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Sex differences in cognitive activity were investigated. Using a list containing words with masculine, feminine, and neutral connotations, Experiment 1 revealed that masculine words were better recalled by male college students (n=16) while feminine words were better recalled by female college students (n=16). This difference was reduced on a recognition test. Experiment 2 demonstrated that the phenomenon was not due to a difference in the way males (n=20) and females (n=20) interpreted the meaning of the words. Finally, in Experiment 3, the memorial selectivity was shown to exist in the same manner for White middle-class elementary school (n=32) and high school (n=32) students. Learning and repression interpretations of the effect were proposed. Some practical implications of the data were suggested.These investigations were supported by a seed grant to the first author. This grant was jointly funded by Southern Methodist University and the National Science Foundation's Institutional Grants for Science Program (GU-3752). The authors would like to express their appreciation to the pupils and teachers on Fain Elementary School and Rider High School, both in Wichita Falls, Texas.  相似文献   

A hypothesized solution for procrastination is the formation of an implementation intention ( Van Eerde, 2000 ). University students (N = 152) were assessed using the Aitken Procrastination Inventory ( Aitken, 1982 ) and were asked to report to an experiment. Half of the participants formed implementation intentions to attend. An odds ratio indicated that participants who formed implementation intentions were nearly 8 times more likely to keep their appointments than those who did not. Low procrastinators reported more often for the experiment than did high procrastinators (Low = 49.4%; High = 30.1%), χ2(1, N = 152) = 5.84, p < .016. The interaction between implementation intentions and procrastination was not significant, χ2(1, N = 152) = 0.28, p < .60.  相似文献   


The distinctiveness of a face has been found to be an important factor in face recognition. We investigated the effect of the distinctiveness of a face upon subjects' speed and accuracy of recognition following different presentation times and retention intervals. It was found that (1) hits decreased with increasing delay; (2) false alarms increased and d primes decreased with a presentation time of 1 sec compared with 5 sec; (3) distinctive faces received more hits and higher d primes than non-distinctive faces; and (4) response latencies were shorter for distinctive targets than for distinctive distraction or non distinctive targets or distractors. These results were discussed in terms of the literature on the distinctiveness effect in face recognition.  相似文献   

Minorities may define themselves at a superordinate (e.g., national) level and also at a subgroup (minority) level. However, others' recognition of such dual identifications cannot be guaranteed. This paper investigates how members of a minority (Muslims in the UK) constructed their superordinate and subgroup identities in such a way as to assert a commonality with British non‐Muslims whilst asserting their religious subgroup's distinctiveness. Reporting qualitative data obtained through interviews (N = 28), the analysis explores how British Muslims negotiated concerns over commonality and distinctiveness through describing themselves as being British in a Muslim way. The implications of these self‐definitions for the theorization of dual identities, their recognition, and intergroup relations are discussed.  相似文献   

The Pearson r-from-Z approximation estimates the sample correlation (as an effect size measure) from the ratio of two quantities: the standard normal deviate equivalent (Z-score) corresponding to a one-tailed p-value divided by the square root of the total (pooled) sample size. The formula has utility in meta-analytic work when reports of research contain minimal statistical information. Although simple to implement, the accuracy of the Pearson r-from-Z approximation has not been empirically evaluated. To address this omission, we performed a series of Monte Carlo simulations. Results indicated that in some cases the formula did accurately estimate the sample correlation. However, when sample size was very small (N = 10) and effect sizes were small to small-moderate (ds of 0.1 and 0.3), the Pearson r-from-Z approximation was very inaccurate. Detailed figures that provide guidance as to when the Pearson r-from-Z formula will likely yield valid inferences are presented.  相似文献   

The frequency of play behaviors of nursery school and second grade subjects (N = 116) who were imitative of one of two models depended upon the extent to which the two models were previously distinguished by the proportion of reinforcement each delivered, and whether reinforcement delivery was contingent upon imitative behavior. A model, high in distinctiveness and also involved in prior imitative training, engendered reliably more imitations than models high (or low) in distinctiveness but involved in nonimitative (or imitative) training.  相似文献   

In two studies we assessed the role of distinctiveness threat, group‐based emotions (angst, fear, and anger), and prejudice on people's willingness to engage in collective action against immigrant groups. In Study 1 (N = 222) White British participants were either informed that in the next 40 years the proportion of immigrants in the UK is unlikely to change (control condition) or that there will be more immigrants than White British people living in Britain (threat condition). We obtained support for a sequential multiple mediator model in which threat predicted British people's willingness to engage in collective action via the emotions first and then prejudice. This finding was replicated in Study 2 with an Italian sample (N = 283). These results enhance understanding of when and why advantaged groups undertake collective action against disadvantaged groups by demonstrating that distinctiveness threats and emotions promote such actions.  相似文献   

