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