Prior studies have established that children’s peer relationships and school adjustment are associated. The main aims of the current study were to test if four measures of peer relationships (Peer Acceptance, Presence/Absence of Best Friend, Number of Friends, and Perceived Peer Support) could predict School Liking concurrently and longitudinally across a 6 month period, and if gender moderated any of those associations. An opportunistic sample of girls and boys (N = 429 at Time 1 and N = 214 at Time 2) was drawn from 10 junior schools in the UK. A short-term longitudinal survey design was employed in which self- and peer-report measures were administered in small groups at Time 1 (November/December) and then again at Time 2 (May/June) of the same academic year. Concurrently, all four peer relationship variables emerged as significant non-unique predictors (i.e. not controlling for variance shared among the predictors) of School Liking; Peer Acceptance and Perceived Peer Support emerged as significant unique predictors (i.e. after controlling for variance shared among the predictors) of School Liking; the set of four peer relationship variables together accounted for a significant amount of variance in School Liking; and gender moderated the association between Peer Acceptance and School Liking. Longitudinally, Peer Acceptance was a significant unique predictor of changes in School Liking. This study adds to the literature by providing evidence of which specific peer relationships predict School Liking, and they support the call for interventions to enhance those relationships.  相似文献   

Institutionalized retardates (N = 54), Public School retardates (N = 65), and a group of normal subjects (N = 112) were compared at several mental age levels on three conservation of weight tasks. The functioning of normal subjects was higher at each mental age level. An analysis of covariance was performed on the number of correct responses on the three tasks, covarying mental age, and not including any normal subjects above 13 years 11 months in mental age (N = 82). Normal subjects conserved significantly more often than either retardate group in the covariance analysis also.  相似文献   

This paper investigates two theoretical statements that are central to Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorization Theory: (1) when people identify as members of a social group, they are motivated to distinguish this group in a positive sense from relevant comparison groups, and: (2) in an hierarchically organized system of possible social identities, people may define their identity at various levels, but two levels cannot be salient in the same situation. Four studies investigate whether these hypothesized processes can be traced in natural social categories. Study 1 (N=150) found that Polish subjects had a more negative national stereotype than Dutch subjects. Study 2 (N=160) investigated whether these national stereotypes were related to the perceived distinctiveness of national traits, and to differential levels of national and European identification for Polish and Dutch subjects. Contrary to the expectations, it was found that Polish subjects identified more strongly with their national group than Dutch subjects. Both positive and negative national traits were considered more distinctive by Polish subjects than by Dutch subjects. Moreoever, Polish subjects expressed stronger European identity than Dutch subjects. Study 3 (N=161) replicated the findings of Study 2 under more controlled conditions. The Polish national stereotype was found to be largely based on negatively evaluated traits, and Polish subjects were more motivated to accentuate the distinctiveness of their national traits than Dutch subjects. Again, Polish subjects displayed stronger national and European identities. Further-more, no support was found for the expectation that Polish subjects would employ some self-protective strategy when such an opportunity was offered in this study. Similarly, in Study 4 (N=40) we found no evidence that Polish subjects utilized an alternative self-protective mechanism, namely ‘group-serving’ attributions, by means of which negative national traits could be ascribed to external circumstances. The results of these four studies are discussed in relation to Social Identity Theory, Self-Categorization Theory and political/historical developments in Europe.  相似文献   

Is boundary extension (false memory beyond the edges of the view) determined solely by the schematic structure of the view or does the quality of the pictorial information impact this error? To examine this, colour photographs or line-drawings of 12 multi-object scenes (Experiment 1: N=64) and 16 single-object scenes (Experiment 2: N=64) were presented for 14 s each. At test, the same pictures were each rated as being the “same”, “closer-up”, or “farther away” (five-point scale). Although the layout, the scope of the view, the distance of the main objects to the edges, the background space and the gist of the scenes were held constant, line drawings yielded greater boundary extension than did their photographic counterparts for multi-object (Experiment 1) and single-object (Experiment 2) scenes. Results are discussed in the context of the multisource model and its implications for the study of scene perception and memory.  相似文献   

School psychologists often break confidentiality if confronted with risky adolescent behavior. Members of the National Association of School Psychologists (N = 78) responded to a survey containing a vignette describing an adolescent engaging in risky behaviors and rated the degree to which it is ethical to break confidentiality for behaviors of varying frequency, intensity, and duration. Respondents generally found it ethical to break confidentiality when risky adolescent behaviors became more dangerous or potentially harmful, although there was considerable variability between respondents. Significant gender effects were found between male and female respondents for alcohol use, and a significant Form Type (i.e., male or female vignette) × Frequency/Duration interaction was observed for antisocial behaviors. School psychologists could benefit from further training in ethical decision making because these ethical dilemmas are not always clear-cut.  相似文献   

High school (N= 150) and college (N= 164) students completed a survey of their earliest personal recollection (ER). These memories typically were of events occurring in the fourth year of life, and varied widely in terms of content and associated affect. The ERs of the high school sample were dated significantly later, contained more traumatic content, and were more likely to possess the qualities of a “screen memory” than were those of the college sample. Upon retest three months later, 58% of the high school students recalled the same ER as on the first trial. For those recalling a different ER, the second was rated as more pleasant than the first, and was less likely to contain traumatic content. In the college sample, those subjects whose ERs were of events occurring after the fourth birthday or which fit the definition of “screen” memories scored higher on the PRF Harmavoidance scale. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated whether individual differences in simple span verbal working memory and complex working memory capacity are related to memory accuracy and susceptibility to false memory development. In Study 1, undergraduate students (N=60) were given two simple span working memory tests: forward and backward digit span. They also underwent a memory task that is known to elicit false memories of nonpresented words, the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Poor simple span working memory (as reflected by suboptimal backward digit span scores) was related to elevated levels of false recognition. Study 2 (N=65) replicated this finding, in that suboptimal backward digit span performance was found to be predictive of false recognition. However, complex working memory capacity (operation span) was not related to false recognition. This pattern suggests that even in a homogenous sample of undergraduates, poor working memory is associated with the susceptibility to recollect words never presented.  相似文献   

As hypochondriasis often occurs with somatization, patients with somatization disorder plus hypochondriasis were compared to patients with somatization syndrome alone regarding psychopathology, patterns of physical symptoms and outcome of a cognitive-behavioral inpatient treatment. A sample of patients with DSM-IV hypochondriasis and multiple somatoform symptoms(N = 27) and a matched sample of patients with multiple somatoform symptoms but without hypochondriasis (N = 27) were assessed. All subjects obtained a cognitive-behavioral treatment for somatization and hypochondriasis. Assessment took place at admission and at one-year follow-up. Only a few differences between the groups were found: Hypochondriacs suffered more often from abdominal pain, and they reported a higher intolerance of bodily complaints. At follow-up, all outcome variables improved significantly. High effect sizes were found for the reduction of symptoms and the mean number of visits to the doctor. The specific effect on health care use highlights the socioeconomic relevance of these results.  相似文献   

Potential loss of group distinctiveness can represent a threat to the existence of a group. Across three studies (Ns = 42, 60, 94), a mediated‐moderation model was tested in which the interactive effects of group identification and potential ingroup distinctiveness loss predicts the desire to engage in ingroup protective action to the extent that collective angst (i.e., concern for the ingroup's future vitality) is aroused. It was hypothesized that the threat of potential distinctiveness loss would result in collective angst and subsequent support for protective action among high, but not necessarily low, identified group members. Results provided support for this model within the context of French Canadian distinctiveness from English Canada (Experiment 1, where the outcome measure was the desire for a sovereign Quebec) and Canadian distinctiveness from the United States (Experiments 2 and 3, where the outcome was support for action to protect Canadian sovereignty and rejection of a North American Union respectively). When and why collective angst facilitates ingroup protective action is discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite experiments being increasingly conducted over the Internet, few studies have tested whether such experiments yield data equivalent to traditional methods' data. In the current study, data obtained via a traditional sampling method of undergraduate psychology students completing a paper‐and‐pencil survey (N = 107) were compared with data obtained from an Internet‐administered survey to a sample of self‐selected Internet‐users (N = 94). The data examined were from a previous study that had examined the persuasiveness of health‐related messages. To the extent that Internet data would be based on a sample at least as representative as data derived from a traditional student sample, it was expected that the two methodologies would yield equivalent data. Using formal tests of equivalence on persuasion outcomes, hypotheses of equivalence were generally supported. Additionally, the Internet sample was more diverse demographically than the student sample, identifying Internet samples as a valid alternative for future experimental research.  相似文献   

This study assessed measures operationalizing concepts in relational turbulence theory (Solomon, Knobloch, Theiss, & McLaren, 2016). Studies of relational turbulence in marriage have used measures developed in research on dating couples; therefore, one goal was evaluating these variables in a general population sample of married individuals (N = 1,469). A second goal addressed problems in measures of relational uncertainty by assessing alternative scales. Third, associations between relational turbulence theory variables and measures of cognitive, emotional, and communicative phenomena were estimated. Fourth, the distinctiveness of relational turbulence measures relative to measures of other relational qualities was assessed. The conclusions advance new, Likert relational uncertainty scales and highlight the validity of relational turbulence constructs as distinctive predictors of cognitions, emotions, and communication.  相似文献   

Teams that have positive beliefs about their capability tend to perform more effectively. However, relatively little is known about the nature and change of different types of team capability beliefs. Team potency and team efficacy are two approaches to understanding team capability beliefs, but few studies have considered these beliefs simultaneously. We investigate their distinctiveness and relative predictive power. Additionally, we propose two types of team efficacy: team outcome efficacy and team process efficacy. In two longitudinal samples of executive MBA study teams (sample 1, N=213 individuals in 41 teams; sample 2, N=360 individuals in 89 teams), we showed that team potency, team outcome efficacy, and team process efficacy are factorially distinct and measure invariant at four time points over 7 months (except for high levels of team outcome efficacy for which factorial invariance emerged). We also show differential predictive validity. Team outcome efficacy was the strongest predictor of objective team performance, whereas team process efficacy was the best predictor of citizenship behaviours. Team potency predicted both outcomes, albeit more weakly. Collectively, the findings show the value of a more fine‐grained approach to teams' capability beliefs, including a new validated measure of team process efficacy.  相似文献   

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